How to make VScode Go work in a Multi-Module Repo - go

I have a go.mod file in a golang project, and I also have another go project which is embedded in this project, but vscode does not seem to recognize this embedded project. Is there a way to work with multiple golang project with vscode?

You have to add the modules directory to your workspace using the "file / add folder to work space" menu.

What you have is a multi-module workspace and this is supported by Go and VSCode. If you are using Go 1.17 and earlier then fix is a configuration option on VSCode (experimentalWorkspaceModule setting). If you have Go 1.18+ then fix is using the new file.
Check this article for more details


Can Jetbrains GoLand use both GoModule and GOPATH?

I'm working in fibrechannel project, and there are same level project(common) that fibrechannel depends on.
When I select Enable Go modules integration as below:
IDE tells me logger not found. (Note I'm using red rectangle to mark the reference and it's actually location under common folder)
After I unclick the Enable Go modules integration checkbox. (Note GOPATH looks like below)
IDE tells me "" not found.
the go.mod under fibrechannel looks like below:
module fibrechannel/src
go 1.12
require ( v0.8.1 v1.3.0 v1.1.1 v2.2.2
I'm a newbie in GO language, and I just want the IDE to resolve dependencies successfully.
I'm wondering if there's a way to make both GOPATH and GoModules work in Jetbrains GoLand. If not, is there a way to modify go.mod so that it can include GOPATH?
Finally, I managed to solve this issue.
B.T.W, since this is an old project maintained by many team members. I don't want to change its code structure, all I need is to read the content without any unknown reference in GoLand.
The solution is NOT to use go modules.
I unchecked the Enable Go modules integration so that only libraries in venders folder not found.
Then I manually added venders folder into GOPATH.
Now dependencies are all resolved!

What does Enable Go modules integration do in Intellij IDE

Not having previous knowledge about creating a project from zero within terminal, I've created a folder, cd into of it then run go mod init my_project_name which created a go.mod file for me, then I've created main.go file which built just ok.
Then I created a folder and add a go file inside with package name (being same with directory) and create a struct inside of it. Next I tried to import that package in main package but when I try to build on terminal it gave me this error
go: cannot determine module path for source directory /Users/berkcan/workspace/go/my_project_name (outside GOPATH, module path must be specified)
After googling and not being able to find a solution to my problem, I've imported project to beloved Intellij IDE and I enabled Go modules integration then everything worked flawlessly. First I thought IDE doing some magic inside while building project but even when I try go build command in terminal, it built. But I cant see difference in project structure or a new line in go.mod file.
So what happened, what did Intellij IDE did when I ticked go module integration box and what I can do enable it on terminal without Intellij IDE ?
here is the photo of option in IDE when ticked
IntelliJ IDEA plus Go plugin or GoLand under the hood has two modes to get the information about your packages (simplified):
GOPATH. IDEA scans your $GOPATH directory to build internal indexes of your packages and provides code completion, resolving, etc.
Go Modules. IDEA executes go list -m -json to resolve your dependencies and scans your $GOPATH/pkg/mod directory (default value of GOMODCACHE) for the packages. If they don't exist, IDEA executes go mod download. After these operations, the IDE provides all built-in features like code completion, navigation and so on.
Both modes don't change your Go or environment variables as well as behavior in the terminal. When you check Enable Go Modules integration option in the settings, the IDE just switches the mode from scan $GOPATH to execute go list and resolve your dependencies from the Go Modules cache.
To summarize, IntelliJ IDEA doesn't do any magic. I suppose it relates to your custom Go environment variables inside the terminal, especially GO111MODULE and if you didn't pass these variables to the GUI apps (e.g. you have specified it in .zshrc file and run the IDE via Desktop entry instead of the terminal), IntelliJ IDEA doesn't inherit them. You can compare go env output inside your local terminal and built-in inside the IDE (View | Tool Windows | Terminal) and find differences.

How can make my GoLand to detect dependency packages under $GOPATH/pkg/mod?

I'm trying through kubebuilder tutorial, and just imported existing project to GoLand.
Workthrough with kubebuilder auto-generated scaffold codes, and auto-downloaded pkgs with go mod for me. I had no problem when I was working with commandline environment, but turns out, after opening the project with GoLand, IDE is failing to resolve imported package names, which means it is failing to detect - or link - packages installed by go mod.
I enabled go mod(with vendoring) and dep both from IDE preferences, set GOPATH and Go runtime properly, but the error keeps to appear.
I don't know why I'm getting this error, and how to solve it.
+) Working Directory is $GOPATH/src/example, all the logics and settings are placed in the directory. Installed dependencies are placed under $GOPATH/pkg/mod.
I enabled go mod(with vendoring) and dep both from IDE preferences, set GOPATH and GOROOT properly, but the error keeps to appear.
Let's assume that you have the following setup on your machine:
Go is installed under /usr/lib/go
GOPATH is set to /home/florin/go
the KubeBuilder project named demobuilder is created under /home/florin/projects/demobuilder. I recommend this as opposed to using GOPATH, as you do, for Go Modules projects because they behave in a different way while in GOPATH.
First, make sure that you have GoLand 2019.3.1 or newer.
Then, after creating the demobuilder project, start GoLand, then click on the Open Project button.
When the project is opened, if you have not configured yet, the IDE will ask you for the Go SDK configuration, aka GOROOT. It will be a yellow bar at the top of the editor. Click on the link on the right side to configure it. You can select the local installation and point it to /usr/local/go. If you don't have Go installed, you can also download it in a directory of your choice.
Then, the IDE should automatically notice that the project is a Go Modules based project and enable the support for them. If it's not, then go to Settings/Preferences | Go | Go Modules and enable that. DO NOT enable both Go Modules and dep support at the same time. If you did that, disable the dep integration and try again.
You can see all of these in the help page.
Is Go modules integration enabled via File | Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Go | Go Modules

IntelliJ Golang plugin not able to import default packages

I just downloaded the latest plugin for Go support in IntelliJ. I'm not able to use intellisense for Go programming because IntelliJ is not able to import packages like fmt and float64.
However, if I run the program from within IntelliJ, it works just fine!
GOROOT is usr/local/go
Project GOPATH is /Users/myname/go where the go file is.
What am I missing?
Go to Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Go | GOROOT and make sure your GOROOT is selected there. Then to the same place, but in GOPATH, make sure that's also set correctly.
Also, make sure that you follow the Go Workspace requirements.
I solved this problem by upgrading my IntelliJ IDEA to the latest.

Google Container Builder: How to install govendor dependencies during build step?

I am trying to use Google Cloud Container Builder to automate the building of my containers using GCP Build Triggers
My code is in Go, and I have a vendor folder in my project root which contains all of my Go dependencies (I use govendor). However, this vendor folder is NOT checked in to source control.
I have a cloudbuild.yaml file where I first build my Go source into a main executable, and then build a Docker image using this executable. Container Builder ensures these build steps have access to my master branch.
The problem is that the Go compilation step fails, because the vendor folder is not checked in to source control, so none of my dependencies are available for any build step.
Is there a way to create a build step that uses govendor to install all dependencies in the vendor folder? If so, how? Or is the only option to check in my vendor directory into source control (which seems unnecessary to me)?
As per #JimB and #Peter's comments to my question, an easy solution is to add my vendor directory to Git so I don't have to download all my dependencies during the build steps.
