Why L1 cache is included in L2? - caching

My professor said:
Usually, L1 cache is included in L2 cache, but that's not correct for
L2 and L3
But why? This doesn't make sense to me... we are just using extra expensive space for nothing useful (we can use it for something else)


Can an inner level of cache be write back inside an inclusive outer-level cache?

I have asked a similar question: Can a lower level cache have higher associativity and still hold inclusion?
Suppose we have 2-level of cache. (L1 being nearest to CPU (inner / lower-level) and L2 being outside that, nearest to main memory) can L1 cache be write back?
My attempt)
I think we must have only write through cache and we cannot have write back cache in L1. If a block is replaced in the L1 cache then it has to be written back to L2 and also to main memory in order to hold inclusion. Hence it has to be write through and not write back.
All these doubts arise from the below exam question. :P
Question) For inclusion to hold between two cache levels L1 and L2 in
a multi-level cache hierarchy which of the following are necessary?
I) L1 must be write-through cache
II) L2 must be a write-through cache
III) The associativity of L2 must be greater than that of L1
IV) The L2 cache must be at least as large as the L1 cache
A) IV only
B) I and IV only
C) I, II and IV only
D) I, II, III and IV
As per my understanding, the answer needs to be Option (B)
Real life counterexample: Intel i7 series (since Nehalem) have a large shared (between cores) L3 that's inclusive. And all levels are write-back (including the per-core private L2 and L1d) to reduce bandwidth requirements for outer caches.
Inclusive just means that the outer cache tags have a state other than Invalid for every line in a valid state in any inner cache. Not necessarily that the data is also kept in sync. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_inclusion_policy calls that "value inclusion", and yes it does require a write-through (or read-only) inner cache. That's Option B, and is even stronger than just "inclusive".
My understanding of regular inclusion, specifically in Intel i7, is that data can be stale but tags are always inclusive. Moreover, since this is a multi-core CPU, L3 tags tell you which core's private L2/L1d cache owns a line in Exclusive or Modified state, if any. So you know which one to talk to if another core wants to read or write the line. i.e. it works as a snoop filter for those multi-core CPUs.
And conversely, if there are no tag matches in the inclusive L3 cache, the line is definitely not present anywhere on chip. (So an invalidate message doesn't need to be passed on to every core.) See also Which cache mapping technique is used in intel core i7 processor? for more details.
To write a line, the inner cache has to fetch / RFO it through the outer cache so it has a chance to maintain inclusion that way as it handles the RFO (read for ownership) from the L1d/L2 write miss (not in Exclusive or Modified state).
Apparently this is not called "tag-inclusive"; that term may have some other technical meaning. I think I saw it used and made a wrong(?) assumption about what it meant. What is tag-only forced cache inclusion called? suggests "tag-inclusive" doesn't mean tags but no data either.
Having a line in Modified state in the inner cache (L1) means an inclusive outer cache will have a tag match for that line, even if the actual data in the outer cache is stale. (I'm not sure what state caches typically use for this case; according to #Hadi in comments it's not Invalid. I assume it's not Shared either because it needs to avoid using this stale data to satisfy read requests from other cores.)
When the data does eventually write back from L1, it can be in Modified state only in the outer cache, evicted from L1.
The answer to your question will be 1V) L2 only needs to be bigger. i.e option A
Inclusive only means that line in L1 need to be present in L2. The line could be modified further in L1 and the state in L1 will reflect same.
When some other core looks up L2, it can Snoop state of line in L1 and force a WB if needes.

When the L2 page is copied to L1 page?

I'm not sure I understand correctly the idea behinds of L1 and L2 cache.
When we use the read command, the logic behinds:
first check if the data is stored in the L1 cache (which is faster) and if not, it checks the L2 cache.
So if the data stored in L2 cache, does the OS copy this page to L1 cache immediately ?
Now, if we want to write data, it is immediately write to L1 or L2 cache ?
So if the data stored in L2 cache, does the OS copy this page to L1 cache immediately ?
NO. The operating system does not move data among the caches.
There are very few processors where the operating system has any control over the contents of caches.
So if the data stored in L2 cache, does the OS copy this page to L1 cache immediately ?
Typically yes. This allows the L1 cache to do its job later if the data is required.
Now, if we want to write data, it is immediately write to L1 or L2 cache ?
To the L1 cache. Typically it will then be marked modified in the L1 cache and invalid in the L2 cache so that the caching hardware knows where the most current value is located.
Note that these are how things are usually done. There are all kinds of crazy variations out there.

PoU with non-shareable attribute

Another question regarding caching in ArmV7-A.
In this case, the SoC in question is Allwinner A20, Dual-Core Cortex-A7.
From what I have read, The definition of PoU for a core is the point at which the instruction and data caches of the core are guaranteed to see the same copy of a memory location.
In regards to SoC in question, since both cores share PoU at L2 (Unified) Cache, it means that whatever is put in L1, will be visible to L2. Is that right?
Even if I change an attribute of a memory region to be Non-Shareable, L2 will be able to see what inside L1 in either core. Is that true?
To elaborate what I meant by that, I have done a little experiment:
When I wrote into an memory address inside a Non-Shareable, Write-Back region from core #0. Then without doing any Cache Maintenance operation, when I tried to read from the same memory address from core #1, it happened that it read the correct value which was written from core #0.
I speculated that the behaviour was a result from L2 being the PoU, so, when I wrote from core#0, L2 also store a copy of it (even if it's not flushed). Then when I read from core#1, after a read miss, core#1's L1 retreive the memory value from L2.
...since both cores share PoU at L2 (Unified) Cache, it means that whatever is put in L1, will be visible to L2. Is that right?
No. One CPU's data accesses may snoop the data caches of another in the same shareability domain, but that has nothing to do with the PoU for instruction accesses; it's just the coherency protocol.
Even if I change an attribute of a memory region to be Non-Shareable, L2 will be able to see what inside L1 in either core. Is that true?
No. Non-shareable memory is not guaranteed to be coherent. Sure, you might see it work - maybe Cortex-A7 happens to still snoop non-shareable cache lines, or maybe your data just got naturally evicted from L1D in the meantime such that the other CPU hit it at L2 - but it definitely should not be relied upon. Either way, having multiple CPUs access the same non-shareable location is a totally backwards thing to do in practice; you've deliberately said you don't want to share it!

When L1 misses are a lot different than L2 accesses... TLB related?

I have been running some benchmarks on some algorithms and profiling their memory usage and efficiency (L1/L2/TLB accesses and misses), and some of the results are quite intriguing for me.
Considering an inclusive cache hierarchy (L1 and L2 caches), shouldn't the number of L1 cache misses coincide with the number of L2 cache accesses? One of the explanations I find would be TLB related: when a virtual address is not mapped in TLB, the system automatically skips searches in some cache levels.
Does this seem legitimate?
First, inclusive cache hierarchies may not be so common as you assume. For example, I do not think any current Intel processors - not Nehalem, not Sandybridge, possibly Atoms - have an L1 that is included within the L2. (Nehalem and probably Sandybridge do, however, have both L1 and L2 included within L3; using Intel's current terminology, FLC and MLC in LLC.)
But, this doesn't necessarily matter. In most cache hierarchies if you have an L1 cache miss, then that miss will probably be looked up in the L2. Doesn't matter if it is inclusive or not. To do otherwise, you would have to have something that told you that the data you care about is (probably) not in the L2, you don't need to look. Although I have designed protocols and memory types that do this - e.g. a memory type that cached only in the L1 but not the L2, useful for stuff like graphics where you get the benefits of combining in the L1, but where you are repeatedly scanning over a large array, so caching in the L2 not a good idea. Bit I am not aware of anyone shipping them at the moment.
Anyway, here are some reasons why the number of L1 cache misses may not be equal to the number of L2 cache accesses.
You don't say what systems you are working on - I know my answer is applicable to Intel x86s such as Nehalem and Sandybridge, whose EMON performance event monitoring allows you to count things such as L1 and L2 cache misses, etc. It will probably also apply to any modern microprocessor with hardware performance counters for cache misses, such as those on ARM and Power.
Most modern microprocessors do not stop at the first cache miss, but keep going trying to do extra work. This is overall often called speculative execution. Furthermore, the processor may be in-order or out-of-order, but although the latter may given you even greater differences between number of L1 misses and number of L2 accesses, it's not necessary - you can get this behavior even on in-order processors.
Short answer: many of these speculative memory accesses will be to the same memory location. They will be squashed and combined.
The performance event "L1 cache misses" is probably[*] counting the number of (speculative) instructions that missed the L1 cache. Which then allocate a hardware data structure, called at Intel a fill buffer, at some other places a miss status handling register. Subsequent cache misses that are to the same cache line will miss the L1 cache but hit the fill buffer, and will get squashed. Only one of them, typically the first will get sent to the L2, and counted as an L2 access.)
By the way, there may be a performance event for this: Squashed_Cache_Misses.
There may also be a performance event L1_Cache_Misses_Retired. But this may undercount, since speculation may pull the data into the cache, and a cache miss at retirement may never occur.
([*] By the way, when I say "probably" here I mean "On the machines that I helped design". Almost definitely. I might have to check the definition, look at the RTL, but I would be immensely surprised if not. It is almost guaranteed.)
E.g. imagine that you are accessing bytes A[0], A[1], A[2], ... A[63], A[64], ...
If the address of A[0] is equal to zero modulo 64, then A[0]..A[63] will be in the same cache line, on a machine with 64 byte cache lines. If the code that uses these is simple, it is quite possible that all of them can be issued speculatively. QED: 64 speculative memory access, 64 L1 cache misses, but only one L2 memory access.
(By the way, don't expect the numbers to be quite so clean. You might not get exactly 64 L1 accesses per L2 access.)
Some more possibilities:
If the number of L2 accesses is greater than the number of L1 cache misses (I have almost never seen it, but it is possible) you may have a memory access pattern that is confusing a hardware prefetcher. The hardware prefetcher tries to predict which cache lines you are going to need. If the prefetcher predicts badly, it may fetch cache lines that you don't actually need. Oftentimes there is a performance evernt to count Prefetches_from_L2 or Prefetches_from_Memory.
Some machines may cancel speculative accesses that have caused an L1 cache miss, before they are sent to the L2. However, I don't know of Intel doing this.
The write policy of a data cache determines whether a store hit writes its data only on that cache (write-back or copy-back) or also at the following level of the cache hierarchy (write-through).
Hence, a store that hits at a write-through L1-D cache, also writes its data at the L2 cache.
This could be another source of L2 accesses that do not come from L1 cache misses.

L1/2 cache problem

could L1/L2 cache line each cache multiple copies of the main memory data word?
It's possible that the main memory is in a cache more than once. Obviously that's true and a common occurrence for multiprocessor machines. But even on uni processor machines, it can happen.
Consider a Pentium CPU that has a split L1 instruction/data cache. Instructions only go to the I-cache, data only to the D-cache. Now if the OS allows self modifying code, the same memory could be loaded into both the I- and D-cache, once as data, once as instructions. Now you have that data twice in the L1 cache. Therefore a CPU with such a split cache architecture must employ a cache coherence protocol to avoid race conditions/corruption.
No - if it's already in the cache the MMU will use that rather than creating another copy.
Every cache basically stores some small subset of the whole memory. When CPU needs a word from memory it first goes to L1, then to L2 cache and so on, before the main memory is checked.
So a particular memory word can be in L2 and in L1 simultaneously, but it can't be stored two times in L1, because that is not necessary.
Yes it can. L1 copy is updated but has not been flushed to L2. This happens only if L1 and L2 are non-exclusive caches. This is obvious for uni-processors but it is even more so for multi-processors which typically have their own L1 caches for each core.
It all depends on the cache architecture - whether it guarantees any sort of thing.
