Error Cannot return null for non-nullable type: 'String' within parent MyModelType' (/createMyModelType/id) - graphql

I am trying to trigger a mutation in the aws console. I have linked my resolver function to a None type data source.
However, when I define my mutation with an input type as a parameter, the error " Error Cannot return null for non-nullable type: 'String' within parent MyModelType' (/createMyModelType/id)." occurs. Everything is fine though if I replace the input type with key word arguments.
I am certain it has to do with my resolver mapping template.
Just if you're wondering why I am using a None type, I want to be able to trigger a subscription without making real database changes or mutations.
I am not sure how to make it work with input types. Here is my code for the template:
"version": "2017-02-28",
"payload": $util.toJson($context.args)
My Schema:
input CreateMyModelType5Input {
title: String
type Mutation {
createMyModelType5(input: CreateMyModelType5Input!): MyModelType5
type MyModelType5 {
id: ID!
title: String
type Subscription {
onCreateMyModelType5(id: ID, title: String): MyModelType5
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createMyModelType5"])
Query I am trying to run:
mutation createMyModelType($createmymodeltypeinput: CreateMyModelTypeInput!) {
createMyModelType(input: $createmymodeltypeinput) {
Query Variables for the mutation query
"createmymodeltype5input": {
"title": "Hello, world!"

So I have been working on passing my arguments in the graphql mutation and using the input type seemed the only straight forward way around.
However, I have been able to do it with this way:
mutation = """mutation CreateMyModelType($id: String!, $title: String!){
createMyModelType(id: $id, title: $title){
input_params = {
"id": "34",
"title": "2009-04-12"
response = app_sync.createMyModelType(mutation, input_params)
this can be a good guide


AWS Appsync schema query resolver response mapping

After performing a create mutation, i expect to get the entire response object as shown in
But all i manage to get is the auto generated id (part of the schema) which is of uuid type.
Below is my schema and response mapping :-
type Apple{
id: ID!
type: String
price: Float
Mutation used :-
mutation MyMutation {
updateApple(input: {id: "0a9aa23f-3017-4b67-8dcd-354ef8f609d8", type: "green", price: 10.5}) {
type Mutation {
updateApple(input: UpdateAppleInput!): Apple
input UpdateAppleInput {
id: ID!
type: String
price: Float!
Response mapping template which returns only id
## Raise a GraphQL field error in case of a datasource invocation error
$utils.error($ctx.error.message, $ctx.error.type)
Sample response below (I am expecting the updated "Apple" object):-
"data": {
"updateApple": {
"id": "0b8bb23f-5613-4b67-8dcd-354ef8f617r5"
I am referring the example given in :
And i specifically need the entire Apple object as response when i perform create or update mutations..
EDIT 1: Below response template works fine with a query. Why is it not working with a mutation? :

Using ID in GraphQL parametrized query

I have the following schema:
type Post {
id: ID!
text: String
I am using autogenerated mutations from neo4j-graphql.js, so I have access to the following mutation:
id: ID!
text: String
): Post
The issue:
When I'm using the following query:
mutation update($id: String, $text: String) {
UpdatePost(id: $id, text: $text) {
With the following parameters:
"id": "a19289b3-a191-46e2-9912-5a3d1b067cb2",
"text": "text"
I get the following error:
"error": {
"errors": [
"message": "Variable \"$id\" of type \"String\" used in position expecting type \"ID!\".",
"locations": [
"line": 1,
"column": 17
"line": 2,
"column": 18
"extensions": {
Is there a way to convert my string ID to the actual ID type? Or circumvent this error altogether?
The error you're seeing is related to the type of your variables as specified in your query's variable definitions. It has nothing to do with the values of the variables (which appear to be correct). Based on the error message, the type of your $id variable is String, not ID as shown in the query you pasted.
Regardless, because the type of the id argument (where the $id variable is being used) is ID!, not ID, then your variable's type should also be ID!.
The ! indicates a non-null (required) type. In other words, the id argument must always be provided and it cannot be given the value null. Any variable passed the argument must also be non-null. If the variable's type is ID instead of ID!, we're telling GraphQL the variable might be omitted or have a null value, which would be incompatible with the argument where it's being used.
Note that the opposite is not true: if the argument's type was ID, then either an ID or ID! variable would be valid.
For anyone else encountering this issue, in the mutation definition you have:
mutation update($id: String, $text: String) {
UpdatePost(id: $id, text: $text) {
where you're explicitly saying the $id is a String, you need to change it to ID like so:
mutation update($id: ID, $text: String) {
UpdatePost(id: $id, text: $text) {
This is why you're seeing the error, because your query to update it's saying explicitly that ID is a type String hence the error.
In case someone else is looking for an answer, here's few example how to use ID variable in C#:
var request = new GraphQLRequest
Query = #"
query getToken($tokenId: ID!){{
tokens(where: {{ id: $tokenId}} orderBy: decimals, orderDirection: desc) {{
}}", Variables = new
tokenId = "<stringValue>"
And for using lists:
query getToken($tokenIds: [ID!]){{
tokens(where: {{ id_in: $tokenIds}} orderBy: decimals, orderDirection: desc) {{
}}", Variables = new
tokenIds = new ArrayList(<yourStringArrayListValue>)

Can't extending a remote graphql nested input type

graphql service 1 type defs:
import { gql } from 'apollo-server';
const typeDefs = gql`
type Post {
postId: ID!
postTitle: String!
postContent: String!
postAuthorId: ID
input PostTag {
name: String!
input PostInput {
postTitle: String!
postContent: String!
postAuthorId: ID!
postTags: [PostTag!]!
type CommonResponse {
code: Int!
message: String!
type Query {
posts: [Post]!
type Mutation {
addPost(post: PostInput): CommonResponse!
export { typeDefs };
Now, graphql service 2 wants to extend PostTag input type from graphql service 1 like this:
import { gql } from 'apollo-server';
const typeDefs = gql`
extend input PostTag {
color: String
export { typeDefs };
I print stitching schema, it's correct.
enum CacheControlScope {
type CommonResponse {
code: Int!
message: String!
type Mutation {
addPost(post: PostInput): CommonResponse!
type Post {
postId: ID!
postTitle: String!
postContent: String!
postAuthorId: ID
input PostInput {
postTitle: String!
postContent: String!
postAuthorId: ID!
postTags: [PostTag!]!
input PostTag {
name: String!
color: String
type Query {
posts: [Post]!
"""The `Upload` scalar type represents a file upload."""
scalar Upload
But when client sends a mutation like this:
addPost(post: {
postTitle: "ez2on",
postContent: "golang",
postAuthorId: "1",
postTags: [{
name: "222",
color: "red"
Got this error:
"errors": [
"message": "Variable \"$_v0_post\" got invalid value { postTitle: \"ez2on\", postContent: \"golang\", postAuthorId: \"1\", postTags: [[Object]] }; Field \"color\" is not defined by type PostTag at value.postTags[0].",
"locations": [
"line": 7,
"column": 3
"path": [
"extensions": {
"exception": {
"errors": [
"message": "Variable \"$_v0_post\" got invalid value { postTitle: \"ez2on\", postContent: \"golang\", postAuthorId: \"1\", postTags: [[Object]] }; Field \"color\" is not defined by type PostTag at value.postTags[0].",
"locations": []
"stacktrace": [
"Error: Variable \"$_v0_post\" got invalid value { postTitle: \"ez2on\", postContent: \"golang\", postAuthorId: \"1\", postTags: [[Object]] }; Field \"color\" is not defined by type PostTag at value.postTags[0].",
" at new CombinedError (/Users/ldu020/workspace/",
" at Object.checkResultAndHandleErrors (/Users/ldu020/workspace/",
" at CheckResultAndHandleErrors.transformResult (/Users/ldu020/workspace/",
" at /Users/ldu020/workspace/",
" at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)",
" at applyResultTransforms (/Users/ldu020/workspace/",
" at /Users/ldu020/workspace/",
" at step (/Users/ldu020/workspace/",
" at (/Users/ldu020/workspace/",
" at fulfilled (/Users/ldu020/workspace/"
"data": null
It's important to keep in mind that makeRemoteExecutableSchema just "uses the [provided] link to delegate requests to the underlying service". When you query fields from the remote schema, it's delegating the request for those particular fields to the remote server, effectively rerouting the request. This is true whether you stitch the schema with some other one, or use it by itself.
Schema stitching allows you to combine any number of local and remote schemas. However, any remote schemas will still have their fields resolved by their respective servers.
Because stitching merges the provided schemas' type definitions, you can use the extend keyword inside one schema to modify types from another, even if it's a remote schema. If we extend an object type, we can also add some resolvers to help resolve the fields we've added.
Extending a remote schema's input object is a bit different. There's no "resolving" input objects. Instead, all we do by extending it is saying "these fields are also valid". However, when we request some remote schema field that takes this modified input object as an argument, the resolution of this field is, again, delegated to the underlying remote schema. It gets the modified input object and when it validates it, it finds extra fields and throws an error.
In other words, it's not possible to extend input types like this. And consider, even if the request didn't fail validation -- even if you extend the input type, the original resolver has not been changed and so it necessarily won't know how to handle the additional input type fields anyway.
NOTE: If you do the above but with two local schemas, the extension should work as expected because there is no delegation in this case. You're still left with a resolver that doesn't necessarily know how to handle the new input object field though.

Pass deep prop to shallow input

If I have a query user and it takes uuid but my variables are deep user.uuid can I pass uuid to the user query?
query User($user.uuid: string) {
user (uuid:$user.uuid) {
Query Variables:
"uuid": "abc"
No, the current GraphQL spec does not support referencing properties of a variable if that variable is an object. You may pass in object variables, but they may only be used where an input object is expected, for example, given a schema like:
type Mutation {
createUser(input: UserInput!): User!
input UserInput {
email: String!
we can do
mutation ($input: UserInput!) {
createUser(input: $input) {
However, if the expected input is a scalar:
type Mutation {
createUser(email: String!): User!
we must provide the scalar as a separate variable:
mutation ($email: String!) {
createUser(email: $email) {

Cannot perform update query because update values are not defined

I am trying to execute a mutation like so
mutation creating {
payload: {
name: "Team von abc"
) {
This results in :
"message": "Cannot perform update query because update values are not
defined. Call \"qb.set(...)\" method to specify updated values.",
My graphql is defined like this:
input CreateTeamPayload {
name: String
type Team {
id: ID!
name: String
tacts: [Tact]!
type Query {
fetchTeams: [Team]!
fetchTeamById(id: ID!): Team
type Mutation {
createTeam(payload: CreateTeamPayload): Team!
My Team requires an ID from a "tact" so I provide him with an ID from a "tact" I created before. Is this approach wrong? How can I mutate types that reference other types? is there some documentation that actually does this?
