Using two variables in validation - ipaf

I'm trying to check two variables in a validation using validate tag .Is it possible to validate two variables at the same time in pace automation framework?

YES It is possible to check two variables in the validation.
<valGroup groupId="Check_Equals">
<validate variable="Actual_Result" condition="equals" value="${Expected_Result}" passMsg="PASSED" failMsg="FAILED" desc="VALIDATE TAG" expResult="VALIDATE the validation" >


Can validations be group with When for a FluentValidation RuleBuilder?

Here is an hypothetical example of some existing code using a FluentValidations RuleBuilder. Note that the first two validations use the same condition. Is it possible to group them together with When? It does not seem to be available directly off of the RuleBuilder instance but is there another approach?
return ruleBuilder
.NotEmpty().WithMessage("This field is required")
.Matches(new Regex("^(\\d{5})", RegexOptions.Compiled, _timeLimit))
.WithMessage("Must be a valid postal code.")
.MaximumLength(10).WithMessage("Text must be 10 characters or less");

Multi Choice user input as Branch: If/else condition

I want to know is it possible to create response base on multi choice user input in bot framework composer
Yes , you can refer the document here and sample here
Yes, this is possible. Store the choice in a property (dialog.choice/user.choice) and then use it in the branch condition.

Describe enums in Bot Framework & FormFlow with JSON Schema

I'd like to create a Bot using the FormFlow with JSON Schema approach. However, I need a bit more flexibility for displaying the answer options, since those need to be whole sentences and not only single words.
Is it possible to extend the enums specified inside the JSON file with descriptions that will be offered as options instead of the enum itself?
As I understand this is possible in code by using the Describe-Attribute.
You could use the "Define" property with custom script. The Sandwich Bot example is doing it this way (from json-schema-example):
"Define": "field.SetType(null).AddDescription(\"cookie\", DynamicSandwich.FreeCookie).AddTerms(\"cookie\", Language.GenerateTerms(DynamicSandwich.FreeCookie, 2)).AddDescription(\"drink\", DynamicSandwich.FreeDrink).AddTerms(\"drink\", Language.GenerateTerms(DynamicSandwich.FreeDrink, 2)); return true;",

Polymer: How to Validate Iron-AutogrowTextarea

I have a text area which I need to validate.
I can not use paper-textarea, because "only required and maxlength validation is supported."
So, my only choice seems to be iron-autogrow-textarea, which does have a validate(). But I don't know how to make use of the validate(). Can someone please let me know?
My textarea field currently looks like this.
bind-value= "{{value}}">
Where did you get your information for paper-textarea
"only required and maxlength validation is supported."
The below documentation indicates that it supports almost all the validation:
If you need to implement your own validator, then you need to create two elements
Validator that implements 'Polymer.IronValidatorBehavior'
Element that implements 'Polymer.IronValidatableBehavior'
Check the ssn validators in the paper-input demo for an e.g. on how to implement those.

using watin to automate business objects reports

how can i use watin to test business object reports in case all page render auto generated every run as the following
iD="generated number"+_string text
text field ID="12213124_sadfafs";
Assuming your string (eg: sadfafs) is known, use a RegEx for the Find parameter.
Something like: Find.ById(new Regex(regex_for_ends_with_sadfafs))
