How to request body object included file in Array at Spring boot - spring

I'm in trouble
How do I get the following data format in Spring Boot?
{name:"fileName", file: file1},
{name:"fileName", file: file2},
{name:"fileName", file: file3},

use produces in post call like below:
#PostMapping(value = "/save", produces=MediaType. APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_VALUE, consumes = MediaType. APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_VALUE)
public void updateCharacters(#RequestBody List<Character> character) {
log.log(Level.INFO, "{} characters have been saved", characters.getCharacters().size());


receive and return a file from spring boot rest API

How do I write an endpoint in Spring Boot that does the following?
receives a file of any extension
returns another file of any extension (which is an encrypted version of input file)
As of now, all I know with spring is to input and output JSON or query params, etc, but nothing like a file...
My first though is to send the file as a binary string, make my changes to it and then return it back as a String as well. But if I did that, the browser wouldn't download that response automatically.
I'm kinda lost, any help is appreciated!
#RequestMapping(value = "/encode")
public class EncodeController {
public ??? encodeFile( ??? file ) {
File encoded file = encode(file);
return encoded;
Try the following:
#RequestMapping(value = "/encode")
public class EncodeController {
public ResponseEntity<File> encodeFile(MultipartFile file) {
File encodedFile = encode(file);
return ResponseEntity.ok(encodedFile)
.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + encodedFile.getName() + "\"" )

Required request part 'file' is not present in Spring Boot

I checked all of the simular posts and still couldnt find the solution.
Problem is Required request part 'file' is not present in test class.
I want to upload a file and save it to the database. Here is my rest controller #RestController:
#PostMapping(value = "/upload")
public ResponseEntity<LogoDto> uploadLogo(#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile multipartFile) {
return ResponseEntity.ok(logoService.createLogo(multipartFile));
and my test class:
public void createLogo2() throws Exception {
String toJsonLogoDto = new Gson().toJson(logoDto);
MockMultipartFile file = new MockMultipartFile("path", "url", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, image);
LogoDto response = LogoDataTest.validLogoDto();
and my application.yml looks like this:
enabled: true
max-file-size: 2MB
max-request-size: 10MB
I tried to add consumes in my #PostMapping;
try to set literally every MediaTypes.. still get an error.
I appreciate all of your answer.
issue is in declaration of MockMultipartFile, first parameter should match controller #RequestParam param. So, in your case, should be:
MockMultipartFile file = new MockMultipartFile("file", "url", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, image);
Also, I recommend to update your controller method to the following one:
#PostMapping(value = "/upload", consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<LogoDto> uploadLogo(#RequestPart("file") MultipartFile multipartFile) {

File upload in spring webflux - Required MultipartFile parameter 'file' is not present

I'm trying to upload a file using Spring Webflux, but I'm getting the error Required MultipartFile parameter 'file' is not present.
class MyController(val myService: MyService) {
fun create(#RequestParam("file") file: MultipartFile): Mono<ResponseEntity<Map<String, String>>> {
return myService.create()
I've also tried replacing #RequestParam("file") file: MultipartFile with ServerRequeset, but I get the error:
"Failed to resolve argument 0 of type 'org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.ServerRequest' on public reactor.core.publisher.Mono>> co.example.controllers.MyController.create(org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.ServerRequest)"
Changing to FilePart from MultipartFile is what ended up working for me :)
class UploadsController(val exampleService: ExampleService) {
#PostMapping(consumes = ["multipart/form-data"])
fun create(#RequestPart("file") filePart: FilePart) =

Sending file to Spring Boot REST using Axios

I am trying to send a csv file to my java spring boot backend. The code to send my file is below:
var url = 'http://localhost:3001/UploadFile';
var file = this.state.file;
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("file", file);, formData, {
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' }
And the code to accept my file from Spring Boot:
public void uploadFile(#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) {
However, it doesn't seem to work. I keep getting an error saying that the 'Current request is not a multipart request'. Any ideas?
It's not sufficient to specify content-type in frontend you need to do it in controller as well.
You should tell to spring controller what it should consume and also it would be nice to set RequestMethod as POST like this:
public void uploadFile(#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file, method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = "multipart/form-data") {

Content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' not supported for #RequestBody MultiValueMap

Based on the answer for problem with x-www-form-urlencoded with Spring #Controller
I have written the below #Controller method
#RequestMapping(value = "/{email}/authenticate", method = RequestMethod.POST
, produces = {"application/json", "application/xml"}
, consumes = {"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
Representation authenticate(#PathVariable("email") String anEmailAddress,
#RequestBody MultiValueMap paramMap)
throws Exception {
if(paramMap == null || paramMap.get("password") == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Password not provided");
the request to which fails with the below error
"timestamp": 1447911866786,
"status": 415,
"error": "Unsupported Media Type",
"exception": "org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException",
"message": "Content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' not supported",
"path": "/users/"
[PS: Jersey was far more friendly, but couldn't use it now given the practical restrictions here]
The problem is that when we use application/x-www-form-urlencoded, Spring doesn't understand it as a RequestBody. So, if we want to use this
we must remove the #RequestBody annotation.
Then try the following:
path = "/{email}/authenticate",
method = RequestMethod.POST,
produces = {
public #ResponseBody Representation authenticate(
#PathVariable("email") String anEmailAddress,
MultiValueMap paramMap) throws Exception {
if (paramMap == null &&
paramMap.get("password") == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Password not provided");
return null;
Note that removed the annotation #RequestBody
answer: Http Post request with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded not working in Spring
It seems that now you can just mark the method parameter with #RequestParam and it will do the job for you.
#PostMapping( "some/request/path" )
public void someControllerMethod( #RequestParam Map<String, String> body ) {
//work with Map
Add a header to your request to set content type to application/json
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -s -XPOST -d YOUR_JSON_BODY
this way spring knows how to parse the content.
In Spring 5
#PostMapping( "some/request/path" )
public void someControllerMethod( #RequestParam MultiValueMap body ) {
// import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap;
String datax = (String) body .getFirst("datax");
#RequestBody MultiValueMap paramMap
in here Remove the #RequestBody Annotaion
#RequestMapping(value = "/signin",method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String createAccount(#RequestBody LogingData user){;
return "login";
#RequestMapping(value = "/signin",method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String createAccount( LogingData user){;
return "login";
like that
Simply removing #RequestBody annotation solves the problem (tested on Spring Boot 2):
public class MyController {
public void method(#Valid RequestDto dto) {
// method body ...
I met the same problem when I want to process my simple HTML form submission (without using thymeleaf or Spring's form tag) in Spring MVC.
The answer of Douglas Ribeiro will work very well. But just in case, for anyone, like me, who really want to use "#RequestBody" in Spring MVC.
Here is the cause of the problem:
Spring need to ① recognize the "Content-Type", and ② convert the
content to the parameter type we declared in the method's signature.
The 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' is not supported, because, by
default, the Spring cannot find a proper HttpMessageConverter to do
the converting job, which is step ②.
We manually add a proper HttpMessageConverter into the Spring's
configuration of our application.
Choose the HttpMessageConverter's class we want to use. For
'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', we can choose
Add the FormHttpMessageConverter object to Spring's configuration,
by calling the "public void
converters)" method of the "WebMvcConfigurer" implementation class
in our application. Inside the method, we can add any
HttpMessageConverter object as needed, by using "converters.add()".
By the way, the reason why we can access the value by using "#RequestParam" is:
According to Servlet Specification (Section 3.1.1):
The following are the conditions that must be met before post form
data will be populated to the parameter set: The request is an HTTP
or HTTPS request. 2. The HTTP method is POST. 3. The content type is
application/x-www-form-urlencoded. 4. The servlet has made an initial
call of any of the getParameter family of methods on the request
So, the value in request body will be populated to parameters. But in Spring, you can still access RequestBody, even you can use #RequstBody and #RequestParam at the same method's signature.
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = {MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE})
public String processForm(#RequestParam Map<String, String> inputValue, #RequestBody MultiValueMap<String, List<String>> formInfo) {
The inputValue and formInfo contains the same data, excpet for the type for "#RequestParam" is Map, while for "#RequestBody" is MultiValueMap.
I wrote about an alternative in this StackOverflow answer.
There I wrote step by step, explaining with code. The short way:
First: write an object
Second: create a converter to mapping the model extending the AbstractHttpMessageConverter
Third: tell to spring use this converter implementing a WebMvcConfigurer.class overriding the configureMessageConverters method
Fourth and final: using this implementation setting in the mapping inside your controller the consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE and #RequestBody in front of your object.
I'm using spring boot 2.
#PostMapping(path = "/my/endpoint", consumes = { MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE })
public ResponseEntity<Void> handleBrowserSubmissions(MyDTO dto) throws Exception {
That way works for me
You can try to turn support on in spring's converter
public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void extendMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters) {
// add converter suport Content-Type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
.ifPresent(converter -> converter.addSupportedMediaTypes(MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE));
Just add an HTTP Header Manager if you are testing using JMeter :
