How do we get ALM Folder ID from IDE? - ipaf

I am trying to upload test cases in ALM using paf, How do we get ALM Folder ID while executing scripts in eclipse IDE?

ALM folder ID can be captured from IDE.
To get the ALM folder ID, click on the dropdown next to the Run
button on the IDE and select “Run Configurations…”
On the “Run Configurations” window, select “Get Folder Id” → Select
tab “Arguments” → Enter the Folder name.
Click on “Run” button and the ALM folder ID will be captured and
displayed in the console tab.


I renamed my desktop directory and now cannot open it right

In my computer desktop is named "Área de Trabalho", but when I am creating a project in the CLI, it does not go well because of these special characters. So I renamed the directory to Desktop in cmd with ren "Área de Trabalho" Desktop, now I can find my files but only when opening file explorer, when I open desktop GUI it is totally blank, do you know how to update this desktop path?
Open file explorer, then right-click on the desktop icon on your left side, where all the drives are listed, select properties, and a dialog box will be opened "Desktop properties" then select Location Tab, and you can update the path over there.
In quick summary
Open File Explorer - > Right-click on the desktop icon on the left side -> select properties -> Inside the desktop properties dialog choose the location tab & update the required path.
Thank you.

Open folder as project in PhpStorm

When I install PhpStorm from JetBrains Toolbox app I do not have an option to open folders as project when right clicking
Sadly JetBrains Toolbox App does not provide such functionality. Only standalone installer has an option to make them right now. You will have to either use that... or create such entries manually. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified with any progress.
To add an entry to the Windows Explorer's right-click menu:
you can use FileTypesMan by NirSoft or a similar tool.
or create such entry manually, e.g. see this comment for a basic .bat file: (at very least it lists Registry keys where to create such an entry).
I found this from Jet Brains :
Click Open on the Welcome screen or select File | Open from the main menu.
In the Select Path dialog, select the directory that contains the project to open.
Drag the desired project from your file chooser right to the Open Project dialog without locating it there. The respective file in the dialog will be found automatically.
Specify whether you want to open the project in a new window, close the current project and reuse the existing window, or open the new project in the same window with the current one. Refer to the Opening multiple projects section for details.
and for the command line you could use this :
<PhpStorm> <path_to_the_project folder>
See Open files from the command line for more information.

Using custom tag in activity file of Paf scripts

While adding custom tag in activity file,i am getting error that custom tag not found in activity how to resolve this while scripting in pace automation framework?
To solve this issue, you have to add the custom.jar file in dependencies.
For this click on the dropdown next to the Run button on the IDE
and select “Run Configurations…”
Select any of the java application from left pane
select the tab arguments ->Dependencies--->select class path entries-->click on add external jars button
select the custom jar file from the lib folder and add to dependencies. click on 'Run' button

Debug yii console app using netbeans

I can debug yii web app using netbeans but can't find the way to debug console app. I have enable debug according to instruction here =>
But still cannot make my console app break at break point set in IDE. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
If you can debug web apps in netbeans its very easy to configure netbeans to debug console yii applications.
You must add a run configuration at project properties: Right click at project name, in projects tab and select the properties menu option.
Click in the "Run Configuration" categorie, at left column.
In the field "Configuration" ,Add a new configuration pressing "new..." button and give a name to the new configuration profile (i.e. console config).
In the Run As field,select "Script (run in command line)" option.
In the field "Index File" enter protected/yiic.php
In the "Arguments" field, enter the name of you yiic command and, if needed, other arguments.
Press OK button.
Now you have 2 run configuration profiles. To debug the console app, right click at project name in the Projects and switch to the new configuration profile in "Set configuration" option and use the IDE to debug as usual.
You can create a run configuration for each console command you have.

How to set the Startup Project in VB6?

Can you set the startup Project in the Visual Basic 6 IDE?
I looked all through the Settings and can't find a way to do it.
I assume you have multiple projects in a Group e.g. a dll and a dependent exe and you want to set the exe as the 'start up' project. Do so this, select the exe project in the Project Explorer, right click and choose 'Set as Start Up' from the context menu. The 'start up' project's name will be shown as bold text in the Project Explorer.
Dave and OneDayWhen are correct in saying that you need to right click the desired project in the IDE and select Set as Start Up when you have multiple projects loaded and you want to choose which one is executed.
Anyone know how I can set the VB6 IDE
to load either the last project loaded
or change the default one loaded?
Copy the Icon change the target to something like
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\VB6.EXE" "D:\MyProjects\MyOneProject\trunk\MyOneProject.vbp"
Change Startup In to D:\MyProjects\MyOneProject\trunk
I found it more just to change the StartupIn to my Master Project Directory rather than have icons for specific project. Like D:\MyProjects
Rob Conley
P.S. In case you are wondering on why you would ever select a non-EXE project as startup. You do this at times when you are debugging a non-EXE. When you startup a non-EXE you have several options. Among them you can fire up a application,or have sit there until something calls it. Useful when you are debugging a Active DLL or Control and using Excel or another 3rd party software that you don't have the source too.
I'm not aware of a "startup Project" settting in VB6, but you can select the "Startup Object" by opening the Project menu, choosing the last menu item ("X properties", where X is the name of your project), and then selecting the General tab in the Project Properties window. The selector you seek is in the upper-right corner.
