Edge and Ggroup Policy - windows

I am not a Group Policy expert at all but I need some help for alowwing Edge modification and removal in the 'Application and Services' of Windows 10 because these two buttons are disabled now and I think it can be solved in GP but I do not know where they are, please.

I think you're talking about Modify and Uninstall button of Edge in Apps & features. Correct me if I misunderstanding anything.
First, for the Uninstall button, we can't enable it. This is designed by Microsoft. Edge is an essential component of Windows operating system and can’t be uninstalled. For detailed information, you can refer to this doc Why can't I uninstall Microsoft Edge.
Second, for the Modify button, from paragraph Repair Microsoft Edge of this doc, we can know that:
If the Modify command isn't available, it's likely that your organization installed Microsoft Edge and is managing it for you. For help, contact your system administrator.
We can hardly to precisely direct to certain GP, I suggest that you can consult your domain admin for help.


Installing Microsft Edge in Windows Containers

I'm trying to create a selenium-standalone windows container so we can run e2e-tests on Microsoft Edge. To do this I need to install Microsoft Edge in the container. Afaik, Microsoft does not publish Edge in any form. They only pre-package Edge with Windows.
Unfortunately Edge isn't pre-packaged in any Windows Container. I verified this by adding: RUN powershell (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge).Version to my .Dockerfile which always came up empty regardless of the tag and image.
Specific question
What I would like to know is whether someone knows where I can find an installer for Edge that's atleast semi-official. I had no luck finding one so far neither online nor in any package-manager.
General question
If you can't answer the question above but do know a different method of installing Microsoft Edge in a Windows Container, please share.
There actually is now a Docker Image with Edge and Edgedriver, the link is at the bottom of this page: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webdriver-chromium/?tabs=c-sharp
"This experimental docker container contains Microsoft Edge (Chromium) and Microsoft Edge Driver."
As far as I know, there have Docker images for Chrome and Firefox, but not images for IE or Microsoft Edge. You could add a feedback from here.
At present, as a provisional workaround, you could try to use Chrome and Firefox to do the selenium test. Please check the README at https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/docker-selenium
I will also try to submit the feedback regarding this issue. If I get any solution or a work around than I will try to provide you in future. Thanks for your understanding.

Windows Logo clean uninstall

Anybody knows a way to cleanly uninstall a program that stores its settings on the per-user basis and installs for all users? I mean only the way to completely following the all Logo (Vista, 7, 8 - Server and Desktop) requirements.
I have found no way but installing a program on per-user basis, which in general can't be the solution.
Maybe leave some .cmd files in each user's home folder for cleaning-up application data?
The Logo requirements contains a lot of contradictions, and precisely following them seems to be impossible.
David Walker in his great comment to What do I do with per-user data when I uninstall? mentions:
Some users prefer that an uninstall would do a complete cleanup of all traces of a program.
Other users wish that a later reinstall would not force them to re-customize their settings.
These two wishes are incompatible.
Which one Microsoft recommends, actually, to pass all their Logo Certification tests? I mean all of them - from Vista to 8, both Server and Desktop.
Here's Raymond Chen's unofficial personal recommendation.
No. Let the data go.

Password protect uninstallation of Firefox Addon using SDK

Background to this problem: Within out company we are working on an add-on to help us do some nifty things. To make it easier to administer we would like to have a password required to at minimum remove the add-on, but probably also to disable it.
I've seen this achieved in for example Public Fox but this is non-sdk style add-on. So my question is if there's an easy way to do this using the SDK? I've looked through the docs but I haven't found anything, probably because I don't know what I'm looking for.
To anticipate the question "why not use that add-on as well?" I think it's enough of a hassle to make sure everyone has one add-on installed, let alone two.
If you want to lock users down, what you're really looking for is a deployment technique where your Firefox deployment installs your extension by default, and to an area of the hard drive that the user does not have write/delete access to. See the Mozilla Wiki for more details on ESR builds and enterprise deployments:

What permissions are needed to install and update an ActiveX control?

We are developing a web-based point-of-sale application, which, while it mostly runs in a browser, also requires integration with hardware devices such as credit card readers. In order to provide hardware integration, we have implemented several simple ActiveX controls in C++ using ATL.
We are not experienced Windows developers, and are having difficulty understanding the installation process and security model for ActiveX controls. Obviously, this is a prerequisite to our users actually being able to run our application. :)
We are trying to determine what are the finest-grained and most restrictive set of permissions required for a typical unprivileged user (non-admin, non-power user) to install and update a particular ActiveX control (as opposed to any ActiveX control) from a signed .cab file served over HTTP as part of a web application. We need to know this for XP (SP2+) & IE6, as well as for more recent OS/browser combinations. We want this information so we can help our IT staff properly configure the machines on which the software will run.
We have done quite a lot of digging on the internet, and have not been able to find adequate documentation. We have also talked with some folks at Microsoft, who also could not provide us with the information we need.
Using the Sysinternals process monitor and some trial and error, we have been able to determine that the following registry permissions are sufficient to enable an unprivileged user to be prompted to install an ActiveX control on XP SP2 / IE6 (i.e. the user will see a the yellow bar at the top of IE saying "This site wants to install some software"):
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Tracing (key only, create subkey permission)
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Code Store Database (key only, create subkey permission)
The process of actually installing the control is much more complicated, and we haven't made much progress in sorting it out, beyond a general awareness that the user will need to write to C:\windows\downloaded program files\ and HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Code Store Database\Distribution Units\{guid}
(We are investigating the capability of Vista and Windows 7 to install ActiveX controls as an unprivileged user, but we need to support XP as well. We are also considering adopting AIR 2 as our platform, which provides native code integration, but that also doesn't address our immediate needs.)
It has been many, many, moons since I've had to be concerned with developing ActiveX controls embedded in a web page for a commercial product.
Kudo's to you and your team for doing
things the right way. I've seen too
many commercial, web based,
applications force enterprises to
lower the security requirements of
Internet Explorer because they
couldn't take the time to properly
package their application.
The basic premise that I remember was that you had to implement at least one specific interface, IObjectSafety, add a couple of specific component category ids during component registration, and sign your .cab with a certificate from a trusted CA such as Verisign.
Check out:
Safe Initialization and Scripting for ActiveX Controls
Packaging ActiveX Controls
Non Admin ActiveX Controls
If that doesn't work, try go get a hold of your local Microsoft Developer Evangelist to help point you in the right direction.
If you have a Microsoft Support Contract, then contact your Technical Account Manager (TAM) or Application Developer Consultant (ADC) for additional help.
Good Luck,

Where do I report a Windows core library problem?

How do I let Microsoft know about a problem I've found in one of their core library routines? Do they have a central repository to report these things?
I am not a member of Microsoft Development Network (MSDN).
Or should I even bother?
There is no official way to report bugs to Microsoft for an end-user. If you are participating in a beta program for an upcoming release, the beta program includes a bug-reporting channel. Otherwise, if the bug causes problems that you want to get resolved, you can call Microsoft support, and they will help you solving the problem (be it by providing a patch, or a work-around); if the problem turns out to be caused by a bug indeed, they will refund the costs of the support call.
Microsoft does have a central repository (perhaps separate ones per product), but this repository is not accessible for the general public.
If it's a documentation bug (or if the documentation should call it out), you can get good results with the Feedback links in MSDN library. You can report bugs in Microsoft developer tools (among other things) by signing up at connect.microsoft.com.
If you're sure you've found a bug in a core library routine, you can raise a PSS (support case. It'll cost you money, but if it turns out you're right (and they issue you a hotfix), I think that they refund the money.
I've never been so confident that I've found a bug that I'm willing to make that gamble.
I don't know why ChrisN took back his answer. I saw it earlier today when he had it up, He said:
You can report bugs on the Microsoft Connect website (I've done this in the
past). You don't have to have an MSDN
I had not heard of the Microsoft Connect website, but when I used the search box there to search for "Registry Unicode", the first entry listed was a bug very similar to the one I encountered. And clicking through on that entry led me to look at the conversation that appears to be Microsoft people addressing the issue, passing it on to appropriate people and escalating it as necessary.
I have no experience with the Microsoft Connect website, but if it turns out to be as promising as it appears, this may be the answer to my question.
