Graphql upload file shows as empty object - graphql

when I'm trying to upload file via Graphql mutation (apollo-angular) with parameter $file: Upload!, the variable value is shown as an empty object in developer tools:
But I'm checking the value of the variable right before the request and the value is correct, it is in fact a File, not an empty object.
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import { Apollo } from 'apollo-angular';
mutation: gql`
variables: {
file <-- Here the value is correct, it is a File
context: {
hasUpload: true,
useMultipart: true
Code is simplified for the sake of this example.
Is it just developer tools issue, am I doing something wrong or what is the problem please?

You have to config the Apollo client with this:
import { createUploadLink } from 'apollo-upload-client'
const link = createUploadLink(/* Options */)


Gatsby - Cannot query field on type Error when field in CMS is empty

I found out that this is known problem with Strapi + Gatsby setup, but I found some articles about how to get rid of that error like the following ones:
And indeed it helped with the bug itself, but caused another. At the moment when I fill the field inside the CMS graphql cannot see it and interprets it as null.
Without gatsby-node.ts:
And With gatsby-node.ts:
import type { GatsbyNode } from 'gatsby'
export const sourceNodes: GatsbyNode['sourceNodes'] = async ({ actions }) => {
const { createTypes } = actions
const typeDefs = `
type STRAPI__COMPONENT_BASE_HERO implements Node {
backgroundVideo: STRAPI__MEDIA

Getting an error when having heuristic fragment matching with Apollo & Nuxt.js

I am trying to connect the below graphql query with nuxtjs.
query getContent($slug: String!) {
contents (filters: { slug: { eq: $slug } }) {
data {
attributes {
content {
... on ComponentContentParagraph {
I am getting the following error and not getting the result from the query.
You are using the simple (heuristic) fragment matcher, but your queries contain union or interface types. Apollo Client will not be able to accurately map fragments. To make this error go away, use the `IntrospectionFragmentMatcher` as described in the docs:
I have checked the questions and answers available here.
Apollo+GraphQL - Heuristic Fragment Manual Matching
I have followed the docs from apollo as well.
I managed to generate possibleTypes as mentioned in the docs.
Here is my next config.
apollo: {
includeNodeModules: true,
clientConfigs: {
default: "~/graphql/default.js",
This is the default.js
import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-cache-inmemory";
import possibleTypes from "./possibleTypes.json";
export default () => {
return {
httpEndpoint: process.env.BACKEND_URL || "http://localhost:1337/graphql",
cache: new InMemoryCache({ possibleTypes }),
I am using strapi for the backend and this query works fine when running from graphql interface.

How to create custom graphql scalars on Nestjs? Graphql Scalars

I am implementing a framework using Nestjs on Apollo Server using GraphQL and I would like to use some custom GraphQL scalars. I found this site,, which is helpful for importing custom scalars without actually implementing them as written on To be specific, I would like to use BigInt, Time, and URL.
From the docs on the quick start page, I am uncertain where the code belongs at. Should I code this at app.module.ts?
// or import specific typeDefs only with ES6 Import
import { ScalarNameTypeDefinition } from 'graphql-scalars';
// or import specific typeDefs only with CommonJS
const { ScalarNameTypeDefinition } = require('graphql-scalars');
// or import all typeDefs once with ES6 Import
import { typeDefs as scalarTypeDefs } from 'graphql-scalars';
// or import all typeDefs once with CommonJS
const { typeDefs: scalarTypeDefs } = require('graphql-scalars');
const typeDefs = [
// other typeDefs
// or
const typeDefs = [
// other typeDefs
my current GraphQLModule:
driver: ApolloDriver,
typePaths: ['./**/**/**/*.graphql'],
definitions: {
path: join(process.cwd(), 'src/graphql.ts'),
outputAs: 'class',
How about the resolver map? Where should the code belong at? assets.resolver.ts? I also don't understand where this code belongs to?
In short, how to use graphql-scalars package in the Nestjs framework on Apollo Server? Is there any open-source GitHub repository to look into?
Have a look here NestJs Import a custom scalar
This is how my app.module.ts looks:
import { BigIntResolver, DateResolver, DateTimeResolver } from 'graphql-scalars';
driver: ApolloDriver,
typePaths: ['./**/*.graphql'],
definitions: {
path: join(process.cwd(), 'src/graphql/graphql-types.ts'),
customScalarTypeMapping: {
BigInt: 'bigint',
DateTime: 'Date',
resolvers: {
BigInt: BigIntResolver,
Date: DateResolver,
DateTime: DateTimeResolver,
playground: true,
debug: true,
In my .graphql file I can then use those types:
scalar BigInt
scalar Date
scalar DateTime
input WorkperiodContent {
editedAt: DateTime
startDate: Date
endDate: Date
After I did this I could successfully run queries on the GraphQL Playground using those new scalars.
You don't even need to create your own custom scalar. You can just import the three that you need and you are good to go.

ButterCMS: Unknown field on RootQueryType

Hello Im trying to query data into Gatsby from ButterCMS by following the documentation in gatsby-source-buttercms( But got the error "unknown field allButterJob on RootQueryType". I dont know what i did wrong. Someone please take a look at this for me. Here's my gatsby-config.js:
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: 'Gatsby Default Starter',
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-source-buttercms',
options: {
authToken: '2a926fdcab34e736332a54e24649cedbaf5d0e89',
contentFields: {
keys: [ // Comma delimited list of content field keys.
test: 0 // Optional. Set to 1 to enable test mode for viewing draft content.
Here's where i made the query:
import React from 'react'
import Link from 'gatsby-link'
import HeaderlineSection from '../components/headerlineSection'
import FeatureSection from '../components/featureSection'
import TeamSection from '../components/teamSection'
import NewsSection from '../components/newsSection'
import CareerSection from '../components/careerSection'
const IndexPage = ({data}) => (
<HeaderlineSection />
<FeatureSection />
<TeamSection />
<NewsSection />
<CareerSection />
export default IndexPage
export const query = graphql`
query IndexPageQuery{
RootQueryType is the top level “item” in your GraphQL schema (Gatsby v1 sets this up). So the relevant part of the error here is “unknown field allButterJob”, which is pretty self explanatory: the field/type you're trying to query doesn't exist at the top level.
It's likely that it's there under a different name. Usually I hop into Graphiql (localhost:8000/___graphql if you're running gatsby develop under the standard port), where you will see something like this in the sidebar (click on the Docs link if it isn't showing):
From here you can click on “Query” to drill down into it. (Note that this screenshot is from a Gatshy v2 app, so instead of RootQueryType it's just listed as Query.) That'll pull up a list of the fields available on Query (or in your case, RootQueryType) that looks something like this:
In this example, allSitePage is a top-level field available to query like this:
query AnythingYouLikeHere {
allSitePage {
edges {
node {

Apollo GraphQL: Multiple Queries in One Component?

I have a component that needs to query two entirely separate tables. What do the schema, query and resolver need to look like in this case? I've googled but haven't found examples yet. Thanks in advance for any info.
On Slack I see there may be a way to use compose for this purpose, e.g.:
export default compose(
Is there a way to have multiple declarations like this:
const withMutations = graphql(updateName, {
props({ mutate }) {
return {
updatePrintListName({ printListId, name }) {
return mutate({
variables: { printListId, name },
...that come before the call to export default compose?
The graphql function takes an optional second argument that allows you to alias the passed down property name. If you have multiple mutations you can use the name property to rename mutate as needed:
import { graphql, compose } from 'react-apollo'
export default compose(
graphql(mutation1, { name: 'createSomething' }),
graphql(mutation2, { name: 'deleteSomething' }),
For more details see the complete API.
