Hive "insert into" doesnt add values - hadoop

Im new to hadoop etc.
Connect via beeline to hiveserver2. Then I create table:
create table test02(id int, name string);
Table creates and I try to insert values:
insert into test02(id, name) values (1, "user1");
And nothing happens. table02 and values__tmp__table__1 are created but they are both empty.
Hadoop directory "/user/$username/warehouse/test01" is empty to.
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> insert into test02 values (1,"user1");
No rows affected (2.284 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> select * from test02;
| | |
No rows selected (0.326 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000> show tables;
| tab_name |
| test02 |
| values__tmp__table__1 |
2 rows selected (0.137 seconds)

Temp tables like these are created when hive needs to manage intermediate data during an operation. Hive automatically deletes all temporary tables at the end of the Hive session in which they are created. If you close the session and open it again, you won't find the temp table.
Insert data like this ->
insert into test02 values (999, "user_new");
Data would be inserted into test02 and a temp table like values__tmp__table__1 (temp table will gone after the hive session).

I found a solution. I'm new to Hadoop&co, so the answer was not obvious to me.
First, I turned Hive logging to level ERROR to see the problem:
Find ({your hive directory}/conf/)
Find property.hive.log.level and set the value to ERROR (..log.level = ERROR)
Then, while executing the command insert into via Beeline, I saw all of the errors. The main error was:
There are 0 datanode(s) running and no node(s) are excluded in this operation
I found the same question elsewhere. The top answer helped me, which was to delete all /tmp/* files (which stored all of my local HDFS data).
Then, like the first time, I initialized namenode (-format) and Hive (ran my metahive script).
The problem was solved—though it did expose another issue, which I'll need to look into: the insert into executes in 25+ seconds.


How to retain last N partitions for a hive external table?

I need to retain say last 7 partitions and data of a given hive external table.
This can be either done via a shell script or a hive hql script.
The table is partitioned by intgestion_date=YYYY-MM-DD
what would be the best way to find the cutoff date (of 7th partition) which I can then use in the drop partitions where clause to drop everything older than that.
since it's an external table, I will have to change the table properties to make it internal before the drop and then revert it.
There are different possible approaches: drop all partitions older than 7 days, this is easy (shell):
hive -e "ALTER TABLE mytable DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION(intgestion_date < '$(date -d "7 days ago" '+%Y-%m-%d')')"
But it seems this is not exactly what you want. Need to get 7th partition first and use it in the previous statement. Execute show partition, use sort, head and tail to get 7th partition:
seventh_partition=$(hive -e -S "show partitions table_name" | sort -r | head -n 7 | tail -n 1)
#extract value
#Execute drop older than 7th partition. Replace hive -e with echo and check what it prints
hive -e "ALTER TABLE table_name DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION(intgestion_date < '$part_value')"

Presto Query HIVE Table Exception: Failed to list directory

I'm new to Presto. I have two machine for presto 0.160, one is coordinator, the other is worker. I want to query table in hive. Now I can "show tables", "desc tablename", but when I want to "select * from tablename", exception occured: "Query 20170728_123013_00011_q4s3a failed: Failed to list directory: hdfs://cdh-test/user/hive/warehouse/employee_hive"
presto> desc hive.default.employee_hive;
Column | Type | Comment
eid | integer |
name | varchar |
salary | varchar |
destination | varchar |
(4 rows)
Query 20170728_123001_00010_q4s3a, FINISHED, 2 nodes
Splits: 2 total, 2 done (100.00%)
0:00 [4 rows, 268B] [40 rows/s, 2.68KB/s]
presto> select * from hive.default.employee_hive;
Query 20170728_123013_00011_q4s3a, FAILED, 1 node
Splits: 1 total, 0 done (0.00%)
0:00 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]
Query 20170728_123013_00011_q4s3a failed: Failed to list directory: hdfs://cdh-test/user/hive/warehouse/employee_hive
Here is my configuration for hive catalog:
where am I wrong?
The path that the table is stored on needs to exist on HDFS for Presto to open it successfully. From the path it appears your table is an "internal" hive table, meaning hive should have created the path itself. Since it hasn't, you could create it yourself using a command similar to hdfs dfs -mkdir hdfs://cdh-test/user/hive/warehouse/employee_hive, although the exact command depends on your HDFS set up.
you can't access the hadoop directory directory. I hope you have created the table as textfile and it stores internal directory of respective user.
you just create table as external table and you can able to access via presto
Create External Table tablename (columnames datatypes) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' stored as textfile;
load data inpath 'Your_hadoop_directory' into table tablename;
else you just create a internal table and load it to external ORC table and access via presto
Create Table tablename (columnames datatypes) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' stored as textfile;
load data inpath 'Your_hadoop_directory' into table tablename;
Create external Table tablename (columnames datatypes) STORED AS ORC;
insert into orc_tablename select * from internal_tablename
I solved above issue by creating ORC table.

Can not contact a hive table partition, after delete hdfs file related to partition

My Hadoop Cluster works batch job for every data at 11:00.
The job creates hive table partition(ex. p_date=201702,p_domain=0) and import rdbms data to the hive table partition like ETL....(hive table is not external table)
but the job has failed, and i removed some hdfs file(the partition location => p_date=20170228,p_domain=0) for reprocess.
It is my mistake, i just a typing query for drop partition at beeline...
And i contact a hang when i query this way "select * from table_name where p_date=20170228,p_domain=0", But "select * from table_name where p_date=20170228,p_domain=6" is success.
I can not find a error log and console message is not appear
How can i solve this problem?
And i hope you understand my lack of english.
You should not delete your partitions in Hive table in that way. There is a special command for doing this:
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION(partitioncolumn= 'somevalue');
Deleteing the files from HDFS is not sufficient. You need to clean the data from the metastore. For this you need to connect to you relational db and remove the data from partition-related table in MetaStore database.
mysql> use hive;
mysql> SELECT PART_ID PARTITIONS WHERE PART_NAME like '%p_date=20170228,p_domain=0%'
| 7 | 1487237959 | 0 | partition name | 336 | 329 |
After this Hive should stop using this partition in your queries.

list of hive tables in a local directory

I have a Local directory it is used to store the hive table data.
I need to list all tables which are using Local directory .
These tables (managed tables) are stored in hive Default DB , this DB allows to store Data in other Local directories .
My Local directory : /abc/efg/data/
Table data is Stored in sub folders like 123 , 456,789 etc
For table xyz location is /abc/efg/data/123 , PQR location is /abc/efg/data/456 like that.
I am trying to use
hive -e " show tables " > All_tables list all tables and redirect to a file
For each line(each table) in All_tables
hive -e " desc formatted $line " | grep '/abc/efg/data/' >> Tables_My_local_dir
but it will result some performance issue as i have 6000 tables in DB .
please help me to list all tables which are using Local directory with a best performance.
I assume that you wanted to list table and its corresponding location information by extracting it from the desc formatted command for managed tables in default database.
If my understanding is correct, I suggest you to go with querying the Hive Meta-store, provided its an externally configured one and you have necessary permissions to fetch the same information
Query on meta-store:
note: in the query, DB_ID for default database is 1
| sample | hdfs://********:8020/user/hive/warehouse/sample |
Based on the rule
I have created a shell script to do the below steps.
Step 1. Find all the directories which are not being modified since last 14 days .
Step 2 . Separate real tables and real folders 2.1execute "desc $dir_name "
2.2 based on return status($?) redirect $dir_name to two files(one for real tables and other for directories )
Now I have the required tables in a file.

Checking the table existence and loading the data into Hbase and HIve table

I have data in HDFS. And I wanted to load that data into hbase and hive table.
I have written a bash shell script in which I have written a pig script to load the data form HDFS to HBASE and also written hive script to load the data from HDFS to HIVE table which are working perfectly fine.Here my HDFS data files are with the same structure and I'm loading all the data files into single hbase and hive table.
Now my query is suppose if I receive some more data files in HDFS directory and if I run the shell script again it will create hbase and hive table again with the same name and tells table already exists. How can I write a hive and hbase query so that 1st it will check for the table existence, if table does not exists it create the table for the 1st time and load the data from HDFS to HBASE & Hive table. If the table is already exists then it will just insert the data into an existing hbase and hive table. It should not overwrite the data alreday exists in the tables.
How this can be done ?
Below is my script file:
echo "create 'goodtable','gt'" | hbase shell
pig -f a.pig -param input=/user/user/d/
hive -f h.hql
Where a.pig :
G = LOAD '$input' USING PigStorage(',') as (c1:chararray, c2:chararray,c3:chararray,c4:chararray,c5:chararray);
STORE G INTO 'hbase://goodtable' USING org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('gt:name gt:state gt:phone_no gt:gender');
create external table hive_table(
id int,
name string,
state string,
phone_no int,
gender string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile;
LOAD DATA INPATH '/user/user/d/' INTO TABLE hive_table;
I just wanted to add an example for HBase as Hive was already covered before:
if [[ $(echo "exists 'goodtable'" | hbase shell | grep 'not exist') ]];
echo "create 'goodtable','gt'" | hbase shell;
For HIVE, you can add the command IF NOT EXISTS in the CREATE TABLE statement. See the documentation
I don't have much experience on Hbase, but I believe you can use EXISTS table_name command to check whether the table exists and then create the table is it doesn't exist. See here
#visakh is correct - you can see if table exists in HBase by entering the HBase shell, and typing : exists '<tablename>
In order to do this without entering the HBase shell interactively, you can create a simple ruby script such as the following:
exists 'mytable'
Let's say you save this to a file called tabletest.rb. You can then execute this script by calling hbase shell tabletest.rb. This will create the following output, which you can then parse from your shell script:
Table tableisthere does exist
0 row(s) in 0.9830 seconds
Table tableisNOTthere does not exist
0 row(s) in 0.9830 seconds
Adding more details for 'all in one' script:
Alternatively, you can create a more advanced script in ruby that checks for table existence and then will create it if needed - this is done calling the HBaseAdmin java api from within the ruby script.
conf =
hbaseAdmin =
if !hbaseAdmin.tableExists('mytable')
