grep -l stil show path to file - bash

I am writing a script to search all files from a directory/root based on a keyword input.
echo "Enter keyword"
read key
grep -r -l . -e "$key"
If I search for "hei", which I know is located in a file called mem.c, it prints /folder/mem.c, and not only the filename. Do I have some wrong arguments or is it supposed to be like that?
Additional question, is there a way to store these filenames, and copy them into another directory if there is a match in the keyword? Or maybe it is possible to loop through the files found with grep?

This is what grep -l does: print the path of matching files. If you want to print only the base name of the files you can pipe the result to some command that does that. Example:
grep -rlZ "$key" . | xargs -0 -n1 basename
Storing the file names in a file is just a matter of redirection:
grep -rlZ "$key" . | xargs -0 -n1 basename > mylist.txt
To copy the matching files somewhere you will need their path, not just their base name. Assuming you want to copy them all in the same destdir directory and you have no name conflicts, you could use find:
find . -type f -exec grep -l "$key" {} \; -exec cp -f {} destdir \;


Error - script move files related to name file inside folder

Hi guys i was building a script to order my files related to my studies file, but i don't understand why the prompt give me this error
error 1.1
mv: cannot stat 'filefilefilefilefilefilefilefilefilefilefilefile.pdf'$'\n': File name too long
that's mean i have to rename all long files? exists an other way to prevent this error?
the example below it's the script that has generated the error
Script 1 - move all greped files that contain business inside their name file and move them inside auto_folder_business
mkdir -p /mnt/c/Users/alber/Desktop/testfileorder/auto_folder_business
ls /mnt/c/Users/alber/Desktop/testfileorder | egrep -i 'business.' | xargs -0 -I '{}' mv '{}' /mnt/c/Users/alber/Desktop/testfileorder/auto_folder_business
In the example above I had also this other error
error 1.2
xargs: unmatched single quote; by default quotes are special to xargs unless you use the -0 option
that i solved inserting -0 option,
despite this i tried to generalize this process writing this snippet
script 2 - move all greped files that contain the inserted keyword inside their name file and move them inside auto_folder_business
read -p "file to order: --> " fetching_keyword
echo $mypath
mkdir -p $mypath
ls /mnt/c/Users/alber/Desktop/testfileorder |
egrep -i "$fetching_keyword" |
xargs -0 -I {} mv -n {} $mypath
also here I have an other error I think they are related
error 2
mv: cannot stat 'Statino (1).pdf'$'\n''Statino (2).pdf'$'\n''Statino (3).pdf'$'\n''Statino (4).pdf'$'\n''Statino.pdf'$'\n''auto_folder_statino'$'\n': No such file or directory
xargs: unmatched single quote; by default quotes are special to xargs unless you use the -0 option
I'm not understanding what I'm doing wrong...
xargs -0 expects to read null-terminated lines from standard input. ls and egrep are both writing newline-terminated lines, so their entire output is being read as a single input here.
The quickest fix is to utilize find -print0.
find /mnt/c/Users/alber/Desktop/testfileorder -iname "*${fetching_keyword}*" -print0 | \
xargs -0 -I {} mv -n {} "$mypath"
...but in this specific case, you might just want to use -exec at that point.
find /mnt/c/Users/alber/Desktop/testfileorder -iname "*${fetching_keyword}*" \
-exec mv -n {} "${mypath}" \;

How to find many files from txt file in directory and subdirectories, then copy all to new folder

I can't find posts that help with this exact problem:
On Mac Terminal I want to read a txt file (example.txt) containing file names such as:
20130815 144129 865 000000 0172 0780.bmp
20130815 144221 511 000003 1068 0408.bmp
....100 more
And I want to search for them in a certain folder/subfolders (example_folder). After each find, the file should be copied to a new folder x (new_destination).
Your help would be much appreciated!
You could use a piped command with a combination of ls, grep, xargs and cp.
So basically you start with getting the list of files
then you filter them with egrep -e, grep -e or whatever flavor of grep Mac uses for their terminal. If you want to find all files ending with text you can use the regex .txt$ (which means ends with '.txt')
ls | egrep -e "yourRegexExpression"
After that you get an input stream, but cp doesn't work with input streams and only takes a bunch of arguments, that's why we use xargs to convert it to arguments. The final step is to add the flag -t to the argument to signify that the next argument is the target directory.
ls | egrep -e "yourRegexExpression" | xargs cp -t DIRECTORY
I hope this helps!
Sorry I didn't read the question well enough, I updated to be match your problem. Here you can see that the egrep command compiles a rather large regex string with all the file names in this way (filename1|filename2|...|fileN). The $() evaluates the command inside and uses the tr to translate newLines to "|" for the regex.
ls | egrep -e "("$(cat yourtextfile.txt | tr "\n" "|")")" | xargs cp -t DIRECTORY
You could do something like:
$ for i in `cat example.txt`
find /search/path -type f -name "$i" -exec cp "{}" /new/path \;
This is how it works, for every line within example.txt:
for i in `cat example.txt`
it will try to find a file matching the line $i in the defined path:
find /search/path -type f -name "$i"
And if found it will copy it to the desired location:
-exec cp "{}" /new/path \;

Using cat and grep commands in Bash

I'm having trouble with trying to achieve this bash command:
Concatenate all the text files in the current directory that have at least one occurrence of the word BOB (in any case) within the text of the file.
Is it correct for me to do this use the cat command then use grep to find the occurences of the word BOB?
cat grep -i [BOB] *.txt > catFile.txt
To handle filenames with whitespace characters correctly:
grep --null -l -i "BOB" *.txt | xargs -0 cat > catFile.txt
Your issue was the need to pass grep's file names to cat as an inline function:
cat $(grep --null -l -i "BOB" *.txt ) > catFile.txt
$(.....) handles the inline execution
-l returns only filenames of the things that matched
You could use find with -exec:
find -maxdepth 1 -name '*.txt' -exec grep -qi 'bob' {} \; \
-exec cat {} + > catFile.txt
-maxdepth 1 makes sure you don't search any deeper than the current directory
-name '*.txt' says to look at all files ending with .txt – for the case that there is also a directory ending in .txt, you could add -type f to only look at files
-exec grep -qi 'bob' {} \; runs grep for each .txt file found. If bob is in the file, the exit status is zero and the next directive is executed. -q makes sure the grep is silent.
-exec cat {} + runs cat on all the files that contain bob
You need to remove the square brackets...
grep -il "BOB" *
You can also use the following command that you must run from the directory containing your BOB files.
grep -il BOB *.in | xargs cat > BOB_concat.out
-i is an option used to set grep in case insensitive mode
-l will be used to output only the filename containing the pattern provided as argument to grep
*.in is used to find all the input files in the dir (should be adapted to your folder content)
then you pipe the result of the command to xargs in order to build the arguments that cat will use to produce your file concatenation.
Your folder does only contain files without strange characters in their name (e.g. space)

Searching for a Specific String in multiple files and Copying all the files recursively

I am having 35K + odd files in multiple directories and subdirectories. There are 1000 odd files (.c .h and other file names) with a unique string "FOO" in the FILE CONTENT. I am trying to copy those files alone (with the directory structure preserved) to a different directory 'MEOW'. Can some one look in to my bash execution and correct my mistake
for Eachfile in `find . -iname "*FOO*" `
cp $Eachfile MEOW
getting the following error
./ line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `$'do\r''
'/ line 2: `do
To find all files under the current directory with the string "FOO" in them and copy them to directory MEOW, use:
grep --null -lr FOO . | xargs -0 cp -t MEOW
Unlike find, grep looks in the contents of a file. The -l option to grep tells it to list file names only. The -r option tells it to look recursively in subdirectories. Because file names can have spaces and other odd characters in them, we give the --null option to grep so that, in the list it produces, the file names are safely separated by null characters. xargs -0 reads from that list of null-separated file names and provides them as argument to the command cp -t MEOW which copies them to the target directory MEOW.
In case you only want to search for the string FOO in .c and .h file then
find ./ -name "*\.c" -o -name "*\.h" -exec grep -l FOO {} \; | xargs cp -t MEOW/
For me its working even without --null option to xrags, if doesn't for you.. then append -0 in xargs part as follow:
xargs -0 cp -t MEOW/
for file in $(find -name '*.c' -o -name '*.h' -exec grep -l 'FOO' {} \;); do
dname=$(dirname "$file")
mkdir -p $dest
cp "$file" "$dest"

Copying list of files to a directory

I want to make a search for all .fits files that contain a certain text in their name and then copy them to a directory.
I can use a command called fetchKeys to list the files that contain say 'foo'
The command looks like this : fetchKeys -t 'foo' -F | grep .fits
This returns a list of .fits files that contain 'foo'. Great! Now I want to copy all of these to a directory /path/to/dir. There are too many files to do individually , I need to copy them all using one command.
I'm thinking something like:
fetchKeys -t 'foo' -F | grep .fits > /path/to/dir
cp fetchKeys -t 'foo' -F | grep .fits /path/to/dir
but of course neither of these works. Any other ideas?
If this is on Linux/Unix, can you use the find command? That seems very much like fetchkeys.
$ find . -name "*foo*.fit" -type f -print0 | while read -r -d $'\0' file
basename=$(basename $file)
cp "$file" "$fits_dir/$basename"
The find command will find all files that match *foo*.fits in their name. The -type f says they have to be files and not directories. The -print0 means print out the files found, but separate them with the NUL character. Normally, the find command will simply return a file on each line, but what if the file name contains spaces, tabs, new lines, or even other strange characters?
The -print0 will separate out files with nulls (\0), and the read -d $'\0' file means to read in each file separating by these null characters. If your files don't contain whitespace or strange characters, you could do this:
$ find . -name "*foo*.fit" -type f | while read file
basename=$(basename $file)
cp "$file" "$fits_dir/$basename"
Basically, you read each file found with your find command into the shell variable file. Then, you can use that to copy that file into your $fits_dir or where ever you want.
Again, maybe there's a reason to use fetchKeys, and it is possible to replace that find with fetchKeys, but I don't know that fetchKeys command.
Copy all files with the name containing foo to a certain directory:
find . -name "*foo*.fit" -type f -exec cp {} "/path/to/dir/" \;
Copy all files themselves containing foo to a certain directory (solution without xargs):
for f in `find . -type f -exec grep -l foo {} \;`; do cp "$f" /path/to/dir/; done
The find command has very useful arguments -exec, -print, -delete. They are very robust and eliminate the need to manually process the file names. The syntax for -exec is: -exec (what to do) \;. The name of the file currently processed will be substituted instead of the placeholder {}.
Other commands that are very useful for such tasks are sed and awk.
The xargs tool can execute a command for every line what it gets from stdin. This time, we execute a cp command:
fetchkeys -t 'foo' -F | grep .fits | xargs -P 1 -n 500 --replace='{}' cp -vfa '{}' /path/to/dir
xargs is a very useful tool, although its parametrization is not really trivial. This command reads in 500 .fits files, and calls a single cp command for every group. I didn't tested it to deep, if it doesn't go, I'm waiting your comment.
