Summation Elixir - algorithm

I am trying to recreate this equation in Elixir:
For now I am working on an easy example and I have something like this:
Enum.each(1..2, fn x -> :math.pow(1 + 1/1, -x) end)
However, while using Enum.each I am getting an :ok output, and therefore I can't inject it later to Enum.sum()
I will be grateful for help.

While the answer by #sabiwara is perfectly correct, one’d better either use to avoid building the intermediate list that might be huge, or directly Enum.reduce/3 to the answer.
# ⇓ initial value
Enum.reduce(1..2, 0, &:math.pow(1 + 1/1, -&1) + &2)

Enum.each/2 is for side effects, but does not return a transformed list.
You are looking for
Alternatively, you could use a for comprehension:
for x <- 1..2, do: :math.pow(1 + 1/1, -x)


A list of variables used by Wolfram Mathematica function

Is there a way to get a list of variables used by a function?
For example:
f[x_]:= 2a*x+b;
The parameters of the function ({x}) are not really mandatory.
To get all the symbols (not necessarily variables) you could start with something like this:
which yields:
{HoldPattern[f[x_]] :> 2 a x + b}
The problem is then processing this in a way that you don't let Mathematica do the substitution. This is done with Hold:
held=(Hold //# DownValues[f][[1]])[[1, 2]]
which yields:
Hold[Hold[Hold[2] Hold[a] Hold[x]] + Hold[b]]
You can extract all the stuff that looks like a symbol with:
Cases[held, Hold[_Symbol], Infinity]
and you get:
{Hold[a], Hold[x], Hold[b]}
To make this a little nicer:
Union[Flatten[Hold ## Cases[held, Hold[_Symbol], Infinity]]]
which gives you:
Hold[a, b, x]
You still need the Hold, because as soon as you lose it Mathematica will evaluate a and b and you'll lose them as symbols.
If you notice, it's considering x a symbol, which you may not want because it's a parameter. You can tease the parameters out of the left side of the DownValues[f][[1]] RuleDelayed (:>) expression, and extract them, but I'll leave this detail to you.

Erlang upper case and lower case sort

the question about a comparison of the upper and lower can i do that in my sort function.any idea?
Ex: Inputfile : " I am Happy! "
thats what's happen with my program, but i would like so have:
My code:
-compile([export_all]). % Open the File
sortFile(File1,File2) ->
{ok, File_Read} = file:read_file(File1),
% making a list
Liste = string:tokens(binary_to_list(File_Read), "\n "),
% isort List
Sort_List = isort(Liste),
ISort = string:join(Sort_List,"\n"),
%Written in the File.
{ok,Datei_Schreiben} = file:open(File2, write),
file:write(File_Write, Isort),
isort([]) -> [];
isort([X|XS])-> insert(X, isort(XS)).
insert(Elem, []) -> [Elem];
insert(Elem, [X|XS]) when Elem= [Elem,X|XS];
insert(Elem, [X|XS]) -> [X|insert(Elem,XS)].
how about something like this:
qsort1([]) -> [];
qsort1([H|T]) ->
qsort1([X || X <- T, string:to_lower(X) < string:to_lower(H)])
++ [H]
++ qsort1([X || X <- T, string:to_lower(X) >= string:to_lower(H)]).
7> qsort1(["I", "am","Happy"]).
I believe that "happy" sorts less than "i"
8> "happy" < "i".
which is why my sorted order is a little differenct than your original post.
When there is at least N*log2(N) comparisons in sorting there is not necessary to make N*log2(N) but only N case transformations. (Almost all perl developers knows this trick.)
{ok, Bin} = file:read_file(?INPUT_FILE),
Toks = string:tokens(binary_to_list(Bin),"\n "),
Result = [[X,$\n] || {_,X} <- lists:sort([{string:to_lower(X), X} || X<-Toks])],
file:write_file(?OUTPUT_FILE, Result).
BTW lists:sort/1 merge sort has granted N*log2(N) and is pretty efficient in contrary to concise but less efficient quick sort implementation. What worse, quick sort has N^2 worst case.
Now, depending on whether you are on Windows or Unix/Linux, the lines in the files will be ended with different characters. Lets go with windows where its normally \r\n. Now assuming the input files are not too big, we can read them at once into a binary. The stream of data we get must be split into lines, then each line split into words (spaces). If the input file is very big and cannot fit in memory, then you will have to read it, line by line, in which case you might need an IN-Memory buffer to hold all the words ready for sorting, this would require ETS Table, or Memcached (an option i wont illustrate here). Lets write the code
case file:read_file(?INPUT_FILE) of
{ok,Binary} ->
%% input file read
AllLines = string:tokens(binary_to_list(Binary),"\r\n"),
SortedText = lists:flatten([XX ++ "\r\n" || XX <- lists:sort(string:tokens(AllLines," "))]),
EndFile = filename:join(?OUTPUT_FILE_PATH,?OUTPUT_FILENAME),
Error -> {error,Error}
That should work. Change the macros in the source file to suit your settings and then, just run sick_sort:start().
you have to compare low cap in your sort function:
(nitrogen#> F= fun(X,Y) -> string:to_lower(X) < string:to_lower(Y) end.
(nitrogen#> lists:sort(F,["I","am","Happy"]).
In your code, the function that allows to sort the list are the operators > and < (if you want to see replicated string one of them should include =, otherwise you will do a usort). If you want to use a different comparison you can define it in a normal or anonymous function and then use it in the quicksort:
mycompare(X,Y) ->
string:to_lower(X) < string:to_lower(Y).
quicksort ([])->[];
([X|XS])-> quicksort([Y||Y<-XS,mycompare(X,Y)])++[X]++quicksort([Y||Y<-XS,mycompare(X,Y) == false]).

Code folding on consecutive collect/select/reject/each

I play around with arrays and hashes quite a lot in ruby and end up with some code that looks like this:
sum ={|i|
}.sum > 5
j ** 2
(Let's all pretend that the above code sample makes sense now...)
The problem is that even though TextMate (my editor of choice) picks up simple {...} or do...end blocks quite easily, it can't figure out (which is understandable since even I can't find a "correct" way to fold the above) where the above blocks start and end to fold them.
How would you fold the above code sample?
PS: considering that it could have 2 levels of folding, I only care about the outer consecutive ones (the blocks with the i)
To be honest, something that convoluted is probably confusing TextMate as much as anyone else who has to maintain it, and that includes you in the future.
Whenever you see something that rolls up into a single value, it's a good case for using Enumerable#inject.
sum = two_dimensional_array.inject(0) do |sum, row|
# Convert row to Fixnum equivalent
row_i = row.collect { |i| i.to_i }
if (row_i.sum > 5)
sum += row_i.collect { |i| i ** 2 }.average
sum # Carry through to next inject call
What's odd in your example is you're using select to return the full array, allegedly converted using to_i, but in fact Enumerable#select does no such thing, and instead rejects any for which the function returns nil. I'm presuming that's none of your values.
Also depending on how your .average method is implemented, you may want to seed the inject call with 0.0 instead of 0 to use a floating-point value.

how to use units along function parameter values in Mathematica

I would like to pass the parameter values in meters or kilometers (both possible) and get the result in meters/second.
I've tried to do this in the following example:
u = 3.986*10^14 Meter^3/Second^2;
v[r_, a_] := Sqrt[u (2/r - 1/a)];
Convert[r, Meter];
Convert[a, Meter];
If I try to use the defined function and conversion:
a = 24503 Kilo Meter;
s = 10198.5 Meter/Second;
r = 6620 Kilo Meter;
Solve[v[r, x] == s, x]
The function returns the following:
{x -> (3310. Kilo Meter^3)/(Meter^2 - 0.000863701 Kilo Meter^2)}
which is not the user-friendly format.
Anyway I would like to define a and r in meters or kilometers and get the result s in meters/second (Meter/Second).
I would be very thankful if anyone of you could correct the given function definition and other statements in order to get the wanted result.
Here's one way of doing it, where you use the fact that Solve returns a list of rules to substitute a value for x into v[r, x], and then use Convert, which will do the necessary simplification of the resulting algebraic expression as well:
With[{rule = First#Solve[v[r,x]==s,x]
(* Solve always returns a list of rules, because algebraic
equations may have multiple solutions. *)},
Convert[v[r,x] /. rule, Meter/Second]]
This will return (10198.5 Meter)/Second as your answer.
You just need to tell Mathematica to simplify the expression assuming that the units are "possitive", which is the reason why it doesn't do the simplifications itself. So, something like
SimplifyWithUnits[blabla_, unit_List]:= Simplify[blalba, (#>0)&/#unit];
So if you get that ugly thing, you then just type %~SimplifyWithUnits~{Meter} or whatever.

Mathematica Downvalue Lhs

Does anybody know if there is a built-in function in Mathematica for getting the lhs of downvalue rules (without any holding)? I know how to write the code to do it, but it seems basic enough for a built-in
For example:
BuiltInIDoNotKnowOf[a] returns {1,2}
This is like keys() in Perl and Python and other languages that have built in support for hashes (aka dictionaries). As your example illustrates, Mathematica supports hashes without any special syntax. Just say a[1] = 2 and you have a hash. [1]
To get the keys of a hash, I recommend adding this to your init.m or your personal utilities library:
keys[f_] := DownValues[f][[All,1,1,1]] (* Keys of a hash/dictionary. *)
(Or the following pure function version is supposedly slightly faster:
keys = DownValues[#][[All,1,1,1]]&; (* Keys of a hash/dictionary. *)
Either way, keys[a] now returns what you want. (You can get the values of the hash with a /# keys[a].) If you want to allow for higher arity hashes, like a[1,2]=5; a[3,4]=6 then you can use this:
SetAttributes[removeHead, {HoldAll}];
removeHead[h_[args___]] := {args}
keys[f_] := removeHead ### DownValues[f][[All,1]]
Which returns {{1,2}, {3,4}}. (In that case you can get the hash values with a ### keys[a].)
Note that DownValues by default sorts the keys, which is probably not a good idea since at best it takes extra time. If you want the keys sorted you can just do Sort#keys[f]. So I would actually recommend this version:
keys = DownValues[#,Sort->False][[All,1,1,1]]&;
Interestingly, there is no mention of the Sort option in the DownValues documention. I found out about it from an old post from Daniel Lichtblau of Wolfram Research. (I confirmed that it still works in the current version (7.0) of Mathematica.)
[1] What's really handy is that you can mix and match that with function definitions. Like:
fib[0] = 1;
fib[1] = 1;
fib[n_] := fib[n-1] + fib[n-2]
You can then add memoization by changing that last line to
fib[n_] := fib[n] = fib[n-1] + fib[n-2]
which says to cache the answer for all subsequent calls.
This seems to work; not sure how useful it is, though:
a[1] = 2
a[2] = 3
a[3] = 5
a[6] = 8
Part[DownValues[a], All, 1, 1, 1]
