Why is jsp rendering when tomcat is running? - spring

I am making the screen view with vue.js and the backend api with spring.
So, when spring tomcat is run, there is no need to render the jsp file. What should I do? Please help me

It seem you use vue.js as front end.
So you can use spring-boot with spring-mvc to build backend api which return json data.
Or the mix or hybrid ( load vue.js in jsp template ...):
Refer: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-vue-js


base_url not working in CodeIgniter

I am developing a Web Application.
I have created a Controller called Starter.
In the navigation I have put a link like this:
It is returning a 404 Object not found Error.
Either use

How to install React js with Spring framework?

I can't figure out how to install React.js for Spring framework.
A website said to first install NPM. Yes, I did that.
But how can I use React.js in Spring MVC?
mac and windows need to install NPM?
just use use CDN -> this case occur error
how to searching basic course
only use spring boot?
could you give a Web site address for how to install Spring
Frameworks with React.js
could you give to me tips for how to install React.js for Spring
I'm a beginning developer.
The best answer I can give you is to walk through this tutorial, step by step.
To answer your first question, no, you do not need to use node.js tools to use React with Spring MVC. The tutorial above says:
This tutorial won’t go into extensive detail on how it uses require.js
to load JavaScript modules. But thanks to the frontend-maven-plugin,
you don’t have to install any of the node.js tools to build and run
the code.
Spring MVC and ReactJS follow some different concepts of designing your webapplication. With Spring MVC your create most of the time server side rendered webapps with JSPs or you use a template engine like Thymeleaf.
With ReactJS you are building a Singe Page Application (SPA) which can be accessed with a SINGLE HTML file, often index.html and your JavaScript is doing the rendering. With Spring MVC you provide several .html files and use Spring to route the different routes to your different .html files and render them on the server side.
The only thing I can guess is to serve your finally built ReactJS which consists only of one .html and several .js and other assets with a Spring MVC application which acts like a simple Webserver.
Furthermore you can use Spring MVC to provide RESTful interfaces for your React application.

How to integrate dynamic HTML5 in Spring MVC

Please tell me how can I call a HTML5 page from my controller using any view resolver.How to integrate dynamic HTML5 in Spring MVC
How to serve .html files with Spring

How can i configure bootstrap in existing spring mvc project

I have an existing spring mvc project. It contains multiple views(jsp) and i want to improve its UI.
I want to integrate the project with bootstrap. How can bootstrap be configured to the project?
Can anyone tell how to configure? Where should the bootstrap css and js files should be stored in project and what modification should be done in dispatcher-servlet xml.
This is a good example of using Spring MVC with twitter bootstrap. Hope this helps.

how to make i18next uses Spring MVC message Resources

I'm developing an SPA with Backbone, using Marionette and Handlebars, also Spring MVC. We need i18n support both in templates and Spring Controllers. Someone has recommended me i18next for Handlebars templates.
The problem is that i18next needs a JSON message source, and Spring uses properties files.
¿There is any way that both (Spring and i18next) of them share the same Message source?. I can change i18next for another component, if it makes it work.
