Big O of this isPrime - big-o

int i = 3;
if n == 2
return true
if n % 2 == 0
return false;
while i^2 <= n
if n % i == 0
return false
else i+=2
return true
I think it's O(n^0.5) because of while. Am I right?
Is there a way to mathematically find T(n) using sigma?


What would be the time complexity of min_path_sum_problem without memoization?

def min_path_sum(grid)
m = grid.length - 1
n = grid[0].length - 1
min_path_sum_helper(grid, m, n)
def min_path_sum_helper(grid, m, n)
return grid[0][0] if m == 0 && n == 0
return Float::INFINITY if m < 0 || n < 0
left = min_path_sum_helper(grid, m - 1, n)
right = min_path_sum_helper(grid, m, n - 1)
[left, right].min + grid[m][n]
This is the problem on leetcode
I know the time complexity is exponential, but what exactly 2^(N+M) ?

Something wrong with my PollardP1_rho code but I don't know how to fix it

I tried to use MillerRabin + PollardP1_rho method to factorize an integer into primes in Python3 for reducing time complexity as much as I could.But it failed some tests,I knew where the problem was.But I am a tyro in algorithm, I didn't know how to fix it.So I will put all relative codes here.
import random
def gcd(a, b):
a, b: integers
returns: a positive integer, the greatest common divisor of a & b.
if a == 0:
return b
if a < 0:
return gcd(-a, b)
while b > 0:
c = a % b
a, b = b, c
return a
def mod_mul(a, b, n):
# Calculate a * b % n iterately.
result = 0
while b > 0:
if (b & 1) > 0:
result = (result + a) % n
a = (a + a) % n
b = (b >> 1)
return result
def mod_exp(a, b, n):
# Calculate (a ** b) % n iterately.
result = 1
while b > 0:
if (b & 1) > 0:
result = mod_mul(result, a, n)
a = mod_mul(a, a, n)
b = (b >> 1)
return result
def MillerRabinPrimeCheck(n):
if n in {2, 3, 5, 7, 11}:
return True
elif (n == 1 or n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0 or n % 5 == 0 or n % 7 == 0 or n % 11 == 0):
return False
k = 0
u = n - 1
while not (u & 1) > 0:
k += 1
u = (u >> 1)
s = 5 #If the result isn't right, then add the var s.
for i in range(s):
x = random.randint(2, n - 1)
if x % n == 0:
x = mod_exp(x, u, n)
pre = x
for j in range(k):
x = mod_mul(x, x, n)
if (x == 1 and pre != 1 and pre != n - 1):
return False
pre = x
if x != 1:
return False
return True
def PollardP1_rho(n, c):
Consider c as a constant integer.
i = 1
k = 2
x = random.randrange(1, n - 1) + 1
y = x
while 1:
i += 1
x = (mod_mul(x, x, n) + c) % n
d = gcd(y - x, n)
if 1 < d < n:
return d
elif x == y:
return n
elif i == k:
y = x
k = (k << 1)
result = []
def PrimeFactorsListGenerator(n):
if n <= 1:
elif MillerRabinPrimeCheck(n) == True:
a = n
while a == n:
a = PollardP1_rho(n, random.randrange(1,n - 1) + 1)
PrimeFactorsListGenerator(n // a)
When I tried to test this:
It didn't stop and looped this:
PollardP1_rho(4, random.randrange(1,4 - 1) + 1)
I have already tested the functions before PollardP1_rho and they work normally,so I know the function PollardP1_rho cannot deal the number 4 correctly,also the number 5.How can I fix that?
I have solved it myself.
There is 1 mistake in the code.
I should not use a var 'result' outside of the function as a global var,I should define in the function and use result.extend() to ensure the availability of the whole recursive process.So I rewrote PollardP1_rho(n, c) and PrimeFactorsListGenerator(n):
def Pollard_rho(x, c):
Consider c as a constant integer.
i, k = 1, 2
x0 = random.randint(0, x)
y = x0
while 1:
i += 1
x0 = (mod_mul(x0, x0, x) + c) % x
d = gcd(y - x0, x)
if d != 1 and d != x:
return d
if y == x0:
return x
if i == k:
y = x0
k += k
def PrimeFactorsListGenerator(n):
result = []
if n <= 1:
return None
if MillerRabinPrimeCheck(n):
return [n]
p = n
while p >= n:
p = Pollard_rho(p, random.randint(1, n - 1))
result.extend(PrimeFactorsListGenerator(n // p))
return result
There is an additional tip: You don't need to write a function mod_mul(a, b, n) at all, using Python built-in pow(a, b, n) will do the trick and it is fully optimized.

Can't get factorial function to work

Factorial 1 and 2 works but 3 and 4 do not. I've worked the steps out on paper and do not see why they do not work. Any help is much appreciated.
def factorial(n)
x = 1
y = n
while x < n
n = n * (y-x)
x = x + 1
return n
puts("factorial(1) == 1: #{factorial(1) == 1}")
puts("factorial(2) == 2: #{factorial(2) == 2}")
puts("factorial(3) == 6: #{factorial(3) == 6}")
puts("factorial(4) == 24: #{factorial(4) == 24}")
The reason it's not working is that after each loop the value of n gets bigger and the condition x < n keeps executing until it hits a point where n becomes zero. If you pass 3 to the function on the third loop you will have:
while x(3) < n(6)
n(6) = n(6) * (y(3) - x(3))
therefore n becomes 0 causing the loop to exit on the next round and the return value is obviously 0. To fix it you just need to replace n with y in the while condition:
while x < y
As a side note just another interesting way you could solve the factorial problem using recursion is:
def factorial(n)
n <= 1 ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1)
Try this:
def factorial(n)
if n < 0
return nil
x = 1
while n > 0
x = x * n
n -= 1
return x

Caculating total combinations

I don't know how to go about this programming problem.
Given two integers n and m, how many numbers exist such that all numbers have all digits from 0 to n-1 and the difference between two adjacent digits is exactly 1 and the number of digits in the number is atmost 'm'.
What is the best way to solve this problem? Is there a direct mathematical formula?
Edit: The number cannot start with 0.
for n = 3 and m = 6 there are 18 such numbers (210, 2101, 21012, 210121 ... etc)
Update (some people have encountered an ambiguity):
All digits from 0 to n-1 must be present.
This Python code computes the answer in O(nm) by keeping track of the numbers ending with a particular digit.
Different arrays (A,B,C,D) are used to track numbers that have hit the maximum or minimum of the range.
A=[1]*n # Number of ways of being at digit i and never being to min or max
B=[0]*n # number of ways with minimum being observed
C=[0]*n # number of ways with maximum being observed
D=[0]*n # number of ways with both being observed
A[0]=0 # Cannot start with 0
A[n-1]=0 # Have seen max so this 1 moves from A to C
C[n-1]=1 # Have seen max if start with highest digit
for k in range(m-1):
for i in range(1,n-1):
x=sum(d for d in D2)
print t
After doing some more research, I think there may actually be a mathematical approach after all, although the math is advanced for me. Douglas S. Stones pointed me in the direction of Joseph Myers' (2008) article, BMO 2008–2009 Round 1 Problem 1—Generalisation, which derives formulas for calculating the number of zig-zag paths across a rectangular board.
As I understand it, in Anirudh's example, our board would have 6 rows of length 3 (I believe this would mean n=3 and r=6 in the article's terms). We can visualize our board so:
0 1 2 example zig-zag path: 0
0 1 2 1
0 1 2 0
0 1 2 1
0 1 2 2
0 1 2 1
Since Myers' formula m(n,r) would generate the number for all the zig-zag paths, that is, the number of all 6-digit numbers where all adjacent digits are consecutive and digits are chosen from (0,1,2), we would still need to determine and subtract those that begin with zero and those that do not include all digits.
If I understand correctly, we may do this in the following way for our example, although generalizing the concept to arbitrary m and n may prove more complicated:
Let m(3,6) equal the number of 6-digit numbers where all adjacent digits
are consecutive and digits are chosen from (0,1,2). According to Myers,
m(3,r) is given by formula and also equals OEIS sequence A029744 at
index r+2, so we have
m(3,6) = 16
How many of these numbers start with zero? Myers describes c(n,r) as the
number of zig-zag paths whose colour is that of the square in the top
right corner of the board. In our case, c(3,6) would include the total
for starting-digit 0 as well as starting-digit 2. He gives c(3,2r) as 2^r,
so we have
c(3,6) = 8. For starting-digit 0 only, we divide by two to get 4.
Now we need to obtain only those numbers that include all the digits in
the range, but how? We can do this be subtracting m(n-1,r) from m(n,r).
In our case, we have all the m(2,6) that would include only 0's and 1's,
and all the m(2,6) that would include 1's and 2's. Myers gives
m(2,anything) as 2, so we have
2*m(2,6) = 2*2 = 4
But we must remember that one of the zero-starting numbers is included
in our total for 2*m(2,6), namely 010101. So all together we have
m(3,6) - c(3,6)/2 - 4 + 1
= 16 - 4 - 4 + 1
= 9
To complete our example, we must follow a similar process for m(3,5),
m(3,4) and m(3,3). Since it's late here, I might follow up tomorrow...
One approach could be to program it recursively, calling the function to add as well as subtract from the last digit.
Haskell code:
import Data.List (sort,nub)
f n m = concatMap (combs n) [n..m]
combs n m = concatMap (\x -> combs' 1 [x]) [1..n - 1] where
combs' count result
| count == m = if test then [concatMap show result] else []
| otherwise = combs' (count + 1) (result ++ [r + 1])
++ combs' (count + 1) (result ++ [r - 1])
where r = last result
test = (nub . sort $ result) == [0..n - 1]
*Main> f 3 6
In response to Anirudh Rayabharam's comment, I hope the following code will be more 'pseudocode' like. When the total number of digits reaches m, the function g outputs 1 if the solution has hashed all [0..n-1], and 0 if not. The function f accumulates the results for g for starting digits [1..n-1] and total number of digits [n..m].
Haskell code:
import qualified Data.Set as S
g :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (S.Set Int, Int) -> Int
g n m digitCount lastDigit (hash,hashCount)
| digitCount == m = if test then 1 else 0
| otherwise =
if lastDigit == 0
then g n m d' (lastDigit + 1) (hash'',hashCount')
else if lastDigit == n - 1
then g n m d' (lastDigit - 1) (hash'',hashCount')
else g n m d' (lastDigit + 1) (hash'',hashCount')
+ g n m d' (lastDigit - 1) (hash'',hashCount')
where test = hashCount' == n
d' = digitCount + 1
hash'' = if test then S.empty else hash'
| hashCount == n = (S.empty,hashCount)
| S.member lastDigit hash = (hash,hashCount)
| otherwise = (S.insert lastDigit hash,hashCount + 1)
f n m = foldr forEachNumDigits 0 [n..m] where
forEachNumDigits numDigits accumulator =
accumulator + foldr forEachStartingDigit 0 [1..n - 1] where
forEachStartingDigit startingDigit accumulator' =
accumulator' + g n numDigits 1 startingDigit (S.empty,0)
*Main> f 3 6
(0.01 secs, 571980 bytes)
*Main> f 4 20
(1.23 secs, 97795656 bytes)
*Main> f 4 25
(11.73 secs, 1068373268 bytes)
model your problem as 2 superimposed lattices in 2 dimensions, specifically as pairs (i,j) interconnected with oriented edges ((i0,j0),(i1,j1)) where i1 = i0 + 1, |j1 - j0| = 1, modified as follows:
dropping all pairs (i,j) with j > 9 and its incident edges
dropping all pairs (i,j) with i > m-1 and its incident edges
dropping edge ((0,0), (1,1))
this construction results in a structure like in this diagram:
the requested numbers map to paths in the lattice starting at one of the green elements ((0,j), j=1..min(n-1,9)) that contain at least one pink and one red element ((i,0), i=1..m-1, (i,n-1), i=0..m-1 ). to see this, identify the i-th digit j of a given number with point (i,j). including pink and red elements ('extremal digits') guarantee that all available diguts are represented in the number.
for convenience, let q1, q2 denote the position-1.
let q1 be the position of a number's first digit being either 0 or min(n-1,9).
let q2 be the position of a number's first 0 if the digit at position q1 is min(n-1,9) and vv.
case 1: first extremal digit is 0
the number of valid prefixes containing no 0 can be expressed as sum_{k=1..min(n-1,9)} (paths_to_0(k,1,q1), the function paths_to_0 being recursively defined as
paths_to_0(0,q1-1,q1) = 0;
paths_to_0(1,q1-1,q1) = 1;
paths_to_0(digit,i,q1) = 0; if q1-i < digit;
paths_to_0(x,_,_) = 0; if x >= min(n-1,9)
// x=min(n-1,9) mustn't occur before position q2,
// x > min(n-1,9) not at all
paths_to_0(x,_,_) = 0; if x <= 0;
// x=0 mustn't occur before position q1,
// x < 0 not at all
and else paths_to_0(digit,i,q1) =
paths_to_0(digit+1,i+1,q1) + paths_to_0(digit-1,i+1,q1);
similarly we have
paths_to_max(min(n-1,9),q2-1,q2) = 0;
paths_to_max(min(n-2,8),q2-1,q2) = 1;
paths_to_max(digit,i,q2) = 0 if q2-i < n-1;
paths_to_max(x,_,_) = 0; if x >= min(n-1,9)
// x=min(n-1,9) mustn't occur before
// position q2,
// x > min(n-1,9) not at all
paths_to_max(x,_,_) = 0; if x < 0;
and else paths_to_max(digit,q1,q2) =
paths_max(digit+1,q1+1,q2) + paths_to_max(digit-1,q1+1,q2);
and finally
paths_suffix(digit,length-1,length) = 2; if digit > 0 and digit < min(n-1,9)
paths_suffix(digit,length-1,length) = 1; if digit = 0 or digit = min(n-1,9)
paths_suffix(digit,k,length) = 0; if length > m-1
or length < q2
or k > length
paths_suffix(digit,k,0) = 1; // the empty path
and else paths_suffix(digit,k,length) =
paths_suffix(digit+1,k+1,length) + paths_suffix(digit-1,k+1,length);
... for a grand total of
number_count_case_1(n, m) =
sum_{first=1..min(n-1,9), q1=1..m-1-(n-1), q2=q1..m-1, l_suffix=0..m-1-q2} (
+ paths_to_max(0,q1,q2)
+ paths_suffix(min(n-1,9),q2,l_suffix+q2)
case 2: first extremal digit is min(n-1,9)
case 2.1: initial digit is not min(n-1,9)
this is symmetrical to case 1 with all digits d replaced by min(n,10) - d. as the lattice structure is symmetrical, this means number_count_case_2_1 = number_count_case_1.
case 2.2: initial digit is min(n-1,9)
note that q1 is 1 and the second digit must be min(n-2,8).
number_count_case_2_2 (n, m) =
sum_{q2=1..m-2, l_suffix=0..m-2-q2} (
+ paths_suffix(min(n-1,9),q2,l_suffix+q2)
so the grand grand total will be
number_count ( n, m ) = 2 * number_count_case_1 (n, m) + number_count_case_2_2 (n, m);
i don't know whether a closed expression for number_count exists, but the following perl code will compute it (the code is but a proof of concept as it does not use memoization techniques to avoid recomputing results already obtained):
use strict;
use warnings;
my ($n, $m) = ( 5, 7 ); # for example
$n = ($n > 10) ? 10 : $n; # cutoff
sub min
sub paths_to_0 ($$$) {
my (
, $at
, $until
) = #_;
if (($d == 0) && ($at == $until - 1)) { return 0; }
if (($d == 1) && ($at == $until - 1)) { return 1; }
if ($until - $at < $d) { return 0; }
if (($d <= 0) || ($d >= $n))) { return 0; }
return paths_to_0($d+1, $at+1, $until) + paths_to_0($d-1, $at+1, $until);
} # paths_to_0
sub paths_to_max ($$$) {
my (
, $at
, $until
) = #_;
if (($d == $n-1) && ($at == $until - 1)) { return 0; }
if (($d == $n-2) && ($at == $until - 1)) { return 1; }
if ($until - $at < $n-1) { return 0; }
if (($d < 0) || ($d >= $n-1)) { return 0; }
return paths_to_max($d+1, $at+1, $until) + paths_to_max($d-1, $at+1, $until);
} # paths_to_max
sub paths_suffix ($$$) {
my (
, $at
, $until
) = #_;
if (($d < $n-1) && ($d > 0) && ($at == $until - 1)) { return 2; }
if ((($d == $n-1) && ($d == 0)) && ($at == $until - 1)) { return 1; }
if (($until > $m-1) || ($at > $until)) { return 0; }
if ($until == 0) { return 1; }
return paths_suffix($d+1, $at+1, $until) + paths_suffix($d-1, $at+1, $until);
} # paths_suffix
# main
number_count =
sum_{first=1..min(n-1,9), q1=1..m-1-(n-1), q2=q1..m-1, l_suffix=0..m-1-q2} (
+ paths_to_max(0,q1,q2)
+ paths_suffix(min(n-1,9),q2,l_suffix+q2)
my ($number_count, $number_count_2_2) = (0, 0);
my ($first, $q1, i, $l_suffix);
for ($first = 1; $first <= $n-1; $first++) {
for ($q1 = 1; $q1 <= $m-1 - ($n-1); $q1++) {
for ($q2 = $q1; $q2 <= $m-1; $q2++) {
for ($l_suffix = 0; $l_suffix <= $m-1 - $q2; $l_suffix++) {
$number_count =
+ paths_to_0($first,1,$q1)
+ paths_to_max(0,$q1,$q2)
+ paths_suffix($n-1,$q2,$l_suffix+$q2)
# case 2.2
for ($q2 = 1; $q2 <= $m-2; $q2++) {
for ($l_suffix = 0; $l_suffix <= $m-2 - $q2; $l_suffix++) {
$number_count_2_2 =
+ paths_to_max(1,1,$q2)
+ paths_suffix($n-1,$q2,$l_suffix+$q2)
$number_count = 2 * $number_count + number_count_2_2;

algorithm to simulate multiplication by addition

How to design an algorithm to simulate multiplication by addition. input two integers. they may be zero, positive or negative..
def multiply(a, b):
if (a == 1):
return b
elif (a == 0):
return 0
elif (a < 0):
return -multiply(-a, b)
return b + multiply(a - 1, b)
some pseudocode:
function multiply(x, y)
if abs(x) = x and abs(y) = y or abs(x) <> x and abs(y) <> y then sign = 'plus'
if abs(x) = x and abs(y) <> y or abs(x) <> x and abs(y) = y then sign = 'minus'
res = 0
for i = 0 to abs(y)
res = res + abs(x)
if sign = 'plus' return res
else return -1 * res
end function
val:= 0
if(input1 < 0) && if(input2 < 0)
for [i:=absolute_value_of(bigger_number);i!=0;i--]
do val+=smaller_number
return val;
if(a==0 || b==0)
return 0;
return s;
return -s;
How about this for integers:
int multiply(int a, int b)
int product = 0;
int i;
if ( b > 0 )
for(i = 0; i < b ; i++)
product += a;
for(i = 0; i > b ; i--)
product -= a;
return product;
I got here because I was looking for multiplication algorithm without using * operation. All I see here is just adding or subtracting number n-times. It's O(n) and it's ok, but...
If you have bitwise shift operations you can get O(log n) algorithm for multiplication.
Here is my pseudocode:
function mul(n, x)
if n < 0 then # 'n' cannot be negative
n := -n
x := -x
y := 0
while n != 0 do
if n % 2 == 0 then
x := x << 1 # x := x + x
n := n >> 1 # n := n / 2
y := y + x
x := x << 1 # x := x + x
n := n - 1 # n := (n-1)/2
n := n >> 1
return y # y = n * x
Remember that function above for mul(1000000, 2) is O(log 1000000) and for mul(2, 1000000) is only O(log 2).
Of course, you will get the same results, but keep in mind that the order of the parameters in function call does matter.
Edit: sidenote for using n % 2
Implementation of n % 2 using bitwise shift
It's pretty straightforward. First divide n by 2, then multiply n by 2 and check if n has changed. Pseudocode:
function is_even(n)
n_original := n
n := n >> 1 # n := n / 2
n := n << 1 # n := n * 2
if n = n_original then
return true # n is even
return false # n is not even
Implementation of n % 2 using bitwise and
function is_even(n)
if n and 1 = 0 then
return true
return false
