Ruby: capture and reuse block of HTML code in ERB template - ruby

Note that I cannot use Rails or Javascript.
Is there any way to repeat a block of HTML code using only Ruby / ERB?
In Rails I would do this:
<% content_for :mycontent do %>
some html code
that I want to capture
<% end %>
Then, here, in the same template, I can reuse the block...
<%= content_for :mycontent %>
Multiple times...
<%= content_for :mycontent %>
Is there any equivalent without Rails?


Use a variable name in an erb include call

I'm using Sinatra and I'd like to include another erb file in one of my views but using a variable for the file name.
I was thinking something like this may work but I get an error saying no such file could be found.
<%= erb :'layout/nav/#{device_type}' %>
Currently I'm using the below switch statement to achieve the desired results but the above would be cleaner and less code.
<% case device_type
when 'mobile'%>
<%= erb :'layout/nav/mobile' %>
<% when 'tablet' %>
<%= erb :'layout/nav/tablet' %>
<% else %>
<%= erb :'layout/nav/desktop' %>
<% end %>
I think that could work, you just need to use double quotes to interpolate strings.
<%= erb :"layout/nav/#{device_type}" %>

How to extend ERB templating

I would like to extend ERB so every output tag - <%= %> - content is pre-processed before the result is rendered.
For example,
<%= 'test' %>
should now render
instead of
How can I do this ?
Something like this? (untested)
require 'erb'
template =
template.gsub!(/<%=(.*?)%>/, '!\1!')
erb =
result = erb.result
There is no straightforward way to do that. Perhaps you can define:
class String; def bang; "!#{self}!" end end
and do
<%= "test".bang %>

How do I perform inline calculations on two variables within an .erb file?

I have the following .erb view in a Sinatra app:
<% sessions.each do |session| %>
<%= session.balance_beginning %>
<%= session.balance_ending %>
<% end %>
It works as expected, displaying the beginning and ending balances recorded for each session. I would like to calculate the net balances from within the .erb file, but I can't figure out how to do it. I have tried variations of this:
<% sessions.each do |session| %>
<%= session.balance_ending - session.balance_beginning %>
<% end %>
That doesn't work. I receive the following error in Sinatra:
undefined method `-' for nil:NilClass
How do I do what I'm trying to do?
Right #Zabba, in this case I think you would add a method to your Session model so you could call session.net_balance.
Then in your balance_ending and balance_beginning methods you would want to handle nil, either raise an error or return zero if that is valid.

Chef and erb templates. How to use boolean code blocks

I am new to chef, ruby, ruby DSL, and erb. I come from python.
In a ruby erb template I want to do something like this.
<% if node[:monit][:server]=='nginx' -%>
<% end -%>
<% if node[:monit][:server]=='redis' -%>
<% end -%>
Clearly I am missing something about proper syntax.
Try this:
<% if node[:monit][:server]=='nginx' -%>
nginx_text=<%= node[:nginx][:text] %>
<% end -%>
<% if node[:monit][:server]=='redis' -%>
redis_text=<%= node[:redis][:text] %>
<% end -%>
Code wrapped in <% %> or <% -%> is a statement that is evaluated. Code wrapped in <%= %> is code that is evaluated and the result is placed into the file. Harcoded strings dont have to be wrapped in erb tags if they are constant, but Ruby code must be wrapped in erb tags if you want the result of that code to go into your file

How do I html_escape text data in a sinatra app?

I have a small Sinatra app which generates html fragments for me from an ERB template.
How do I html_escape the output?
The <%=h somestring %> helper does not exist in Sinatra.
Rack::Utils includes a HTML escape method.
require 'CGI'
get '/html' do
erb :view
def h(html)
CGI.escapeHTML html
<%'my.html') do |f| %>
<%=h %>
<% end %>
