Hi there everyone!
I'm trying to build my internet files into a format that is optimized for the internet, but when I tried to build it using npm run build, it gave me the above error message even though I have mainly jpegs and png files that were processed and built correctly on other project files.
May I know how to fix this and/or understand the error code so I can resolve future errors of this nature? Below is the package.json file details in case you need it to help resolve the error.
Thank you so much
As mentioned in the comments, this looks like a bug in #parcel/image-optimizer, and if you could share a more specific repro, that would be helpful.
In the meantime, you could probably work around this by disabling image optimization - just create a .parcelrc file at the root of your project that looks like this:
"extends": "#parcel/config-default",
"optimizers": {
"*.{jpg,jpeg,png}": []
Every time when I open Cypress, I got this error. I troubleshoot but not able to solve the issue. I found the similar threads here but not helping really. Any would be appreciated.
index.js file: cypress\plugins\index.js
Image of error:
It looks like you have your project on OneDrive, but you cannot run Cypress from there.
Please trying moving your project to a local drive.
i have an issue when i upload my app to the iTune store. so it give me the
following error .. so please help me. i have added this two images for detail.
i have also search a lot but not solved my question.
You need to change your build settings to look like this:
I have checked out and compiled the icloud branch, added all the appropriate delegate methods to me app. But whenever i try to build the project i get the following error:
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/garethjeanne/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Twitter_Translator-dhtkltxgqksalpcmkahykmmchszt/Build/Products/Debug/libTICoreDataSync.a'
When i look within the TICoreDataSync.xcodeproj i can see that the file is not built and is showing in red.
I've obviously missed something, thought the instructions seem a little out of date.
Help greatly appreciated.
This was an issue with the source from github, now resolved.
I'm trying to include the xmppframework in my xcode project however I've come to a problem. I get the following error when trying to compile:
Path 'Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator6.1.sdk/usr/lib/lixml2.dylib following -F not a directory
Library not found for -lidn
I have followed the instructions to setup xmppframework from here and followed these instructions to make sure all the paths are correct, however I'm still getting the error.
I've checked the file path and it's definitely there..
Is there any other reason for this error? Many thanks
Finally fixed it after 3 days..
My advice to anyone else coming across this problem is to load up one of the example projects and compare the build settings on each! Ended up that my Library Search Paths was wrong.
We've been using protobuf for a while at work and I decided to write a little console app for a client which would allow them to do some testing on site.
I started a new c# console app and downloaded google.protocolbuffers and protobuf-net from nuget.
What I'm trying to achieve is to turn my "messages.proto" file into "messages.cs"
I've tried to get the protobuf to build the messages file on a prebuild event but with no success, it seems the command arguments have changed since our first implementation. I followed the example here
And added the following pre build event
"$(projectdir)packages\Google.ProtocolBuffers.\tools\protogen.exe" --proto_path=./protos protos/messages.proto --include_imports -output_directory=./
However I get the following error
Input file protos/messages.proto doesn't exist.
I've tried all sorts of combinations but nothing seems to work. Am I approaching this all wrong or is there a gotcha here? Any help much appreciated!
Have you tried using the absolute paths? I vaguely recall having a similar issue myself that turned out to be an issue with it not resolving relative paths correctly.