Connecting a Label/Button from StoryBoard to ContentView in Xcode 13 - xcode

Options Window
How can I connect a label, button, or other element from my Storyboard to my coding file in Xcode 13? When I first loaded Xcode, there was no storyboard file added to my project. I had to add one myself. Then, when I created labels and buttons on the Storyboard, it wouldn't allow me to connect to the coding file the way I used to (clicking Ctrl and dragging the label/button to the code). I feel like I'm missing something simple but I can't find any solutions online. Thanks in advance.

You have selected a Multiplatform template. This is only supported by SwiftUI.
Select a single platform template (iOS, macOS etc)


Where did tabbed controller views go in storyboard?

Forgive but I haven't coded in about a year or two, so I haven't been following the latest update in Xcode.
Anyways, I decided to go back and brush up on some skills and I noticed right off the bat that a lot has changed.
I created a new project using the tabbed view controller set up, usually it shows in storyboard immediately upon creating the project. Now there is nothing there. Where did it go and how do I bring it back?
I attached a screenshot so you can see the simulator running the tabbed apps but not showing in storyboard.
enter image description here
You opened the LaunchScreen.storyboard. This layout appears on the screen for a few moments while the app is launching.
The storyboard that you are looking for is Main.storyboard
Notice, that there is no Main.storyboard if you start with SwiftUI
There are no specialized app templates any more. But there is still a tab view controller object in the storyboard editor's library, so just drag it into the canvas and use it. It gives you same two-child tab view controller as before.

How to convert manual view controller to storyboard as a launch screen

New iOS requirements need Apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later and use an Xcode storyboard to provide the app’s launch screen.
But my project is very old and has never used Storyboards. All UI elements are created dynamically using ViewControllers.
I managed to create a storyboard file and set it as a launcher but it has no scenes and I do not know how to proceed. I would like to:
Create a scene where I place only the original launch image inside (hoping that apple still accepts this branding)
If it is possible to just connect my main ViewController with the scene (if that works with dynamical ViewControllers)
If nothing helps than I would need to create a simple scene which has just a bottom bar like my ViewController
I had this exact issue, here's what I did:
Create LaunchScreen.storyboard and set to use it as launch screen
Using the + button in the top-right (this was not an obvious step), add a View Controller into the storyboard
Untick "Use Safe Area Layout Guides" on the right panel if you're getting that error
Tick "Is Initial View Controller"
Then clean and run, for me it just worked. I did have trouble seeing it update though, as discussed here: Launch Screen storyboard not displaying image

NSPanel removed in Xcode 8?

In the past I can find Panel available in Interface Builder's Library, but in Xcode 8, I searched the whole library in storyboard editor, no Panel available. Has Apple just removed NSPanel or I got something wrong?
Assuming you want to add a second window (as a panel) to your storyboard, add a new window controller. Then select its window and change its class to NSPanel. In the attributes inspector you will find that your panel can then be changed to regular, utility or HUD.
For Cocoa apps, I find that Nibs/Xibs are sometimes easier to work with than storyboards.

How to have my ViewController use a different storyboard? xCode 6.3

I duplicated a storyboard, and changed colors is all. What do I need to do to link my ViewController to use this other storyboard? thank you.
Select your project folder in the navigation window. Under the Deployment Info section, click on the "Main Interface" text field and select your alternate storyboard. This will set it as the initial interface at launch time. If you want to switch between the storyboards while the application is running, that's a little more complicated and not something I've had to figure out yet.

Xcode 4.3.2 - missing iOS controls

I think I'm missing some controls in the tool window in Xcode 4.3.2.
I created a new iOS 5 project, and my list of controls looks like this:
I noticed that I got more controls when I opened a sample project downloaded from the Apple dev site.
Then I tried to open my own project, which started out showing a code file. Then I got a huge list. But as soon as I view the storyboard, or a Xib file it reverts back to the shorter list.
In the huge list of controls, some of them doesn't look iOS-ish. I suspect that it loads the whole lot Xcode has to offer across project types (both iOS, Mac). Looks like this:
Do I need to manually load some frameworks, or similar into my project in order to get more controls?
The first screenshot shows the CocoaTouch controls, the second one shows standard Cocoa Controls. Not all of the latter ones are available on iOS/CocoaTouch. You can change the filter with the drop-down menu directly above the list ("Objects" in the first screenshot, "Object Library" in the second one)
