i'm trying to connect the external-initiator with my chainlink node, but here is the error I get when I try to add a new job in the Chainlink node.
This is the logs of my external-initiator:
2021-11-09T15:09:14Z [ERROR] Failed testing subscriber: unsupported metadata version 13 client/web.go:192 stacktrace=github.com/smartcontractkit/external-initiator/client.(HttpService).CreateSubscription
How can I check the metadata version of the external-initiator, In here I used the latest version in the master branch.
How can I change it to accept metadataV13? my substrate is using metadataV13
Thank you so much for your helping!
Looks like your error is coming from the Substrate RPC API, and not the Chainlink node. Suggest ensuring you are using the latest version and trying again
Jaeger operator shows this log.
time="2022-01-07T11:27:57Z" level=info msg=Versions arch=amd64 identity=jaeger-operator.jaeger-operator jaeger=1.21.0 jaeger-operator=v1.21.3 operator-sdk=v0.18.2 os=linux version=go1.14.15 time="2022-01-07T11:28:20Z" level=warning msg="Failed to parse current Jaeger instance version. Unable to perform upgrade" current= error="Invalid Semantic Version" instance=tracing namespace=istio-system
The tracing operated resource shows like this afterwards:
kubectl get jaeger
tracing Running allinone elasticsearch 37d
We use GitOps for distributing the applications (included jaeger-operator and jaeger tracing resource). Only difference we are aware is between versions of clusters. In this case, this is only failing for a particular cluster with the following kubernetes version:
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"20+", GitVersion:"v1.20.12-gke.1500", GitCommit:"d32c0db9a3ccd0ac73b0b3abd0532505217b376e", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-11-17T09:30:02Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.15b5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Other than the log error and the resulting missing information from the get jaeger command, the jaeger-operator modifies 2 things from the initial manifest:
It removes the line: .spec.storage.esRollover.enabled: true
It lowercases the .spec.strategy: AllInOne
The functions used for parsing the version: https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/blob/v1.21.3/pkg/upgrade/main.go#L28
The the function used to check the current version and compare it to verify if it needs to update the resource: https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/blob/v1.21.3/pkg/upgrade/upgrade.go#L134
They both look ok to me. Can't tell where/what the problem is and how to workaround it.
I have developed a shiny app in which I use the function exams2blackboard from the R/exams package. I installed the package from http://R-Forge.R-project.org. When I go to publish it on shinyApps.io I receive the following error:
Error: Unhandled Exception: Child Task 980776811 failed: Error building image: Error fetching exams (2.4-0) source. unable to satisfy package: exams (2.4-0)
Note: I used the R/exams version 2.4-0 from http://R-Forge.R-project.org following the recommendation at Blackboard not importing Blackboard.zip
Chapter 2.4 of the shinyapps.io user guide at https://docs.rstudio.com/shinyapps.io/getting-started.html#using-your-r-packages-in-the-cloud says:
Currently, the shinyapps.io service supports deploying packages installed
from CRAN, GitHub (both public and private repos), and BioConductor.
Support for R-Forge and other repos is on our backlog; please drop us a line
in the shinyapps.io Community
if the lack of support is a blocker for you.
Hence my interpretation is that you cannot install the R-Forge version easily. Possibly, you can install it from the R-Forge mirror on GitHub, though: https://github.com/r-forge/exams/tree/master/pkg/exams
we have ambari cluster version - ( with 3 masters nodes and 3 workers nodes )
we are in the middle of upgrade from HDP version to 2.6.4 version
in the final stage installation failed
the errors that apears under - Finalize Upgrade Pre-Check are
The following components were found to have version mismatches. Finalize will not complete successfully:
master03.sys5dns.com: HDFS/ZKFC reports UNKNOWN
master01.sys5dns.com: HDFS/ZKFC reports UNKNOWN
also that:
we are stuck in this stage
please advice what is the meaning of - HDFS/ZKFC reports UNKNOWN ?
Seems to have been fixed in https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMBARI-21526
Looks like ZKFC started advertising a version between HDP-2.3 and HDP-2.4. The suggestion would be to rollback to backup, upgrade Ambari to at least 2.5.2 and then upgrade stack
Or you may try looking up for a less drastic solution at https://community.hortonworks.com/index.html
The SonarQube Jenkins plugin makes an initial HTTP request for /api/server/version which responds 200 OK but then makes a request for /api/server/key which is not a valid action. The build then fails as the session is terminated with a 404 Not Found. Can anyone explain why an API request is made for key when it is invalid ? The plugin is version 2.3 and the server is version 5.2. Here is the actual response :
<error><code>404</code><msg>No action responded to key. Actions: admin_required, authorized?, available_locales, current_user, current_user=, error_to_json, error_to_xml, format_datetime, handle_remember_cookie!, has_role?, index, is_admin?, is_user?, java_facade, json_not_supported, jsonp, kill_remember_cookie!, load_resource, logged_in?, login_from_basic_auth, login_from_cookie, login_from_session, login_required, logout_keeping_session!, logout_killing_session!, parse_datetime, redirect_back_or_default, render_access_denied, render_bad_request, render_error, render_java_exception, render_not_found, render_response, render_success, resource_required, select_authorized, send_remember_cookie!, setup, store_location, text_not_supported, valid_remember_cookie?, version, and xml_not_supported</msg></error>
I suspect those HTTP requests are made by the SonarQube scanner running as part of the build job, more than by the Jenkins plugin itself.
Check the SonarQube scanner that you are using and make sure its version is compatible with SonarQube 5.2 (compatibility info can be found in the scanner documentation e.g sonar-runner , Scanner for Maven etc.).
The answer is that we were still using Maven 2.2.1 since upgrading to Sonar 5.2 whereas we needed to switch to Maven 3.x as noted here :
Thanks to n_stan for the help on this.
We are currently using the 2.0.0-M06 snapshot version of the neo4j jdbc driver and are trying to use the latest version available. We found the 2.1.4 version on the maven repository below,
However, while trying to use this we see the below error..
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error during parsing
at org.neo4j.jdbc.rest.StreamingParser$ParserState.nextToken(StreamingParser.java:71)
at org.neo4j.jdbc.rest.StreamingParser.skipTo(StreamingParser.java:313)
at org.neo4j.jdbc.rest.StreamingParser.nextResult(StreamingParser.java:130)
at org.neo4j.jdbc.rest.StreamingParser$2.hasNext(StreamingParser.java:265)
at org.neo4j.jdbc.rest.StreamingParser$2$1.endReached(StreamingParser.java:269)
at org.neo4j.jdbc.rest.StreamingParser$1.hasNext(StreamingParser.java:201)
at org.neo4j.jdbc.IteratorResultSet.hasNext(IteratorResultSet.java:98)
at org.neo4j.jdbc.IteratorResultSet.next(IteratorResultSet.java:63)
at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyResultSet.next(NewProxyResultSet.java:2859)
... 92 more
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Stream closed
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.ensureOpen(StreamDecoder.java:46)
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.read(StreamDecoder.java:148)
at java.io.InputStreamReader.read(InputStreamReader.java:184)
at org.codehaus.jackson.impl.ReaderBasedParser.loadMore(ReaderBasedParser.java:117)
at org.codehaus.jackson.impl.ReaderBasedParser._skipWSOrEnd(ReaderBasedParser.java:1476)
at org.codehaus.jackson.impl.ReaderBasedParser.nextToken(ReaderBasedParser.java:368)
at org.neo4j.jdbc.rest.StreamingParser$ParserState.nextToken(StreamingParser.java:67)
... 100 more
We found a reference that this is addressed in the 2.2 version of the driver and are therefore trying to download that. Can someone please point us in the right direction in getting this 2.2 binary for the neo4j-jdbc driver? Also, we currently use the neo4j 2.2 version for our db server.
I think version 2.2 is not released yet.
You can try to build your own binaries from the source code - https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-jdbc