Cypress: How to test zooming in/out with MMB - cypress

I am to write a test that checks the zooming in/out functionality by scrolling the middle mouse button, but I cannot find any way to test this?
The element that is changing while manually scroll the MMB is
<div class="react-transform-component" style="transform: translate3d(-180.78px, -56.96px, 0px) scale(1.213);">
The most recent thing I tried and that did not work was
cy.getCanvas().click().trigger("scroll", 0, 50);
(canvas element is inside of the react-transform-component)
EDIT: Manually editing the style attribute kind of works but it doesn't really test scrolling (scrolling with MMB changes zoom percentage text which doesn't get changed with this)
"transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px) scale(1);"
"transform: translate3d(-151.84px, -32.64px, 0px) scale(1.16);"
"transform: translate3d(-151.84px, -32.64px, 0px) scale(1.16);"


CKEDITOR autogrow focus delay & styling

When converting an iOS web view with multiple stacked editors to autogrow plugin, I have the following issues:
I had default margin, font, and font size styling in the editor which is now ignored - I've tried setting this styling everywhere I can think of to no effect - can these be changed?
The editors respect the minimum height, but only seem to get focus if tapped near the top of the editor content space.
The only solution I could figure out was to edit plugin.js directly, in replaceCache():
if ( body ) {
body.setStyle( 'font-family', 'Avenir Next' );
body.setStyle( 'font-size', '13pt' );
body.setStyle( 'height', 'auto' );
body.setStyle( 'width', 'auto' );
body.setStyle( 'min-height', CKEDITOR.env.safari ? '0%' : 'auto' ); // Safari does not support 'min-height: auto'.

Is it possible to have a scrolling div that adjusts to the number of bars in a dc.js rowchart

I have several rowcharts that are connected to each other with dc.js.
These rowcharts have the x axis at the top in a different div, as explained here. However these rowcharts also implement filtering and removing, therefore, whenever I filter in one rowchart, the number of bars in the others reduce, but it maintains the size of the scrollable div, even though there are no bars below what is shown. Also, I'm pretty sure it is easy, but I haven't figured out how to put the reset button below the chart, because it shows between the chart div and the axis div, as seen below.
Is there a way to correct these issues?
This is what I have in each rowchart div:
<div id='axis'></div>
<div id="chart" style="overflow-y:auto; height:200px;">
<span class="reset" style="display: none;">Phylum seleccionado(s):
<span class="filter"></span>
<a class="reset" href="javascript:Chart.filterAll();dc.redrawAll();" style="display">Reset</a>
And this is what a I have in each rowchart in the main.js:
.height(nonEmpty.all().length * 20 + 1)
.margins({top: 0, right: 20, bottom: 0, left: 20})
.group(nonEmpty) //this removes the ones that don't match the filter of the other rowchart
.on('pretransition', function () {'g.axis').attr('transform', 'translate(0,0)');
Chart.selectAll('line.grid-line').attr('y2', Chart.effectiveHeight());
Partial answer here. Well, it answers what you asked but doesn't answer the next question I expect. :(
You are currently sizing the chart based on the number of bars, and you will need to resize the chart when the number of bars change.
This should be done in a preRedraw handler, but unfortunately preRedraw is currently fired after resizing is done. So currently you have to override .redraw():
dc.override(chart, 'redraw', function() {
chart.height( * 21);
return chart._redraw();
As for putting the info & controls after the chart, there are two issues and I was only able to solve one of them.
dc.js will append an svg element to the chart div. It'd be nice to have more control over this but I'm not sure what to do. For the moment, the easiest workaround is to re-append the info div:
chart.on('postRender', function() {
However, what you really want is probably to pull the info div out of the scrolling div, and I can't figure that out at the moment. The problem is that the chart expects the controls/info to be inside the chart div, and that's the same one that needs to scroll.
I tried to mess around with adding another scrolling div inside the chart div, and then moving the svg under it. This works, but it creates some annoying flashing.
Here's what I got so far. I may return to this later if I think of a better solution.
Update: controls outside of the scroller
To solve this right, we need the controls outside of the chart div.
We can port baseMixin.turnOnControls to a filtered event handler, and do the same showing and populating that the chart would do:
function turnOnControls(_chart, controls) {
var attribute = _chart.controlsUseVisibility() ? 'visibility' : 'display';
controls.selectAll('.reset').style(attribute, null);
controls.selectAll('.filter').text(dc.printers.filters(_chart.filters())).style(attribute, null);
function turnOffControls(_chart, controls) {
var attribute = _chart.controlsUseVisibility() ? 'visibility' : 'display';
var value = _chart.controlsUseVisibility() ? 'hidden' : 'none';
controls.selectAll('.reset').style(attribute, value);
controls.selectAll('.filter').style(attribute, value).text(_chart.filter());
function filter_function(controls) {
return chart => {
chart.hasFilter() ?
turnOnControls(chart, controls) :
turnOffControls(chart, controls);
chart.on('filtered', filter_function('#info')));
Also, controlsUseVisibility and visibility: hidden is better when the controls will affect layout when shown/hidden.

How do I make an image its actual size up to a certain point in a window? Extjs 6 classic

I want to have a window xtype that contains just an of its own size but when I show my window, it shows up as a tiny square in the middle of the screen (not the actual size of the image). I've tried using this block of code
afterrender: function(me){
load: function (evt, ele, eOpts){
error: function(evt,ele,eOpts){
to update the layout of the parent window from within the image xtype, but this makes the window not centered and centering the window during an afterrender event isn't working. Am I missing something simple? I also have the maxWidth and maxHeight configs of the image set to Ext.getBody().getViewSize().width and height respectively.
Sencha had a good reason not to use xtype: 'image' for their own icons etc.
xtype: 'image' only works with fixed width and height, so you can't even preserve aspect ratio, as far as I know.
What you want to do is to have a container and set the background-image of the container.
xtype: 'container',
style: 'background-image: url(\'image.jpg\'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:50% 50%; background-size:contain'
or even just use the window:

Height issue with ckeditor

I am using ckeditor and I have set the textarea size correctly via code:
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
width: 468,
height: 132
} );
I have also deactivated the resizing correctly with code:
config.resize_enabled = false;
My problem is that the textarea's height still allows for text to be typed and the textarea expands vertically. I want the textarea to be set via a certain height and not move past that. So no more text can be entered once the height has been met.

Using a CSS image sprite for hover effect without the scrolling animation

I'm using a sprite image to change the background on hover and click (the .keepImage class is for the click). It all works, but when the background picture changes it scrolls over to the correct position. Is there a way to do it without the scrolling motion?
$("a.doing").click(function() {
a.doing {
width: 229px;
height: 202px;
margin-right: 8px;
background: url(http://localhost:8000/img/manifesto/spr_doing.png) 0 0;
a.doing:hover, a.doing.keepImage {
background: url(http://localhost:8000/img/manifesto/spr_doing.png) -229px 0;
I think, somewhere in your css you have the transition property specified. Usually when you have a transition property specified like this: "transition: all 500ms ease;", the background position will change with a scrolling effect. If you want to prevent this scrolling from happening, then you can either remove the transition property completely, or you can use transition only for the properties you want to animate like - border, color etc.. but not background. If you can somehow provide a link to your page, or give the html mark up and css, it will help. Thanks.
