How to delete a file in Azure blob storage - go

I'm having a hard time finding examples of deleting a file stored in Azure blob storage using Go. The only example is a code extract here showing how to delete the entire container.
Any help is appreciated and if possible may you share links to resources with more detailed examples in Go.

In the azblob package I see that there is a Delete method for the BlobUrl type, which marks the blob for deletion during the GC. It internally refers to the Delete Blob API call.


Azure cognitive search indexer blob storage

I am stuck in a complicated situation and appreciate that if somebody can help.
So I was testing indexing blob storage( pdf files) and indexed a copy of my storage in qa environment that cost me some money.
My question is that:
Is there any solution to use this index in production without indexing again?
I found a solution to copy the index and that works fine but when I add an indexer that is connect to production blob storage it start indexing from scratch again( as I expected). Is there any solution to avid this? Is there any solution to ask indexer to index from now on?
I tried to use the index and the indexer that I already have by changing the subscription to prod. But I have to change the data source for indexer to point at production blob storage and in this case I get an error :
Indexer 'filesIndexer' currently references data source 'qafilesds' and cannot be updated to reference a different datasource 'prodfilesds' because it has a non-empty change tracking state, or it is currently in progress. You can use Reset API to reset the indexer's change tracking state when it is no longer in progress, and retry this call.
A simple answer to your first question is to simply use the qa index you built.
A more complicated answer is to switch from the push model you are using now to a pull model. From your explanation above I assume all of your content comes from blob storage. And you have configured an indexer to do the indexing for you. This is known as the pull model.
The alternative is to use the Azure Cognitive Search SDK to write your own application that submits content to the index instead. In this case you do not use the built-in indexer, only the index itself. Then you are free to use whatever logic you want to determine what to index and what to skip. You can even enable your storage accounts to notify your application with events when content is updated.

Quick Way to Bluk Copy Azure Blobs

I have about 40,000 blobs in azure storage, they have been given the wrong file extension. They have been uploaded with the filename <name>.png and I need to correct the name to <name>.jpg. In the 1st instance I'd like simply copy the originals into the same blob store but with a new file name.
azcopy would normally be my go to for this kind of thing, but it doesn't seem to have the options I need.
How can I bulk copy and rename files in an azure blob store?
Azure Blob Storage doesn't support renaming directly. However, you can work it around by copying the blob to a new blob with modified name (by StartCopy method), and removing the original blob (by Delete method). The copy procedure can be pretty fast if the source and destination is under the same storage account since it's actually a shallow copy.

Blob files have to renamed manually to include parent folder path

We are new to Windows azure and have used Windows azure storage for blob objects while developing sitefinity application but the blob files which are uploaded to this storage via publishing to azure from Visual Studio uploads files with only the file names and do not maintain the prefix folder name and slash. Hence we have to rename all files manually on the windows azure management portal and put the folder name and slash in the beginning of each file name so that the page which is accessing these images can show the images properly otherwise the images are not shown due to incorrect path.
Though in sitefinity admin panel , when we upload these images/blob files in those pages , we upload them inside a folder and we have configured to leverage sitefinity to use azure storage instead of database.
Please check the file attached to see the screenshot.
Please help me to solve this.
A few things I would like to mention first:
Windows Azure does not support rename functionality. Rename blob functionality = copy blob followed by delete blob.
Copy blob operation is asynchronous so you must wait for copy operation to finish before deleting the blob.
Blob storage does not support folder hierarchy natively. As you may have already discovered, you create an illusion of a folder by prepending a blob name (say logo.png) with the name of folder you want (say images) and separate them with slash (/) so your blob name becomes images/logo.png.
Now coming to your problem. Needless to say that manually renaming the blobs would be a cumbersome exercise. I would recommend using a storage management tool to do that. One such example would be Azure Management Studio from Cerebrata. If you use that tool, essentially what you can do is create an empty folder in the container and then move the files into that folder. That to me would be the fastest way to achieve your objective.
If you wish to write some code to do that, here are the steps you will take:
First you will list all blobs in a blob container.
Next you will loop over this list.
For each blob (let's call it source blob), you would get its name and prepend the folder name that you want and create an instance of a CloudBlockBlob object.
Next you would initiate a copy blob operation on that blob using StartCopyFromBlob on this new blob where source is your source blob.
You would need to wait for the copy operation to finish. Once the copy operation is finished, you can safely delete the source blob.
P.S. I would have written some code but unfortunately I'm stuck with something else. I might write something later on (but please don't hold your breath for that :)).

Is IndexedDB duplicating local files to store for an offline application?

Firefox only allows access to full file path via extensions
It has also been stated that if you store files in IndexedDB that they are stored externally, outside the DB (see this)
If I insert a bunch of files into IndexedDB, close it down, come back tmw and open the DB, how does it know where my files that I inserted yesterday are located?
Does IndexedDB have access to the full file path? If so, can I get access to the full file path via InexedDb?
OR does IndexedDB make duplicate copies?
(this is for offline use)
I can store a bunch of files with their own separate keys in IndexedDB and iterate over them to repopulate an application.
IndexedDB is smart enough not to store the same copy of the file. How does it do this?
Most importantly, if the application is an image viewer for offline use then importing those images into IndexedDB to be managed will duplicate the files(?) Now I have two sets of vacation photos. Is this correct?
My guess would be that these files will get stored at the same location where the indexeddb databases will be located. For more information where to find it, take a look at my post I wrote about the location of the indexeddb some time ago

Modify Spotlight metadata for a file outside Spotlight importer?

I would like to modify a Spotlight metadata attribute of a file within my application (i.e. not in a Spotlight importer) but I can't find any API for doing so. Is it possible? Pointers to the relevant docs would be ideal.
In case it's helpful, here's my use case:
I want to store a reference to a file
system path in a Core Data store.
Ideally, I should be able to find the
file even if is moved, potentially
across mounted volumes. My understanding is that
an archived FSRef or AliasRecord will not do the trick because they
are not invariant wrt to moves across mounted
volumes. So my plan was to store a URL
and also to add a UUID (also stored in
the data store) to the file's
Spotlight metadata so that I could
perform a Spotlight query for that
UUID if the URL no longer pointed to
the file when the app goes back to
look for the file.
After further research, using Spotlight is not the best solution for the use case. The AliasRecord is a better persistent storage for a file. It automatically tracks moves/renames/etc. You can read more about AliasRecords here. Chris Hansen has written an Objective-C wrapper for AliasRecords, BDAlias. It's currently available from the SVN.
