Our team has a dedicated slack channel for all team conversations. But since there are multiple conversation threads going on, things like pull requests awaiting reviewers or approvers tend to get lost. I manually search the channel for messages with Github links that require action to be taken.
I was wondering if there is a way to save this search so that I can run it automatically everyday. I know I can check Github directly, but since there are multiple repositories that the team works with, using Slack will be an easier workflow for us. It also helps loop in managers for follow ups and our managers generally do not follow Git respositories.
I've manage to send notification to Teams users through the Chatbot.
In order to send notification, you need to persist the conversation in order to have a channel to push the message or anything else. The persistence of the conversation are done in memory, so, after i restart the chatbot, i'm not able anymore to notify any user until they come back to chat with the bot and store the conversation again.
It's possible to save the conversation on a storage like CosmosDB or BlobStorage using this library https://github.com/microsoft/botbuilder-js/tree/main/libraries/botbuilder-azure?
What i understand about this library, it has been developed to persist some state of the conversation, not the conversation itself.
Maybe there is another way to retrieve conversations (or create from scratch with some stored data)?
The samples you see online store the data in memory because they are -just- samples, and it's much easier to keep the sample self-contained if it doesn't have a dependency on you setting up a database just to get the sample running.
In the real world the data -must- be kept somewhere else, for all practical purposes, such as Cosmos, Blob or other. In addition, you actually don't need the -entire- conversation reference - see here a more detailed answer I wrote a few months ago with some further references: Sending proactive messages from an outside process to organizational users via Teams chat bot
Also worth noting, the samples and docs show to get the data you need in the conversationUpdate from the user (i.e. when they install your bot), which is definitely easiest, but if you've lost it now (because your bot has reset), you get the same data from the user every time they send a message to your bot - you can save it at that time if you haven't saved it already.
I'd like to create a plugin for Slack that creates a dedicated "feed" channel.
This channel will aggregate all updates from the rest of channels.
In this way, users won't have to click on each channel to read the newly added posts.
Is there any plugin that resembles this behaviour?
That's an interesting idea. You could let users subscribe which channels they wish to watch. Then, you could collect all the messages from those channels and post it to the aggregator channel.
There are some 3-rd party apps that go one level up by understanding the discussions, preparing a summary using machine learning. I'm interested to join if you are planning to develop such an app.
We've had a DevOps member leave recently and have had complaints that all of the integrations (incoming webhooks) that they had set up have stopped working... (once the user was disabled).
One suggestion for dealing with this was to notify the affected channels when we deactivate the user, but I can't find in the API methods a way to look up which channels a user might have configured these webhooks for...
Anyone had to do something like this?
To get the apps and internal integrations that have been installed by a specific user use the API method called team.integrationLogs.
This method lists the integration activity logs for a team, including
when integrations are added, modified and removed. This method can
only be called by Admins.
For a programmatic solution you will need to go through all log entries for one user / app to find out its latest status.
However, it might still become difficult to reinstall all that apps / setup all that webhooks again properly after a DevOps member has left depending on how good your documentation is. We have therefore started using a generic admin user (e.g. "slackadmin") as main installer for all important apps / integrations for our workspace.
I understand conceptually what I need to do, I'm primarily here to ask about what tools I need for the job.
I've set up and configured Robut for use with HipChat so my team can, nominally, entertain themselves and also be able to access the contact info of other members (the important part). Obviously I don't want the bot hosted locally every day, so I want to push it to a server; along the same vein, I also don't want to have to constantly update Robut's plugin for whois every time the team changes.
We have a Contact Information wiki set up on Github, so I'm wondering what ruby gems/etc. I might need in order to pull down the wiki page, at which point I will be able to parse it.
Github's API doesn't have Wiki support. What you can do is contact support at Github and see what your options are.
I can't find much about this online so I was wondering if someone knew here.
Is SSRS 2005 if a user creates a subscription, will other users be able to view and edit those subsciptions? If not, is it possible to make subsciriptions visible to everyone?
Quick answer is no.
Long answer is:
AFAIK, there is no site-wide subscription management functionality. The best you can do within Report Manager is site-wide schedule management, which allows admins to set up schedules at preferred times and let users choose those schedules when creating their subscriptions.
Our solution for controlling/centralising subscriptions was to set up a generic Windows user, log in to Report Manager and use that user to create all subscriptions. This means that all requests for subscriptions go through the IT department (+ or - depends on your situation. We didn't want users creating subscriptions themselves). All users who know the generic username/password can manage subscriptions in one place. Not ideal but it works for us.
Another option is that all the data for subscriptions is held on the Server, either in the Reporting Services database or in the Jobs themselves. If you are brave you can delve in and set up some sort of interface to access this.
This is definitely an area in which I find SSRS lacking.
You live and learn. I've just found that (provided you have sufficient privileges) if you open a report, then go to the subscriptions tab, you can view and edit any subscriptions that are set up on this report by any user. Still not ideal as you don't get an overview of the subscriptions across the system but better than the bleak picture I painted previously!