How to transmit when data is ready through a rest call with Spring Boot? - spring-boot

I have an ssh manager to execute (bash) scripts on a server. It contains a commandWithContinousRead(String command, Consumer<String> consumer). Whenever an echo is called in the bash script it is consumed by the consumer. I want to extend this with Spring Boot and an HTTP call. When a client sends a request, the server streams the data when it's ready from a bash script and the client can print it out.
I know Server-Sent Events, however, I feel like that is mostly for events and usually uses multiple resources on an API.
Additionally, I tried searching for streaming topics, but had no success. I did find StreamingResponseBody from Spring, but it collects all the data and then sends it all at once.
I used Postman for testing, maybe it cannot handle streaming?
However, how do I test this?
# Scriptname:
echo "Starting line"
sleep 4
echo "Middle line"
sleep 4
echo "End line"
Request with commandWithContinousRead, but prints everything at once after eight seconds.
#RequestMapping(value = "/stream-this", method = RequestMethod.POST,
produces = MediaType.TEXT_EVENT_STREAM_VALUE)
public ???? streamScript() {
StreamingResponseBody stream = out -> {
sshManager.commandWithContinousRead("bash /scripts/", echo -> {
try {
byte[] bytes = echo.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} catch (IOException e) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(stream, HttpStatus.OK);
Implementation of commandWithContinousRead function.
public void commandWithContinousRead(String command, Consumer<String> consumer) {
SSHClient client = buildClient();
try (Session session = client.startSession()) {
Session.Command cmd = session.exec(command);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(cmd.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {

Now that you have posted the commandWithContinuousRead method, everything looks correct. Also, you've just now stated that you're testing with Postman, and that's definitely a problem -- postman doesn't support streaming responses
It's always a good idea to programmatically unit and integration test your code. A simple unit test doesn't even need to use Spring, or a real SSH connection (run the bash script local to the test). The unit test would just be testing the logic of your Consumer and would let you know that the reading of the output, and the bash script itself aren't blocking. Ideally, you would use junit, but here's a simple test class that I put together that shows what I mean.
import java.lang.Process;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class Test {
// This would be a #Test instead of a main
public static void main(String... args) {
commandWithContinousRead("bash", echo -> {
byte[] bytes = echo.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// assert statements go here
System.out.println("In main -- " + echo);
public static void commandWithContinousRead(String command, Consumer<String> consumer) {
try {
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
An integration test would actually setup Spring, and would go through the endpoint, thereby testing in the same manner that the client/browser would. Commonly, this is done using #WebMvcTest and mockMvc async. You could choose to either mock the SSH client, or to have a server setup explicitly so your actual SSH client can connect to it. (The second option would expose/eliminate issues related to the ssh connection). This kind of test would expose issues with the spring setup/streaming response. You would need to set an artificial timeout on your mock mvc after say, 5 seconds and using a new mock mvc, after 9 seconds That would allow you to see that after 5 seconds, you've received the first echo, and after 9, you have the whole expected response. A good starting point for you would be to look at
Having passed those two levels of tests, then you would begin to suspect the client, which in this case, is Postman. If possible, try to use the actual browser(s) or clients that will be running your code. It may turn out that streaming might not be an option for you.
Please post the implementation of commandWithContinousRead
It could be a fundamental problem where the script that is echoing and sleeping is running on the same thread as the code that is supposed to read the echo and print them out. I.e., you're blocking while you wait for the bash script itself to run which would explain the 8 second delay before getting any output. Also, what type does commandWithContinousRead return? Depending, on how you're "reading" the echos in that method, you could be blocking there too. It's hard to say with 100% certainty without seeing the code for commandWithContinousRead.
Your return type will be a ResponseEntity<StreamingResponseBody> (to fill in the ????)

Okay, I came up with a solution that worked. As Pickled Brain mentioned, the main problem was Postman not working with streaming. Also, I went back to try SSE in a single call and I did by running the bash script in another thread. Additionally, I created an SSE client in Nodejs for testing purposes and it worked flawlessly.
Function to run the script, and place it in another thread.
private SseEmitter runScript() {
SseEmitter emitter = new SseEmitter(-1L); // -1L = no timeout
ExecutorService sseMvcExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
sseMvcExecutor.execute(() -> {
try {
shellManager.commandWithContinousRead("bash scriptname"), s -> {
SseEmitter.SseEventBuilder event = SseEmitter.event().name("message").data(s);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return emitter;
SSE Client:
const EventSource = require('eventsource'); // npm install eventsource
const url = 'yoururl';
var es = new EventSource(url);
es.onopen = function(ev) {
es.onmessage = function(ev) {
es.addEventListener('close', function() {
es.onerror = function(ev) {
process.on('SIGINT', () => {


Is there a way to batch upload a collection of InputStreams to Amazon S3 using the Java SDK?

I am aware of the TransferManager and the .uploadFileList() and .uploadFileDirectory() methods, however they accept types as arguments. I have a collection of byte array input streams containing jpeg image data. I don't want to create in-memory files to store this data before I upload it either.
So what I need is essentially what the S3 client's PutObjectRequest does but for a collection of InputStream objects. Also, if one upload fails, I want to abort the whole thing and not upload anything, much like how a database transaction will reverse the changes if something goes wrong along the way.
Is this possible with the Java SDK?
Before I share an answer, please consider upgrading...
fyi - TransferManager is deprecated, now supported as TransferManagerBuilder in JAVA AWS SDK, please consider upgrading if TransferManagerBuilder Object suits your needs.
now since you asked about TransferManager, you could either 1) copy the code below and replace the functionality/arguments with your custom in memory handling of the input stream and handle it in your custom function... or; 2) further below is another sample, try to use this as-is...
Github source modify with with inputstream and issue listed here
private def uploadFile(is: InputStream, s3ObjectName: String, metadata: ObjectMetadata) = {
try {
val putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, s3ObjectName,
is, metadata)
// TransferManager supports asynchronous uploads and downloads
val upload = transferManager.upload(putObjectRequest)
} catch {
case e: Exception => throw new RuntimeException(e)
Bonus, Nice custom answer here using sequence input streams
public void combineFiles() {
List<String> files = getFiles();
long totalFileSize =
.reduce(0L, (f, s) -> f + s);
try {
try (InputStream partialFile = new SequenceInputStream(getInputStreamEnumeration(files))) {
ObjectMetadata resultFileMetadata = new ObjectMetadata();
s3Client.putObject("bucketName", "resultFilePath", partialFile, resultFileMetadata);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("An error occurred while combining files. {}", e);
private Enumeration<? extends InputStream> getInputStreamEnumeration(List<String> files) {
return new Enumeration<InputStream>() {
private Iterator<String> fileNamesIterator = files.iterator();
public boolean hasMoreElements() {
return fileNamesIterator.hasNext();
public InputStream nextElement() {
try {
return new FileInputStream(Paths.get(;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

How to read and write files in a reactive way using InputStreamand OutputStream

I am trying to read an Excel file in manipulate it or add new data to it and write it back out. I am also trying to do this a complete reactive process using Flux and Mono. The Idea is to return the resulting file or bytearray via a webservice.
My question is how do I get a InputStream and OutputStream in a non blocking way?
I am using the Apache Poi library to read and generate the Excel File.
I currently have a solution based around a mix of Mono.fromCallable() and Blocking code getting the Input Stream.
For example the webservice part is as follows.
#GetMapping(value = API_BASE_PATH + "/download", produces = "application/")
public Mono<ByteArrayResource> download() {
Flux<TimeKeepingEntry> createExcel = excelExport.createDocument(false);
return createExcel.then(Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
return new ByteArrayResource(outputStream.toByteArray());
And the Processing of the file:
public Flux<TimeKeepingEntry> createDocument(boolean all) {
Flux<TimeKeepingEntry> entries = null;
try {
InputStream inputStream = new ClassPathResource("Timesheet Template.xlsx").getInputStream();
wb = WorkbookFactory.create(inputStream);
Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);"Created document");
if (all) {
//all entries
} else {
entries = service.findByMonth(currentMonthName).log("Excel Export - retrievedMonths").sort(Comparator.comparing(TimeKeepingEntry::getDateOfMonth)).doOnNext(timeKeepingEntry-> {
this.populateEntry(sheet, timeKeepingEntry);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Error Importing File", e);
return entries;
This works well enough but not very in line with Flux and Mono. Some guidance here would be good. I would prefer to have the whole sequence non-blocking.
Unfortunately the WorkbookFactory.create() operation is blocking, so you have to perform that operation using imperative code. However fetching each timeKeepingEntry can be done reactively. Your code would looks something like this:
public Flux<TimeKeepingEntry> createDocument() {
return Flux.generate(
(sheet, sink) -> {;
This will keep the workbook in memory, but will fetch each entry on demand when the elements of the Flux are requested.

App.OnResume error in Xamarin forms on Android and IOS devices

We are using xamarin forms. After an Android or IOS device resumes from background, we are making a REST call in .net that is being triggered by a timer. The first attempt on IOS returns a "The Descriptor is not a socket" error and the Android returns a "Connection refused" error. The same code works fine in Windows. Future attempts (every few seconds) in all 3 platforms work fine. Has anyone seen this and have a fix?
//app on resume event
protected async override void OnResume()
// Handle when your app resumes
if (MainPage is RootPage)
RootPage mainPage = MainPage as RootPage;
if (mainPage.Detail is NavigationPage)
NavigationPage nvPage = mainPage.Detail as NavigationPage;
if(nvPage.CurrentPage is ThingsPage)
ThingsPage thPage = nvPage.CurrentPage as ThingsPage;
//code on the page
public void TurnOnTimer()
if (viewModel != null)
viewModel.ContinueTimer = true;
//code in view model
public async void StartAnotherTimer()
while (ContinueTimer)
DevicesUpdate devicesUpdate = await DataSource.GetDevices(LocationID, ControllerID, lastDevicesUpdateReceivedAt);
catch (Exception ex)
// Update the UI (because of async/await magic, this is still in the UI thread!)
if (ContinueTimer)
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
public static async Task<DevicesUpdate> GetDevices(Guid locationID, Guid controllerID, DateTime lastUpdateReceivedAt)
DevicesUpdate devicesUpdate = await GetLastUpdatedDevices(controllerID, lastUpdateReceivedAt);
//code in view model
public static async Task<DevicesUpdate> GetLastUpdatedDevices(Guid controllerID,
DateTime lastUpdate)
System.Net.Http.HttpClient client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();
string url = string.Format("{1}&lastUpdate={2}"
, Constants.WebServerURL, controllerID, lastUpdate);
System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(new Uri(url));
string result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
DevicesUpdate devices = JSONHelper.Deserialize<DevicesUpdate>(result);
return devices;
if (response.ReasonPhrase == "UserException")
throw new UserException(result);
//throw error because the response from rest api is not a success
throw new System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException(result);
You might have a few things happening here that's causing problems.
GetDevices doesn't return anything. (I hope you just left out the return for brevity sake)
You are never setting ContinueTimer to false.
What iOS version are you on? In later versions, you HAVE to use HTTPS or explicitly allow non-secure connections. This shouldn't be a problem because Azure has ssl.
If you plan on running this in the background, you need to register your app as a background process.
If you don't plan on running this in the background, you might have issues with previous attempts being ran (or still trying to execute, or just have failed) and then calling more.
What is the reason for calling the 3 second timer for the network calls? What if the call takes more than 3 seconds (then you are making duplicate calls even though the first might succeed).
If you want to make your network calls more robust, check out this Blog Post by Rob Gibbons about resilient network calls.
First thing I would do is remove it from the timer because it seems like the underlying sockets are having issues cross-thread.

JMS synchronous Request/Reply using temporary queue timed out reading

I'm currently having a problem with jms synchronous request/reply approach, this is what happens:
1.) ProgramA create a jms message, a temporary queue and set it as a replyTo.
2.) ProgramB has a listener to the message created from ProgramA, process the message and reply to it. But ProgramB needs to communicate to a 3rd party web service that sometimes takes more than 10seconds to reply, and that is the problem I set the consumer to listen for 5000 (5s) and of course it will timeout afterwards. So the message is not received.
My observation:
1.) Even though ProgramA is done reading (no reply yet, at that instant I try to delete the temporary queue). It's not able to and ProgramB was still able to write to the reply queue, but nobody's going to read that message (too late).
When I try to change 5s to 20s listen time the problem was solved, but is it the right approach?
Also is it possible for the ProgramB to not try to write to the queue when ProgramA has stop reading?
Partial codes:
Destination replyQueue = send(jmsUtil, actionDTO);
SalesOrderResponseDTO responseDTO = readReply(jmsUtil, replyQueue, actionDTO);
public Destination send(JmsSessionUtil jmsUtil, SalesOrderActionDTO soDTO) {
try {
jmsUtil.send(soDTO, null, 0L, 1, Long.parseLong(configBean.getProperty("jms.payrequest.timetolive")), true);
return jmsUtil.getReplyQueue();
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (Exception e1) {
return null;
public SalesOrderResponseDTO readReply(JmsSessionUtil jmsUtil, Destination replyQueue, SalesOrderActionDTO actionDTO) {
SalesOrderResponseDTO responseDTO = null;
try {
responseDTO = (SalesOrderResponseDTO);
if (responseDTO != null) {
// fires the response event
SalesOrderResponsePayload eventPayload = new SalesOrderResponsePayload();
} else { // timeout
((TemporaryQueue) replyQueue).delete();
return responseDTO;
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (Exception e1) {
return responseDTO;
public String send(MessageDTO messageDTO,
JMSQueueEnum resultNotificationQueue, Long parentProcessId,
int JMSPriority, long timeToLive, boolean hasReply)
throws JMSException, InvalidDTOException, NamingException {
try {
// Process optional parameters
// Wrap MessageDTO in a JMS ObjectMessage
ObjectMessage msg = MessageDTOHelper.serialize(session, messageDTO);
msg.setStringProperty("DTOType", messageDTO.getClass()
requestProducer = session.createProducer(queue);
if (hasReply) {
replyQueue = session.createTemporaryQueue();
replyConsumer = session.createConsumer(replyQueue);
if (JMSPriority > -1) {
requestProducer.send(msg, DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT, JMSPriority,
} else {
// Send the JMS message
return msg.getJMSMessageID();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public MessageDTO read(Destination replyQueue) throws JMSException,
NamingException {
if (replyQueue instanceof Queue) {
Message msg = replyConsumer.receive(20000);
if (msg == null) {
return null;
MessageDTO messageDTO = MessageDTOHelper
.deserialize((ObjectMessage) msg);
return messageDTO;
} else {
return null;
Actual question here is whether you need synchronous or asynchronous communication.
I would always prefer asynchronous, and it seems from your question that there is no need for synchronous communication neither in your case. However, if there is some reason for synchronous then you are stuck with temporary queues - you'll have to specify timeout interval and you'll face problems expressed in your question. If Program A can wait, raise the timeout interval although that's far from optimal. As far as I know, there is no possibility for Program B to check if A still listens.
In case of asynchronous communication, you have (at least) two JMS options:
Using different message queues - Program A sends the message on Queue1 and finishes, but listens (e.g. through Message Driven Bean) on Queue2 where Program B puts its response when it's done. Small drawback is usage of one extra pair of producer and consumer.
Using same message queue - Program A and Program B both send and receive messages on Queue1, but with different message selector (see description here). Basically, message selectors will filter messages for specific listener and thus enable using same queue for bidirectional communication.
See also:
JMS Synchronous Message Consumption
You could have A add a header to its message with the current timestamp + 5 secs. When B receives the response from the 3rd party, if the current time is greater than the header, it should drop the result and not send. You could use the time-to-live jms message property for this, although that is not its express purpose.

FTP status code response don't work

I have a little problem with own application. This app can be connect(sith socket) an FTP server, and its work fine. But my problem is, if the user use bad usernam or password, the program won't receive the response statucode. Whats wrong?
I would like to use this statuscode some clause to examine(usernem or/and password etc.)
public static void ReadResponse()
result = ParseHostResponse();
statusCode = int.Parse(result.Substring(0, 3));
statusMessage = "";
The ParseHostResponse() method contains next:
public static string ParseHostResponse()
SocketAsyncEventArgs socketEventArg = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
socketEventArg.RemoteEndPoint = socket.RemoteEndPoint;
socketEventArg.SetBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, 0);
socketEventArg.Completed += new EventHandler<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(delegate(object s, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (e.SocketError == SocketError.Success)
statusMessage = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(e.Buffer, e.Offset, e.BytesTransferred);
statusMessage = statusMessage.Trim('\0');
statusMessage = e.SocketError.ToString();
string[] msg = statusMessage.Split('\n');
if (statusMessage.Length > 2)
statusMessage = msg[msg.Length - 2];
statusMessage = msg[0];
if (!statusMessage.Substring(3, 1).Equals(" "))
return ParseHostResponse();
return statusMessage;
If I invite to the ReadResponse() method, the Visual Studio answer with this exception: NullReferenceException
in this code:
string[] msg = statusMessage.Split('\n');
What is the wrong? This code issue to
Thank you for your help!
I can't help, but have to start with these side remarks:
statusMessage.Trim('\0') does not work (try it)
statusMessage.Split('\n') is inefficient as it involves extra allocations (guess why)
Now to the actual subject: I never used sockets on WP7, but from what I know about async operations it looks to me that you start async op (by calling ReceiveAsync) and use the result (statusMessage) before the answer arrives.
Think a bit about your design of the ParseHostResponse() method:
Bad name: Indicates parsing of a response, while it actually performs communication
Bad functionality: The method indicates sync patter, but internally uses async pattern. I don't know what to suggest here as every solution seems to be wrong. For example waiting for a response will make UI irresposible.
My main recommendation is that you get more information about async programming and then reprogramm your app accordingly.
