Hive split string to get all the items except last one - hadoop

why below solution doesn't work when the string is split by period sign (.) .
select regexp_extract('test,data,fd,dfd','^(.*?)(?:,)(.*)$', 2) from tablename;
input :
out put : 193.54.23

If you need to extract all elements of comma or dot separated string, use this '^(.*?)(?:[.,])([^,.]*)$' regex and extract group number 1.
Regex meaning:
^ - beginning of the string anchor
(.*?) - group number 1, any character any times not greedy, this group will capture what you need to extract
(?:[.,]) - dot or comma, this group is not indexed for extract because it is not capturing group (?: means not capturing)
([^,.]*?) --capturing group number 2 - any character except dot and comma any times. This group has index 2 and will capture last element and can be extracted if necessary using index 2.
--separated by dot
regexp_extract('','^(.*?)(?:[.,])([^,.]*)$', 1) --returns
regexp_extract('','^(.*?)(?:[.,])([^,.]*)$', 2) --returns dfd
--the same regex with comma separated
regexp_extract('test,data,fd,dfd','^(.*?)(?:[.,])([^,.]*)$', 1) --returns
regexp_extract('test,data,fd,dfd','^(.*?)(?:[.,])([^,.]*)$', 2) --returns dfd
Inside character class [] you do not need to escape dot.


Regular expression to remove a portion of text from each entry in commas separated list

I have a string of comma separated values, that I want to trim down for display purpose.
The string is a comma separated list of values of varying lengths and number of list entries.
Each entry in the list is formatted as a five character pattern in the format "##-NX" followed by some text.
e.g., "01-NX sometext, 02-NX morertext, 09-NX othertext, 12-NX etc..."
Is there an regular expression function I can use to remove the text after the 5 character prefix portion of each entry in the list, returning "01-NX, 02-NX, 09-NX, 12-NX,..."?
I am a novice with regular expressions and I haven't been able figure out how to code the pattern.
I think what you need is
regexp_replace(regexp_replace(mystring, '(\d{2}-NX)(.*?)(,)', '\1\3'), '(\d{2}.*NX).*', '\1')
The inner REGEXP_REPLACE looks for a pattern like nn-NX (two numeric characters followed by "-NX") and any number of characters up to the next comma, then replaces it with the first and third term, dropping the "any number of characters" part.
The outer REGEXP_REPLACE looks for a pattern like two numeric characters followed by any number of characters up to the last NX, and keeps that part of the string.
Here is the Oracle code I used for testing:
with a as (
select '01-NX sometext, 02-NX morertext, 09-NX othertext, 12-NX etc.' as myString
from dual
select mystring
, regexp_replace(regexp_replace(mystring, '(\d{2}-NX)(.*?)(,)', '\1\3'), '(\d{2}.*NX).*', '\1') as output
from a
This alternative calls REGEXP_REPLACE() once.
Match 2 digits, a dash and 'NX' followed by any number of zero or more characters (non-greedy) where followed by a comma or the end of the string. Replace with the first group and the 3rd group which will be either the comma or the end of the string.
EDIT: Took dougp's advice and eliminated the RTRIM by adding the 3rd capture group. Thanks for that!
WITH tbl(str) AS (
SELECT '01-NX sometext, 02-NX morertext, 09-NX othertext, 12-NX etc.' FROM dual
REGEXP_REPLACE(str, '(\d{2}-NX)(.*?)(,|$)', '\1\3') str
from tbl;

Ruby regex avoid matching a group

I have this code running inside a buffer (used to unescape a JS string in Ruby):
elsif hex_substring =~ /^\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}/
hex_substring.scan(/^((\\u[\da-fA-F]{4}){1,})/) do |match|
hex_byte = match[0]
buffer << JSON.load(%Q("#{hex_byte}"))
hex_index += hex_byte.length
I have a concern that the scan() is matching a bit too much:
# => [["\\ud83c\\udfec", "\\udfec"]]
I am using only "\\ud83c\\udfec", not "\\udfec".
Is there a way in Ruby or in regex to grab only the first part?
You should use a single grouping construct here, the one to match 1 or more occurrences of four hex chars, and omit the inner capturing group that resulted in an extra item in the resulting array:
Note that + is a simpler and shorter way to write {1,} (one or more occurrences).
^ - start of string
(?: - start of a non-capturing group (what it matches won't be added to the final scan result):
\\u - a \u substring
[\da-fA-F]{4} - four hex chars
)+ - 1 or more occurrences (of the group pattern sequence).

Split a string by '":"' or a space after a numerical digit

I have a string like:
string = "roll:34 name:joshi ikera"
I want to split this string by the delimiting : and the space between the roll value and the name key. The output should look like this:
[roll, 34, name, joshi ikera]
I tried using:
but the output that I get is:
[roll, 3, name, joshi ikera]
How do I include the missing digit and just split by the space after the digit?
The \d\s matches and consumes the digit before a whitespace, and the consumed text is deleted by the Regexp#split() method. You need to use a lookaround, a lookbehind in this case, to make it a non-consuming pattern part, /:|(?<=\d)\s/ (see valtlai's comment). However, a more common approach in this scenario is to match 1 or more whitespace chars that are followed with 1+ word chars (if keys can only contain digits, letters and underscores) followed with : (see Sagar's comment).
I suggest
# => roll
joshi ikera
\s+ - consumes 1+ whitespace chars
(?=\w+:) - that are followed with 1+ word chars and :
| - or
: - match and consume :.
Or, if the keys are unique
# => {"roll"=>"34 ", "name"=>"joshi ikera"}
(\w+) - 1 or more word chars are captured into Group 1
: - a colon is matched
(.*?) - any 0+ chars other than line break chars are captured into Group 2 if immediately followed with
(?=\w+:|\z) - either 1+ word chars and then : (\w+:) or (|) end of string (\z).

How to replace all characters but for the first and last two with gsub Ruby

Given any email address I would like to leave only the first and last two characters and input 4 asterisks to the left and right of # character.
The best way to explain are examples: changed to lo****#****om changed fo****#****de
How to do it with gsub?
**If you want to mask with a fixed number of * symbols, you may yse
''.sub(/\A(..).*#.*(..)\z/, '\1****#****\2')
# => lo****#****om
See the Ruby demo.
\A - start of string anchor
(..) - Group 1: first 2 chars
.*#.* - any 0+ chars other than line break chars as many as possible up to the last # followed with another set of 0+ chars other than line break ones
(..) - Group 2: last 2 chars
\z - end of string.
The \1 in the replacment string refers to the value kept in Group 1, and \2 references the value in Group 2.
If you want to mask existing chars while keeping their number, you might consider an approach to capture the parts of the string you need to keep or process, and manipulate the captures inside a sub block:
''.sub(/\A(..)(.*)#(.*)(..)\z/) {
$1 + "*"*$2.length + "#" + "*"*$3.length + $4
# => lo*********#*******om
See the Ruby demo
\A - start of string
(..) - Group 1 capturing any 2 chars
(.*) - Group 2 capturing any 0+ chars as many as possible up to the last....
# - # char
(.*) - Group 3 capturing any 0+ chars as many as possible up to the
(..) - Group 4: last two chars
\z - end of string.
Note that inside the block, $1 contains Group 1 value, $2 holds Group 2 value, and so on.
Using gsub with look-ahead and look-behind regex patterns:
''.gsub(/(?<=.{2}).*#.*(?=\S{2})/, '****#****')
=> "lo****#****om"
Using plain ruby:
str.first(2) + '****#****' + str.last(2)
=> "lo****#****om"
I have a solution which doesn't fully solve your problem but it's pretty flexible and I think it's worth it to share it for anyone else looking for similar solutions.
module CoreExtensions
module String
module MaskChars
def mask_chars(except_first_n: 1, except_last_n: 2, mask_with: '*')
if &&
raise ArgumentError, "except_first_n and except_last_n can't both be zero"
if length < (except_first_n + except_last_n)
raise ArgumentError, "String '#{self}' must be at least #{except_first_n}"\
" (except_first_n) #{except_last_n} (except_last_n) ="\
" #{except_first_n + except_last_n} characters long"
'\1' + (mask_with * (length - (except_first_n + except_last_n))) + '\3'
Let me explain the regex in /\A(.{#{except_first_n}})(.*)(.{#{except_last_n}})\z/
\A - start of string
(.#{except_first_n}) or (.{1}) Group 1: first n chars. Default value of except_first_n is 1
(.*) Group 2 capturing any 0+ chars as many as possible before the last n characters
(.#{except_last_n}) or (.{2}) Group 3: last n chars. Default value of except_last_n is 2
\z - end of string
Let me explain what's happening in '\1' + (mask_with * (length - (except_first_n + except_last_n))) + '\3'
We are substituting the string with group 1 (\1) at the start, it'll contain characters equalling except_first_n argument's value. We are not gonna use group 2, we need to replace group 2 with the character from mask_with argument, to calculate the amount of times we need to add mask_with character, we use this formula length - (except_first_n + except_last_n) (total length of the string minus the sum value of except_first_n and except_last_n. This will ensure that we have the exact number of mask_with characters between the except_first_n and the except_last_n characters).
Then I created an initializer file config/initializers/core_extensions.rb with this line:
String.include CoreExtensions::String::MaskChars
It will add mask_chars as an instance method to the String class available to all strings.
It should work like this:
account = "123456789101112"
=> "123456789101112"
=> "1************12"
account.mask_chars(except_first_n: 3, except_last_n: 4, mask_with: '#')
=> "123########1112"
I think this is a pretty useful method which can be useful in many scenarios and very flexible too.

How do I match repeated characters?

How do I find repeated characters using a regular expression?
If I have aaabbab, I would like to match only characters which have three repetitions:
Try string.scan(/((.)\2{2,})/).map(&:first), where string is your string of characters.
The way this works is that it looks for any character and captures it (the dot), then matches repeats of that character (the \2 backreference) 2 or more times (the {2,} range means "anywhere between 2 and infinity times"). Scan will return an array of arrays, so we map the first matches out of it to get the desired results.
