Running Dijkstra Algorithm - algorithm

Given a graph like this one:
^ ^
/ \
3 4
/ \
B -- 5 -> C
What happens if we run Dijkstra on node A?
A is initialized to 0, B and C to infinity, but A doesn't points anywhere.
So then we choose randomly between B and C? Or the algorithm doesn't work in that case?

Dijkstra will still run and give you the right answer for this graph. If you so choose you can initialize the queue with just the start node and add or update neighbors to/in the queue as you explore them. In this case the algorithm will just terminate after one iteration of extracting (A) from the queue and exploring its zero neighbors, appropriately leaving the distances to B and C as infinity (with no prev nodes) and leaving A's path zero. If you think about it, this is the desired answer, as there are no paths from A to B or C.
Or, if you implement it as in Wikipedia, adding every node to the queue at the start, it will still produce the same results.
1 function Dijkstra(Graph, source):
2 dist[source] ← 0 // Initialization
4 create vertex priority queue Q
6 for each vertex v in Graph:
7 if v ≠ source
8 dist[v] ← INFINITY // Unknown distance from source to v
9 prev[v] ← UNDEFINED // Predecessor of v
11 Q.add_with_priority(v, dist[v])
14 while Q is not empty: // The main loop
15 u ← Q.extract_min() // Remove and return best vertex
16 for each neighbor v of u: // only v that are still in Q
17 alt ← dist[u] + length(u, v)
18 if alt < dist[v]
19 dist[v] ← alt
20 prev[v] ← u
21 Q.decrease_priority(v, alt)
23 return dist, prev
After extracting A and exploring it's nonexistent neighbors, nothing is updated. It will then arbitrarily choose between B and C to extract next as they have the same distance (not 'randomly' of course, just depending on how you initialize/extract from your queue).
When it checks B, it will see it can get to C in Infinity + 5, not any better than the current distance to C of Infinity so nothing updates, and to A in Infinity + 3, not better than A's current distance of 0.
When it checks C, it will see it can get to A in Infinity + 4, not better than the current distance to A of 0, so nothing updates.
Then the queue is empty and the same result of dist[A] = 0, dist[B] = dist[C] = Infinity is returned.
So a correct implementation of Dijkstra will be able to handle such a graph (as it should any directed graph with non-negative weights).


Recompute distances after node removal

I have a graph with computed distances from the "start" node. Now I'd like to remove one node (except the starting one) and recompute distances (ideally without running Shortest Path First on the whole graph).
I don't know how to google such an algorithm and my attempts seem to be quite complicated (especially when compared to adding a new node).
One way to implement Dijkstra's algorithm is to maintain a set of nodes whose distance from the start needs to be updated. When a node's distance is effectively updated, that node is removed from the set, but all of its neighbours are added to the set. When a node's update has no effect, i.e., when that node's distance doesn't change, the node is removed from the set and no node is added. The halting condition for the algorithm is "no node needs to be updated".
When you remove a node from the graph, all of its neighbours need to be updated to reflect the removal.
So you can simply "relaunch" Dijkstra's algorithm on your graph, with the initial distances from the start node which you already have, and with the set of nodes to be updated initialised with the neighbours of the node that was removed. The updates will naturally propagate to any node that will eventually need to be updated.
Note: If your graph is oriented, only the nodes with an incoming edge from the removed node need to be added to the set of nodes to be updated.
Kudos to #Stef, whose answer I am now extending.
Removing a node that is part of a set of minimal paths may require recalculation of all distances to their end-nodes. Using the pseudocode from Dijkstra's algorithm as found here:
1 function Dijkstra(Graph, source):
3 create vertex set Q
5 for each vertex v in Graph:
6 dist[v] ← INFINITY
7 prev[v] ← UNDEFINED
8 add v to Q
10 dist[source] ← 0
12 while Q is not empty:
13 u ← vertex in Q with min dist[u]
15 remove u from Q
17 for each neighbor v of u: // only v that are still in Q
18 alt ← dist[u] + length(u, v)
19 if alt < dist[v]:
20 dist[v] ← alt
21 prev[v] ← u
23 return dist[], prev[]
the prev array contains the previous node to each node in the minimum spanning tree (= the tree of all shortest paths). So, to remove node r, assuming you still have the dist and prev array from before removal, you could change it to:
function DijkstraRemove(Graph, dist, prev, removed):
create vertex set Q
for each vertex v in Graph:
while (prev[v] != UNDEFINED):
if prev[v] == removed:
add v to Q
dist[v] = UNDEFINED
prev[v] = UNDEFINED
v = prev[v]
// continue with line 12 above

dijkstra's algorithm running time with array and priority queue

I'm having difficulty understanding the time of the dijkstra algorithm. Below I put the pseudo code I was analyzing for array. Considering that V are the vertices and E the edges. The Q as an array has its initialization with time O(V), the minimum and the for inside the while would have O(V) of while times O(V + E), then the result would be O(V²), am I correct?
1 function Dijkstra(Graph, source):
2 dist[source] ← 0 // Initialization
4 create vertex set Q
6 for each vertex v in Graph:
7 if v ≠ source
8 dist[v] ← INFINITY // Unknown distance from source to v
9 prev[v] ← UNDEFINED // Predecessor of v
11 Q.add_with_priority(v, dist[v])
14 while Q is not empty: // The main loop
15 u ← Q.extract_min() // Remove and return best vertex
16 for each neighbor v of u: // only v that is still in Q
17 alt ← dist[u] + length(u, v)
18 if alt < dist[v]
19 dist[v] ← alt
20 prev[v] ← u
21 Q.decrease_priority(v, alt)
23 return dist[], prev[]
Below I put the pseudo code I was analyzing for priority queue. Now, the Q as an priority queue has its initialization with time O(V), the minimum and the for inside the while would have O(V) of while times O(1 + ElogV), then the result would be O(VElogV), am I correct? Considering the worst case is E = (V - 1), then the result could not be O(V²logV), why the value I find on the web is O(ElogV)? why with priority queue is faster than array?
1 function Dijkstra(Graph, source):
3 create vertex set Q
5 for each vertex v in Graph: // Initialization
6 dist[v] ← INFINITY // Unknown distance from source to v
7 prev[v] ← UNDEFINED // Previous node in optimal path from source
8 add v to Q // All nodes initially in Q (unvisited nodes)
10 dist[source] ← 0 // Distance from source to source
12 while Q is not empty:
13 u ← vertex in Q with min dist[u] // Node with the least distance
14 // will be selected first
15 remove u from Q
17 for each neighbor v of u: // where v is still in Q.
18 alt ← dist[u] + length(u, v)
19 if alt < dist[v]: // A shorter path to v has been found
20 dist[v] ← alt
21 prev[v] ← u
23 return dist[], prev[]
The Q as an array has its initialization with time O(V), the minimum and the for inside the while would have O(V) of while times O(V + E), then the result would be O(V²), am I correct?
If that was correct, the time complexity would be O(V² + VE), and O(VE) would dominate (since V <= E on a 'useful' graph), giving you O(VE) for the whole algorithm. But you are NOT correct in your analysis, which is why the resulting time complexity is O(V²).
You are correct that the min() operation inside the WHILE loop has O(V) and thus O(V²) for the whole algorithm, but for the FOR loop, it's O(E) for the WHOLE duration of the algorithm, not the individual iterations. This is because you remove each vertex from Q exactly once, and you inspect all outgoing edges from each removed vertex. In other words, you inspect all edges, thus O(E).
Now, the Q as an priority queue has its initialization with time O(V), the minimum and the for inside the while would have O(V) of while times O(1 + ElogV), then the result would be O(VElogV), am I correct?
No. the time complexity of the min() operation and the FOR loop would depend on what data structure is used as the priority queue. Assuming that you are using a min-heap as the priority queue, min() will take O(logV), and the FOR loop will take a TOTAL of O(ElogV), which dominates, and becomes the total time complexity of the algorithm.
Here's a link to another answer that explains how to analyze the time complexity of Dijkstra's algorithm depending on which data structure you use to implement the priority queue:
Complexity Of Dijkstra's algorithm

Djikstra's algorithm: Do I iterate through the neighbors or the children?

I'm looking at Djikstra's algorithm in pseudo-code on Wikipedia
1 function Dijkstra(Graph, source):
3 create vertex set Q
5 for each vertex v in Graph: // Initialization
6 dist[v] ← INFINITY // Unknown distance from source to v
7 prev[v] ← UNDEFINED // Previous node in optimal path from source
8 add v to Q // All nodes initially in Q (unvisited nodes)
10 dist[source] ← 0 // Distance from source to source
12 while Q is not empty:
13 u ← vertex in Q with min dist[u] // Source node will be selected first
14 remove u from Q
16 for each neighbor v of u: // where v is still in Q.
17 alt ← dist[u] + length(u, v)
18 if alt < dist[v]: // A shorter path to v has been found
19 dist[v] ← alt
20 prev[v] ← u
22 return dist[], prev[]
and the part that's confusing me is line 16. It says for each neighbor but shouldn't that be for each child (i.e. for each neighbor where neighbor != parent). Otherwise I don't see the point of setting the parent in line 20.
The previous node is set on line 20:
prev[v] ← u
This can only happen if line 14 is executed:
remove u from Q
So, for any v, prev[v] cannot be in Q - it was previously removed, and it will never return to Q (within the loop starting at 12, items are not added anymore to Q). This is the same as saying for any u, prev[u] cannot be in Q - asides from changing the name of the variable, it says the same thing.
In the question you say that about line 16:
it says for each neighbor
But, if you look at the pseudocode, it actually says
for each neighbor v of u: // where v is still in Q.
So, prev[u] will not be iterated over - it's not in Q.
For what it's worth, I think the pseudocode is a bit sloppy and confusing // where v is still in Q should not be a comment. It doesn't clarify or explain the rest of the code - it alters the meaning, and should be part of the code. Perhaps that confused you.
Ultimately, Dijkstra's algorithm computes something called a shortest-path tree, a tree structure rooted at some starting node where the paths in the tree give the shortest paths to each node in the graph. The logic you're seeing that sets the parent of each node is the part of Dijkstra's algorithm that builds the tree one node at a time.
Although Dijkstra's algorithm builds the shortest-path tree, it doesn't walk over it. Rather, it works by processing the nodes of the original path in a particular order, constantly updating candidate distances of nodes adjacent to processed nodes. This means that in the pseudocode, the logic that says "loop over all the adjacent nodes" is correct because it means "loop over all the adjacent nodes in the original graph." It wouldn't work to iterate over all the child nodes in the generated shortest-path tree because that tree hasn't been completely assembled at that point in the algorithm.

minimum penalty path in weighted graph

Consider an undirected graph containing N nodes and M edges. Each edge Mi has an integer cost, Ci, associated with it.
The penalty of a path is the bitwise OR of every edge cost in the path between a pair of nodes, A and B. In other words, if a path contains edges M1,M2,...,Mk then the penalty for this path is C1 OR C2 OR ... OR Ck.
Given a graph and two nodes, A and B, find the path between A and B having the minimal possible penalty and print its penalty; if no such path exists, print −1 to indicate that there is no path from A to B.
Note: Loops and multiple edges are allowed.
this question is asked in a contest and its over I went through the tutorial but could not get it. can anyone explain or give the answer how to proceed?
It can be solved using Dynamic programming by following the recursive formula:
D(s,0) = true
D(v,i) = false OR D(v,i) OR { D(u,j) | (u,v) is an edge, j or c(u,v) = i }
Where s is the source node.
The idea is D(v,i) == true if and only if there is a path from s to v with weight of exactly i.
Now, you iteratively modify the graph in your dynamic programming, until it converges (which is at most after n iterations).
This is basically a variant of Bellman-Ford algorithm.
When you are done creating the DP table for the solution, the minimal path is min { x | D(t,x) = true} (where t is the target node).
Time complexity is O(m*n*log_2(R)), where R is the maximal weight allowed (1024 in your case).
What you are looking for is Dijkstra's Algorithm. Rather than adding the weight for each node, you should be ORing it.
So, the pseudo-code would be as follows (modified from the wikipedia example):
1 function Dijkstra(Graph, source):
3 create vertex set Q
5 for each vertex v in Graph: // Initialization
6 dist[v] ← INFINITY // Unknown distance from source to v
7 prev[v] ← UNDEFINED // Previous node in optimal path from source
8 add v to Q // All nodes initially in Q (unvisited nodes)
10 dist[source] ← 0 // Distance from source to source
12 while Q is not empty:
13 u ← vertex in Q with min dist[u] // Source node will be selected first
14 remove u from Q
16 for each neighbor v of u: // where v is still in Q.
17 alt ← dist[u] OR length(u, v)
18 if alt < dist[v]: // A shorter path to v has been found
19 dist[v] ← alt
20 prev[v] ← u
22 return dist[], prev[]
Note the OR on line 17.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef pair <ll,ll > pr;
vector <pr> adj[10005];
bool visited[10005][10005];
int main(){
ll n,m;
for(ll i=1;i<=m;i++){
ll u,v,w;
ll source,destination;
queue<ll> bfsq;
bfsq.push(source);// source into queue
ll u=bfsq.front();
ll cost=bfsq.front();
for(ll i=0;i<adj[u].size();i++){
ll v=adj[u][i].first;// neighbor of u is v
ll w2=adj[u][i].second;//// u is connected to v with this cost
ll ans=-1LL;
for(ll i=0;i<1024;i++){
return 0;

Dijkstra source to destination shortest path in directed, weighted graph

In the wiki page on Dijkstra, I am informed that if destination is known, I can terminate the search after line 13. I don't get this, how do I terminate the search after line 13?
1 function Dijkstra(Graph, source):
3 dist[source] ← 0 // Distance from source to source
4 prev[source] ← undefined // Previous node in optimal path initialization
6 create vertex set Q
8 for each vertex v in Graph: // Initialization
9 if v ≠ source: // v has not yet been removed from Q (unvisited nodes)
10 dist[v] ← INFINITY // Unknown distance from source to v
11 prev[v] ← UNDEFINED // Previous node in optimal path from source
12 add v to Q // All nodes initially in Q (unvisited nodes)
14 while Q is not empty:
15 u ← vertex in Q with min dist[u] // Source node in the first case
16 remove u from Q
18 for each neighbor v of u: // where v is still in Q.
19 alt ← dist[u] + length(u, v)
20 if alt < dist[v]: // A shorter path to v has been found
21 dist[v] ← alt
22 prev[v] ← u
24 return dist[], prev[]
Wikipedia is wrong, the right line is 16 in that algorithm. An edit probably spoiled the line numbers or the paragraph below them.
What the paragraph meant is that if you're only interested in the shortest path from vertex S to Q, you can safely get out of the loop when Q is found since any other path will have a cost higher to reach it. Pseudocode follows
8 for each vertex v in Graph: // Initialization
9 if v ≠ source: // v has not yet been removed from Q (unvisited nodes)
10 dist[v] ← INFINITY // Unknown distance from source to v
11 prev[v] ← UNDEFINED // Previous node in optimal path from source
12 add v to Q // All nodes initially in Q (unvisited nodes)
14 while Q is not empty:
15 u ← vertex in Q with min dist[u] // Source node in the first case
16 remove u from Q
(extra) if u == destination_point then break loop
When you encounter the end point Q, you can safely skip the update part where you update any adjacent vertex with a shortest path to reach it -> you've already found your destination. To reconstruct the path simply reverse walk the vector prev from destination_point to the source.
More details and a C++ example here
You need to add some code after line 17:
1 function Dijkstra(Graph, source, destination):
3 dist[source] ← 0 // Distance from source to source
4 prev[source] ← undefined // Previous node in optimal path initialization
6 create vertex set Q
8 for each vertex v in Graph: // Initialization
9 if v ≠ source: // v has not yet been removed from Q (unvisited nodes)
10 dist[v] ← INFINITY // Unknown distance from source to v
11 prev[v] ← UNDEFINED // Previous node in optimal path from source
12 add v to Q // All nodes initially in Q (unvisited nodes)
14 while Q is not empty:
15 u ← vertex in Q with min dist[u] // Source node in the first case
16 remove u from Q
18 if source = destination:
19 return dist[], prev[] // Valid only for destination vertex and vertex with lower distance
21 for each neighbor v of u: // where v is still in Q.
22 alt ← dist[u] + length(u, v)
23 if alt < dist[v]: // A shorter path to v has been found
24 dist[v] ← alt
25 prev[v] ← u
27 return dist[], prev[]
