Springboot cache miss when caching a object - spring

While using Spring cache in my project, It results in cache miss when I am caching a complex java object (Tinker Graph) but works fine when caching a String. I am invoking these methods over rest thru a controller layer. Any ideas why this is the behavior ? My code is mostly similar to this tutorial.
For eg:
public TinkerGraph getGraph(String graphCode) {
// do something
// this methods results in cache miss everytime.
public String getGraphAsString(String graphCode) {
// this is working fine and the string result is getting cached.
return convertToString(getGraph(graphCode));
After some debugging I also tried setting up the caches during the startup and could see that the values are cached into the Concurrent Hashmap but still causes the cache miss when returning the Graph instance but works perfectly fine when returning String instance.
public TinkerGraph getGraph(String graphCode) {
return (TinkerGraph)someService.getGraph(graphCode);
public String getGraphAsString(String graphCode) {
return someService.getGraphAsString(graphCode);
public void initCache() {


Performance in microservice-to-microservice data transfer

I have controller like this:
public class StatisticsController {
private LeadFeignClient lfc;
private List<Lead> list;
private int getCount(#RequestParam(value = "count", defaultValue = "1") int countType) {
list = lfc.getLeads(AccessToken.getToken());
if (countType == 1) {
return MainEngine.getCount(list);
} else if (countType == 2) {
return MainEngine.getCountRejected(list);
} else if (countType == 3) {
return MainEngine.getCountPortfolio(list);
} else if (countType == 4) {
return MainEngine.getCountInProgress(list);
} else if (countType == 5) {
return MainEngine.getCountForgotten(list);
} else if (countType == 6) {
return MainEngine.getCountAddedInThisMonth(list);
} else if (countType == 7) {
return MainEngine.getCountAddedInThisYear(list);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Wrong mapping param");
private boolean getTrend() {
return MainEngine.tendencyRising(list);
It is basically a microservice that will handle statistics basing on list of 'Business Leads'. FeignClient is GETting list of trimmed to the required data leads. Everything is working properly.
My only concern is about performance - all of this statistics (countTypes) are going to be presented on the landing page of webapp. If i will call them one by one, does every call will retrieve lead list again and again? Or list will be somehow stored in temporary memory? I can imagine that if list become longer, it could take a while to load them.
I've tried to call them outside this method, by #PostConstruct, to populate list at the start of service, but this solution has two major problems: authentication cannot be handled by oauth token, retrieved list will be insensitive to adding/deleting leads, cause it is loaded at the beginning only.
The list = lfc.getLeads(AccessToken.getToken()); will be called with each GET request. Either take a look at caching the responses which might be useful when you need to obtain a large volume of data often.
I'd start here: Baeldung's: Spring cache tutorial which gives you an idea about the caching. Then you can take a look at the EhCache implementation or implement own interceptor putting/getting from/to external storage such as Redis.
The caching is the only way I see to resolve this: Since the Feign client is called with a different request (based on the token) the data are not static and need to be cached.
You need to implement a caching layer to improve performance. What you can do is, you can have cache preloaded immediately after application starts. This way you will have the response ready in the cache. I would suggest to go with Redis cache. But any cache will do the job.
Also, it will be better if you can move the logic of getCount() to some service class.

Spring Cache Abstraction with Hazelcast and time consuming method

How using the Spring Cache Abstraction handle the case, when I want to call method getNameTimeConsumingMethod but if the result is not in cache then I do not want to wait for execution this method and return the result method getNameIfNotInCache.
#Cacheable(value = "cacheName", key = "#key")
public String getNameTimeConsumingMethod(String key) {
//time consuming method
public String getNameIfNotInCache(String key) {
//fast method if cacheName does not have a key
Well, if the key is in cache, getNameTimeConsumingMethod won't be executed, because the result will be returned from cache.
If the key is not in cache, you want to execute getNameIfNotInCache.
What I conclude is, you don't want to execute anything inside getNameTimeConsumingMethod.
Then why don't you just call getNameIfNotInCache from getNameTimeConsumingMethod and return it?

Spring Web-Flux: How to return a Flux to a web client on request?

We are working with spring boot 2.0.0.BUILD_SNAPSHOT and spring boot webflux 5.0.0 and currently we cant transfer a flux to a client on request.
Currently I am creating the flux from an iterator:
public Flux<ItemIgnite> getAllFlux() {
Iterator<Cache.Entry<String, ItemIgnite>> iterator = this.getAllIterator();
return Flux.create(flux -> {
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
And on request I am simply doing:
#RequestMapping(value="/all", method=RequestMethod.GET, produces="application/json")
public Flux<ItemIgnite> getAllFlux() {
return this.provider.getAllFlux();
When I now locally call localhost:8080/all after 10 seconds I get a 503 status code. Also as at client when I request /all using the WebClient:
public Flux<ItemIgnite> getAllPoducts(){
WebClient webClient = WebClient.create("http://localhost:8080");
Flux<ItemIgnite> f = webClient.get().uri("/all").accept(MediaType.ALL).exchange().flatMapMany(cr -> cr.bodyToFlux(ItemIgnite.class));
return f;
Nothing happens. No data is transferred.
When I do the following instead:
public Flux<List<ItemIgnite>> getAllFluxMono() {
return Flux.just(this.getAllList());
#RequestMapping(value="/allMono", method=RequestMethod.GET, produces="application/json")
public Flux<List<ItemIgnite>> getAllFluxMono() {
return this.provider.getAllFluxMono();
It is working. I guess its because all data is already finished loading and just transferred to the client as it usually would transfer data without using a flux.
What do I have to change to get the flux streaming the data to the web client which requests those data?
I have data inside an ignite cache. So my getAllIterator is loading the data from the ignite cache:
public Iterator<Cache.Entry<String, ItemIgnite>> getAllIterator() {
return this.igniteCache.iterator();
adding flux.complete() like #Simon Baslé suggested:
public Flux<ItemIgnite> getAllFlux() {
Iterator<Cache.Entry<String, ItemIgnite>> iterator = this.getAllIterator();
return Flux.create(flux -> {
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
flux.complete(); // see here
Solves the 503 problem in the browser. But it does not solve the problem with the WebClient. There is still no data transferred.
using publishOn with Schedulers.parallel():
public Flux<ItemIgnite> getAllFlux() {
Iterator<Cache.Entry<String, ItemIgnite>> iterator = this.getAllIterator();
return Flux.<ItemIgnite>create(flux -> {
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
Does not change the result.
Here I post you what the WebClient receives:
value :[Item ID: null, Product Name: null, Product Group: null]
So it seems like he is getting One item (out of over 35.000) and the values are null and he is finishing after.
One thing that jumps out is that you never call flux.complete() in your create.
But there's actually a factory operator that is tailored to transform an Iterable to a Flux, so you could just do Flux.fromIterable(this)
Edit: in case your Iterator is hiding complexity like a DB request (or any blocking I/O), be advised this spells trouble: anything blocking in a reactive chain, if not isolated on a dedicated execution context using publishOn, has the potential to block not only the entire chain but other reactive processes has well (as threads can and will be used by multiple reactive processes).
Neither create nor fromIterable do anything in particular to protect from blocking sources. I think you are facing that kind of issue, judging from the hang you get with the WebClient.
The problem was my Object ItemIgnite which I transfer. The system Flux seems not to be able to handle this. Because If I change my original code to the following:
public Flux<String> getAllFlux() {
Iterator<Cache.Entry<String, ItemIgnite>> iterator = this.getAllIterator();
return Flux.create(flux -> {
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
Everything is working fine. Without publishOn and without flux.complete(). Maybe someone has an idea why this is working.

Spring batch reader - How to avoid returning a list of objects

So I have a spring batch app that I have getting a list of ids that it then uses 'read()' on to get 1 to many results back. The issue is, I have no control over how many results I get back for each id meaning that my chunking is spotty at best. Is there a suggested way to avoid spikes in memory/cpu? An example is below:
public void getIds() {
*getListOfIds* //Usually around 10,000 or so
public AccountObject read() {
if(list of ids havent all been used) {
List<AccountObject> myAccounts = myService.getAccounts(id);
return myAccounts; //This could be anywhere from 1 result to 100,000 results.
} else {
return null;
So the myAccounts object above could be small or huge. This causes chunking to basically be useless because at the moment I am chunking by List. I'd really rather chunk by straight AccountObject but don't see an easy way to do this.
Is there a class, strategy, etc. that I am missing here?

Can someone help me understand Guava CacheLoader?

I'm new to Google's Guava library and am interested in Guava's Caching package. Currently I have version 10.0.1 downloaded. After reviewing the documentation, the JUnit tests source code and even after searching google extensively, I still can't figure out how to use the Caching package. The documentation is very short, as if it was written for someone who has been using Guava's library not for a newbie like me. I just wish there are more real world examples on how to use Caching package propertly.
Let say I want to build a cache of 10 non expiring items with Least Recently Used (LRU) eviction method. So from the example found in the api, I build my code like the following:
Cache<String, String> mycache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
new CacheLoader<String, String>() {
public String load(String key) throws Exception {
return something; // ?????
Since the CacheLoader is required, I have to include it in the build method of CacheBuilder. But I don't know how to return the proper value from mycache.
To add item to mycache, I use the following code:
mycache.asMap().put("key123", "value123");
To get item from mycache, I use this method:
The get method will always return whatever value I returned from CacheLoader's load method instead of getting the value from mycache. Could someone kindly tell me what I missed?
Guava's Cache type is generally intended to be used as a computing cache. You don't usually add values to it manually. Rather, you tell it how to load the expensive to calculate value for a key by giving it a CacheLoader that contains the necessary code.
A typical example is loading a value from a database or doing an expensive calculation.
private final FooDatabase fooDatabase = ...;
private final LoadingCache<Long, Foo> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.build(new CacheLoader<Long, Foo>() {
public Foo load(Long id) {
return fooDatabase.getFoo(id);
public Foo getFoo(long id) {
// never need to manually put a Foo in... will be loaded from DB if needed
return cache.getUnchecked(id);
Also, I tried the example you gave and mycache.get("key123") returned "value123" as expected.
