websocket spring boot setup - spring-boot

I have a spring boot application. I am trying to add the websocket piece to it. The problem is my angular client can't connect to it. I used smart websocket client google plugin, but still not able to connect. Here is the setup.
I am using Intellij Idea on localhost. the spring boot application is running on localhost:8080. I can see the WebSocketSession is runnign from intellij idea console.
Here is the setup:
public class WebsocketController {
public UserStateIndicator greeting(UserStateIndicator indicator) throws Exception {
Thread.sleep(1000); // simulated delay
log.debug("websocket " + indicator.toString());
return indicator;
public class WebsocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
my angular is running on localhost:4200.
I used ws://localhost:8080/ws-on as the url from StompJS to connect.
My question is how do I find the websocket url to connect, and how do I know the websocket is running on the spring boot server?

finally I figured it out. Because I am using SockJS on both angular and spring boot, so, the URL is actaully http not ws. the correct url to connect is then http://localost:8080/ws-on


Spring Boot WebSockets #EventListener doesn't detect SessionConnectEvent but detect SessionDisconnectEvent at the same class

I try to create simple chat via WebSockets. I have configuration class which register appropriate endpoints and I try to create service which will save user id which is generated in handshake service. The problem is that I cannot inject any services to the handshake service so I decided to create class as below:
public class WebSocketEventListener {
public void handleWebSocketConnectListener(SessionConnectEvent event) {
log.debug("Handled connection event");
public void handleWebSocketConnectedListener(SessionConnectedEvent event) {
log.debug("Handled connected event");
public void handleWebSocketDisconnectListener(SessionDisconnectEvent event) {
log.debug("Handled disconnection event");
Register it as a Bean in configuration class:
public WebsocketEventListener websocketEventListener() {
return new WebsocketEventListener();
And there try to save user id into database.
Unfortunately when I connect to the webSocket via android app, Spring doesn't detect any event connected with Connection session but when I close the connection between android app and spring server I'm getting log from handleWebSocketDisconnectListener method.
I also tried to add annotation #Component to the class WebSocketEventListener instead of registering it as a Bean but I got the same situation.
I tried to implement ApplicationListener and register it in META-INF folder but also without any results.
P.S. I use Spring Boot version: 2.6.4 and Java 17
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions?

Postman, Spring boot, WebSocket doesn't send notification

I'm trying send websocket notification to specific endpoint. I created the following configuration
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
I'm able to connect using postman on address ws://localhost:8080/my-address (session is established). Next I want to send notification to this endpoint within the same application (I'll be generating some messages internally). I use class SimpMessageSendingOperations:
simpMessageSendingOperations.convertAndSend("/my-address", exampleMessage);
None error message is generated and notification does not appear for websocket clients. I also tried
simpMessageSendingOperations.convertAndSend("/topic/my-address", exampleMessage);
and also
simpMessageSendingOperations.convertAndSend("/app/my-address", exampleMessage);
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Can you help me with this issue?
Thanks in advance for help

Invalid SockJS path /topic/mytopic - required to have 3 path segments

I've got a spring boot app in which I'm adding the websocket feature so that websocket client can make subscription request to subscribe messages off the websocket topic.
In my controller's method, I've added an annotation #SubscribeMapping("/topic/mytopic").
My WebSocketConfig looks like this:
public class WebSocketConfig extends WebSocketMessageBrokerConfiguratioSupport{
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry){
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry){
When I go to the browser and type:
Then I get a response "Welcome to SockJS!". This indicates that Websocket server is indeed up and running.
But to my surprise, when I'm using my Postman's Websocket feature and trying to do a websocket subscription using the url:
This error is logged in the console: Invalid SockJS path /topic/mytopic - required to have 3 path segments
and the connection gets disconnected automatically.
Am I doing something wrong here? Please advise.

stomp_dart_client not connecting to server

Trying to set connection to my spring boot server in flutter app
final socketUrl = '';
if (stompClient == null) {
stompClient = StompClient(
config: StompConfig.SockJS(
url: socketUrl,
onConnect: onConnect,
onWebSocketError: (dynamic error) => print(error.toString()),
but function onConnect is never called and i dont get any error message neither. I have tried change url to wss:// and remove SockJs with same result. Also tried to connect to wss://echo.websocket.org without any success.
Web server is config as follow and it has valid certs
public class webSocketConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
Calling socket from JS web app on same server is working fine.
I have tried other flutter libs (Stomp, Socket_IO, WebSocketChannel) to connect but without any success. Is there something I am missing in configuration ?
You are probably running into problems with CORS. Please try only this line:
while keeping the client as it is posted here.

Spring Boot web socket has issues while sending messages for the first time

I am trying to create a chat application with spring boot web socket. The implementation is completed with spring boot and my Angular 7 app is connecting to this. The issue I face is, when i connect to the socket for the very first time after server reboot or so, the first 5-6 messages to the socket are not sent. From then on it works flawlessly and super fast. What is it that I am missing?
I am implementing WebSocketConfigurer and trying to use registerWebSocketHandlers to connect to /socket// where i pass my user id and conversation id to initiate the chat similar to /socket/1/2.
public class WebSocketConfiguration implements WebSocketConfigurer {
Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(WebSocketConfiguration.class);
public ServletServerContainerFactoryBean createWebSocketContainer() {
ServletServerContainerFactoryBean container = new
return container;
public SessionHandler sessionHandler() {
return new SessionHandler();
public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry
Expect the system to transport messages flawlessly from message 1. But it is perfect after the first few messages.
