Testing state of a button - cypress

When I click a button via cy.get('#numberOfFetusOne').click() its class changes to selected. How can I validate this change of the class? If I try to get a class with cy.get I get an error: Expected to find element: gpx-16 i1-regular gpu-selected, but never found it.
<gpu-button-option _ngcontent-udx-c111="" id="numberOfFetusOne" value="Singleton" class="gpx-16 i1-regular" _nghost-udx-c95=""> 1 </gpu-button-option>
<gpu-button-option _ngcontent-udx-c111="" id="numberOfFetusOne" value="Singleton" class="gpx-16 i1-regular gpu-selected" _nghost-udx-c95=""> 1 </gpu-button-option>

You can add a should assertion for this.
cy.get('#numberOfFetusOne').should('have.class', 'gpu-selected')


Unable to click download button with web scraper

for whatever reason mechanize is unable to click this export button to automate downloading a public government csv file, i'm trying to automate downloading a fishing report, does anyone have any ideas on how to get it to work?
agent = Mechanize.new
url = 'https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FishPlants/'
log :debug, "reading HTML from #{url}"
page = agent.get(url)
log :debug, 'loaded page'
form = page.search('#aspnetForm').first
button = page.search('.application_button').first
log :debug, 'clicking Export button'
response = agent.submit(form, button)
i get a stack trace with the following error
form.add_button_to_query(button) if button
/Users/aronlilland/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.1.2/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize.rb:581:in `submit'
/Users/aronlilland/Documents/dev/fishing-report/tasks/download/fishing_report.rake:27:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => download:fishing_report
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
the form is confirmed returns successfully, but the button is an input field
the page seems relatively straight forward, so dont know why i'm unable to scrape it - and its also public data
<form method="post" action="./" id="aspnetForm">
<!-- .... -->
<!-- .... -->
agent.submit got the wrong type for form
The issue here could be seen if you had included the beginning of the stack trace:
.../ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize.rb:581:in `submit': undefined method `add_button_to_query' for #<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x1ea14 name="form" attributes=
[#<Nokogiri::XML::Attr:0xbd38 name="method" value="post">, ...
Mechanize expects the submit to act on a Mechanize::Form instance, but instead got an instance of Nokogiri::XML::Element, as you can see by adding this to your code:
form.class # => Nokogiri::XML::Element
If you check the docs for the Mechanize::Form class, you can see the example they give to get you the form object is this:
form = page.forms.first # => Mechanize::Form
as opposed to what you used:
form = page.search('#aspnetForm').first
The call to search here is delegated to Nokogiri, and therefore doesn't return the object type you need, but rather a Nokogiri element.
button also has the wrong type
By the way the same applies to this line:
button = page.search('.application_button').first
If you fix the type of form, you'll get into a similar issue with button not being the expected type. Again, there's an example in the docs showing how a button is found:
agent.submit(page.forms.first, page.forms.first.buttons.first)
You'll need to figure out how to find the specific button you need though, I haven't worked with Mechanize before, so I can't offer a suggestion here. Presumably there's a way to convert the button you find through search to a Mechanize::Form::Button instance.

CKEDITOR4 Mentions Plugin with ajax : javascript error

I have a javascript error using CKEDITOR 4 and the Mentions Plugin.
I can't solve this problem for 2 days, I'm stuck.
I've used the online builder to get CKEDITOR + Mentions plugin.
See my build here: https://ckeditor.com/cke4/builder/fbe187b32ec7c025e28e01a537c72c62
With the following configuration it works fine: I see the drop down list with the names : Anna, Thomas, John
CKEDITOR.config.mentions = [{feed: ['Anna', 'Thomas', 'John']}];
However, when doing an ajax call to get the data, I got a javascript error:
The script /ajax_mention.php
["Anna", "Thomas", "John"]
with the following configuration :
CKEDITOR.config.mentions = [{feed: '/ajax_mention.php'}];
when I type in the editor "#anna", the names do not display
the /ajax_mention.php script is launched and displays the correct data (when I look at the "network" tab on Chrome. see screenshot)
["Anna", "Thomas", "John"]
However, this triggers a javascript error (looking at the Chrome console tab. see screenshot)
ckeditor.js?1645882460:916 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addClass')
at g.selectItem (ckeditor.js?1645882460:916:473)
at d.onSelectedItemId (ckeditor.js?1645882460:912:276)
at f.q (ckeditor.js?1645882460:10:246)
at f.fire (ckeditor.js?1645882460:12:91)
at f.select (ckeditor.js?1645882460:920:294)
at f.selectFirst (ckeditor.js?1645882460:920:371)
at d.open (ckeditor.js?1645882460:910:503)
at d.modelChangeListener (ckeditor.js?1645882460:911:234)
at f.q (ckeditor.js?1645882460:10:246)
at f.fire (ckeditor.js?1645882460:12:91)
See screen copy:
screen copy
The solution was given by the Ckeditor team : see https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor4/issues/5107
When we use a hardcoded data in the array, such as ['Anna, 'Geralt'] the createArrayFeed() function changes the input structure from the mentioned above to:
id: 1,
name: 'Anna'
id: 2,
name: 'Geralt'
I've just adjusted data on the backend side to the structure above.

How to test if an alert message is showing what I wanted it to show using Cypress?

I have password reset page I'd like to perform some tests on. If my current password won't match with my typed current password area it shows a "Password don't match" alert. Here is my alert:
<p-message *ngIf="error" severity="error" id="alert-danger" class="alert alert-danger" text="{{'password.messages.error' | translate}}" >
<ng-template pTemplate>
<div jhiTranslate="password.messages.error" ></div>
What I've tried so far:
cy.get('[severity="error"] > .p-inline-message > .p-inline-message-text')
But I get an error in cypress saying "expected password.messages.error but the text was Passwords don't match!. Which is understandable it takes directly whatever text was inside my element. Then I've tried:
cy.get('[severity="error"] > .p-inline-message > .p-inline-message-text')
this gives me "expected undefined to equal password.messages.error"
What I'm doing wrong and what else should I try here?
Just change the text Cypress is checking,
cy.get('[severity="error"] > .p-inline-message > .p-inline-message-text')
.should("have.text", "Passwords don't match!")
The HTML you show above is the source code, but AngularJS has looked up the variable password.messages.error and output the string contained in that variable.
It then removes jhiTranslate from the element, so you cannot test it at runtime (in the browser).
You can see what the runtime HTML is by right-clicking on an element and inspecting it in the dev-tools.
You can do something like:
cy.get('p-message#alert-danger').within(() => {
cy.get('div').should('have.attr', 'jhiTranslate', 'password.messages.error')

How can i add onChange on DateInput component

i'm new with admin-on-rest.
I want to add onChange event on
<DateInput source="day_date" />
how can i do that?
i tried
<DateInput source="day_date" onChange={(v) => {console.log(v)}}/>
and it seems not working.
any ideas?
DateInput base on http://www.material-ui.com/#/components/date-picker .
it seems onChange take 2 params first of them always null(undefined).
but you can search source code of this component in your project node_modules/admin-on-rest/src/mui/input/DateInput.js
you need get 2 parameter for Date.
so just try this:
<DateInput source="start_date" onChange={(v, d) => {console.log(v, d)}}/>
in my browser I can see:
Object {preventDefault: function} Thu May 25 2017 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (MSK)
If you want to customize the inputs behaviors, you'll have to write your own: documentation

Migration to CRM 2016: Unable to get property 'getPageData' of undefined or null reference

After migration from CRM 2013 to CRM 2016 (On Premise), we have error messages in the browser like:
Unable to get property 'getPageData' of undefined or null reference
Unable to get property 'className' of undefined or null reference
Unable to get property 'firstChild' of undefined or null reference
The error happens in components of CRM. Any idea, what the reason could be?
<Message>Unable to get property 'getPageData' of undefined or null reference</Message>
<FunctionRaw>TypeError: Unable to get property 'getPageData' of undefined or null reference</FunctionRaw>
Try suggestion provided at the end of thread - https://community.dynamics.com/crm/f/117/p/190275/482107
When do errors occur?
I' v had similar error [1] on when pressing Next Stage on Business Process Flow. Much effort was put into debugging so wanted to document it somwhere.
Rollup field
The error was caused by rollup fields that provides SUM for Money fields. The HTML generated by CRM and javascript function didn't match.
Guilty line is within /_static/form/formcontrols.js called on line 28871:
XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetNextSibling(this.get_controlValue().parentNode)))))).innerHTML = CrmEncodeDecode.CrmHtmlDecode((this.$5_1.$3_2).get_currencySymbol());
This one returns null and it therefore spits error: XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetNextSibling(this.get_controlValue().parentNode
FIX 1: Enable "Use legacy form rendering" under System Settings
OR Fix 2: Remove Currency rollup fields from form.
OR Fix 3: Create non-rollup fields that get calculated with workflow or plugin.
OR Fix 4: You may do some jQuery stuff and add some empty siblings which it -
expects. Except it may show duplicate currency symbol (at least for EUR currency) - one as prefix the other one as suffix.
OR Fix 5: Most undesirable way: patch that .js yourself if you're on-premises.
Replace line 28871:
XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetNextSibling(this.get_controlValue().parentNode)))))).innerHTML = CrmEncodeDecode.CrmHtmlDecode((this.$5_1.$3_2).get_currencySymbol());
if (XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetNextSibling(this.get_controlValue().parentNode) !== null) {
XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetNextSibling(this.get_controlValue().parentNode)))))).innerHTML = CrmEncodeDecode.CrmHtmlDecode((this.$5_1.$3_2).get_currencySymbol());
[1] Error:
<Message>Cannot read property 'firstChild' of null</Message>
<FunctionRaw>function (dirtyVisiblePropertyData) {
var $v_0 = dirtyVisiblePropertyData.getKeys();
for (var $v_1 = 0; $v_1 < $v_0.length; $v_1++) {
var $v_2 = $v_0[$v_1];
if (IsNull(this.get_viewMap().get_item($v_2))) {
Thanks to Andrii!
Removing a composite control in the header did the trick.
It seems to be a bug in CRM 2016, but our customers can live without this information in the header. All fine!
Kind regards,
