Is it possible to use an angular-fontawesome icon in sweetalert2 title? - sweetalert2

Is it possible to use an angular-fontawesome icon inside a sweetalert2 title?
I tried this but it doesn't work, the icon doesn't show and the inspector show size 0x0. I tried overriding the styles but I'm not very good with CSS.{
title: "<fa-icon [icon]="faBug" [border]="true" size="6x"></fa-icon>"

Please refer to the official documentation to learn how to pass icon to an arbitrary JavaScript library and why what you have attempted to do does not work.
Below is an example from there:
import { icon } from '#fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core';
import { faChevronLeft, faChevronRight } from '#fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
content: `<p><b>Hint:</b> You can navigate items with ${icon(faChevronLeft).html.join('')} and ${icon(faChevronRight).html.join('')} buttons.</p>`


Hide but not remove Image button CKEditor

In CKEditor, I added my custom image button, which directly trigger a file input. However, images can only be rendered when the Image plugin is in use.
I don't want to have 2 image buttons on the toolbar, is there a way to hide the Image button, but still use it (like display: none but in a more structural way?)
Thanks in advance.
Since 'CKEditor 4.1' you have something which is called Advanced content filtering.
This allows you set enable or disable certain tags.
The easiest way to allow the images to be displayed is to add
config.allowedContent = true;
in your config.js file. But this will allow everything.
To just add the enablement of the 'img' tag you can add it in the 'extraAllowedContent' element when you create the CKEditor
var myEditor = CKEDITOR.replace(editorId, {
extraAllowedContent : 'img(*){*}[*]'
There is removeButton option for CKEditor config, will it work for you ?
config.removeButtons = 'Image';

create and show one use only dialog, constructed based on global state.

I have a plugin which need to show a (Modal) dialog each time the user double click on a word.
Detecting double click is no problem, but the exact fields/values in the dialog depends on exactly which word the user clicked on, and some mutable global state. So I can't create the dialog until the moment before I need to show it. And here is the problem: How do I do that?
Right now I use this code:
var dialogName="uniqueDialog" + counter++;
CKEDITOR.dialog.add(dialogName,function(editor) {
// Creating dialog here.
This works, but having to add a uniquely named dialog, just to show it once and then newer use it again seems really really wrong. Also I fear this will keep using resources since the dialogs are newer removed(I could not find any remove method).
So my question is: Is there a better way to dynamical create and show a "one use" dialog?
If bootstrap is not allowed then maybe an addFrame version of the dialog is acceptable. This could then refer to a html file that can load from parameters.
NB: The plunkr only works, if you fork and edit it, otherwise it will give you a 404 for the template.
Here is a quick plunkr:
And here is the plugin in question:
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'insertVariable', {
requires: ['iframedialog'],
icons: 'insertvariable',
init: function( editor ) {
editor.addCommand( 'varDialog', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'varDialog' ) );
editor.ui.addButton( 'insertVariable', {
label: 'Insert Variable',
command: 'varDialog',
icon: this.path + '<insert gif>'
Obviously you are not creating dialogs anymore with different content, but you are referring to another piece of html, that can change. I've kept the bootstrap thing in there as well for reference.
I made one final edit, that will show the current contents. So I think that is roughly what you want. Check it out.
Previous Answer
If you are prepared to use bootstrap, then you can do no worse than check out their modal dialog, which can be just be shown and hidden at will.
It's simple and cuts down any need to keep creating your own dialog. The dialog won't be one use type, but you will set the defaults as necessary. The varying content link is here:
That would be the quickest way to get this going. It all depends on whether you want to use this framework. As CKEDITOR is already using JQuery it is an option worth considering.

Bolt CMS: Customise ckeditor styles

Question: I would like add custom styles to the dropdown in ckeditor, e.g. to show a Button style adding an a tag with class btn. Is there a way to do so within Bolt CMS?
Attempt: I was hoping to be able to add styles via the config key, but there doesn't seem to be a suitable option. I managed to achieve what I wanted by editing bolt-public/view/js/ckeditor/styles.js – but I guess it's not update-safe.
Does anyone know of a safe way to achieve this within Bolt CMS? If not, I'll try forking to suggest adding to config.
There's an official guide about styles.
CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add( 'my_styles', [
{ name: 'Button', element: 'a', attributes: { 'class': 'btn' } }
] );
config.stylesSet = 'my_styles';
Then if you put the selection into a link, you can apply the style.
However, if you'd like to create a link from scratch, use CKEDITOR.editor.insertHtml within a custom command and expose it as a button in the toolbar. Styles combo does not insert new elements.

How to ensure that ckeditor has focus when displayed inside of jquery-ui dialog widget

I have used CKEDITOR.appendTo( "my_div" , null , my_string ) to create an instance of ckeditor ... no problem.
however, the LINK button opens a non-interactive LINK dialog box.
So, is there some config setting that it supposed to be manually set to true, perhaps?
EDIT 1 ... I will explain what I meant by non-interactive LINK dialog box ...
When I click the ckeditor's LINK button (the one that looks like a chain-link), it opens a LINK dialog box which has a input field for me to enter a URL, plus a pulldown to choose protocol, plus a couple of other form elements.
However, none of these are use-able ... if I try to type in the url input field, nothing happens (the field will not accept focus); likewise the pulldowns do not open if I click them.
EDIT 2 ... added screenshot
When the modal option is set to true for the dialog, the dialog blocks any interaction with elements outside of it. (
You can override this to allow interaction with elements inside ckeditor.
Just include this somewhere after jquery ui and it should work:
orig_allowInteraction = $.ui.dialog.prototype._allowInteraction;
$.ui.dialog.prototype._allowInteraction = function(event) {
if ($('.cke_dialog').length) {
return true;
return orig_allowInteraction.apply(this, arguments);
If you want to allow interaction with any element outside of the dialog, include this instead:
$.ui.dialog.prototype._allowInteraction = function(event) {
return true;
Add this:
$(document).on('focusin', function(e) {e.stopImmediatePropagation();});
I was using:
ckeditor 4.3.1
then I replaced: jquery-ui-1.10.3 with: jquery-ui-1.9.0 and it seems to work as expected.
If reverting back to jquery-ui 1.9 is not good for you, also look at:
jquery-ui forum ... "can't edit fields of CKEditor in jQuery UI modal dialog"
jquery-ui bugs ... "Dialog: CKEditor in Modal Dialog is not editable"

jQuery Token Input (tokenize input) is not working on modal popup, list hidden under popup

I am using a modal popup up control in jQuery, the popup has an input text powered by jQuery Tokenize input plugin. The problem is when i type something on modal popup text box, the search results by tokenize plugin are shown hidden under the popup. Actually they should apprear on top of all controls. Would someone please help me as I am a beginner.
Try to seek help from thread below, zindex is not working.
here is the input control that i am using.
Thank you.
It works by setting the z-index manually:
The function given in
does not work in my coffeescript:
$('#book_author_tokens').tokenInput('/authors.json', {
zindex: 9999
I think that a better solution is to add it to the css file (instead of doing it via js):
div.token-input-dropdown-facebook {
z-index: 11001 !important;
Of course, drop the "-facebook" suffix if you're using the default theme.
