How to convert mkv video to hls using compiled ffmpeg - ffmpeg

With the following commands converting the mkv video into HLS master playlist based video streams is not working correctly.
ffmpeg -i input.mkv \
-y -vsync 0 -c:v h264_cuvid -c:v h264_nvenc -c:a copy \
-map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -vf fade,hwupload_cuda,scale_npp=854:358 -b:v:0 1M -b:a:0 128k \
-map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -vf fade,hwupload_cuda,scale_npp=1280:536 -b:v:1 3M -b:a:1 192k \
-var_stream_map "v:0,a:0,name:480p v:1,a:1,name:720p" \
-hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 0 -hls_time 3 -hls_flags independent_segments -f hls -hls_playlist_type event -master_pl_name "master-pl.m3u8" output-%v.m3u8
And it is generating the output as follows which is wrong.
How to generate master playlist with ffmpeg (which was compiled to work with nvidia GPU)
GPU compile configurations
--enable-nonfree --disable-shared --enable-gpl --enable-libx264 --enable-cuda --enable-nvenc --enable-cuvid --enable-cuda-nvcc --enable-openssl --enable-libnpp --extra-cflags=-I/usr/local/cuda/include --extra-ldflags=-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64
I have copied the multiple resolution based video generating based on following commands which works well, but it works with CPU I would like to convert it into GPU.
ffmpeg -i input.mkv \
-map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 \
-c:v libx264 -crf 22 -c:a aac -ar 48000 \
-filter:v:0 scale=w=480:h=360 -maxrate:v:0 600k -b:a:0 64k \
-filter:v:1 scale=w=640:h=480 -maxrate:v:1 900k -b:a:1 128k \
-filter:v:2 scale=w=1280:h=720 -maxrate:v:2 900k -b:a:2 128k \
-var_stream_map "v:0,a:0,name:360p v:1,a:1,name:480p v:2,a:2,name:720p" \
-preset slow -hls_list_size 0 -threads 0 -f hls -hls_playlist_type event -hls_time 3 \
-hls_flags independent_segments -master_pl_name "name-pl.m3u8" \


How do I enable gpu acceleration in ffmpeg?

my code:
sudo ffmpeg -i rtsp:// \
-map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 \
-c:v h264_cuvid -crf 22 -c:a aac -ar 48000 \
-filter:v:0 scale=w=480:h=360 -maxrate:v:0 600k -b:a:0 500k \
-filter:v:1 scale=w=640:h=480 -maxrate:v:1 1500k -b:a:1 1000k \
-filter:v:2 scale=w=1280:h=720 -maxrate:v:2 3000k -b:a:2 2000k \
-var_stream_map "v:0,a:0,name:360p v:1,a:1,name:480p v:2,a:2,name:720p" \
-preset fast -hls_list_size 10 -threads 0 -f hls \
-hls_time 3 -hls_flags independent_segments \
-master_pl_name "livestream.m3u8" \
-y -vsync 0 -hwaccel cuda "/var/www/livestream-%v.m3u8"
Option hwaccel (use HW accelerated decoding) cannot be applied to output url /var/www/livestream-%v.m3u8 -- you are trying to apply an input option to an output file or vice versa. Move this option before the file it belongs to.
Error parsing options for output file /var/www/livestream-%v.m3u8.
It doesn't work with the above error.
working cpu code:
sudo ffmpeg -i rtsp:// \
-map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 \
-c:v libx264 -crf 22 -c:a aac -ar 48000 \
-filter:v:0 scale=w=480:h=360 -maxrate:v:0 600k -b:a:0 500k \
-filter:v:1 scale=w=640:h=480 -maxrate:v:1 1500k -b:a:1 1000k \
-filter:v:2 scale=w=1280:h=720 -maxrate:v:2 3000k -b:a:2 2000k \
-var_stream_map "v:0,a:0,name:360p v:1,a:1,name:480p v:2,a:2,name:720p" \
-preset fast -hls_list_size 10 -threads 0 -f hls \
-hls_time 3 -hls_flags independent_segments \
-master_pl_name "livestream.m3u8" \
-y "/var/www/livestream-%v.m3u8"
The above operates as a cpu and annoys my cpu. I don't know how to write the command.=
Any ideas?

Multiple bitrates/resolutions and creating HLS playlist issue

When I run the command below, only the 1280x720 line works. The other two lines do not work. Where am I missing?
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -s:v:0 1280x720 -c:a aac -c:v:0 libx264 -b:v:0 2000k \
-s:v:1 640x480 -c:a aac -c:v:1 libx264 -b:v:1 1000k \
-s:v:2 320x240 -c:a aac -c:v:2 libx264 -b:v:2 600k \
-f hls -hls_playlist_type vod -master_pl_name test.m3u8 \
-hls_segment_filename test_%v/test%06d.ts -use_localtime_mkdir 1 stream_%v.m3u8
You need to map the input video stream for each output video stream explicitly like this:
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 \
-map 0:v:0 -s:v:0 1280x720 -c:v:0 libx264 -b:v:0 2000k \
-map 0:v:0 -s:v:1 640x480 -c:v:1 libx264 -b:v:1 1000k \
-map 0:v:0 -s:v:2 320x240 -c:v:2 libx264 -b:v:2 600k \
-c:a aac \
-f hls -hls_playlist_type vod -master_pl_name test.m3u8 \
-hls_segment_filename test_%v/test%06d.ts -use_localtime_mkdir 1 stream_%v.m3u8

How do I create an HLS master playlist with ffmpeg?

There is a command that generates hls videos in different sizes.
Now I need to merge them into one master playlist. (What is a master playlist) How do I do this? What and where do I need to add in this command?
ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -i input.mp4 \
-vf scale=w=640:h=360:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -c:a aac -ar 48000 -c:v h264 -profile:v main -crf 20 -sc_threshold 0 -g 48 -keyint_min 48 -hls_time 4 -hls_playlist_type vod -b:v 800k -maxrate 856k -bufsize 1200k -b:a 96k -hls_segment_filename output/360p_%03d.ts output/360p.m3u8 \
-vf scale=w=842:h=480:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -c:a aac -ar 48000 -c:v h264 -profile:v main -crf 20 -sc_threshold 0 -g 48 -keyint_min 48 -hls_time 4 -hls_playlist_type vod -b:v 1400k -maxrate 1498k -bufsize 2100k -b:a 128k -hls_segment_filename output/480p_%03d.ts output/480p.m3u8 \
-vf scale=w=1280:h=720:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -c:a aac -ar 48000 -c:v h264 -profile:v main -crf 20 -sc_threshold 0 -g 48 -keyint_min 48 -hls_time 4 -hls_playlist_type vod -b:v 2800k -maxrate 2996k -bufsize 4200k -b:a 128k -hls_segment_filename output/720p_%03d.ts output/720p.m3u8 \
-vf scale=w=1920:h=1080:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -c:a aac -ar 48000 -c:v h264 -profile:v main -crf 20 -sc_threshold 0 -g 48 -keyint_min 48 -hls_time 4 -hls_playlist_type vod -b:v 5000k -maxrate 5350k -bufsize 7500k -b:a 192k -hls_segment_filename output/1080p_%03d.ts output/1080p.m3u8
What I am interested in is the automatic creation of a master playlist using ffmpeg in this command.
UPD: I answered my own question
After several attempts, I still got the desired result. I modified the command and now it looks like this
ffmpeg -hide_banner -re -i input.mp4 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 \
-c:v h264 -profile:v main -crf 20 -sc_threshold 0 -g 48 -keyint_min 48 -c:a aac -ar 48000 \
-filter:v:0 scale=w=640:h=360:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:0 856k -bufsize:v:0 1200k -b:a:0 96k \
-filter:v:1 scale=w=842:h=480:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:1 1498k -bufsize:v:1 2100k -b:a:1 128k \
-filter:v:2 scale=w=1280:h=720:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:2 2996k -bufsize:v:2 4200k -b:a:2 128k \
-filter:v:3 scale=w=1920:h=1080:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:3 5350k -bufsize:v:3 7500k -b:a:3 192k \
-var_stream_map "v:0,a:0 v:1,a:1 v:2,a:2 v:3,a:3" \
-hls_time 4 \
-hls_list_size 0 \
-master_pl_name master.m3u8 \
-hls_segment_filename output/%v_%03d.ts output/%v.m3u8
After several attempts, I still got the desired result. I modified the command and now it looks like this
ffmpeg -hide_banner -re -i input.mp4 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 \
-c:v h264 -profile:v main -crf 20 -sc_threshold 0 -g 48 -keyint_min 48 -c:a aac -ar 48000 \
-filter:v:0 scale=w=640:h=360:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:0 856k -bufsize:v:0 1200k -b:a:0 96k \
-filter:v:1 scale=w=842:h=480:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:1 1498k -bufsize:v:1 2100k -b:a:1 128k \
-filter:v:2 scale=w=1280:h=720:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:2 2996k -bufsize:v:2 4200k -b:a:2 128k \
-filter:v:3 scale=w=1920:h=1080:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:3 5350k -bufsize:v:3 7500k -b:a:3 192k \
-var_stream_map "v:0,a:0 v:1,a:1 v:2,a:2 v:3,a:3" \
-hls_time 4 \
-master_pl_name master.m3u8 \
-hls_segment_filename output/%v_%03d.ts output/%v.m3u8
In case anyone facing an issue with the above command.
ffmpeg -hide_banner -re -i input.mp4 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -c:v h264 -profile:v main -crf 20 -sc_threshold 0 -g 48 -keyint_min 48 -c:a aac -ar 48000 -filter:v:0 scale=w=640:h=360:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:0 856k -bufsize:v:0 1200k -b:a:0 96k -filter:v:1 scale=w=960:h=540:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:1 1498k -bufsize:v:1 2100k -b:a:1 128k -filter:v:2 scale=w=1280:h=720:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:2 2996k -bufsize:v:2 4200k -b:a:2 128k -filter:v:3 scale=w=1920:h=1080:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:3 5350k -bufsize:v:3 7500k -b:a:3 192k -var_stream_map "v:0,a:0,name:1080p v:1,a:1,name:720p v:2,a:2,name:540p v:3,a:3,name:360p" -master_pl_name master.m3u8 -f hls -hls_time 10 -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -hls_segment_filename "v%v/segment%d.ts" v%v/index.m3u8
Full text-
ffmpeg -hide_banner -re -i input.mp4 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0
-map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -c:v h264 -profile:v main -crf 20 -sc_threshold 0 -g 48 -keyint_min 48 -c:a aac -ar 48000 -filter:v:0 scale=w=640:h=360:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:0
856k -bufsize:v:0 1200k -b:a:0 96k -filter:v:1
scale=w=960:h=540:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:1
1498k -bufsize:v:1 2100k -b:a:1 128k -filter:v:2
scale=w=1280:h=720:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:2
2996k -bufsize:v:2 4200k -b:a:2 128k -filter:v:3
scale=w=1920:h=1080:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease -maxrate:v:3
5350k -bufsize:v:3 7500k -b:a:3 192k -var_stream_map
"v:0,a:0,name:1080p v:1,a:1,name:720p v:2,a:2,name:540p
v:3,a:3,name:360p" -master_pl_name master.m3u8 -f hls -hls_time 10
-hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -hls_segment_filename "v%v/segment%d.ts" v%v/index.m3u8

How can I generate a multiple period DASH manifest with ffmpeg?

I am looking to encode a file and generate multiple periods rather than just one period. When I try to run ffmpeg with the below command, the result is a single period with multiple adaptation sets so clearly that is the wrong approach. I had thought by breaking the files by time this might work but apparently not. Any advice would be appreciated:
ffmpeg -i ~/Downloads/turkish-horses.mp4 \
-map 0:v:0 -b:v:1 1000k -ss 0 -t 5 -c:v:1 libx264 -filter:v:1 "scale=640:-1" \
-map 0:v:0 -b:v:2 1000k -ss 5 -c:v:2 libx264 -filter:v:2 "scale=640:-1" \
-map 0:v:0 -b:v:3 3000k -ss 0 -t 5 -c:v:3 libx264 -filter:v:3 "scale=1280:-1" \
-map 0:v:0 -b:v:4 3000k -ss 5 -c:v:4 libx264 -filter:v:4 "scale=1280:-1" \
-map 0:a\?:0 -ss 0 -t 5 -c:a aac -b:a 192k \
-map 0:a\?:0 -ss 5 -c:a aac -b:a 192k \
-use_timeline 1 -use_template 0 \
-adaptation_sets "id=0,streams=0,2 id=1,streams=4 id=2,streams=1,3 id=3,streams=5" \
-f dash output.mpd

How to scale and add correct a logo in ffmpeg command?

I am trying to apply a watermark and also to scale it to the current video size via ffmpeg command:
Here is my inital comand that works without watermark
ffmpeg -v 0 -vcodec h264_qsv -i 'udp://#some.ip:1234?fifo_size=1000000&overrun_nonfatal=1&buffer_size=1000000' -vf scale=iw:ih -profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k -deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 3500k -preset veryfast -vb 2000k -f flv rtmp://
Now I tried to add the picture as a watermark. There was a conflict while using with -vf scale=-1:ih*.5, in order to eliminate the problem I used -s 1280x720 to specify the resolution for the video stream, it worked but not properly.
ffmpeg -v 0 -vcodec h264_qsv -i 'udp://#some.ip:1234?fifo_size=1000000&overrun_nonfatal=1&buffer_size=1000000' -i logo.png -filter_complex "overlay=10:10" -s 1280x720 -profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k -deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 3500k -preset veryfast -vb 2000k -f flv rtmp://some.ip/app/720
The problem:
How can I specify in the ffmpeg command the both sizes of video and logo(watermark) so they don't conflict with each other and they auto adjust like -vf scale=-1:ih*.5 dose.
Thank you!
The scale2ref filter allows one to a video/image stream with reference to the dimensions of another video or image stream
ffmpeg -v 0 -vcodec h264_qsv -i 'udp://#some.ip:1234?fifo_size=1000000&overrun_nonfatal=1&buffer_size=1000000' \
-loop 1 -i logo.png \
-filter_complex "[1:v][0:v]scale2ref=iw/8:-1[logo][0v];[0v][logo]overlay=10:10[v]" \
-map "[v]" -map 0:a \
-profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k \
-deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 3500k \
-preset veryfast -vb 2000k \
-f flv rtmp://some.ip/app/720
Here 1:v - the logo image - is being scaled to 1/8th the width of [0:v], the H.264 stream.
For the command given in the comments:
ffmpeg -v 0 -vcodec h264_qsv -i 'input' \
-loop 1 -i logo.png \
-filter_complex "[0:v]scale=iw:ih[v0]; \
[1:v][v0]scale2ref=iw/8:-1[logo][0v];[0v][logo]overlay=10:10[v]" \
-map "[v]" -map 0:a \
-profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k \
-deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 3500k \
-preset veryfast -vb 2000k \
-f flv out1 \
-filter_complex "[0:v]scale=-1:ih/2[v0]; \
[1:v][v0]scale2ref=iw/8:-1[logo][0v];[0v][logo]overlay=10:10[v2]" \
-map "[v2]" -map 0:a \
-profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k \
-deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 2000k \
-preset veryfast -vb 1000k \
-f flv out2 \
-filter_complex "[0:v]scale=-1:ih/4[v0]; \
[1:v][v0]scale2ref=iw/8:-1[logo][0v];[0v][logo]overlay=10:10[v3]" \
-map "[v3]" -map 0:a \
-profile baseline -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 64k \
-deinterlace -vcodec h264_qsv -bufsize 4000k -maxrate 1000k \
-preset veryfast -vb 512k \
-f flv out3 \
