Is there any way for a section to link back to the table of contents in pandoc? - pandoc

So I'm able to create a nice table of contents with pandoc --toc option, but I was wondering if there is any way of linking the header or a symbol near the heading back to the table of contents. For example, when you create a footnote in pandoc, it links the subscript number to the bottom of the page. At the end of the note, there is this little sign (↩︎) with a link for going back to the line where the footnote was. I'd like to do this with my table of contents for each header. I don't mind not use --toc, and instead manually writing out the table of contents, but I not sure whether this particular feature was available. Any tips would be very helpful!

A Lua filter can be used to add a link back to the TOC.
local link_to_toc = pandoc.Link({pandoc.Str '↑'}, '#TOC')
function Header (h)
h.content = h.content .. {pandoc.Space(), link_to_toc}
return h
Save the above into a file and pass it to pandoc via the --lua-filter (or -L) command line option.
Linking to a specific line in the TOC is not possible though.


SPSS Output modify - deleting footnotes

When generating tables in SPSS with the calculation of the mode it will show a footnote when multiple modes are present ("a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown").
There is a way to hide this footnote, but the hidden footnote will still take up an empty row in the output. For processing reasons I would like to delete the footnote entirely.
I have been trying to do this with the Output Modify command in the syntax, but can't get it to work. There are commands for selecting the footnotes:
And for deleting objects:
{YES }
But trying to combine these does not yield the wanted result. Is what I am trying to do possible? Or maybe a suggestion for another solution?
Thanks in advance!
try adding "NOTESCAPTIONS = NO" at the end of your OUTPUT MODIFY syntax.
that should remove all notes and captions in the output.
no need to use "DELETEOBJECT" subcommand.

print line before page changed in vfp reports

I'm creating a report in vfp. The report contains grouping. In the end of each group, i draw a line. Each row in the detail band doesn't contain any line, only at the end of each group. The problem is when the group expand to the next page, in the previous page i want to draw a line at the bottom. Like this :
(page 1)
group A
name, etc
???how do I add line here?
(page 2)
group A
group B
I've tried to place the line in the page footer band, but the last line of the report doesn't have exact position, so it doesn't look nice.
Hope I described the situation clear enough. Thank You for taking the time to help me.
Without some significant smoke-and-mirrors trickery: running the report twice, once hidden and track where the breaks are via function calls in the report, and then again for production, its not EASILY done.
The only thing I could suggest is putting a line at the TOP of a PAGE FOOTER which prints on EVERY page. How long have you been working with VFP. Depending, I MIGHT be able to guide you through it.
Ok, here are the steps I would take. This is under the assumption that you are pre-querying the results for your report and ordering them by some means into a temporary report cursor. You need to add 2 columns to your query as place-holders and be sure your do your cursor as " INTO CURSOR READWRITE " as we will be writing to this from within the report... that is the trick.
Next, modify your report. Go to the detail band and put a single line at the bottom of it. Adjust as needed if you need a few pixels under the last detail element. Double click the line and get to the tab where it allows you to put in a "Print When" condition for the line. Enter one of the new column names called "ShowLine" (but without the quotes).
Now, the "hook" for smoke and mirrors. Create another textbox field output in the report detail. It can be as small as 2 pixels wide and never actually prints anything. It can be put at the beginning or end of the report detail, no matter, just as long as its in the detail band. Double click it to bring up what it will print. In the expression, enter the following... WhatPageAmIOn( _PageNo )
This will actually call a function we'll add to your program which writes back to your report cursor... I'll hit that next.
Now, the code. The following is a sample snippet of code I've written to query the data for the report, have the extra columns, and put into a READWRITE cursor. From that, I run the report but to NOCONSOLE so it doesn't actually visually do anything, just runs in the background. It then cycles through and looks for the break between each page and goes backward 1 record from the break and stamps that record as "ShowLine" = .T... Then run the report again as normal and you have your one line appearing in the detail band regardless of a data group, but always the last data line at the end of each page.
Here's the code
*/ Query your data, order by whatever,
*/ but tack on the two extra fields and make it READWRITE
.f. as ShowLine,;
00000 as WhatPage;
*/ Pre-run the report NOCONSOLE so your windows don't get messed up / scrolled
*/ now, go back to the cursor that your report ran with
*/ set a variable for the first page you are looking to find a break for.
*/ in this case, the first detail that APPEARED on page 2.
lnLastPage = 2
*/ Start at top of the report cursor file and keep going until we reach
*/ the end of file where the LOCATE can no longer find "Pages".
*/ find the first record on ex: Page 2
LOCATE FOR WhatPage = lnLastPage
*/ Did we find one?
*/ Yes, go backwards 1 record
*/ This is the last detail that appeared on the page before it (ie: pg 1)
*/ Mark this line as ok to "ShowLine" the next time the report is run.
replace ShowLine WITH .T.
*/ Now, advance the page counter to look for the NEXT page break...
*/ ex: between page 2&3, 3&4, 4&5, etc...
lnLastPage = lnLastPage +1
*/ Run your final version of the report
REPORT FORM YourReport Preview (or print)
Here's the only hook below to track/update the page associated with the detail. I don't know if you have a main "SET PROCEDURE TO" file, or just a bunch of free .PRG files all in your project, or even if your reporting is done from within a PRG file itself. however, all you need is this function to be included in any of those locations. For simplest test, I would just create it as a stand-alone .prg file (if you are NOT using SET PROCEDURE, or doing your report within a PRG file and not from within a class method/event).
replace whatPage WITH lnPage
As in the original description, the report is going to include a field in the detail band based on a function "WhatPageamIOn" and passes the parameter of _PageNo which is the internal VFP variable that keeps track of the current report page that is typically used in report header / footers. So, as each detail is getting processed, we are "STAMPING" the detail data with whatever the page is. We return an empty string "" so nothing actually gets printed, yet we've hooked what we needed. From this, the loop finding the first record at the beginning of every page (starting at page 2), and skipping backwards to the last entry for the prior page and we're done.
Good luck.

Rails 3 - Export to Excel with gridlines

What can I add to this method to force full gridlines in Excel export?
def export_invoices
headers['Content-Type'] = "application/"
headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="Invoices.xls"'
headers['Cache-Control'] = ''
#invoices = Invoice.all
render :layout => nil
Hmm, lots of things going on here that I don't think make sense. The line
#invoices = Invoice.all
results in SQL like SELECT "invoices".* FROM "invoices" -- the * means you want all columns from the table, and the .all means you want all the invoices, not just one. Unless the contents of the table is a single column binary type, I cannot see this working, since Excel's file format is vendor-specific binary (I think!).
Are you using some gem like paperclip or other to handle saving files? Unless you are manipulating the actual excel data from within Rails (perhaps with a gem that knows how to do this), either the file was saved with gridlines on, or not.
This page describes how you can format your Excel file using XML.
If I understand you question correctly, you are looking to style the output in excel. To do that you need to actually generate an office open XML document, not dump CSV with application headers.
Have a look at these two gems
They should give you what you want.

how to select few words from text area in selenium rc

1. i uploaded file using browse option.
2. uploaded file content displayed in non-editable format
3. now i have to select few words.
for this i used mouseMoveAt (100,200) mouseDown() mouseMoveAt (150,250) mouseMoveUp().
This is not working..
Can anyone can give sample code?
I'm not sure I understand your question completely, but here's my take -
You can use selenium.getText(); for retrieving the text on a page and storing it in a variable. You can use this variable, which you can verify for correctness.
Here's an example syntax:
String var = selenium.getText(your_identifier_for_text);
Further, if you need to extract and verify just a portion of the text contained in var, you can use Java string functions.

Pass data from workspace to a function

I created a GUI and used uiimport to import a dataset into matlab workspace, I would like to pass this imported data to another function in matlab...How do I pass this imported dataset into another function....I tried doing diz...but it couldnt pick doesnt pick the data on the matlab workspace....any ideas??
[file_input, pathname] = uigetfile( ...
{'*.txt', 'Text (*.txt)'; ...
'*.xls', 'Excel (*.xls)'; ...
'*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'}, ...
'Select files');
M = dlmread(file_input);
X = freed(M);
I think that you need to assign the result of this statement:
to a variable, like this
dataset = uiimport(file_input);
and then pass that to your next function:
M = dlmread(dataset);
This is a very basic feature of Matlab, which suggests to me that you would find it valuable to read some of the on-line help and some of the documentation for Matlab. When you've done that you'll probably find neater and quicker ways of doing this.
EDIT: Well, #Tim, if all else fails RTFM. So I did, and my previous answer is incorrect. What you need to pass to dlmread is the name of the file to read. So, you either use uiimport or dlmread to read the file, but not both. Which one you use depends on what you are trying to do and on the format of the input file. So, go RTFM and I'll do the same. If you are still having trouble, update your question and provide details of the contents of the file.
In your script you have three ways to read the file. Choose one on them depending on your file format. But first I would combine file name with the path:
file_input = fullfile(pathname,file_input);
I wouldn't use UIIMPORT in a script, since user can change way to read the data, and variable name depends on file name and user.
With DLMREAD you can only read numerical data from the file. You can also skip some number of rows or columns with
M = dlmread(file_input,'\t',1,1);
skipping the first row and one column on the left.
Or you can define a range in kind of Excel style. See the DLMREAD documentation for more details.
The filename you pass to DLMREAD must be a string. Don't pass a file handle or any data. You will get "Filename must be a string", if it's not a string. Easy.
FREAD reads data from a binary file. See the documentation if you really have to do it.
There are many other functions to read the data from file. If you still have problems, show us an example of your file format, so we can suggest the best way to read it.
