Is it possible to make such a proxy usage? - go

I`m wondering if it is possible to implement following:
I have some service in GO (used for Firebase Cloud Messaging) it uses go package from firebase ( to send messages. This packge sends https requests. And One of them is to to get token.
I can't change code in Firebase go-package, but I need to use proxy, that is why before sending message I need to set HTTPS_PROXY environment variable to my proxy address. It works fine.
Now I need to do some automatic tests and I have an emulator that has /token endpoint and return a valid token as response. Is it possible to use some kind of proxy that can redirect https requests to my emulators endpoint so that all requests to should be redirected to my emulators endpoint /token?
And another question is there are any possible problems because of HTTPS ?
Is it possible to get rid of https and use only http after the proxy?

Found following solution:
Firebase Cloud Messaging package uses clone default transport to create http.client under the hood.
So we can configure http.DefaultTransport before calling app.Messaging(ctx) and set up any parameters we need (proxy, insecureSkipVerify ...).
So no problems at all.


What is the request that whatsapp cloud api does to verify a webhook?

I'm able to verify the webhook using glitch from the getting started:!/whatsapp-cloud-api-echo-bot
my local server (in a subdomain with https enabled) has the same behavior as glitch and show "WEBHOOK_VERIFIED" on the log for the request:
but when try to verify my local server the request from meta does not reach the server.
chrome showing that the connection to the server is secured
After more tests I found that my local server was been blocked by the ISP, understood it after test with another connection.
I made my own server and had tried ngrok and other programs to run it from local host with https redirect but whatsapp doesn't allow the use of those programs.
In the end, my error was that the URL HAS to end in /webhook or else, it won't even send the request. Then it'll send a GET request and you have to return the hub.challenge query param after making sure that the provided token from them is the one you set up. This is my code using NodeJS
if(req.query['hub.verify_token'] === process.env.VERIFY_TOKEN) return res.status(200).send(req.query['hub.challenge'])

AWS Amplify mock in HTTPS

Using the following stack:
AWS amplify
ReactJS (built using create-react-app)
When running amplify mock it automatically assigns an endpoint with HTTP (as can be seen in the terminal and the aws-exports.js file).
I am however hosting my app locally in an HTTPS environment using ($env:HTTPS="true") -and (npm start) so as to better accommodate the social sign-ins which usually require all requests to come from HTTPS even if on localhost.
I constantly have to change my env to HTTP to try out things with the mock backend instead of just maintaining everything in HTTPS.
Is there a way to let the mock backend be served over HTTPS?
I have found a partial answer.
using the chrome browser settings, select privacy and security and go to site settings.
Add the URLS you are requesting over http into the insecure content allowable section. This allows an origin of https to request over http.

How do I capture https requests with Postman native app using Windows 10?

I am using the Postman native app on Windows 10 and am struggling with trying to capture https requests. Postman's Documentation for this is for Mac and not Windows.
In particular, I am working on a web application that creates a session cookie upon login that needs to be included in most requests in order to be authorized. When I was using the Chrome App, Postman Interceptor achieved this (see
Here's what I've tried so far:
Turn on the Proxy in Postman with port 5555.
Configured windows to send http and https requests through Postman's proxy server (
This allows http requests to be captured in Postman
But when trying to connect to https sites, I get an error
Here are my Postman settings if that helps.
Update I ended up switching back to the Chrome App, which uses the "Interceptor" instead of a "Proxy Server" to capture traffic.
Unfortunately, capture https requests with postman native app is impossible in some case according to the official doc: Capturing HTTP requests
Note: for the Postman native apps, request captures over HTTPS will not work if the website has HSTS enabled. Most websites have this check in place.
Postman's proxy now supports HTTPS traffic -
Once you install a CA certificate that Postman generates for your installation, capturing HTTPS requests should be seamless.
Disclaimer: I work at Postman
With Google Chrome i don't know how to fix the issue. But you can use to open the web page for example IE..
Or MAYBE you can start Google Chrome with parameter --ignore-certificate-errors to ignore the error message.
Postman Interceptor is available for Postman native apps which supports both features:
1. Capturing requests
2. Syncing cookies
Learn more here.
Just check HTTPS in setting and will work for you

grpc header/cookie in Go

I want to do place on server application which can be called by Go APP and Java app both.
for some reason ,there's a cookie authentication and oAuth mechanism ,so I want to set one Go app as Auth Micro-service for the authentication purpose.
As GRPC is built on the HTTP2 ,so The headers and cookies are on the protocol.but I did not find out how to carry on header and cookie when the rpc occurs,implemented by Go, on GitHub I only found the JAVA-Implementation for headers at :
Can anybody give me some direction of Go implementation for this purpose?
Headers in gRPC are called "Metadata." Clients can only send "headers". Servers can send both "headers" and "trailers."
You want to:
Use the package and metadata.NewContext() to send metadata from the client-side.
Use grpc.SendHeader() and grpc.SetTrailer() to send metadata from the server-side.
Use the grpc.Header() and grpc.Trailer() CallOptions for receiving the Metadata on the client-side.
Use metadata.FromContext() for receiving metadata on the server-side.

Can't figure out how to test proxy with Soundcloud API

I am trying to use my proxy with the Soundcloud API. The format is
client = soundcloud.Client(client_id=client_id,
However, when I pass something into the proxies variable like
proxies = {'http': 'notavalidip'}
the client is still able to log in and function normally. Why is this happening and how can I test that when I pass an actual valid proxy it will actually be used? I believe this API uses the Python requests library, if that helps.
All those options get handed down to make_request eventually being passed into kwargs inside the request_func, which is indeed backed by the requests library.
Your proxy is passing only because it has the wrong scheme. All connections to Soundcloud are made via https, and not http by default. This means that you have no proxy setup, since your proxies dictionary has no https key.
See here how proxy is simply set to None because the dictionary didn't have the required scheme.
After modifying your proxies variable to https instead of http I got an exception thrown (ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.'), so no silent fails.
Hope this makes sense.
