Fabric8 customResourceDefinitions test - fabric8

I am working on Fabric8 unit test, now I am trying to create a CRD against KubernetesServer.
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apiextensions.v1.CustomResourceDefinition;
public class TestCertManagerService {
public KubernetesServer server = new KubernetesServer();
#DisplayName("Should list all CronTab custom resources")
public void testCronTabCrd() throws IOException {
// Given
//server.expect().get().withPath("/apis/stable.example.com/v1/namespaces/default/crontabs").andReturn(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, ?????).once();
KubernetesClient client = server.getClient();
CustomResourceDefinition cronTabCrd = client.apiextensions().v1().customResourceDefinitions()
.load(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/crontab-crd.yml")))
When I ran it, I got the following error
TestCertManagerService > testCronTabCrd FAILED
io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Failure executing: GET at: https://localhost:60690/apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1/customresourcedefinitions.
at app//io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.requestFailure(OperationSupport.java:694)
at app//io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.requestFailure(OperationSupport.java:673)
at app//io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.assertResponseCode(OperationSupport.java:626)
at app//io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.handleResponse(OperationSupport.java:566)
at app//io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.handleResponse(OperationSupport.java:527)
at app//io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.handleResponse(OperationSupport.java:510)
at app//io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.listRequestHelper(BaseOperation.java:136)
at app//io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.list(BaseOperation.java:505)
at app//io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.list(BaseOperation.java:494)
at app//io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.list(BaseOperation.java:87)
at app//com.ibm.si.qradar.cp4s.service.certmanager.TestCertManagerService.testCronTabCrd(TestCertManagerService.java:94)
I have a few of questions:
(1) In this case, I am using v1() interface, sometimes I saw example code is using v1beta1(), what decides this version? By the way, I am using Kubernetes-client library 5.9.0
(2) In my code , I comments out this line
server.expect().get().withPath("/apis/stable.example.com/v1/namespaces/default/crontabs").andReturn(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, ?????).once();
What is this statement for? In my case, I want to load a CRD, then create a CR, what is "?????" in the statement?
Any ideas for stack trace? How to fix it?
I appreciate it in advance.

From the code which you shared, it looks like you're using Fabric8 Kubernetes Mock Server in expectations mode. Expectations mode requires the user to set the REST API expectations. So the code shown below is setting some expectations from Mock Server viewpoint.
// Given
.andReturn(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, getCronTabList())
These are the expectations set:
Mock Server would be requested a GET request at this URL: /apis/stable.example.com/v1/namespaces/default/crontabs . From URL we can expect a resource under stable.example.com apigroup with v1 version, default namespace and crontabs as plural.
When this URL is being hit, you're also defining response code and response body in andReturn() method. First argument is the response code (200 in this case) and second argument is the response body (a List object of CronTab which would be serialized and sent as response by mock server).
This request is only hit .once(), if KubernetesClient created by Mock Server requests this endpoint more than once; the test would fail. If you want to hit the endpoint more than once, you can use .times(..) method instead.
But in your test I see you're loading a CustomResourceDefinition from YAML and creating it which doesn't seem to match the expectations you set earlier. If you're writing a test about creating a CustomResourceDefinition, it should look like this:
#DisplayName("Should Create CronTab CRD")
void testCronTabCrd() throws IOException {
// Given
KubernetesClient client = server.getClient();
CustomResourceDefinition cronTabCrd = client.apiextensions().v1()
.load(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/crontab-crd.yml")))
.andReturn(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, cronTabCrd)
// When
CustomResourceDefinition createdCronTabCrd = client.apiextensions().v1()
// Then
Bdw, if you don't like setting REST expectations. Fabric8 Kubernetes Mock Server also has a CRUD mode which mock real Kubernetes APIServer. You can enable it like this:
public KubernetesServer server = new KubernetesServer(true, true);
then use it in test like this:
#DisplayName("Should Create CronTab CRD")
void testCronTabCrd() throws IOException {
// Given
KubernetesClient client = server.getClient();
CustomResourceDefinition cronTabCrd = client.apiextensions().v1()
.load(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/crontab-crd.yml")))
// When
CustomResourceDefinition createdCronTabCrd = client.apiextensions().v1()
// Then
I added CustomResourceLoadAndCreateTest and CustomResourceLoadAndCreateCrudTest tests in my demo repository: https://github.com/r0haaaan/kubernetes-mockserver-demo


Getting an err status 500 connecting reactmongo to mlabs

SOLUTION in the bottom
i'm trying to connect my reactive spring webflux project to mongodb via mlabs. But from the api and documentation i don't know which method is causing my problem. I set up two methods to work with my mlab db but don't know which should I stick to.
Method 1 > in the application properties set up my mlab uri
i've tried lower case, with & ampersand instead of question mark and adding
Result: My code runs but when i make any request(get, post, etc) i get an error, adding or removing the "?AuthMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1" doesn't make a difference
ERROR 2423 --- [ntLoopGroup-2-2] a.w.r.e.AbstractErrorWebExceptionHandler : [eb675923] 500 Server Error for HTTP POST "/content/v1/cont/"
org.springframework.data.mongodb.UncategorizedMongoDbException: Exception authenticating MongoCredential{mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1, userName='<fernando>', source='cont-api', password=<hidden>, mechanismProperties={}}; nested exception is com.mongodb.MongoSecurityException: Exception authenticating MongoCredential{mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1, userName='<fernando>', source='cont-api', password=<hidden>, mechanismProperties={}}
Method 2 > create a dataConfig like so, but when i run, i get an error of trying to connect to local mongodb
public class DataConfig {
private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "hospitals";
private static final String DATABA_URL = "mongodb://<fernando>:<password>#ds261277.mlab.com:61277/cont-api";
MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(new ConnectionString(DATABA_URL));
MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(DATABASE_NAME);
// #Bean
// public ReactiveMongoDatabaseFactory mongoDatabaseFactory(MongoClient mongoClient){
// return new SimpleReactiveMongoDatabaseFactory(mongoClient, DATABASE_NAME);
// }
// #Bean
// public ReactiveMongoOperations reactiveMongoTemplate(ReactiveMongoDatabaseFactory database){
// return new ReactiveMongoTemplate(database);
// }
[localhost:27017] org.mongodb.driver.cluster : Exception in monitor thread while connecting to server localhost:27017
com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException: Exception opening socket
any help would be great, thanks in advance
So i scrapped method two and stuck to method one, i just had to remove the angle brackets from the mlab uri so instead of it's now //fernando:password ...
So heads up to anyone using mlab, completely forgot to remove the angle brackets < >
After: without < > around the user and password

How to make Feign POST request without a request body and with query params?

I am using Feign with the Apache Http Client and I would like to support the following jax-rs interface:
void doSomething(#QueryParam("arg") String arg);
But, ApacheHttpClient uses a RequestBuilder, which converts query parameters for requests without a body/entity into a UrlEncodedFormEntity.
I am converting my APIs to jax-rs, and I do not want to break backwards compatibility. Is there a way to use Feign without adjusting my API? Will the OkHttp or Ribbon clients support POSTs with query params and no body/entity? Is there another java jax-rs client that will support this?
Also, is there a reason why RequestBuilder turns query params into a UrlEncodedFormEntity? Is there an alternative HttpUriRequest builder within the apache-httpclient library that doesn't do this? RequestBuilder's build method has the following lines of code:
if (entity == null && (HttpPost.METHOD_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(method) || HttpPut.METHOD_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(method))) {
entity = new UrlEncodedFormEntity(parameters, HTTP.DEF_CONTENT_CHARSET);
} else {
// omitted expected behavior
Before switching to Feign, my code constructed a HttpUriRequest with something similar to the following:
URI uri = new URIBuilder()
.addParameter("arg", "value")
HttpUriRequest request = new HttpPost(uri);
If you are willing to break the API slightly and maintain support for the #QueryParam, then you could define a request interceptor on the feign client that adds a plain text entity/body to the request:
.requestInterceptor(template -> {
if (template.method().equals(HttpPost.METHOD_NAME) && template.queries().keySet().size() > 0 && template.body() == null) {
template.body(" ");
Then, your API would change with the following:
void doSomething(#QueryParam("arg") String arg);
But, this breaks the API since the server now expects/consumes a POST message with a plain text entity/body.
I think the same could be accomplished without the requestInterceptor and with Feign's #Body template:
#Body(" ")
void doSomething(#QueryParam("arg") String arg);
But, this means that your API would have to include Feign rather than pure jax-rs annotations.

how to get jsonobject form volley onResponse library

I'm an android beginner and I want to make a login using volley library, but i don't
know how i can obtain the JSONObject response from my server and use it to check
login parameters and launch a specific activity if the user exist.
//assuming you are implementing this part from an activity.
//otherwise, replace “this” with relevant context
RequestQueue myQueue = queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);
//your server address
String url = "http://my-json-feed";
//Create your JSON object request
JsonObjectRequest jsObjRequest = new JsonObjectRequest
(Request.Method.GET, url, null, new Response.Listener() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
//process the server response here.
//use the “response” object for checking the login parameters, etc.
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
//Handle errors such as network failures,etc here
//add the request object to the Volley queue
The "onResponse()" is the callback function which will give you the json object returned by the server. Inside that function, use that response to do whatever you want (for your case, to check login parameters, etc.)
For details, look here: Request JSON
Another note:
If you are to use the VolleyQueue only in one or two activities, it's okay to create separate volley queues for those couple of activities. But, if you have lots of activities and all of them needs to use Volley, then it would be a very bad choice to create volley queues for each activity. It can cause you OutOfMemory exception in the worst case. You can consider creating a singleton VolleyQueue which will be used by the whole application (Creating an ApplicationController class and including the Volley singleton queue in it can be one way to do that).

JUnit needs special permissions?

My builds have been failing due to some of the integration tests I've been running. I'm stuck on why it won't work. Here is an example of the output:
I'm using Maven to first build, then it calls the JUnit tests. I'm seeing this 401 Unauthorized message in every single test, and I believe that's what is causing the builds to fail. In my mind, this means there are some permissions / authentication parameters that need to be set. Where would I go about doing this in JUnit?
public void testXmlHorsesNonRunners() throws Exception {
String servletUrl = SERVER + "sd/date/2013-01-13/horses/nonrunners";
Document results = issueRequest(servletUrl, APPLICATION_XML, false);
// debugDocument(results, "NonRunners");
String count = getXPathStringValue(
assertEquals("non runners", "45", count);
If you can, try to ignore the detail. Effectively, this is making a request. This is a sample of a test that uses the issueRequest method. This method is what makes HTTP requests. (This is a big method, which is why I didn't post it originally. I'll try to make it as readable as possible.
logger.info("Sending request: " + servletUrl);
HttpGet httpGet = null;
// InputStream is = null;
DefaultHttpClient httpclient = null;
try {
httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
doFormLogin(httpclient, servletUrl, acceptMime, isIrishUser);
httpGet = new HttpGet(servletUrl);
httpGet.addHeader("accept", acceptMime);
// but more importantly now add the user agent header
setUserAgent(httpGet, acceptMime);
logger.info("executing request" + httpGet.getRequestLine());
// Execute the request
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpGet);
// Examine the response status
StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine();
switch (statusLine.getStatusCode()) {
case 401:
throw new HttpResponseException(statusLine.getStatusCode(),
case 403:
throw new HttpResponseException(statusLine.getStatusCode(),
case 404:
throw new HttpResponseException(statusLine.getStatusCode(),
"Not Found");
if (300 < statusLine.getStatusCode()) {
throw new HttpResponseException(statusLine.getStatusCode(),
"Unexpected Error");
// Get hold of the response entity
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
Document doc = null;
if (entity != null) {
InputStream instream = entity.getContent();
try {
// debugContent(instream);
doc = documentBuilder.parse(instream);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// In case of an IOException the connection will be released
// back to the connection manager automatically
throw ex;
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
// In case of an unexpected exception you may want to abort
// the HTTP request in order to shut down the underlying
// connection and release it back to the connection manager.
throw ex;
} finally {
// Closing the input stream will trigger connection release
return doc;
} finally {
// Release the connection.
I notice that your test output shows HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error a couple of lines before the 401 error. I wonder if the root cause could be hiding in there. If I were you I'd try looking for more details about what error happened on the server at that point in the test, to see if it could be responsible for the authentication problem (maybe the failure is in a login controller of some sort, or is causing a session to be cancelled?)
Alternately: it looks like you're using the Apache HttpClient library to do the request, inside the issueRequest method. If you need to include authentication credentials in the request, that would be the code you'd need to change. Here's an example of doing HTTP Basic authentication in HttpClient, if that helps. (And more examples, if that one doesn't.)
(I'd second the observation that this problem probably isn't specific to JUnit. If you need to do more research, I'd suggest learning more about HttpClient, and about what this app expects the browser to send. One possibility: use something like Chrome Dev Tools to peek at your communications with the server when you do this manually, and see if there's anything important that the test isn't doing, or is doing differently.
Once you've figured out how to login, it might make sense to do it in a #Before method in your JUnit test.)
HTTP permission denied has nothing to do with JUnit. You probably need to set your credentials while making the request in the code itself. Show us some code.
Also, unit testing is not really meant to access the internet. Its purpose is for testing small, concise parts of your code which shouldn't rely on any external factors. Integration tests should cover that.
If you can, try to mock your network requests using EasyMock or PowerMock and make them return a resource you would load from your local resources folder (e.g. test/resources).

Serialization error in service stack when using client library

I have a ServiceStack REST service (PUT and POST) which I have tested with fiddler and if no errors are raised I return
new HttpResult(HttpStatusCode.OK);
Now I am testing the same REST service with the service stack client, I have:
var client = new XmlServiceClient("url"));
client.Post<ChangeServerLicenseDto>("", new ChangeServerLicenseDto()
{ServerName = model.ServerName});
and I get the exception on the REST service when I do
return new HttpResult(HttpStatusCode.OK)
and the error raised is :
500 (Error in line 1 position 76. Expecting element 'ChangeServerLicense'
from namespace ''.. Encountered 'Element' with name 'HttpStatusCode',
namespace 'http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System.Net'.)
My client code is in a MVC action method (POST).
My datacontract for the RestService is :
[DataContract(Name = "ChangeServerLicense", Namespace = "")]
[RestService("url", "POST", "application/xml")]
public class ChangeServerLicenseDto
[DataMember(Name = "ServerName", Order = 1)]
public string ServerName { get; set; }
The convention of signalling a successful response is to return an empty Response DTO (which by default returns a 200 OK). Also Send<TResponse>(...) does a POST so if you don't want to include the url in the request, use Send which will POST the request to the automatic pre-defined routes:
var client = new XmlServiceClient("url"));
new ChangeServerLicenseDto {ServerName = model.ServerName});
Otherwise if you still want to use .Post<T>(...) include the URL for the custom route where your services is mounted.
Note: I generally dislike using Dto suffixes on DTOs which are the most important API in your service - I explain in a bit more detail why here.
