solana install on Ubuntu - where is it installed to? - solana

I tried to follow steps both
(base) xxx#xxx:~/dev/nft/metaplex/metaplex/js/packages/cli$ sudo sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"
[sudo] password for xxx:
downloading v1.8.1 installer
Install is up to date.
1.8.1 is the latest compatible release
Please update your PATH environment variable to include the solana programs:
I updated $PATH, but no joy. I got no installation error but command prompt can't find solana.
b. I then also tried steps here
(base) xxx#xxx:~/.local/share$ sudo snap install solana --beta --devmode
solana (beta) 0+git.ca12fac from Michael Vines (mvines) installed
(base) xxx#xxx~/.local/share$ solana --version
solana: command not found
Where was solana installed to actually? I can't find it.

Typically, the setup script that you ran in the first step installs the solana CLI in $HOME/.local/share/solana/install/active_release/bin/ and then adds it to your PATH in $HOME/.profile.
As an easy fix, you can logout and log back in to pick up the change.

I think the issue comes from that you updated the $PATH variable in wrong location.
In many cases, we have two options /home/[username]/.bashrc and /home/[username]/.profile to update the $PATH variable.
When I was installing solana tool suite, I updated the /home/[username]/.profile.
In other word, I inserted export PATH="/home/[username]/.local/share/solana/install/active_release/bin:$PATH" at the end of .profile.
And it worked.
I think you should try this way if you didn't yet.
About the options of terminals(bash, etc) and $PATH variable, I recommend to take a look at Where is PATH variable set in Ubuntu?


"You don't have [PATH ]in your PATH, gem executables will not run." while using "gem install --user-install bundler"

I was trying to install jekyll in my Mac and got the warning as following:
WARNING: You don't have /Users/Carrot/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin in
your PATH, gem executables will not run.
I checked through gem list and it shows it is installed; and I can find the jekyll through the path "/Users/Carrot/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin". I read a post which seems like my situation. I would like to know if it's a must to go through sudo? I now prefer to uninstall everything (since it also installed sass and bunch of things at the same time) and go through homebrew. How can I do the uninstallation?
Many thanks!
For those who have problems with #lamech-desai answer, (actually, when they do Desai's commands, it apparently works temporarily for them).
So you can easily do these:
open ~/.bshrc if you would like to use bash or ~/.zshrc if your are using zsh or etc...
$ sudo nano .bashrc ## bash users
$ sudo nano .zshrc ## zsh users
then copy and past these two lines of code at the end of the .*rc file:
export GEM_HOME="$(ruby -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')"
export PATH="$PATH:$GEM_HOME/bin"
then simply press ctrl+s and ctrl+x. This will save the changes to .bashrc but you won't see them immediately - directly on your next shell login with your current user. One way to see the changes immediately is to switch user to root with su root and then switch back to your previous user with su <username> - and voila, your .bashrc will be reloaded. You can also check this with echo $PATH.
Thanks to #lamech-desai for great answer
If you are using arch linux just use the commands below in your terminal
[user~]$ export GEM_HOME="$(ruby -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')"
[user~]$ export PATH="$PATH:$GEM_HOME/bin"
[user~]$ gem list
[user~]$ gem update
You need to add the directory to your PATH environment variable
If you are on a Mac like me, you need to add the PATH to the PATH environmental variable. You can do it with export command:
export PATH="/Users/Carrot/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin:$PATH"
If you wanna know more about this process, here is a blog post about this: Adding a Path to the Linux PATH Variable
Probably a bit odd to answer my own question but I did finally fix it somehow like a blind fly. I hope to write down the experience maybe who else is totally like me as a absolute beginner with everything wouldn't get struggling overnight.
Stage 1: from gem to homebrew (failed)
At the beginning, I did remove items that install in gem item-by-item, then I install brew-gem to do it. At some stage, it work for jekyll but not my theme. It kept popping out I didn't install a package that the theme needs even I installed it manually. So in the end, I remove everything related to jekyll from homebrew.
Stage 2: back to gem (very long path but finally made it)
I later found a page tell step-by-step to install jekyll. I am using OSX 10.13 (High Sierra) that cause me the permission problem. So I just granted access with this line:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/*
The * is a must or it won't work. I did the same to the ruby part
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/*
After that I install jekyll and bundler carefully following the instruction. And install the packages that the theme needs manually through gem install, which you can find at the Gemfile. I got the problem of jekyll-sitemap similar as this, I followed the method to install pygment.rb through gem install pygments.rb. And now my site is locally work.

Install snap on Ubuntu Precise

After a purchase of ARK-20-S8A11E, i find out that it only supports ubuntu 12.04 and that network manager uses snap which only availale on ubuntu 14 onward. I need Mobilemanager to collect information of an LTE module integrated in the PC.
For that, i tried to install snap from source.
I needed "go", and with apt-get install golang, the last version installed on precise is go1. and snap uses go1.6 onward version.
Therefore, i installed the latest version of go from sources. It is well installed, the output of go --version is : go version go1.11.4 linux/amd, and tested a basid hello.go.
I followed this link for snap installation:
The build command " sudo -E go build -o /tmp/snap" give an output as the "go command not found".
The GOPATH and PATH are well verified, the go env also.
Could you please help me sort this issue?
Thank you,
sudo is the troublemaker here. When sudoing the $PATH env var is replaced with the secure_path from /etc/sudoers (see this and this.)
Either do not run go as sudo, add the go path to the secure_path or include the full path to go in your command (sudo -E /usr/local/bin/go build -o /tmp/snap

How to put psql on the path when using on OS X?

I've installed Postgres93 on my Mac. I can open the application, and "Open psql" through the app which opens up a command line interface with psql.
However, when I type $ which psql nothing is returned. The installation path is /Applications/ How do I make $ which psql show the correct result?
Mac OS X - Mavericks
PostgreSQL package, I'm not as sure about. I went here and downloaded it -
I just had postgres installed and was not able to run the psql command until I ran the following command in my terminal:
export PATH="/Applications/$PATH"
Now the terminal knows where to find postgres when I use the psql command.
Remember to replace the version number '9.5' with your current version.
I had the same problem with nothing showing for the which psql command till I run the command below to resolve it. The command provided below is just a little tweak of what has already been provided by others here. The only difference is, instead of providing a specific postgres version number in the command, you can simply tell postgres to use the latest postgres version by simply running the following command:
And now my terminal was able to find the path to postgres when I run which psql.
Hope this helps.
On macOS Mojave these instructions work well:
If your Postgres has not been installed yet, I suggest you use the great "brew" package manager from here :
$ brew cask install postgres
or you can install it usual way from the website
Put this to the bottom of your ~/.bash_profile file:
export PATH="/Applications/${PATH}"
Restart your terminal or restart your ~/.bash_profile directly with the command:
$ . ~/.bash_profile
Verify your installation:
$ psql --version
** Edited: to include a permanent fix, not just during your current session. **
I had this same problem, and also found a clear answer lacking in the docs.
To fix:
Download the new app, and follow the instructions to move it to the Applications folder
Add the new bundle to your path by typing the following in your Terminal (version number specific - mine is 9.4):
To fix the issue on a permanent basis, run the same line but with export in front:
export PATH="/Applications/$PATH"
It appears that you installed Heroku's, which is a tool intended for throw-away testing and development. Add the contents of the bundle to your PATH by following the instructions in the documentation - see "command line tools".
On macos mojave i've added the following line on my ~/.profile :
export PATH=$PATH:/Library/PostgreSQL/10/bin
the psql command line client lies into this folder. i've used the enterprisedb installer.
I just experienced the same problem, and solved it by adding export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/ to .bash_profile. Note that this line is version-specific, so be sure to check this line against your current version of
Using Mac OS Monterey, the latest Homebrew (3.4.0) and postgres#13.
I was able to add psql to the path by using -
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/Cellar/postgresql#13/13.6/bin:$PATH"
Replace #13 and 13.6 with your version.
The latest homebrew install location seems to be /opt/homebrew/*
I'm using catalina 10.15.3 and I had the same issue after installing psql using homebrew. Then I noticed, homebrew mentioned
==> libpq
libpq is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
because conflicts with postgres formula.
If you need to have libpq first in your PATH run:
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/libpq/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
So, I ran 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/libpq/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile and psql was added to my path
In Mac, there is a SQL Shell application already under /Applications/PostgresSQL
try that
Also, you can run /Library/PostgreSQL/11/scripts/
In my case, I installed Postgres12 and had the same issue. I had to look out for the location of my bin folder. It happened to be in /Applications/2ndQuadrant/PostgreSQL/12/bin. So I had to run export PATH="/Applications/2ndQuadrant/PostgreSQL/12/bin:$PATH" in my terminal and restart the terminal. That solved it.

The git user is unable to execute bundle during GitLab installation

I am trying to install GitLab on a Debian Wheezy and experiencing an issue I don't understand.
Following the install guide for version 5.0:
step 1: was run as explained
step 2: I used rvm (multi-user install) instead (ruby-1.9.3-p392)
steps 3 to 5: were run as explained (MySQL chosen)
step 6: everything works fine until the "Install Gems" section, where I get the following error:
/home/git/gitlab$ sudo -u git -H bundle install --deployment --without development test postgres
sudo: unable to execute /usr/local/bin/bundle: No such file or directory
I run this as my normal user (in the sudo and rvm groups), and the git user is not a sudoer.
I think that the line sudo gem install bundler, in step 2, does not grant the git user to execute bundle properly, but I don't know how to fix this.
I probably did something wrong but cannot figure out what it is, as I tried to respect the standard instructions as close as possible.
Any clue about this? Thanks, I am losing hope...
For information, I have written to the GitLab mailing-list about this problem but did not get any answer. Moreover, last time I asked something similar on ServerFault, I have been advised to post on StackOverflow instead... hence this question :)
When I do $ which bundle, I get /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p392/bin/bundle.
The git user has been created with the --disabled-login flag and thus I cannot login as git to run bundle.
When I do $ sudo -u git bundle, I get
sudo: unable to execute /usr/local/bin/bundle: No such file or directory
That means git user has not /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p392/bin in its PATH, and you cannot modify its .profile or .bashrc because of the --disabled-login flag.
It seems that running sudo -i -u git bundle instead of sudo -u git bundle does the trick
That is the safest route, and will execute the command as git, but will simulate first an initial login, using the PATH defined in .profile and .bashrc of user root.
See "How does sudo search the path for executable?" for more.
On my local machine after upgrade from 6.4 to 7.7 I had such issue.
The compilation of ruby was made under root account.
So need permissions to read compiled ruby and installed bundle.
chmod ugo+rx /usr/local/bin/bundle
chmod -R ugo+rX /usr/local/lib/ruby/
In production mode You could be more strict.

MongoDB installed via Homebrew not working

I installed MongoDB via Homebrew (following but it's not working.
Typing mongod at shell prompt gives me:
-bash: mongod: command not found
Not sure if I need to add something for Homebrew to my PATH env var?
I can see Mongo is installed under /usr/local/Cellar/mongodb – but am assuming I don't need to add everything I install via homebrew to the path? Also, assuming I can run mongod from any directory or am I actually meant to be in install directory?
When I run brew doctor I get:
Warning: You have unlinked kegs in your Cellar
Followed by a list of 3 items which includes MongoDB – but I'm not sure how I'm meant to link them?
Works perfectly
brew update
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community#4.2
For latest version, check
You're getting this error because your 'brew' install failed to create the correct symlinks in /usr/local/bin. As a result, the shell can't find the mongo executables in your $PATH. You can fix this using the following steps:
Check the permissions on /usr/local/bin and make sure that you own that directory and have write permissions on it
$ ls -ld /usr/local/bin
Once you've fixed that, run 'brew link' to fix the symlinks
$ brew link mongodb
If you are on mongodb-community#4.0. You can try to reinstall with brew reinstall mongodb-community#4.0.
Then I get the following hint:
==> Caveats
mongodb-community#4.0 is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
because this is an alternate version of another formula.
If you need to have mongodb-community#4.0 first in your PATH run:
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/mongodb-community#4.0/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
So you can just copy the echo command and restart your shell!
Copied from a different channel running these commands in the terminal updated the installation/configuration issues as described in OP
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community
brew services start mongodb-community
I faced the same problem and this solution seemed to work for me. I had previously uninstalled mongodb and reinstalled it through homebrew which gave me a bunch of problems. This solution seemed to work just fine.
brew uninstall --force mongodb
brew cleanup -s mongodb
brew cleanup --prune-prefix
brew install mongodb
It works from the directory since the sh searches the ENV path and then the cwd for a program named mongod. I have been looking around a little and it seems that the default install of MongoDB (I am not a Mac user) does not install a rc or init script for which sh to understand it's running behaviour as stated here:
The packages installed with Homebrew and MacPorts contain no control
scripts or interaction with the system’s process manager.
If you have configured Homebrew and MacPorts correctly, including
setting your PATH, the MongoDB applications and utilities will be
accessible from the system shell. Start the mongod process in a
terminal (for testing or development) or using a process management
So you must actually define (as you said) MongoDBs path, here is an example:
Edit: the example is not mine. I just stole it from it's user:
