Distributed MINIO deployment duplicates server in pool - minio

I want to run minio cluster for tests, this cluster should contain 2 servers with 4 drives each.
For this purpose was selected minio setup as systemd service.
Both servers has same configuration in /etc/default/minio file:
# Volume to be used for MinIO server.
# Use if you want to run MinIO on a custom port.
#MINIO_OPTS="--address :9199"
# Root user for the server.
# Root secret for the server.
Minio start is ok, cluster is working, but for some reason admin console shows that there're 3 servers in the cluster and one is always offine. When I open minio console on, it shows third server with same ip:
Server has same picture but this time it has its own clone:
Lots of errors produced in minio logs about third server offline.
My question is why minio duplicates its instance and how to fix this?

The problem was in server url definition. MINIO_VOLUMES must contain port for every server pool address. If its not it starts somehow and tries to find extra server on port 80


Is there a way using non continuous ip and path for minio server pool and cluster

I need make a minio cluster on servers which are in use, so I can't change ip or mount pointon of those servers.
So, I can't use this "http://host{o...z}/export{1...m}" syntax, for IPs and PATHs are not continuous.
I know that for single server pool, minio can accept non continuous IP and PATH, like this:
./minio server http://x.x.x.182:/data1 http://x.x.x.184:/data3 http://x.x.x.186:/data5 http://x.x.x.188:/data7
Is there a way to bend the rule for cluster? Or maybe a fork that accept non continuous IP and PATH.
When you expand MinIO server using pools you can run the command like
minio server
http://minio{1...4}.example.net:9000/mnt/disk{1...4}/minio http://minio{5...12}.example.net:9000/mnt/disk{1...8}/minio
Here the MinIO server hosts with sequential hostnames which can be mapped to non-continuous ip using the etc/hosts file.
You can configure not continuous ip address to continuous host names and use the pools.
The MinIO team is available on their public slack channel or by email to answer questions 24/7/365.

Nomad and consul setup

Should I run consul slaves alongside nomad slaves or inside them?
The later might not make sense at all but I'm asking it just in case.
I brought my own nomad cluster up with consul slaves running alongside nomad slaves (inside worker nodes), my deployable artifacts are docker containers (java spring applications).
The issue with my current setup is that my applications can't access consul slaves (to read configurations) (none of, localhost, worker node ip worked)
Lets say my service exposes 8080, I configured docker part (in hcl file) to use bridge as network mode. Nomad maps 8080 to 43210.
Everything is fine until my service tries to reach the consul slave to read configuration. Ideally giving nomad worker node IP as consul host to Spring should suffice. But for some reason it's not.
I'm using latest version of nomad.
I configured my nomad slaves like https://github.com/bmd007/statefull-geofencing-faas/blob/master/infrastructure/nomad/client1.hcl
And the link below shows how I configured/ran my consul slave:
Note: if I use static port mapping and host as the network mode for docker (in nomad) I'll be fine but then I can't deploy more than one instance of each application in each worker node (due to port conflic)
Nomad jobs listen on a specific host/port pair.
You might want to ssh into the server and run docker ps to see what host/port pair the job is listening on.
a93c5cb46a3e image-name bash 2 hours ago Up 2 hours>8000/tcp,>8000/udp foo-bar
Additionally, you will need to ensure that the consul nomad job is listening on port, or the specific ip of the machine. I believe that is this config value: https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/options.html#_bind
All those will need to match up in order to consul to be reachable.
More generally, I might recommend: if you're going to run consul with nomad, you might want to switch to host networking, so that you don't have to deal with the specifics of the networking within a container. Additionally, you could schedule consul as a system job so that it is automatically present on every host.
So I managed to solve the issue like this:
nomad.job.group.network.mode = host
nomad.job.group.network.port: port "http" {}
nomad.job.group.task.driver = docker
nomad.job.group.task.config.network_mode = host
nomad.job.group.task.config.ports = ["http"]
nomad.job.group.task.service.connect: connect { native = true }
nomad.job.group.task.env: SERVER_PORT= "${NOMAD_PORT_http}"
nomad.job.group.task.env: SPRING_CLOUD_CONSUL_HOST = "localhost"
Running consul agent (slaves) using docker-compose alongside nomad agent (slave) with host as network mode + exposing all required ports.
Example of nomad job: https://github.com/bmd007/statefull-geofencing-faas/blob/master/infrastructure/nomad/location-update-publisher.hcl
Example of consul agent config (docker-compose file): https://github.com/bmd007/statefull-geofencing-faas/blob/master/infrastructure/server2.yml
Disclaimer: The LAB is part of Cluster Visualization Framework called: LiteArch Trafik which I have created as an interesting exercise to understand Nomad and Consul.
It took me long time to shift my mind from K8S to Nomad and Consul,
Integration them was one of my effort I spent in the last year.
When service resolution doesn't work, I found out it's more or less the DNS configuration on servers.
There is a section for it on Hashicorp documentation called DNS Forwarding
Hashicorp DNS Forwarding
I have created a LAB which explains how to set up Nomad and Consul.
But you can use the LAB seperately.
I created the LAB after learning the hard way how to install the cluster and how to integrate Nomad and Consul.
With the LAB you need Ubuntu Multipass installed.
You execute one script and you will get full functional Cluster locally with three servers and three nodes.
It shows you as well how to install docker and integrate the services with Consul and DNS services on Ubuntu.
After running the LAB you will get the links to Nomad, Fabio, Consul.
Hopefully it will guide you through the learning process of Nomad and Consul
Trafik:Trafik Visualizer

Make k8s cluster services available to local docker containers

I'm used to connect to my cluster using telepresence and access cluster services locally.
Now, I need to make services in the cluster available to a group of applications that are running in docker containers locally. We can say that it's the inverse use case.
I've an app that is running in a docker container. It access services that are deploy using docker-compose. It has been done by using a network:
docker network create myNetwork
// Make app 1 to use it
docker network connect myNetwork app1
// App 2 uses docker compose, so myNetwork is defined in it and here I just:
docker-compose up
My app1 access correctly the containers/services running in app2. However, I still need it to access a service from my cluster!
I've tried make a tunnel from my host to the cluster with telepresence and then try to access the service as if it were in my host. However it seems not to work. If I go into my app1 container and do a curl to see if the service name resolves:
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: my_cluster_service_name
Is my approach wrong? Am I missing an operation or consideration? How could I accomplish it?
Docker version: Docker version 19.03.8 for Mac
I've find a way to solve the problem.
Instead of trying to use telepresence as for the inverse use case, solution comes by using a port-forward with k9s. When creating it, it's important to do not leave the default interface, that is set to localhost, and put instead to ensure that it listens traffic from all interfaces.
Then I've changed my containers from inside, making the services to point to my host's IP when trying to resolve the service names. Use the method that better fits your case for this: since it's not a production environment I just tried hardcoding my host IP manually to check if the connectivity was achieved.
To point to an specific service of your cluster you need to use different ports since they will be all mapped to your host with different port-forwards. Name resolving is no longer needed.
With this configuration, your container request will reach your host, where the port-forward routes it to the cluster. Connectivity is OK with this setup and the problem is solved.

consul: how many agents for services

I am playing a little with Docker and Consul and i have a couple of questions regarding agent-service mapping especially in docker environment. Assume i have a service name "myGreatService" being simple web nodejs helloworld application encapsulated with docker image named "myGreatServiceImage". From Consul docs i did understand that when you register a service (through HTTP or service definition file) than service is about to be "wired" to agent/consul node (the wired node can be retrieved via /v1/catalog/service/). So if a consul node is down (or node health check decided it is down) than all services "wired" to that consule node will automatically be marked as down. Am i right ?
If i run my GreatServiceImage image multiple times on a single host via docker (resulting of multiple instances of "myGreatService" service)
how many agents shall I run ?
A single per host managing all containers (all service instances) on that host? Or maybe a separate agent for each container (service instance) ?
If a health check for a service fails then the service will be marked as down and won't show up if you do a DNS query for that service
dig #localhost -p 8500 apache.service.consul
If you do a call to the api you will see that the service is still listed. This is because the service is not removed, it is just marked as down. If you would do an api call to check the health of that service it would be shown as down.
curl localhost/v1/catalog/service/apache
curl localhost/v1/health/service/apache
You can add the ?passing flag to that last call to recieve only the healthy services. (just like the dns query)
curl localhost/v1/health/service/apache?passing
If the consul agent on the host fails then all services running on that host won't show up if you query consul for the services. (either via a dns query or via the api).
As for the number of agents you should be running: Run one consul agent per host. Let your services register themselves via the api of your local consul agent. (or preconfigure all your services in the config files, but I recommend you to make this a dynamic process of self registering)

Docker Minecraft Host

I am trying to host Minecraft servers in docker containers on an ec2 instance, and point a different subdomain to each container, for example
a.example.com -> container 1
b.example.com -> container 2
c.example.com -> container 3
...and so on.
If these containers were running a website, I could forward the traffic with Apache, or node-http-proxy, etc. But because these servers are running TCP services, I cannot route the traffic this way.
Is this possible? And if so, how?
The Minecraft client has supported SRV DNS records for a while now (since 1.3.1 according to google). I suggest you assign your Docker containers a stable set of port mapping with the -p flag, and then create SRV records for each FQDN pointing to the same IP but different ports.
Google gives several hits on the SRV entry format - this one is from the main MCF site: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1922138-using-srv-records-to-hide-ports-on-your-server-ip/
I have four MC servers running on the same physical host with a single IP address, each with a separate friendly entry for players to use in the Minecraft client, so none of my users need to remember a port. It did cause confusion for a couple of my more technical players when they had a connectivity issue, tested with dig/ping, then thought the DNS resolution was broken when there was no A record to be found. Overall, I think that's a very small downside.
Doesn't HAProxy http://haproxy.1wt.eu/ route tcp traffic?
