Generate Java Stubs from WSDL with Gradle? - spring

I'm new to Gradle but have to use it. I want to generate java stubs from a WSDL file to use in a soap call from a spring boot api to a xml web service. I've been using this tutorial: It seems to have exactly what I need. The problem is the project I'm working on uses Gradle and it seems almost impossible to get JAXB2 to work with Gradle. How would I convert this to Gradle? I've only worked with maven and json before, so feel free to talk to me as if I'm 4 years old, since that's true in this case.


custom runtime issue with native-maven-plugin having metadataRepository enabled

I have an app built with Spring Boot 3.0.0-M5, Spring Cloud 2022.0.0-M4, Java 17. Its GitHub repo is I am trying to achieve the following:
Enable metadataRepository configuration in native-maven-plugin in my app to assist in my native image build as this plugin automatically searches for GraalVM reachability metadata repo.
Need to create a custom runtime (in a zip format) using maven-assembly-plugin as I need to deploy my app to AWS Lambda since Lambda doesn't yet support Java 17 runtime.
I was able to generate the custom runtime in a zip file with maven-assembly-plugin and a few config files in my source code and deploy to Lambda (my github actions workflow run However, after adding native-maven-plugin to enable metadataRepository, my custom runtime build broke, it no longer generates the zip file (github actions workflow run Also see attached the comparison screenshot. The maven command I use in my workflow is mvn -ntp clean package -Pnative -e -X. In my root pom. Unfortunately I have not been able to find any good documentation on either GraalVM side or Spring Boot side on how to configure such plugins to achieve what I want. I have the plugins configured as the following, let me know what's the best way to handle configuring both maven-assembly-plugin and native-maven-plugin so I can accomplish my two goals listed above.

Is there a Maven plugin to generate client code from a swagger endpoint?

I need to consume a REST API created by another team. They have provided me a swagger-ui endpoint. I'm coding in Java. I am using SpringFramework. I'm looking for something that generates stubs that I can implement and schema classes.
Swagger Codegen has a Maven plugin. It can generate Spring server stubs and Java client SDKs among other things.
Codegen has two versions, 3.x and 2.x. They have different groupId.
Version 3.x is for OpenAPI 3.0 definitions (openapi: 3.0.x):
Version 2.x is for OpenAPI 2.0 definitions (swagger: '2.0').
For the supported <language> values, paste your OpenAPI YAML/JSON file into and check the values in the "Generate Server" and "Generate Client" menus.

io.spring.guides run the task to generate the domain classes based on the WSDL

I am following this guide and trying to understand the following note:
All of these chunks of code, the io.spring.guides classes will report
compile-time errors in your IDE unless you have run the task to
generate the domain classes based on the WSDL.
I want my xsd schema turn into POJO classes. Which task should I run to make it happen?
I added
and executed mvn clean install

QueryDsl - How to create Q classes with maven?

I have web project spring mvc with spring data
here is example :
I checked a lot of pom.xml that I found in web to create a Q classes of entities, but no lack.
Please help me with creating Q classes with maven.
you need plugin, try this:
I copied this from my project. just added it to your pom and have a try.
There are additional options in the code above, if you just wanna a simple one, focus on the querydsl reference

Deploy a single war to multiple tomcats using tomcat-maven-plugin

I'm trying to deploy a single war project to multiple tomcats using mvn tomcat:deploy. Since these are listener project (aka workers), their overlapping names are irrelevant.
When I have
a single war will be deployed on that server. Though I cannot have multiple 'plugins' of the same groupId artifactId combination, so simply copy this and change the url will result in a warning and only one (the latest) to be deployed.
This plugin further seems to allow:
but then mvn tomcat:deploy will try to deploy to localhost, since <configuration><url> was empty in this plugin's root (but I cannot supply a singular url there, since I need multiple). Also possible tomcat7 and tomcat6.
I really like the deploy and undeploy options. Does anybody know how to make this work, or some reasonable alternative?
currently not possible.
Note the plugin is now hosted at Apache see .
Can you load a jira for that ? That need a bit of code (maybe you can add a patch :-) )
