When my simple Go program run ,Why the result is deadlock? - go

This is my entire Go code! What confused me is that case balances <- balance: did't occurs.I dont know why?
package main
import (
func main() {
done := make(chan int)
var balance int
balances := make(chan int)
balance = 1
go func() {
done <- 1
select {
case balances <- balance:
fmt.Println("done case")
fmt.Println("default case")
default case
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
goroutine 1 [chan receive]:
/tmp/sandbox575832950/prog.go:29 +0x13d
goroutine 18 [chan receive]:
/tmp/sandbox575832950/prog.go:17 +0x38
created by main.main
/tmp/sandbox575832950/prog.go:16 +0x97

The main goroutine executes the select before the anonymous goroutine function executes the receive from balances. The main goroutine executes the default clause in the select because there is no ready receiver on balances. The main goroutine continues on to receive on done.
The goroutine blocks on receive from balances because there is no sender. Main continued past the send by taking the default clause.
The main goroutine blocks on receive from done because there is no sender. The goroutine is blocked on receive from balances.
Fix by replacing the select statement with balances <- balance. The default clause causes the problem. When the the default class is removed, all that remains in the select is send to balances.

Because of concurrency, there's no guarantee that the goroutine will execute before the select. We can see this by adding a print to the goroutine.
go func() {
done <- 1
$ go run test.go
default case
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
If the select runs first, balances <- balance would block; balances has no buffer and nothing is trying to read from it. case balances <- balance would block so select skips it and executes its default.
Then the goroutine runs and blocks reading balances. Meanwhile the main code blocks reading done. Deadlock.
You can solve this by either removing the default case from the select and allowing it to block until balances is ready to be written to.
select {
case balances <- balance:
fmt.Println("done case")
Or you can add a buffer to balances so it can be written to before it is read from. Then case balances <- balance does not block.
balances := make(chan int, 1)

What confused me is that case balances <- balance: did't occurs
To be specific: it's because of select with a default case.
Whenever you create a new goroutine with go ...(), there is no guarantee about whether the invoking goroutine, or the invoked goroutine, will run next.
In practice it's likely that the next statements in the invoking goroutine will execute next (there being no particularly good reason to stop it). Of course, we should write programs that function correctly all the time, not just some, most, or even almost all the time! Concurrent programming with go ...() is all about synchronizing the goroutines so that the intended behavior must occur. Channels can do that, if used properly.
I think the balances channel can receive data
It's an unbuffered channel, so it can receive data if someone is reading from it. Otherwise, that write to the channel will block. Which brings us back to select.
Since you provided a default case, it's quite likely that the goroutine that invoked go ...() will continue to execute, and select that can't immediately choose a different case, will choose default. So it would be very unlikely for the invoked goroutine to be ready to read from balances before the main goroutine had already proceeded to try to write to it, failed, and gone on to the default case.
You can solve this by either removing the default case from the select and allowing it to block until balances is ready to be written to.
You sure can, as #Schwern points out. But it's important that you understand you don't necessarily need to use select to use channels. Instead of a select with just one case, you could instead just write
balances <- balance
select is not required in this case, default is working against you, and there's just one case otherwise, so there's no need for select. You want the main function to block on that channel.
you can add a buffer to balances so it can be written to before it is read from.
Sure. But again, important to understand that the fact that a channel might block both sender and receiver until they're both ready to communicate , is a valid, useful, and common use of channels. Unbuffered channels are not the cause of your problem - providing a default case for your select, and thus a path for unintended behavior, is the cause.


Need little help to understand the flow of the code ? i don't understand how routine-end in the output comes in between the other output statements

Trying to understand the flow of goroutines so i wrote this code only one thing which i am not able to understand is that how routine-end runs between the other go routines and complete a single go routines and print the output from the channel at the end.
func add(dataArr []int,dataChannel chan int,i int ){
var sum int
for i:=0;i<len(dataArr);i++{
sum += dataArr[i]
fmt.Println("wRITING TO CHANNEL.....")
dataChannel <- sum
func main(){
fmt.Println("main() started")
dataChannel := make(chan int)
dataArr := []int{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
for i:=0;i<len(dataArr);i+=3{
go add(dataArr[i:i+3],dataChannel,i)
fmt.Println("came to blocking statement ..........")
fmt.Println("main() end")
main() started
came to blocking statement ..........
main() end
Your for loop launches 3 goroutines that invoke the add function.
In addition, main itself runs in a separate "main" goroutine.
Since goroutines execute concurrently, the order of their run is typically unpredictable and depends on timing, how busy your machine is, etc. Results may differ between runs and between machines. Inserting time.Sleep calls in various places may help visualize it. For example, inserting time.Sleep for 100ms before "came to blocking statement" shows that all add goroutines launch.
What you may see in your run typically is that one add goroutine launches, adds up its slice to its sum and writes sum to dataChannel. Since main launches a few goroutines and immediately reads from the channel, this read gets the sum written by add and then the program exists -- because by default main won't wait for all goroutines to finish.
Moreover, since the dataChannel channel is unbuffered and main only reads one value, the other add goroutines will block on the channel indefinitely while writing.
I do recommend going over some introductory resources for goroutines and channels. They build up the concepts from simple principles. Some good links for you:
Golang tour
https://gobyexample.com/ -- start with the Goroutines example and do the next several ones.

another golang channels questions on understanding how it processes

I'm walking through this blog post to understand channels and I have a question on the 2nd example. I modified it a bit in the playground to this, where I'm putting more items in the channel like this:
package main
import (
func main() {
n := 3
in := make(chan int)
out := make(chan int)
// We now supply 2 channels to the `multiplyByTwo` function
// One for sending data and one for receiving
go multiplyByTwo(in, out)
// We then send it data through the channel and wait for the result
in <- n
in <- 3
in <- 6
in <- 10
func multiplyByTwo(in <-chan int, out chan<- int) {
// This line is just to illustrate that there is code that is
// executed before we have to wait on the `in` channel
fmt.Println("Initializing goroutine...")
// The goroutine does not proceed until data is received on the `in` channel
num := <-in
// The rest is unchanged
result := num * 2
out <- result
but this throws an error:
Initializing goroutine...
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
goroutine 1 [chan send]:
/tmp/sandbox639017164/prog.go:18 +0xe0
goroutine 6 [chan send]:
main.multiplyByTwo(0x430080, 0x4300c0)
/tmp/sandbox639017164/prog.go:34 +0xe0
created by main.main
/tmp/sandbox639017164/prog.go:14 +0xa0
my interpretation of this is that the channels should process data that comes in, so why would it throw an error if I'm just simply adding more to the channel? I'd assume that it would pass in the other numbers too and run those through the function as well.
if I run it like this without an out channel:
package main
import (
func main() {
n := 3
in := make(chan int)
//out := make(chan int)
// We now supply 2 channels to the `multiplyByTwo` function
// One for sending data and one for receiving
go multiplyByTwo(in)
// We then send it data through the channel and wait for the result
in <- n
in <- 3
in <- 6
in <- 10
func multiplyByTwo(in <-chan int) {
// This line is just to illustrate that there is code that is
// executed before we have to wait on the `in` channel
fmt.Println("Initializing goroutine...")
// The goroutine does not proceed until data is received on the `in` channel
num := <-in
// The rest is unchanged
result := num * 2
it process the first input into the channel but then errors out again. fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
The goroutine processes one value, and then terminates. You can only send the first value to your goroutine, after that, the goroutine is gone, and there's nothing listening to your channel. That's why you get deadlock, you're trying to send data to a channel where there are no listeners.
Your channels are unbuffered. That means, data exchange through the channel happens only when there is at least one listener reading from the channel, and some other goroutine writes to it. If you create buffered channels, you can keep adding to them until the buffer is full. Otherwise, for the write operation to succeed, there must be a matching read operation.
This would work:
func multiplyByTwo(in <-chan int) {
for num:=range in {
// process num
// If here, then channel in is closed
in <- n
in <- 3
in <- 6
in <- 10
// Wait for the goroutine to finish
You can, if you like, think of a channel as a sort of mailbox (perhaps with special teleportation abilities, like a portal from the game Portal).
An unbuffered channel is a mailbox that has no room at all for any packages. For someone to mail a package (send a value), they must wait until the receiver's hand pokes out of the mailbox. They can then drop the package into the hand, which will withdraw back into the mailbox, taking the package with it. If someone else is in line, you must get in line behind the someone-else.
A buffered channel is a mailbox that can hold one or more packages. To send a package, get into the line if there is one. When you reach the head of the line, you may look at the box. If there is room for your package, you put it in and go on about your business. If not, you can wait until there is room, then put the package in and go on about your business.
So there is a general pattern to send:
Get in line if you have to.
When you reach the head of the queue, put your package in if there is room, otherwise wait for room—or, for an unbuffered channel, for someone to come to the other (receive) side and put their hand in to receive.
Meanwhile, if you want to receive from a channel, you queue up if needed, just as for sending. Once you're at the head of the line, you can take a package out of the box, or—for an unbuffered channel—wait with your hand sticking out of the other side of the box-with-no-room for someone to come along and put something in it.
Each goroutine is, in this analogy, like a person, or a Go gopher. It (or he or she or whatever pronoun you prefer) can queue up if needed, and put things into, or take them out of, one of these channels. Your program starts with one goroutine, which invokes main.
In your code, you spin off a second goroutine, which begins at multiplyByTwo. This one goroutine waits—once—for a number to show up in the channel, or in this case, for someone to be waiting to send a number since the channel is unbuffered. It then doubles the (single) number it got, prints the result, and quits / dies / gets buried, never to exist again.
Meanwhile your main waits for someone to be receiving—that would be your second goroutine—until it's ready to take the number 3 that's in n. That part succeeds. Then your main waits for another receive so that it can send the constant 3.
While your main is waiting, your other goroutine is doing its work—or maybe has finished its work—and exits. Now there is only one "person" (or gopher or whatever) in the whole system, waiting for a second person—who does not exist and will not ever be born—to come along to take the number. The underlying Go system can tell that this event won't ever happen, and that's when you get the message:
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
(this also terminates the program).
Burak Serdar's answer shows how you can have your second goroutine keep reading numbers from the channel. This introduces a new problem: how do you tell the second goroutine that no more numbers are coming? The answer is that you can close the channel, with close.
If we stick with the mailbox analogy, you can think of closing the channel as putting a special sticker or label on the send side of the channel. This prevents anyone from doing any further putting-values-in. Any packages that are in the channel already are safe—they stay there until someone receives them—but no new packages can go in. On the receiver side, it's easy to tell the difference between a package and this special sticker: so when you encounter the "closed" sticker, you know no more values will ever come through. If the channel is unbuffered, you can see this sticker immediately. If it's buffered, you'll have to take out all the existing packages first, before you can see it.
In general, the sender should close the channel so that receivers know they will not get anything more from it. (In many specific cases, you can get away without closing the channel. In particular, if the goroutine running main returns from its call to main, all the other goroutines die more or less immediately.)
Note that once closed, no sender can close the channel again, so this means that if you have a single channel that you share across multiple senders, only one of them can close the channel! Making that work right is tricky, so it's more common to avoid sharing a channel across more than one writing-goroutine like this.

Why code in loop not executed when I have two go-routines

I'm facing a problem in golang
var a = 0
func main() {
go func() {
for {
a = a + 1
fmt.Printf("result=%d\n", a)
expected: result=(a big int number)
result: result=0
You have a race condition,
run your program with -race flag
go run -race main.go
Read at 0x0000005e9600 by main goroutine:
/home/jack/Project/GoProject/src/gitlab.com/hooshyar/GoNetworkLab/StackOVerflow/race/main.go:17 +0x6c
Previous write at 0x0000005e9600 by goroutine 6:
/home/jack/Project/GoProject/src/gitlab.com/hooshyar/GoNetworkLab/StackOVerflow/race/main.go:13 +0x56
Goroutine 6 (running) created at:
/home/jack/Project/GoProject/src/gitlab.com/hooshyar/GoNetworkLab/StackOVerflow/race/main.go:11 +0x46
Found 1 data race(s)
exit status 66
what is solution?
There is some solution, A solution is using a mutex:
var a = 0
func main() {
var mu sync.Mutex
go func() {
for {
a = a + 1
fmt.Printf("result=%d\n", a)
before any read and write lock the mutex and then unlock it, now you don not have any race and resault will bi big int at the end.
For more information read this topic.
Data races in Go(Golang) and how to fix them
and this
Golang concurrency - data races
As other writers have mentioned, you have a data race, but if you are comparing this behavior to, say, a program written in C using pthreads, you are missing some important data. Your problem is not just about timing, it's about the very language definition. Because concurrency primitives are baked into the language itself, the Go language memory model (https://golang.org/ref/mem) describes exactly when and how changes in one goroutine -- think of goroutines as "super-lightweight user-space threads" and you won't be too far off -- are guaranteed to be visible to code running in another goroutine.
Without any synchronizing actions, like channel sends/receives or sync.Mutex locks/unlocks, the Go memory model says that any changes you make to 'a' inside that goroutine don't ever have to be visible to the main goroutine. And, since the compiler knows that, it is free to optimize away pretty much everything in your for loop. Or not.
It's a similar situation to when you have, say, a local int variable in C set to 1, and maybe you have a while loop reading that variable in a loop waiting for it to be set to 0 by an ISR, but then your compiler gets too clever and decides to optimize away the test for zero because it thinks your variable can't ever change within the loop and you really just wanted an infinite loop, and so you have to declare the variable as volatile to fix the 'bug'.
If you are going to be working in Go, (my current favorite language, FWIW,) take time to read and thoroughly grok the Go memory model linked above, and it will really pay off in the future.
Your program is running into race condition. go can detect such scenarios.
Try running your program using go run -race main.go assuming your file name is main.go. It will show how race occured ,
attempted write inside the goroutine ,
simultaneous read by the main goroutine.
It will also print a random int number as you expected.

The Behaviour Of Goroutines with Channels

The output of the code given bellow and is somewhat confusing, Please help me understand the behaviour of the channels and goroutines and how
does the execution actually takes place.
I have tried to understand the flow of the program but the statement after the "call of goroutine" gets executed, even though the goroutine is called,
later on the statements in goroutines are executed,
on second "call of goroutine" the behaviour is different and the sequence of printing/flow of program changes.
Following is the code:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
done := make(chan string)
go test(done)
func test(done chan string) {
done <- "3"
done <- "10"
done <- "5"
The result of the above code:
Please help me understand why and how this result comes out.
Concept 1: Channels
Visualize a channel as a tube where data goes in one end and out the other. The first data in is the first data that comes out the other side. There are buffered channels and non-buffered channels but for your example you only need to understand the default channel, which is unbuffered. Unbuffered channels only allow one value in the channel at a time.
Writing to an Unbuffered Channel
Code that looks like this writes data into one end of the channel.
ch <- value
Now, this code actually waits to be done executing until something reads the value out of the channel. An unbuffered channel only allows for one value at a time to be within it, and doesn't continue executing until it is read. We'll see later how this affects the ordering of how your code is executed.
Reading from an Unbuffered Channel
To read from an unbuffered channel (visualize taking a value out of the channel), the code to do this looks like
[value :=] <-ch
when you read code documentation [things in] square brackets indicate that what's within them is optional. Above, without the [value :=] you'll just take a value out of the channel and don't use it for anything.
Now when there's a value in the channel, this code has two side effects. One, it reads the value out of a channel in whatever routine we are in now, and proceeds with the value. The other effect it has is to allow the goroutine which put the value into the channel to continue. This is the critical bit that's necessary to understand your example program.
In the event there is NO value in the channel yet, it will wait for a value to be written into the channel before continuing. In other words, the thread blocks until the channel has a value to read.
Concept 2: Goroutines
A goroutine allows your code to continue executing two pieces of code concurrently. This can be used to allow your code to execute faster, or attend to multiple problems at the same time (think of a server where multiple users are loading pages from it at the same time).
Your question arises when you try to figure out the ordering that code is executed when you have multiple routines executing concurrently. This is a good question and others have correctly stated that it depends. When you spawn two goroutines, the ordering of which lines of code are executed is arbitrary.
The code below with a goroutine may print executing a() or end main() first. This is due to the fact that spawning a gorouting means there are two concurrent streams (threads) of execution happening at the same time. In this case, one thread stays in main() and the other starts executing the first line in a(). How the runtime decides to choose which to run first is arbitrary.
func main() {
fmt.Println("start main()")
go a()
fmt.Println("end main()")
func a() {
fmt.Println("executing a()")
Goroutines + Channels
Now let's use a channel to control the ordering of what get's executed, when.
The only difference now is we create a channel, pass it into the goroutine, and wait for it's value to be written before continuing in main. From earlier, we discussed how the routine reading the value from a channel needs to wait until there's a value in the channel before continuing. Since executing a() is always printed before the channel is written to, we will always wait to read the value put into the channel until executing a() has printed. Since we read from the channel (which happens after the channel is written) before printing end main(), executing a() will always print before end main(). I made this playground so you can run it for yourself.
func main() {
fmt.Println("start main()")
ch := make(chan int)
go a(ch)
fmt.Println("end main()")
func a(ch chan int) {
fmt.Println("executing a()")
ch <- 0
Your Example
I think at this point you could figure out what happens when, and what might happen in a different order. My own first attempt was wrong when I went through it in my head (see edit history). You have to be careful! I'll not give the right answer, upon editing, since I realized this may be a homework assignment.
EDIT: more semantics about <-done
On my first go through, I forgot to mention that fmt.Println(<-done) is conceptually the same as the following.
value := <-done
This is important because it helps you see that when the main() thread reads from the done channel, it doesn't print it at the same time. These are two separate steps to the runtime.

Cancellation pattern in Golang

Here is a quote from 50 Shades Of Go: Traps, Gotchas and Common mistakes:
You can also use a special cancellation channel to interrupt the
func First(query string, replicas ...Search) Result {
c := make(chan Result)
done := make(chan struct{})
defer close(done)
searchReplica := func(i int) {
select {
case c <- replicas[i](query):
case <- done:
for i := range replicas {
go searchReplica(i)
return <-c
As far as understand, it means that we use channel done to interrupt the workers ahead of time without waiting for full execution (in our case execution of replicas[i](query). Therefore, we can receive a result from the fastest worker ("First Wins Pattern") and then cancel the work in all other workers and save the resources.
On the other hand, according to the specification:
For all the cases in the statement, the channel operands of receive
operations and the channel and right-hand-side expressions of send
statements are evaluated exactly once, in source order, upon entering
the "select" statement.
As far as I understand, it means we cannot interrupt the workers, as in any case, all workers will evaluate function replicas[i]query and only then select case <- done and finish their execution.
Could you please point out at the mistake in my reasoning?
Your reasoning is correct, the wording on the site is not completely clear. What this "construct" achieves is that the goroutines will not be left hanging forever, but once the searches finish, the goroutines will end properly. Nothing more is happening there.
In general, you can't interrupt any goroutine from the outside, the goroutine itself has to support some kind of termination (e.g. shutdown channel, context.Context etc.). See cancel a blocking operation in Go.
So yes, in the example you posted, all searches will be launched, concurrently, result of the fastest one will be returned as it arrives, the rest of the goroutines will continue to run as long as their search is finished.
What happens to the rest? The rest will be discarded (case <- done will be chosen, as an unbuffered channel cannot hold any elements, and there will be no one else receiving more from the channel).
You can verify this in this Go Playground example.
