Forwarding teams channel messages to another teams channel - microsoft-teams

I'm a member in a MS Teams channel which sends some notification messages, is there's a way to automatically forward these messages from that channel to another channel of my own.

I would recommend you have a look at Automate with Microsoft
Accept the question if this helps you but please read the docs of Power Automate carefully :)


Microsoft teams channel deletion event listener

Is their any event apart from bots to listen to channel deletion in teams.
So that I can perform some actions on channel deletion.
Currently I could see only bots can handle such events.
Bots are one way, but this should also be possible using the Graph - specifically there is a Change Notification capability, as per . Per this doc:
You can get notified whenever a team or channel is created, updated, or deleted.

Django-Channels | How to assure order and delivery of messages

From the docs it is clear that message delivery is not guaranteed by django-channels. I want to implement a way in my chat app so that there is a guarantee that messages are delivered to the client.
I am using redis, if that matter. When I say messages I don't mean chat text messages. I haven't implemented that part and don't need that for now. I just have video call feature. What gets lost sometimes is when users join the room the room members list doesn't reach them. So I want to do something like:
Client connects.
Servers creates a record of the event in step 3 below.
Server sends the list of room members event to the client.
Client process and acknowledges the list.
Server on receiving the acknowledgment from the client marks the list sent event as SUCCESS or something.
My questions are.
Is this approach good?
And should I use a new model to store the message events so that server can know which messages to sent and which have been already sent successfully or is there anyway to do it in redis db?
I am new to this so I maybe overlooking something that you as experienced guys know of. Please guide me with your precious inputs.

Slack default channel notifications

Is it possible to create a channel in Slack and set the default notification preferences for (other) new users joining the channel?
I need this in order to automatically join to certain channels users with relatively low technical skills, but to have the notifications automatically muted for that channel so that it doesn't annoy them too much.
I believe you're looking for this:

Wear Channel API gets one file per channel

Anybody got a handle on the new Channel API? 
The Android site says it can be used to send music files, for example. However, the docs for the Channel object say that receiveFile and sendFile should only be used once on any channel. The only example using channel I can find is here on StackOverflow to send a single file. How can Channel send many files? Does an app create many channels? Is the developer supposed to combine the files into one?
Any insight would be most welcome. Is there any reason to update code that uses assets to use channels instead?
You can have multiple channels so the easiest is to open one channel per file if you need to try multiple transfers.

JMS design: topic and queue combination

I am relatively new to JMS and I have been reading a lot on it lately.
I am planning to design a web app which would do the following:
User logs into the system and publishes a message/question to a topic.
All the users who have subscribed to the topic read the message/question and reply to it.
The originator reviews all the answers and picks the best answer.
The originator now replies to only the user whose answer he/she picked and asks for further clarification.
The responder gets the message and replies.
So, once the originator has picked the answer, the JMS now becomes a request/reply design.
My questions are:
Is it possible to publish to a topic with setJmsReplyTo(tempQueue)?
Can request/reply approach be async?
Is it a good idea to have per user queue?
These questions might some dumb to some of the experts here, but please bare in mind that I am still learning.
Is it possible to publish to a topic with setJmsReplyTo(tempQueue)?
You should be able but I'm not 100% sure about it. By the way, I searched in my bookmarks and found this link that should explain what you have to do to build up a Request/Response system using JMS
Can request/reply approach be async?
A message listener is an object that acts as an asynchronous event handler for messages. So you approach about request/reply, if using JMS, is by default async.
Is it a good idea to have per user queue?
I don't know how many user you expect to have but having one queue for each user is not a good way to handle the messages. I had a problem similar to yours but we used a single queue for each of the macro area and we structured the message to hold the information of the user that sent it in order to store the information later and use it to further analysis.
JMSReplyTo is just a message header, nothing else. So It is possible to publish a message withing a topic with specific value in this header.
Sure! If you would like to create a scalable system you should design event driven system using async instead of blocking aproach. MessageListener can help you.
It is specific to JMS broker implementation. If queue creation is quite cheap there is no problems with such a solution.
