List of X keysims - x11

I was adding keybindings to dwm, but I when I wanted to add keybindings for "<" and ">" I couldn't find any lists online that included their notations (like XK_bracketleft).
Could anyone tell me the their codes of point me towards a list that includes them?


Beyond Compare 3.3.10 ignores checkboxes for 'leading whitespace" and "embedded whitespace"

I would expect that Beyond Compare would ignore differences based on tabs vs spaces if in the Session Settings/Importance Tab, I check the boxes labeled Leading Whitespace and Embedded Whitespace while comparing text files using the default format. Neither checked nor unchecked causes those differences to be ignored.
What am I missing?
The checkboxes there are controlling what's important to the comparison. Whitespace will be important if they're checked and unimportant if they're unchecked. They do only affect text that doesn't match something else in the grammar though. If you're comparing C++ code, for example, and the whitespace occurs at the end of a comment line it will be classified as a comment instead.
Assuming it's classified as "unimportant" correctly, BC will still show it as a difference, but will show it in blue rather than red. You can hide unimportant differences using the View->Ignore Unimportant Differences menu item, which will make them appear using the matching coloring and filter as such.
If you're still having trouble you'll have better luck getting support if you email or post in our support forums at with a bit more information.
Go to: Tools -> File formats -> Grammar. Add a grammar item (the +) and then mark the Regular expression check box.
There you can add a regex matching the items you want and define the severity of them.
In general, this is very useful when you have some differences that are not important to you.

emacs-like mark selection in textmate

I used emacs for years before being convinced to switch over to textmate. I am mostly happy with the move but really, really miss the ability to select text by setting a mark and then moving the cursor; using shift + arrow just doesn't cut it for me. I have tried a couple bindings based on some out-dated blog posts out there but just can't figure it out!
Anybody know of a bundle or binding that will help me get this functionality?
I don't know of a way to do that in TextMate. It has bookmarks, used for navigation, but nothing like what you describe.
If I remember correctly, placing the caret somewhere and extending the selection with ⇧ + arrows is the only practical way to select stuff in TextMate.
Like in all Mac OS X applications you can accelerate the process by hitting ⌘ and go word by word.
There are 3 special shortcuts you might find useful but I don't think they will solve your problem:
^ + W to select the current Word
⇧⌘ + L to select the current Line
⇧⌘ + B to select between enclosing pairs
A bundle I've used for some time (but under a different name, I think) proposes scope-oriented selection. I remember it being quite useful at times but also a bit buggy.

WinMerge : how to ignore specific words in a comparison?

When I compare 2 files with WinMerge on Windows platform, do you know how could I ignore specific words ?
I mean I wanna say to WinMerge : "Don't care about that list of words : house, garden, etc."
An so when comparing those 2 lines :
the house is at london
the bus is at london
then no difference will be displayed since I don't care about the word house...
Any idea ?
In winmerge 2.16 (at least) (2020-05), you can use menu Plugins > Plugin Settings...
Click on PrediffLineFilter.sct, then click on the "Plugin Settings..." button, check in "Use RegExp" check box in the corresponding column. In the "Find what" column, specify a regexp and leave the "Replace with" cell empty. Close this plugin configuration window. Then, in the Plugins > Prediffer menu, select PrediffLineFilter.sct.
You can then turn off this filter plugin using menu Plugins > Prediffer > No Prediffer (normal).
I know its been a while since this was asked, but since this shows up as a top match when searching for this topic, I thought I'd add to it...
As far as I can tell, WinMerge STILL doesn't have this functionality directly. You have 2 options:
1) Write your own plugin for WinMerge. It does seem to be possible to do what you want that way if you wish to invest the time.
2) Get Meld. It includes the ability to use regex to ignore the parts of a line you don't want compared. For example, if you just put "word" in the text filter preferences it will ignore "word" and compare all other parts of the line. I use this to compare dmesg logs in Linux, ignoring the timer field at the start with "^[.*?]" (ignore everything between the initial brackets, non-greedy).
I am looking at the moment for something similar, so perhaps this may be helpful for you:
WinMerge does not allow to filter parts of a line. If a line filter matches, the whole line is ignored. See for an explanation of line filters.
So if there is a difference other than the word bus and house in it, the line will be ignored as well.

textmate, how to mark text in a self-written bundle...?

i start to love textmate, but there is one feature i miss in textmate, which i always used in notepad++ or eclipse.
if you double click on a word in the text you get every word which is equally spelled like this. this feature makes code reading so easy, especially it is foreign code, so i thought to write a bundle for textmate on my own.
i am familiar with reg-ex and i think it is not a problem to use sed to find the usage of $TM_CURRENT_WORD in the document.
my problem:
i have never writen a textmate bundle and i don't know if there is a possibility to mark text out of a tm-bundle. i have not found an example code in a different bundle and i also don't know which "output" to use in the bundle editor, because no suggestion would fit to my problem.
any hint would help, thank you very much!
You might be able to read the whole document, then do a find yourself for the (word the user selected), then output HTML (with the word selected in a CSS class or something)... which sounds like a fair bit of effort.
My pattern for this is:
Edit -> Find -> Use Selection for Find (Command + E)
Edit -> Find -> Find Next
Edit -> Find -> Find Next
So Command+E, Command+G, Command+G

Is ctrl-s save universal for save or are there different combinations for different languages

I imagine that there are different combination, just looking for an affirmation. Or, are we developers really that english-centric?
If I were in Japan, using a word processor on some computer, would Ctrl + S save?
Are there keyboards where Ctrl + S doesn't even exist (non-english keyboards)? Most of what I've seen usually has latin + [insert language here] characters, usually overridden on the normal qwerty keyboard.
It depends.
If the application's UI is in English, most people will expect CTRL + S to save.
If you're writing an application that is going to be translatable, you probably want also the shortcuts to be translatable. Shortcut standard varies between languages and countries. Leave this to the translator.
Yes, Ctrl- and Alt- are usually passed on verbatim and not subject to IME processing—assuming one is using an IME; I don't know about IME-less JP input methods. But in the basic case where an IME is used, Ctrl-S remains Ctrl-S, it does not become Ctrl-す or something.
Furthermore, menu entries often have a Latin accelerator defined - cf. :
addmenuentry(m, "ファイル(&F)");
Just tried on my Mac by setting Spanish as my default language. None of the programs I opened used different shortcuts in Spanish than English, although the menu text was all translated. TextEdit was the main program I used to test.
I also tried setting my keyboard to the Dvorak layout (very different layout, still meant for English), Spanish layout (still QWERTY), and French (a & q, z & w, m & , & ; swapped). Even though the French keyboard had the q in a different place, the shortcut was still CMD-Q.
So, it seems the convention on Mac OS X is to have the shortcuts always use the same letters.
However, according to this link, in Spain CTRL-G(uardar) is normally the shortcut for saving:
Here's an argument for basing the shortcuts on the position of the key on the keyboard, but I'd be surprised if anyone actually does that.
In Visual Studio, CTRL + S saves the document. In MS Office it's the same if it's in English, otherwise if it's in Italian, CTRL + S underlines the text, while SHIFT + something saves the document. I have no idea why they did this, but it might also apply to other applications and languages.
It depends on what you want to write. if you want to write a program and want to publish it everywhere, you should decide if you want it to write in only one language or in lots of languages. If you only want to write it in English, every one that wants to use it should change his/her system language to English or at least should support English. In that way Ctrl + S will do what you want.
