Defining plugin goal at phase - maven

I am trying to define a plugin goal so that it can automatically be executed at a particular phase; say for example the test phase. But I am unable to achieve that. For example I coded the following pom.xml. Notice in my XML <execution> element, I have a <phase> sub-element which is "test". I can execute my goal using the command "mvn antrun:run#ant-echo"; but "mvn test" does not execute that goal. I am using Maven version 3.8.3 and my JDK version is 16.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
The command to maven execute this ant target is
mvn antrun:run#ant-echo
<target name="app2">
<echo level="info">This is how you echo information into the console.</echo>
<echo level="info">Echo levels defined in Ant are the following </echo>
<echo level="info">error, warning, info, verbose, debug</echo>
<echo level="info"></echo>
<echo level="info">The following is the way to echo property values.</echo>
<echo level="info">${project.var1}</echo>

In order to have your plugin executed during the configured lifecycle phase, you have to specify the plugin goal binding and configuration within the <plugin> section:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
The command to maven execute this ant target is
mvn antrun:run#ant-echo
<target name="app2">
<echo level="info">This is how you echo information into the console.</echo>
<echo level="info">Echo levels defined in Ant are the following </echo>
<echo level="info">error, warning, info, verbose, debug</echo>
<echo level="info"></echo>
<echo level="info">The following is the way to echo property values.</echo>
<echo level="info">${project.var1}</echo>


Checkstyle not working in build or verify phase

I cannot get maven checkstyle to run on build or verify, despite copy & pasting the code directly from the checkstyle website.
I can see checkstyle working fine and finding problems when running mvn checkstyle:check, but not on any phase like clean compile verify. These phases just compile fine and find no problems, completely ignoring checkstyle. I set up a minimal example here. The pom.xml is as follows:
<project xmlns=""
You need to bind Checkstyle execution to the verify phase, like this:
This snippet is taken from one of my projects, you can view the entire pom.xml here.
Figured it out: I had the block in <pluginManagement>. Moving it out of there it instantly worked. I wished, maven would have more complete example on their website.

Apache Dashboard HTML reports with Jmeter Maven plugin

I want mvn clean verify to run following command for me
jmeter -n -t <file.jmx> -l <reports.csv> -e -o /htmlReports
I checked below similar question How to create HTML reports using Jmeter Maven Plugin 2.1.0. but it didn't work for me.
I want all data to be inside target folder, plus .jtl so that at next run all previous gets cleaned up.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
You can do this using Maven Exec plugin, the relevant configuration would be
<commandlineArgs>-n -t -f file.jmx -l ${basedir}/target/reports.csv -e -o ${basedir}/target/htmlReports</commandlineArgs>
Just in case something "will not work" again here is full pom.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<commandlineArgs>-n -t -f file.jmx -l ${basedir}/target/reports.csv -e -o
Don't forget to change /path/to/bin/folder/of/your/jmeter/installation to real path to your JMeter otherwise it "will not work".
Report generation via JMeter Maven Plugin should also work fine, if you experience any issues please show your pom.xml file and maven command output.
Example configuration you can use for reference:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Run JMeter tests -->
you will need to copy your file.jmx script into src/test/jmeter folder, otherwise it "will not work"
if your test is using any JMeter Plugins - it "will not work" without defining them as dependencies
if your test uses external data files - it "will not work" unless you copy them to src/test/jmeter folder
More information: Five Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI
Report generation with JMeter Maven Plugin works for your requirement, you don't need any additional plugin.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Run JMeter tests -->
copy your jmx file into src/test/jmeter folder
if you use 3rd party plugins like JMeter Plugins, ensure you follow this documentation
if you use CSV data files - copy them to src/test/jmeter folder
Step 1 - Create test plan and save JMX script
Step 2 - Executing JMeter tests
Step 3 - Save test result into csv/xls file
Step 4 - The following plugin is used to transform the result
<fileMapper implementation="">
<fileMapper implementation="">

maven build ear - how I can build just a .ear file and not the exploded ear dir?

I just need a myEar.ear file as output of my maven build.
I don't want the dir myEar (the exploded ear version).
To be clear, this is my build output:
20/02/2017 11:37 <DIR> myEar
20/02/2017 11:37 7.985.535 myEar.ear
I just want the myEar.ear.
Here my pom.xml of the ear:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
I fixed with th maven-antrun-plugin... an ant call inside maven... very dirty... someone has a better idea?
<delete dir="${basedir}/../target/diraliases/EARHOMEDIR1036/myEar"/>

How to set values for properties tag of maven by reading the .properties file

I have 5 projects, here I want to copy the java classes from one non-maven project to maven project for this requirement I used maven-ant-plugin. with this I am able to do the copy successfully.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<copy file="${project1.nonmaven.src}"
todir="${}" />
<copy file="${project1.nonmaven.test}"
todir="${}" />
But here my question is, instead of giving the source and destination paths (I want to give this like for remaining 4 projects) inside the pom.xml directly, I just want to read it from the properties file.
for example :
${get the location from property bundle by using key}</project1.nonmaven.src>
Can you please some one suggest me how ??

Referring dependencies that don't yet exist in Maven

I need to install a whole bunch of 3rd party jar files in my local repository, using maven-install plugin. That part is done with the following pom:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<bo.lib.dir>C:\Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\java\lib</bo.lib.dir>
In a nutshell, I'm looping through these three items (cecore,celib, and cesession) to perform the actual installation.
I would like to then add these three items as dependencies, but since these won't exist before the package phase, Maven complains about that.
Ideally, I would like to instruct Maven to resolve the dependencies after the packaging, or to instruct Maven to trust that the dependencies will in fact become available.
Any ideas/suggestions?
