Terraform - Create ec2 instances in each availability zone - amazon-ec2

I am trying to create multiple ec2 instance with this script
resource "aws_instance" "my-instance" {
count = 3
ami = ...
instance_type = ...
key_name = ...
security_groups = ...
tags = {
Name = "my-instance - ${count.index + 1}"
This creates 3 instances. But all three are in same availability zones. I want to create one instance in each availability zone or one in each of the availability zone that I provide. How can I do it?
I read that I can use
subnet_id = ...
option to specify the availability zone where the instance should be created. But I am not able to figure out how to loop through instance creation (which is currently being handled by count parameter) and specifiy different subnet_id
Can someone help please.

There are several ways of accomplishing this. What I would recommend is to create a VPC with 3 subnets and place an instance in each subnet:
# Specify the region in which we would want to deploy our stack
variable "region" {
default = "us-east-1"
# Specify 3 availability zones from the region
variable "availability_zones" {
default = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c"]
terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "~> 3.0"
# Configure the AWS Provider
provider "aws" {
region = var.region
# Create a VPC
resource "aws_vpc" "my_vpc" {
cidr_block = ""
tags = {
Name = "my_vpc"
# Create a subnet in each availability zone in the VPC. Keep in mind that at this point these subnets are private without internet access. They would need other networking resources for making them accesible
resource "aws_subnet" "my_subnet" {
count = length(var.availability_zones)
vpc_id = aws_vpc.my_vpc.id
cidr_block = cidrsubnet("", 8, count.index)
availability_zone = var.availability_zones[count.index]
tags = {
Name = "my-subnet-${count.index}"
# Put an instance in each subnet
resource "aws_instance" "foo" {
count = length(var.availability_zones)
ami = ...
instance_type = "t2.micro"
subnet_id = aws_subnet.my_subnet[count.index].id
tags = {
Name = "my-instance-${count.index}"


Attach Elastic IP To Multiple EC2 Instances In Terraform

I am trying to attach Elastic IP to multiple EC2 Instances using terraform. I have been able to create EC2 instances , VPC and Security groups but getting error while attaching Elastic IP's to EC2 instances.
Resource AWS_Instance
resource "aws_instance" "create_instance" {
for_each = toset(var.instance_type)
ami = var.ami
instance_type = each.value
vpc_security_group_ids = [aws_security_group.vpc-ssh.id, aws_security_group.vpc-web.id]
availability_zone = var.availability_zone[index(var.instance_type,each.value)]
tags = {
"key" = each.value
I am not able to decode how should the instance id be populated inside the elastic IP resource definition.
Create Elastic IP
resource "aws_eip" "my-eip" {
for_each = toset(var.instance_type)
instance = aws_instance.create_instance[???].id // what should be used here
vpc = true
depends_on = [aws_internet_gateway.vpc-dev-igw] }
Since you are looping through the variable instance_type for both resources, you have to put each.value for referencing the EC2 instances:
resource "aws_eip" "my-eip" {
for_each = toset(var.instance_type)
instance = aws_instance.create_instance[each.value].id
vpc = true
depends_on = [aws_internet_gateway.vpc-dev-igw]

Terraform Throwing 'InvalidParameterValue' Address x.x.x.x does not fal within the subnet's address range.. it does

Having an issue with a Terraform deployment. I have a module that creates a network, and then another module that creates a series of ec2 instances. These servers are required to have specific IP addresses, which are called out in the module (I would rather dynamically set these but for now they are 'hardcoded'). However, I am getting a warning that the IP address I am associating with the ec2 instance 'does not fall within the subnet's address range', but it is. Here is the basic breakdown:
The relevant bits are as follows:
network main.tf
# Create VPC
resource "aws_vpc" "foo" {
cidr_block = ""
enable_dns_hostnames = "true"
enable_dns_support = "true"
tags = {
Name = "foo"
# Create a Subnet
resource "aws_subnet" "subnet-1" {
vpc_id = aws_vpc.foo.id
cidr_block = ""
availability_zone = "ca-central-1a"
tags = {
Name = "subnet-1"
servers main.tf
resource "aws_instance" "bar" {
ami = var.some_ami
instance_type = "t3.medium"
associate_public_ip_address = true
private_ip = ""
# root disk
root_block_device {
volume_size = "60"
volume_type = "gp3"
encrypted = true
delete_on_termination = true
tags = {
Name = "bar"
module "network" {
source = "./network"
module "servers" {
source = "./servers"
subnet_id = module.network.aws_subnet
Everything works correctly, and I verified in AWS that the VPC is created, and the subnet is created, but for some reason when the server is getting created I get the following error:
│ Error: creating EC2 Instance: InvalidParameterValue: Address does not fall within the subnet's address range status code: 400
I left out some of the irrelevant bits of the tfs but everything else works as expected except this one thing. Anyone know whats going on?
Your aws_instance resource does not have subnet_id attribute. So instances are being launched in default subnet.
Add subnet_id attribute as below
resource "aws_instance" "bar" {
ami = var.some_ami
instance_type = "t3.medium"
associate_public_ip_address = true
subnet_id = "your_subnet_id"
private_ip = ""
# root disk
root_block_device {
volume_size = "60"
volume_type = "gp3"
encrypted = true
delete_on_termination = true
tags = {
Name = "bar"
You could also use data resource to get the subnet id.
data "aws_subnet" "selected" {
filter {
name = "tag:Name"
values = ["myawesomesubnet"]

Terraform create multiple ec2 instances in multiple subnets

I am trying to create multiple ec2 instances with access to multiple subnets.
I've found questions and answers on doing these things individually, but not combined.
First, I create a private and a public subnet, then I setup a local to store the IDs once they are created:
locals {
subnets = [ aws_subnet.public_subnet.id, aws_subnet.private_subnet.id ]
Next, I can create a variable number of servers in the private_subnet using for_each and the below:
servers = [ "s1", "s2" ]
resource "aws_instance" "system" {
for_each = var.servers
ami = var.aws_ami
instance_type = var.instance_type
#subnet_id = aws_subnet.private_subnet.id
count = 2
subnet_id = element(local.subs, count.index)
What I want to have, is that the server can access both subnets (it doesn't exist as far as I can tell, but the equivalent of subnet_ids = [aws_subnet.public_subnet.id, aws_subnet.private_subnet.id]).
I found a nice answer which works for a specific instance by creating two NICs (Terraform one EC2 instance with two subnets), however I need to do this var.servers times so it's difficult to hardcode the var.servers * 2 NICs with my current aws_instance setup (and I trip up when combining for_each and count).
Can someone please point me in the right direction?
Two create multiple servers (in your case 4 in total) in private (two servers) and public (two servers) subnets you can use count:
resource "aws_instance" "system" {
count = length(var.servers) * length(local.subnets)
ami = var.aws_ami
instance_type = var.instance_type
subnet_id = element(local.subnets, count.index)
For those looking to have a similar setup there are a few steps (assuming subnets and route tables already exist):
Create a machine on a single subnet
Create an additional network interface
Attach the network interface to the 'other' subnet (for the existing machine)
Create a variable for machines to create:
domains = [
Create the machines on a single subnet:
resource "aws_instance" "domain" {
for_each = var.domains
ami = var.aws_ami
subnet_id = aws_subnet.public_subnet.id
associate_public_ip_address = true
tags = {
Name = "Instance - ${each.key}"
Create the additional interfaces for the 'other' subnet:
resource "aws_network_interface" "nics" {
for_each = var.domains
subnet_id = aws_subnet.private_subnet.id
tags = {
Name = "NIC - ${each.key}"
Attach the network interfaces to the 'other' subnet (for the existing machine):
resource "aws_network_interface_attachment" "attach_nics" {
for_each = var.domains
instance_id = aws_instance.domain[each.key].id
network_interface_id = aws_network_interface.nics[each.key].id
device_index = 1 # public_subnet = 0
The 'trick' here (that I didn't know) is understanding that you can access data from created resources based on their names in the existing script (which is used in the aws_network_interface_attachment component).

Assign static IP address to a new aws instance using terraform

I already have static IP address but i am trying to assign this IP address to newly create instance by using terraform but unfortunately i am getting new Ip address. Can somebody help?
data "aws_eip" "my_instance_eip" {
public_ip =""
resource "aws_instance" "Webserver_Instance" {
instance_type = var.type_webserver
ami = var.ami_webserver
key_name = var.key_name
tags = {
name = "Webserver_Instance"
security_groups = ["${aws_security_group.Webserver_SG.name}"]
resource "aws_eip_association" "my_eip_association" {
instance_id = aws_instance.Webserver_Instance.id
allocation_id = data.aws_eip.my_instance_eip.id

How can I pass aws ec2 private ips to template file Using terraform

I am fairly new to terraform. I am trying to create number of ec2 instances and want to run bootstrap script once instance is ready, and in bootstrap script I need to pass private ips of instance created ( part of terraform script).
After so much of googling I came to know that I have to use terraform_file but, not able to use it correctly.
Terraform version: 0.11.13
/* Security group for the instances */
resource "aws_security_group" "test-reporting-sg"
name = "${var.environment}-test-reporting-sg"
vpc_id = "${var.vpc_id}"
data "template_file" "init"
count = "${var.instance_count}"
template = "${file("${path.module}/wrapperscript.sh")}"
vars = {
ip_addresses= "${aws_instance.dev-testreporting.*.private_ip}"
resource "aws_instance" "dev-testreporting"
count = "${var.instance_count}"
instance_type ="${var.instance_type}"
key_name ="${var.key_name}"
security_groups = [ "${aws_security_group.test-reporting-sg.id}" ]
subnet_id = "${var.subnet_ids}"
user_data = "${data.template_file.init.*.rendered.[count.index]}"
In resource module you can add private_ip like below
private_ip = "${lookup(var.private_ips,count.index)}"
and add private_ip values to variable file
