How to send only one e-mail with mutiple pictures uploaded on power automate? - power-automate

I'm a bit of a noob regarding power automate and i'm trying to learn.
I've been tasked to create a form and link the information on a sharepoint list in a workgroup. So far, everything work but if a customer choose to upload more than one picture, when the e-mail is sent, if for example 4 pictures are sent, there will be 4 e-mail sent instead of one with the link of the picture in sharepoint.
Can someone help me or point me in the right direction in order to send only one e-mail with the link in the body for all the pictures uploaded?
Here's is a preview of my flow below.

All you have to do is first to iterate the pictures to assemble an HTML string which you can concatenate to include as many pictures you want, then after the iteration finish you can use a single email action to send your message on which you are going to place the HTML string variable that contains the output of the iteration.
I'm adding an screenshot so you can visualize the idea, notice I'm using only one Apply to each action instead of two because I don't know your data structure, however, this should work for nested Loops too, as long as you send the email action after all the loops finish (outside of them).
Edit: It doesn't have to be HTML code, it can be just text if all you want are the links.
I hope this can be of help.


Mailchimp: re-confirm subscribers with a one-click button

I have been sent an example of a mailchimp HTML email which allows users to re-express their wish to stay on a mailing list. It just contains a brief message and one big button "Opt In" which users simply have to click once. The code of the button is as follows:
<img src=3D"" height=3D"1" width=3D"1">
(Obviously I've changed the URL and ID parameters for security). I'm trying to work out how the sender has done this. I'm not clear whether the result of hitting this button moves the subscriber onto a new list, flags them in some way, or removes subscribers that haven't clicked the button after some time limit- but any of those would suit our needs.
After a long time searching the net and options within Mailchimp, I still can't work out how to do this?
The most relevant article I can find about "Reconfirming a list" is this, but it seems a very roundabout way of doing it, plus the example email I have received appears to have been sent with Mailchimp which goes against what the article says, PLUS the article's instructions is to provide a link to a signup form rather than an embedded one-click button within the email itself, which is what I want.
A way to track the reconfirmations of your mailing within mailchimp:
Create a new campaign for your old list. Add a button 'Yes I want to continue to be on this list' and 'No thanks, remove me from the list'. The buttons should point to two different urls that undisputedly match the intent (e.g. or; prepare them on your website with whatever message you want to give them.
Send the mail; Mailchimp will track the links clicked for every user (this is by default, check your settings if you might have changed this) (this is actually why I hate to be on mailchimp, but for today it's convenient).
Wait a few days (or just before you want to send your next mailing)
Go to 'Reports' and click on your latest campaign
Click on the numbers clicked link and then do for the 'continue' link: Download the list as CSV; upload this CSV to a new list which is now 'cleaned'
For the 'unsubscribe' button; download the list, open it in your spreadsheet program (Excel, LO Sheet), grab the e-mailadresses and unsubscribe them manually from old list.
You now have two lists: one cleaned with properly confirmed addresses and one with members you're not sure of. You could try again with your next mailing but at a certain point you probably have to discard your old list (actually, EU-focussed organizations already should've already discarded these lists, but if you're a small org you might get away with it (AT YOUR OWN RISK: THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVISE)).
But you may want some additional proof, because you don't have a list of who clicked what when. The risk is that someone someday might dispute his or her intent to be subscribed to your list. And the user dump you made from people who clicked on a link isn't really giving you much information that you can use and say, well at that day you did click on Subscribe. To the rescue is the MailChimp data dump (Click Username > Account > Settings > Manage my data), which actually gives you quite a simple table of timestamps, links and emailadresses. Will this hold in court? I really don't have a clue, it is easy to fake (it would've been better with ip-addresses etc), but at least it gives you some track record. Note that the data in mailchimp itself is not hard to fake, but maybe one day this data is gone, hence keep the MailChimp data dump.
(btw. before you do all this, maybe clean up your list beforehand:
Actually, I quit mailchimp in favor of MailingBoss, but I believe AWeber also does this... they have what's called a "capture email" that is unique to each list... if you connect a button to it by using "mailto" link ... then it opens the users default email client and pre-populates their main email in it. Once they send that email to your capture email, it ads their email to your list. Pretty sweet stuff for mobile users.
Here's a vid on it
I couldn't figure out how to achieve this with MailChimp ...but in regards to the technique you want to use, after reading the MailChimp documentation I believe that the person likely achieved it by simply using segmentation... anyone that clicked the button was segmented and then perhaps only that segment was sent their follow up emails or maybe even the the segment that didn't click the link was manually unsubscribed on the back end...

Form in Joomla website to run script

I'm new to Joomla and quite newbie to websites in general.
I want to provide the user a form with a couple of text-input widgets and some check-buttons. After the user fill them and hit the "Submit" button I want to run a (python) script in the background. The script will collect some data from the internet and make a specific plot. The plot is embebed in a HTML document (I'm using Bokeh here), which I should present back to the user.
And I need some help to figure out how to do it.
Doubt number 1: I saw that there are some Form extensions around (e.g, Form Maker), but do I need them?
Doubt number 2: How do I trigger the execution of a (python) script on my system, wait for its return and access the output (let's say output is called 'plot.html')
Doubt number 3: The output (plot.html), should I present it on a new tab of the user's client or may I embed at this point in the page where the form is (below the form, for example)?
Thank you
You could start by creating a small Joomla module. In its tmpl/default.php file, just create the form in HTML as you would with any other form - have the form submit to itself.
In the module's entry point mod_mymodule.php, use a conditional to check the form has been submitted, then use one of PHP's program executions functions, such as exec, to run your Python code, passing in the needed variables.
Finally display the your output HTML in tmpl/default.php passing it as a variable in from mod_mymodule.php.

Algorithm / API for converting HTML to email friendly HTML (for newsletters)

I'm sure this is a very old question, but I could not find a straight answer
I'm looking for a works-mostly algorithm to take regular HTML content, and make it email client friendly.
I can rewrite any nice DIV layout to table layout, this is OK, but is there anything that will do it for me?
Here are my concerns
Overflow content - gmail etc ignores any overflow:hidden, the algorithm should address it
Clipped images - same as above, but here the solution will probably be server side clipping
CSS / Script / non standard tags - the algorithm should remove but keep the general look and feel
DIV layout to table layout, I heard it's a must, but I'm sure it's not an easy task to automate
There are many HTML to PDF converters, but I could not find a good HTML to "HTEMAIL" converter
Is there any standard or proposed standard for HTML for email clients? or is it an open jungle out there?
There is no way to make a converter that will be cross email client compatible. The closest you can get is using templates and adding text in certain sections using php or .net
I've been creating emails for 6 months, and the amount of time you spend correcting email client differences is normally around 50% of the time you spend making the email.
Here is some reading that may help you:
As you can see from that last link there is no way to create an algorithm that can sort out all these issues.
Hope this helps
Another option that I've been using is to build the email in HTML or directly in Mailchimp. Once I'm happy with it, using Mailchimp, I click on preview and I get the email in a popup. The source code from the popup is email-client friendly (in tables). I then copy that code and use it for my emails.
Not ideal and a bit of trouble, but so far the best solution I can find.
And before people ask, I mostly us Mailchimp directly, but there is one situation that I have to kick it old school.

How to retrieve plain text from a formatted website to use in UIWebView

Not sure if what I want to do is possible, but what I am hoping to do is somehow gather certain pieces of text from a website, remove the header, footer, background, all formatting, and place it into my application in a scrollview or something similar...
I'll give you an example... Imagine I was making wikipedia's iPhone app, I want to download the information about the wiki on dogs, without the header, side bars etc, just the text. How would I go about doing this?
I understand that for this I have not provided any example code or what I've tried or started, but that's just because in this case I'm lost! That doesn't mean I want full chunks of code either. Any help will do. If this doesn't work, I will just have to make a 'mobile optimised' version of the webpages I want to include in my app.
(Edit: the term I was trying to use was 'strip the web page of its HTML coding')
You may be going about this the wrong way, or perhaps even asking the wrong question.
Does the target website have an API or datafeed of some kind?
Can you get the information you need in JSON or XML format directly from the site?
I think you've misunderstood the technology. HTML is merely the framwork on which the formatting and data is hung.
Parsing the HTML page seems like an awfully big headache, I doubt you'll ever be able to get it to work, because almost all sites these days are partially or wholly generated on the server side, the page is only the result.
Some sites hide the information in memory and others get it dynamically through ajax for example, which means that simply trying to get the data by parsing the HTML will get zero data.
Another issue you should be aware of though, is that simply copying the data from generated websites may open yourself up to copyright issues.
You have to parse the html code and search for the part that you want and "throw" away the part that you do not need. This is more or less like bruteforcing and the code of the website should not change otherwise you are screwed. So you have to write the parser by hand with this method. But maybe there is a atom or rss feed and you can parse this one. This will be much more easier and you are not depending on the website layout because the rss/atom feed is just about the data. For parsing rss you could try out NSXMLParser.
And then you have to make a valid html page out of the data and present it in the UIWebView

Facebook Game Function, Optimizin a Call, and Loading Bar

I am attempting to make a Facebook game and trying to replicate a common function that I usually find in many other Facebook game (a call to my website and illusionary image that is a loading bar).
The function should do the following:
User clicks on Button
Animated Gif Appears (Loading Bar)
Button Update User's Status
Animated Gif Disappears
Facebook Canvas page is updated
The code I currently have can be found at <dead link>
I am having trouble thinking of Step 2 and 4.
I need to optimize Step 5.
To clarify what happens on Step 5. I have Box 1 which has my stats. And Box 2 which has my points. I click on Box 1. This should update Box 1 with 1 points, and update Box 2; minus a point. (Clicking on Box 1, concurrently update both boxes)
I have successfully done this, but it is quite slow. I was wondering if there are alternative way that may be faster than what I am currently doing.
Script Updated with Mark-up. <dead link>
I've found a quick way to optimize the call. Rather than querying for data that I already have query, I will be using the first query to grab most of my data rather than querying it when I update.
It would help greatly to see the document markup (XHTML) where you have your elements and the calls to your javascript functions.
For steps 2 and 4 I recommend using the visibility attribute rather than display, or having the loading bar in an fb:js-string and using elem.setInnerFbml when you begin loading and once you have your response data, simply update it to the new content (you don't need an explicit loading_finish function in this case).
In your get_skillpoint function, you set parameters in an object and then you specify the action parameter again in the URL you are posting to as a URL query param - you may end up with one value overwriting the other, depending on how you access these values on the server side. I would recommend using different names for these two parameters if they are not the same. Also, why are you trying to send separate GET and POST variable sets? You should put everything in the POST and simply leave out the URL query string. I vaguely remember losing data that way in the past (vaguely, mind you).
If you can post your markup I'll update my answer with any light it sheds on the problem. It might be slow simply because Facebook isn't blinding fast when it comes to FBJS and AJAX. Also, FBML being returned must be preprocessed in the FB proxy before your app gets it, which adds a bit of lag; it's a bit faster to return JSON and just pull the data needed out of it, then place the appropriate pieces into an existing element or make use of fb:js-string.
