Change zsh prompt to only two folders - macos

I am using the oh-my-zsh theme jtriley. The theme code, reproduced below, displays the entire directory path:
PROMPT="%{$fg_bold[cyan]%}%T%{$fg_bold[green]%} %{$fg_bold[green]%}%d
%{$fg_bold[yellow]%}%% %{$reset_color%}"
I know that there are ways to change the displayed directories, using the prompt_dir() function, following instructions like these. However, when I insert this below the code above, I do not get a change.
How can I alter a theme file where the only code in it is the prompt, and its colors?

For this particular use case, you can just replace %d with %2d in the first line.
However, if you want to do something fancier, you can replace it with \$(prompt_dir) instead, and set the PROMPT_SUBST option. The backslash is important, since that makes it so the function is re-evaluated each time the prompt is displayed, rather than just when $PROMPT is assigned.


Is there a way CMD can open a folder with an emoji in its name by using os.execute in Lua 5.2?

As soon as I try to access a folder/file containing an emoji in its name from my Lua 5.2 script, for example like this:
os.execute('start "" "' .. path .. "\\scripts\\menu\\๐Ÿ“„ My Scripts" .. '"')
The Windows' Command Prompt simply refuses to open it with the following error message:
I'm aware Windows' Command Prompt doesn't support emojis and therefore is not possible to make it work just like that, but my doubt is if won't exist some workaround or whatever I can do to ensure any Windows/Unix user is going to able to get the folder open by my Lua script without any problem.
I have tried i.e. things like use the codes instead (1246 and U+1F4F0 in this page facing up case) without success. Couldn't I for example simply use some kind of "wildcard" instead? I mean, knowing it's always going to be the very first character in the name. Or, well, any other ideas will be welcomed, cause nothing I'm trying really seems to work...
Of course if it's going to represent any problem I'll simply refuse to use them, but it came in handy for some "first sight" folder distinction and, if possible, I'd like to can count this little visual resource ๐Ÿ™„
This is a Problem about how the string is constructed.
I found only one solution with [[command "path"]] (on Windows 11 and Lua 5.3)...
os.execute([[start ]] .. path .. [["\scripts\menu\๐Ÿ“„ My Scripts"]])
-- My Testpath is/was: os.execute([[dir "%localappdata%\nvim\๐Ÿ“„ Lua"]])
...the long string ([[]]) will not be interpreted (coercionated) by Lua.
That also have the side effect that you can use single backslashs with that kind of string.
Environment variable expansion (e.g. Windows: %localappdata%) only works inside doublequotes.
Single quotes instead ([[command '%localappdate%\path\']]) will not work (expanded).
os.execute accepts only ANSI-encoded strings (win-1252 in European Windows), but it is unable to encode an emoji.
Hint: you can create .bat-file to do the task for you and invoke it from Lua with os.execute.

Refreshing Bash prompt after invocation of a readline bound command

My shell is GNU Bash 4.3.11, and I currently have M-h bound to cd .. by calling the builtin
bind -x '"\eh": "cd .."'
This gives me a nifty way to navigate up the directory tree, as I can repeatedly hit M-h instead of the incredibly time-consuming cd ... It has the downside, however, either of not resetting my $PS1 or of not redrawing my prompt, so I lose the context of my current working directory until I enter a new command.
One alternative I'm aware of is to put a macro like
"\eh": "\C-a\C-kcd ..\C-m"
in my .inputrc directly. This, however, has the downside of not only losing the context of any existing command I'm typing in (which I think can probably be worked around) but also of printing out cd .. (which I don't think can be).
My desired behavior is to be able to be in a directory ~/one/two with prompt ~/one/two$; hit M-h; and then be in ~/one and have the prompt be ~/one$, ideally keeping any command I had initially. How can I achieve this?
Figured this out.
# maintain state
# "cd .." use case.
bind -x '"\206": "cd .."'
bind '"\eh":"\200\C-a\C-k\206\C-m\201"'
I'm quite late to that party - and came here looking for that answer also. First of all: As you were the only one providing information on this: thanks for not letting it come to this: ;) instead you pointed me to the on corner in that fractal that seems to hold a solution.
This approach, in my opinion backed up by hours of trying, is the only one where you can a) replace content on the line, and b) execute bash code. Let me offer up some more suggestions to a specific problem:
If you are trying to have it both ways: insert something on the command line, or executing code, things can get very tricky. for both, there exist bindings, and I let the reader figure out things with help bind. But in the case you e.g. have FZF produce some directory as output, and you'd either cd to it, or have it pasted into your command -- depending on the keystroke done in FZF -- things will get near impossible. you'll face either the not-updated-promt problem, or not be able to execute the cd command in the top shell (where it has effect).
Your solution would be a multiplexing -x binding, inspecting the output for "macros" (get extracted and eval'd) or the default pass-through (manipulating READLINE_LINE/POINT).
Because the solution has some enormity, and the audience may be limited (closed answer...), I'll leave it at a haphazard gist where I pasted my code which works now. To make up for the brevity and uncommented-ness, I welcome any questions in comment or elsewhere. Hope someone may be pointed in the right direction.
- The code related to this question starts in function bindInsertEvalWithMacrosVi
- It is designed for Vi keybindings but the same principles apply for normal readline mode
- It depends on some \C-x\C-... combinations to do redrawing in places that are not related to this post.

How to test that `clear` command is working correctly in BASH?

Now i try find the way to prove that a clear command is working correctly on my own REPL
$ cd ~
$ pwd
$ echo "hello"
then type clear
but sometime some unexpected behavior is occurred after using a clear command
[one blank line here]
A one blank line after using clear command is undesirable behavior and I hope this kind of bug can be detected automatically via a unit test. If you have any idea to prove that clear command is working correctly please purpose.
There is no easy way to do this. "clear" sends a sequence of bytes that tells the terminal to clear its screen. Different terminals use different sequences. There is a table called "termcap" (terminal capabilities) that lists the difference sequences for different types of terminals. The environment variable "TERM" should be set to the type of terminal you are using.
TERM is usually set to "xterm", "xterm-color", "vt100", or related value. On my Mac OS X Terminal it is set to "xterm-256color".
TERM should be set automatically for you. If your OS is set up properly you shouldn't have to set it yourself. However in the old days you had to set it manually. Therefore you'll find a lot of old .profile/.bashrc/.cshrc files that set it. Check to see if that is happening and remove that (comment it out) to see what is automatically set.
Your question boils down to "how can I tell if my TERM variable is set right?" and the answer is: You can't. You could do things like clear the screen then ask the user if they saw their screen clear. However, if programs did that on start-up, it would be very annoying.

Rstudio difference between run and source

I am using Rstudio and not sure how options "run" and "source" are different.
I tried googling these terms but 'source' is a very common word and wasn't able to get good search results :(
Run and source have subtly different meanings. According to the RStudio documentation,
The difference between running lines from a selection and invoking
Source is that when running a selection all lines are inserted
directly into the console whereas for Source the file is saved to a
temporary location and then sourced into the console from there
(thereby creating less clutter in the console).
Something to be aware of, is that sourcing functions in files makes them available for scripts to use. What does this mean? Imagine you are trying to troubleshoot a function that is called from a script. You need to source the file containing the function, to make the changes available in the function be used when that line in the script is then run.
A further aspect of this is that you can source functions from your scripts. I use this code to automatically source all of the functions in a directory, which makes it easy to run a long script with a single run:
# source our functions
code.dir <- "c:\temp"
code.files = dir(code.dir, pattern = "[.r]")
for (file in code.files){
source(file = file.path(code.dir,file))
Sometimes, for reasons I don't understand, you will get different behavior depending on whether you select all the lines of code and press the run the button or go to code menu and chose 'source.' For example, in one specific case, writing a gplot to a png file worked when I selected all my lines of code but the write failed to when I went to the code menu and chose 'source.' However, if I choose 'Source with Echo,' I'm able to print to a png file again.
I'm simply reporting a difference here that I've seen between the selecting and running all your lines and code and going to code menu and choosing 'source,' at least in the case when trying to print a gplot to a png file.
An important implication of #AndyClifton's answer is:
Rstudio breakpoints work in source (Ctrl-Shift-S) but not in run (Ctrl-Enter)
Presumably the reason is that with run, the code is getting passed straight into the console with no support for a partial submission.
You can still use browser() though with run though.
print() to console is supported in debugSource (Ctrl-Shift-S) as well as run.
The "run" button simply executes the selected line or lines. The "source" button will execute the entire active document. But why not just try them and see the difference?
I also just discovered that the encoding used to read the function sourced can also be different if you source the file or if you add the function of the source file to your environment with Ctrl+Enter!
In my case there was a regex with a special character (ยต) in my function. When I imported the function directly (Ctrl+Enter) everything would work, while I had an error when sourcing the file containing this function.
To solve this issue I specified the encoding of the sourced file in the source function (source("utils.R", encoding = "UTF-8")).
Run will run each line of code, which means that it hits enter at the beginning of each line, which prints the output to the console. Source won't print anything unless you source with echo, which means that ggplot won't print to pngs, as another posted mentioned.
A big practical difference between run and source is that if you get an unaccounted for error in source it'll break you out of the code without finishing, whereas run will just pass the next line to the console and keep going. This has been the main practical difference I've seen working on cleaning up other people's scripts.
When using RSTudio u can press the run button in the script section - it will run the selected line.
Next to it you have the re - run button, to run the line again. and the source button next to it will run entire chuncks of code.
I found a video about this topic:
Source/Source with echo is used to execute the whole file whereas Run as far as my personal experience goes executes the line in which your cursor is present.
Thus, Run helps you to debug your code. Watch out for the environment. It will display what's happening in the stack.
To those saying plots do not show. They won't show in Plots console. But you can definitely save the plot to disc using Source in RStudio. Using this snippet:
I can confirm plots are written to disc. Furthermore print statements are also outputted to the console

What are these shell escape characters?

I'm trying out the coffee script repl inside Emacs (under ArchLinux) and I'm seeing these escape characters surrounding the prompt:
[1Gcoffee> [0K[9G
These shouldn't be colors as I already enabled the ansi-color-for-comint-mode. So does anyone recognize these?
P.S.: Funny thing is I don't have this issue under my Emacs+Cygwin setup!
I don't know where they're coming from (something to do with your shell prompt, obviously, but it's hard to say more than that).
I read them as:
ESC[1G - Move to column 1 (Cursor Character Absolute)
ESC[0K - Erase to right
ESC[9G - Move to column 9
It looks like an attempt by the shell to ensure that the prompt is at the far left of an empty line. Not sure what shell you have, but zsh does something similar when the PROMPT_SP option is enabled. I don't think it uses the above sequences, though.
Many, many, control sequences can be found here. Note that the sequence "ESC[" is interpreted as a "Control Sequence Introducer" (CSI) and is shown as that on that page.
I had the same problem and was able to solve it by adding
to my .bashrc file.
So, the characters appear to have come from the CoffeeScript REPL's use of Readline. Perhaps the reason you didn't have the issue in Cygwin was because Readline wasn't available there.
