Logstash - Error during the load of keystore loading - elasticsearch

I'm trying to run logstash with elasticsearch and i got an error when i launch logstash, this error happen after the start of logtash, the creation of all the full, partial and after all the SQL operation. It seem's to ba a connection error but i'm not sure.
Error during the load of keystore loading
It's weird that it's happening at the very end of the process
Thank you for your help.


Receiving Invalid database URL while trying to start chainlink node

I am trying to start a chainlink node in rinkeby testnet.I have setup a postgres DB in AWS. The Database URL is already given. Below is the error while i am trying to start the node.
[ERROR] invalid database url %spostgresql://postgres:Bounty2000%#database-1.ciiecd8szsuh.us-west-1.rd
s.amazonaws.com:5432/db_sar_rinkeby orm/config.go:283
[ERROR] failed to initialize database, got error failed to connect to `host=/tmp user=root database=`
: dial error (dial unix /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432: connect: no such file or directory) orm/orm.go:82
[ERROR] failed to initialize database, got error failed to connect to `host=/tmp user=root database=`
: dial error (dial unix /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432: connect: no such file or directory) orm/orm.go:82
I tried changing few settings from AWS front but nothing helped.. If anyone have any clue pls help me up.
Based on the documentation it looks like there may be an "s" in front of your postgres URL, try removing that in your .env file. Also try replacing the database name with the IP address+Port. What should replace $DATABASE is "postgres". Finally try adding in ?sslmode=disable if you don't have ssl activated at the database (not recommended for a production node).
Example in .env:

elastic apm can't connect to elasticsearch

My apm server can't connect to ES with the following log
2020-04-12T04:08:17.102Z ERROR pipeline/output.go:100 Failed to connect to backoff(elasticsearch(http://example.com:9200)): Connection marked
as failed because the onConnect callback failed: resource 'apm-7.4.2-span' exists, but it is not an alias
I tried to 'reset' the index by the following command, it won't work either
$ apm-server setup --index-management
Exiting: resource 'apm-7.4.2-span' exists, but it is not an alias
I tried to setup a policy where apm data is deleted after 3 month, and I think I messed up the index setup.. (I can't remember what I did exactly)
How do I reset the index and start using apm again?
(It's a plus if I can retain the data, but I can sacrifice it)

greenplum initialization failed

When I tried to initialize Greenplum I got the following error
20180408:23:21:02:017614 gpstop:datanode3:root-[INFO]:-Starting gpstop with args:
20180408:23:21:02:017614 gpstop:datanode3:root-[INFO]:-Gathering information and validating the environment...
20180408:23:21:02:017614 gpstop:datanode3:root-[ERROR]:-gpstop error: postmaster.pid file does not exist. is Greenplum instance already stopped?
also when i tried to check gpstate command i got the following error
20180408:23:21:48:017711 gpstate:datanode3:root-[INFO]:-Starting gpstate with args:
20180408:23:21:48:017711 gpstate:datanode3:root-[INFO]:-local Greenplum Version: 'postgres (Greenplum Database) 5.7.0 build f7c6eb5-oss'
20180408:23:21:48:017711 gpstate:datanode3:root-[CRITICAL]:-gpstate failed. (Reason='could not connect to server: Connection refused
I also did the configuration an add a permission on PostgreSQL.conf, but the same issue
You have pasted the output of gpstop.
gpstop error: postmaster.pid file does not exist. is Greenplum
instance already stopped?
Which means that the database is not running.

Issues in initializing Pentaho biserver with postgresql on a Mac

I'm trying to get pentaho server BI installed with postgresql on a macos.
When I launch http://localhost:8080/pentaho/, I get the following error:
And I'm also getting the following errors on pentaho log file :
2017-10-17 16:31:33,237 ERROR [org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] ERROR:column am.amcanorder does not exist
Position : 407
2017-10-17 16:31:33,239 ERROR [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate] could not complete schema update
I really don't know from where to start to fix these as I'm new to both pentane and mac. Any hint please?
What type of install did you choose: SourceForge/Pentaho web site, Manual/Standard,... Tell us which file you did download, and what you did to configure it with postgres...

Can't start teamcity server due to Unexpected excetion SQLException/HsqlException

I can't start my Teamcity server on my local machine. It is giving Teamcity server startup error.
The error is : Unexpected exception SQLException/HsqlException: SQL error when doing: Taking a connection from the data source
SQL exception: error in script file line: C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\system\buildserver 45
Anyone have any idea?
Thank you in advance.
Most probably the error means that HSQL DB is corrupted. The solution is to restore from backup.
