Getting sum of values in a particular column with some conditions - bash

I have a tab delimited file like this:
chr1 104517 105076 abc 148
chr1 127781 128051 def 89
chr1 186884 186981 xyz 97
chr1 127781 128051 def 55
chr1 890934 891105 abc 50
chr1 104517 105076 abc 24
chr1 890934 891105 xyz 19
First, for every values in column 4 I wanted sum of the values in column 5. Like
abc 222
def 144
xyz 116
I did it with this code:
awk -F'\t' '{ SUM[$4] += $5 } END { for (j in SUM) print j, SUM[j] }' filename
Now I want to do this separately for every unique combination of first three columns. For example, in case of above input file, I want this output:
chr1 104517 105076 abc 172
chr1 127781 128051 def 144
chr1 186884 186981 xyz 97
chr1 890934 891105 abc 50 xyz 19
Can someone please tell me the way to do this in bash script?
Thank you

I'd turn to perl instead of awk for its better support for complex data structures:
$ perl -M5.020 -lane '
our $data;
$data->{$F[0]}{$F[1]}{$F[2]}{$F[3]} += $F[4];
for my $c1 (sort keys %$data) {
for my $c2 (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$data->{$c1}}) {
for my $c3 (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$data->{$c1}{$c2}}) {
my $rest = $data->{$c1}{$c2}{$c3};
print join("\t", $c1, $c2, $c3, %$rest{sort keys %$rest});
}' input.tsv
chr1 104517 105076 abc 172
chr1 127781 128051 def 144
chr1 186884 186981 xyz 97
chr1 890934 891105 abc 50 xyz 19
Basically, builds a 4-dimensional hash table using the first four columns of each line as keys, with the sum of the fifth column as the final value. Then walks the levels of the table in sorted order and prints the result.


Extracting certain locus from multiple samples from text file

After profiling STR locus in a population, the output gave me 122 files each of which contains about unique 800,000 locus.
There are 2 examples of my files:
HG02035 chr1 230769616 (tcta)14 (tcta)16 4
HG02035 chr2 1489653 (aatg)8 (aatg)11 4
HG02035 chr2 68011947 (tcta)11 (tcta)11 4
HG02035 chr2 218014855 (ggaa)16 (ggaa)16 4
HG02035 chr3 45540739 (tcta)15 (tcta)16 43
HG02040 chr1 230769616 (tcta)15 (tcta)15 4
HG02040 chr2 1489653 (aatg)8 (aatg)8 4
HG02040 chr2 68011947 (tcta)10 (tcta)10 4
HG02040 chr2 218014855 (ggaa)21 (ggaa)21 4
HG02040 chr3 45540739 (tcta)17 (tcta)17 4
I've been trying to extract variants for each of 800,000 STR locus. I expect the output should be like this for chromosome 1 at position of 230769616:
HG02035 chr1 230769616 (tcta)14 (tcta)16 4
HG02040 chr1 230769616 (tcta)15 (tcta)15 4
HG02072 chr1 230769616 (tcta)10 (tcta)15 4
HG02121 chr1 230769616 (tcta)2 (tcta)2 4
HG02131 chr1 230769616 (tcta)16 (tcta)16 4
HG02513 chr1 230769616 (tcta)14 (tcta)14 4
I tried this command:
awk '$1!="SAMPLE" {print $0 > $2"_"$3".locus.tsv"}' *.vcf
It worked but it take lots of time to create large number of files for each locus.
I am struggling to find an optimal solution to solve this.
You aren't closing the output files as you go so if you have a large number of them then your script will either slow down significantly trying to manage them all (e.g. with gawk) or fail saying "too many output files" (with most other awks).
Assuming you want to get a separate output file for every $2+$3 pair, you should be using the following with any awk:
tail -n +2 -q *.vcf | sort -k2,3 |
awk '
{ cur = $2 "_" $3 ".locus.tsv" }
cur != out { close(out); out=cur }
{ print > out }
If you want to have the header line present in every output file then tweak that to:
{ head -n 1 file1.vcf; tail -n +2 -q *.vcf | sort -k2,3; } |
awk '
NR==1 { hdr=$0; next }
{ cur = $2 "_" $3 ".locus.tsv" }
cur != out { close(out); out=cur; print hdr > out }
{ print > out }
My VCF file look like this:
HG02526 chr15 17019727 (ata)4 (ata)4 3
HG02526 chr15 17035572 (tta)4 (tta)4 3
HG02526 chr15 17043558 (ata)4 (ata)4 3
HG02526 chr15 19822808 (ttta)3 (ttta)3 4
HG02526 chr15 19844660 (taca)3 (taca)3 4
this is NOT a vcf file
for such file, sort on chrom,pos, compress with bgzip and index with tabix and query with tabix.
You can try processing everything in memory before printing them.
FNR > 1 {
i = $2 "_" $3
b[i, ++a[i]] = $0
for (i in a) {
n = i ".locus.tsv"
for (j = 1; j <= a[i]; ++j)
print b[i, j] > n
This may work depending on the size of your files and the amount of memory your machine has. Using another language that allows having a dynamic array as value can also be more efficient.

How to join two huge files based on the first two columns in awk/Bash programs?

There are multiple threads explaining here and here on how to perform merging between two files using awk for example.
My problem is a bit more complicated since my files are very huge. file1.tsv is 288gb and 109 columns and file2.tsv is 16gb with 4 columns. I would like to join these files based on the first two columns:
file1.tsv (tab-separated) with 109 columns (here showing first 4 and last column):
chr1 10031 T C ... AC0;AS_VQSR
chr1 10037 T C ... AS_VQSR
chr1 10040 T A ... PASS
chr1 10043 T C ... AS_VQSR
chr1 10055 T C ... AS_VQSR
chr1 10057 A C ... AC0
file2.tsv (tab-separated) with 4 columns:
chr1 10031 chr1 10034
chr1 10037 chr1 10042
chr1 10043 chr1 10084
chr1 10055 chr1 10253
chr1 10057 chr1 10434
I wish to add the two last columns from file2.tsv to file1.tsv by matching on CHROM and POS while keeping all non-matching rows from file1.txt:
chr1 10031 T C ... AC0;AS_VQSR chr1 10034
chr1 10037 T C ... AS_VQSR chr1 10042
chr1 10040 T A ... PASS - -
chr1 10043 T C ... AS_VQSR chr1 10084
chr1 10055 T C ... AS_VQSR chr1 10253
chr1 10057 A C ... AC0 chr1 10434
But as you have figured, these files are big. I tried the following:
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1,$2]=$3;next} ($1,$2) in a{print $0, a[$1,$2]}' file1.txt file2.txt
And as soon as I hit enter, I saw my memory rocketing and no results being produced. I am unsure if this will produce the correct results at the end or how much memory it will use. Is there a better way to join my files in any methods using awk or any Bash programs?
Thank you in advance.
With join, sed and bash (Process Substitution):
join -t $'\t' -a 1 <(sed 's/\t/:/' file1.tsv) <(sed 's/\t/:/' file2.tsv) | sed 's/:/\t/' > file3.txt
This solution assumes that the first two columns are sorted together in ascending order in both files.
See: man join
If all else fails you could brute-force it and read a line from file1 then read lines from file2 until you hit a match or higher number, then read the next line from file1, etc. The advantage to that approach is that very little is being stored in memory so it should work no matter how large your files are.
This isn't quite right but I don't have any more time to think about it so consider it a start and if anyone wants to finish it off and post the finished product as an answer, be my guest:
$ cat tst.awk
f1name = ARGV[1]
f2name = ARGV[2]
ARGV[1] = ARGV[2] = ""
while ( !done ) {
if ( (f1stat = (getline line1 < f1name)) > 0 ) {
f1key = f1[1] FS f1[2]
matched = 0
while ( !eof && !matched ) {
if ( (f2stat = (getline line2 < f2name)) > 0 ) {
f2key = f2[1] FS f2[2]
matched = (f1key == f2key)
else {
eof = 1
print line1, (matched ? f2[3] OFS f2[4] : "-" OFS "-")
if ( (f1stat <= 0) && (f2stat <= 0) ) {
done = 1
$ awk -f tst.awk file1.tsv file2.tsv
chr1 10031 T C ... AC0;AS_VQSR chr1 10034
chr1 10037 T C ... AS_VQSR chr1 10042
chr1 10040 T A ... PASS - -
chr1 10043 T C ... AS_VQSR - -
chr1 10055 T C ... AS_VQSR - -
chr1 10057 A C ... AC0 - -
chr1 10057 A C ... AC0 - -

Using specific columns, output rows that are present 3 times in a text file

I have a text file and want to output rows where the first 4 columns appear exactly three times in the file.
chr1 1 A T sample1
chr1 3 G C sample1
chr2 1 G C sample1
chr2 2 T A sample1
chr3 4 T A sample1
chr1 1 A T sample2
chr2 3 T A sample2
chr3 4 T A sample2
chr1 1 A T sample3
chr2 1 G C sample3
chr3 4 T A sample3
chr1 1 A T sample4
chr2 1 G C sample4
chr5 1 A T sample4
chr5 2 G C sample4
If a row appears three times I want to add two columns for the other two samples that it appears in so the output from above would look like this:
chr2 1 G C sample1 sample3 sample4
chr3 4 T A sample1 sample2 sample3
I would do this in R but the file is too large to read in so I am looking for a solution that would work in linux. I have been looking into awk but cannot find anything for this exact situation.
The file is not currently sorted.
Thanks in advance!
edit: Thanks for all these informative answers. I selected the one that was most familiar to how I am used to working but the other answers look great too and I will learn from them.
Using GNU datamash, tr and awk assuming that input and output are tab-separated:
$ datamash -s -g1,2,3,4 collapse 5 < file | tr ',' '\t' | awk 'NF==7'
chr3 4 T A sample1 sample2 sample3
First, use datamash to sort the input file, group on the first four fields and collapse the values (comma-separated) on the 5th field.
The output would look like this:
$ datamash -s -g1,2,3,4 collapse 5 < file
chr1 1 A T sample1,sample2,sample3,sample4
chr1 3 G C sample1
chr2 1 G C sample1
chr2 2 G C sample3,sample4
chr2 2 T A sample1
chr2 3 T A sample2
chr3 4 T A sample1,sample2,sample3
chr5 1 A T sample4
chr5 2 G C sample4
Then pipe the output to tr to convert the commas to tabs and finally use awk to print the rows with seven fields.
Using awk:
awk '
BEGIN{ FS=OFS="\t" }
idx=$1 FS $2 FS $3 FS $4
data[idx]=(cnt[idx]==1 ? "" : data[idx] OFS) $5
for (i in cnt)
if (cnt[i]==3) print i, data[i]
' file
Maintain two arrays using the first four fields as index.
The first increments a counter whenever a record with the same index is encountered and the second appends the 5th field using a tab as separator.
In the end block, loop over the cnt array and print the index and the value of the data array if the count is three.
For fun, a solution using sqlite (Wrapped in a shell script that takes the data file as its only argument)
# Consider loading your data into a persistent db if doing a lot of work
# on it, instead of a temporary one like this.
sqlite3 -batch -noheader <<EOF
.mode tabs
CREATE TEMP TABLE data(c1, c2 INTEGER, c3, c4, c5);
.import "$file" data
-- Not worth making an index for a one-off run, but for
-- repeated use would come in handy.
-- CREATE INDEX data_idx ON data(c1, c2, c3, c4);
SELECT c1, c2, c3, c4, group_concat(c5, char(9)/*tab*/)
FROM data
GROUP BY c1, c2, c3, c4
HAVING count(*) = 3
ORDER BY c1, c2, c3, c4;
$ ./ input.tsv
chr2 1 G C sample1 sample3 sample4
chr3 4 T A sample1 sample2 sample3
This may be what you're looking for:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS=OFS="\t" }
{ curr = $1 FS $2 FS $3 FS $4 }
curr != prev {
cnt = samples = ""
prev = curr
{ samples = (cnt++ ? samples " " : "") $5 }
END { prt() }
function prt() { if ( cnt == 3 ) print prev samples }
$ sort -k1,4 file | awk -f tst.awk
chr2 1 G C sample1 sample3 sample4
chr3 4 T A sample1 sample2 sample3
sort uses paging etc. to handle input that's too large to fit in memory so it will successfully handle larger input than other tools can handle and the awk script is storing almost nothing in memory.

Sorting on a column alphanumerically

I have following file and I want to sort it alphanumerically based on 6 th column such that an E1 is followed by I1 and then E2 and so on of a specific ID before the ' : ', when I do sort -V -k6 file it puts all the ID:Is at the end and not where they should be.However when I do sort -k6 it does put the Es and Is of the IDs together but with some IDs belonging to different series interspersed (I have highlighted them here), how can I get the sorting such that no two IDs are mixed and the column is in the order it should be:
chr1 259017 259121 104 - ENSG00000228463:E2
chr1 259122 267095 7973 - ENSG00000228463:I1
chr1 267096 267253 157 - ENSG00000228463:E1
chr1 317720 317781 61 + ENSG00000237094:E1
chr1 317782 320161 2379 + ENSG00000237094:I1
chr1 320162 320653 491 + ENSG00000237094:E2
chr1 320654 320880 226 + ENSG00000237094:I2
chr1 320881 320938 57 + ENSG00000237094:E3
chr1 320939 321031 92 + ENSG00000237094:I3
chr1 321032 321290 258 + ENSG00000237094:E4
chr1 321291 322037 746 + ENSG00000237094:I4
chr1 322038 322228 190 + ENSG00000237094:E5
chr1 322229 322671 442 + ENSG00000237094:I5
chr1 322672 323073 401 + ENSG00000237094:E6
chr1 323074 323860 786 + ENSG00000237094:I6
chr1 323861 324060 199 + ENSG00000237094:E7
chr1 324061 324287 226 + ENSG00000237094:I7
chr1 324288 324345 57 + ENSG00000237094:E8
chr1 324346 324438 92 + ENSG00000237094:I8
chr1 324439 326514 2075 + ENSG00000237094:E9
**chr1 326096 326569 473 + ENSG00000250575:E1**
chr1 326515 327551 1036 + ENSG00000237094:I9
**chr1 326570 327347 777 + ENSG00000250575:I1**
**chr1 327348 328112 764 + ENSG00000250575:E2**
chr1 327552 328453 901 + ENSG00000237094:E10
chr1 328454 329783 1329 + ENSG00000237094:I10
**chr1 329431 329620 189 - ENSG00000233653:E2**
**chr1 329621 329949 328 - ENSG00000233653:I1**
chr1 329784 329976 192 + ENSG00000237094:E11
Original answer:
sed 's/:[EI]/&_ /' foo.txt | #separate the number at the end with a space
sort -k6 | sort -n -k7 | #sort by code, then by [EI] number
sed 's/_ //' #remove the underscore space
I like to do things like this by 'protecting' strings with a placeholder to isolate what I'm interested in, then replacing them later.
sed 's/:[EI]/_ &_ /' foo.txt | sort -n -k8 | sort -k6,6 | sed 's/_ //g'
But this naively assumes that sort works in a very specific way that it doesn't... so sometimes E2 will come before E1...
I'm not sure it can be done with sort alone, awk might be the way to go...
So I came back to this question and wrote some python code that actually accomplishes the task:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import re
from collections import defaultdict
#loop through args
for thisarg in sys.argv[1:]:
#initialize a defualt dict
bysign = defaultdict(list)
#read the file
thisfile = open(thisarg,'r')
for line in thisfile:
#split each line by space and colon
dat = re.split('[ :]*',line.strip())
#append line to dictionary indexed by ENSG code
except IOError:
print "no such file {:}".format(thisarg)
#extract the keys from the dictionary
mykeys = bysign.keys()
#sort the keys
for key in mykeys:
#initialize another, smaller dictionary
bytuple = dict()
#loop through all the lines that have the same ENSG code
group = bysign[key]
for line in group:
#extract the E/I code
#convert the E/I code to a (char,int) tuple
letter = ei[0]
number = int(ei[1:])
#use that tuple to index the smaller dict
bytuple[(letter,number)] = line
#extract the keys from the sub-dictionary
eikeys = bytuple.keys()
#sort the keys
#print the results
for k in eikeys:
print bytuple[k]
I hope you already figured it out by now. Curious if anyone cares enough to improve my python.

Assigning divisions and subdivisions (A.1 and A.1.1) to data in a file

I have an example input of the following data in a file.
start end
chr1 100 300
chr2 200 400
The "start" and "end" indicate the length of the region. So, for "chr1" the region length is 200. For "chr2" the length is 200.
I assigned each "chr" region with a "name" using awk'{print$0 "\tA." NR} to produce :
start end name
chr1 100 300 A.1
chr2 200 400 A.2
What I want to do next is to break chr1 into 2 parts by splitting region length into 100 each, and named each part with A.1.1 and A.1.2 (to indicate that they used to be 1 part, but is split into 2). And the same with "chr2." So that they look like this:
start end name
chr1 100 200 A.1.1
chr1 201 300 A.1.2
chr2 200 300 A.2.1
chr2 301 400 A.2.2
So, my question is for the very last part. Would it be possible to use awk or something that can work with awk (since I already use awk for the first part) to solve this? if so, how would you do that?
Thanks for the help guys.
Using the following input:
chr1 100 300
chr2 200 400
I have kept the script simple so that you can follow what exactly is being done. You can bypass the intermediate step you are doing as the following will get that done.
awk -v OFS="\t" '
offset = 0;
range = int(($3-$2)/100);
start = $2;
end = $3;
for (iter=1; iter<=range; iter++) {
print $1, start+offset, (iter==range?end:start+100), "A."NR"."iter;
offset = 1;
}' file
chr1 100 200 A.1.1
chr1 201 300 A.1.2
chr2 200 300 A.2.1
chr2 301 400 A.2.2
We create three variables, iter, start, and end that gets initialized to 0 for every line. We calculate the range from start and end. We loop for the range to print column1, start range, start+100 along with character A followed by line number and the iteration number.
We initialize the offset to 1 so that next range doesn't start from the end of first.
There is a ternary test (iter==range?end:start+100) which basically checks if we are towards the end of range. If we are we use the end number. This is to handle cases where your lines would be chr1 100 150 etc.
$ awk '$1!=prev{++cnt} {print $0 "\tA." cnt "." ++seen[$1]; prev=$1}' file
chr1 100 200 A.1.1
chr1 201 300 A.1.2
chr2 200 300 A.2.1
chr2 301 400 A.2.2
