How to integrate or connect the MetaMask wallet into the TokenLite ICO script? - metamask

I have a TokenLite ICO script in which I need to integrate the MetaMask wallet, I can integrate CoinPayments but I don't want that.


react native crypto wallet connection

i have react native app it works with RVM machines to recycle plastic bottles or something you know. in exchange for that app gives some erc20 tokens (CRB my own) that I have to send to the user's wallet address. So I want to connect my app to wallets like Metamask, Maiar, Ledger.
can anyone guide me how do I do that which library should I use
You can take a look on Moralis, at the moment we don't have a lot of choice

Is it possible to create a custom app for Microsoft Teams that dosn't use a central service provider?

I am working on adding support for our cloud storage solution to MS Teams but there is no central server you can send http messages to and get meaningful relies back from. I have no experience with creating Teams apps so I was hoping someone with Teams apps experience could tell me if this is even possible. At this point I only need my app to work on Windows and OS X.
This is how I would like my Teams App to work:
Each member of the team already has our cloud storage app running locally on their machine which provides access to the files.
Within MS Teams the user adds a file reference to a message via a message extension that would result in a link unfurl creating a card that contains an 'Open' button. The URL in the card would be one generated by our locally running cloud storage app. Other members of the team could then open this file by clicking the 'Open' button. The action of the open button would be to send the URL to our cloud storage app that would then open the local copy of the file on that team members machine.
Is it possible to do something like this within a Teams app? The communication between the Teams app and our cloud storage app would be done over our own protocol.
If it weren't for the fact that all bot communication must be done over https rather than http the local cloud storage app could act as the server.
All the communication in Teams with 3P apps needs to happen over https public endpoint. You could use ngrok to tunnel to local.

Confusion regarding the enable option in Google API

in my account the google drive api is disabled but still when I authenticate a thirdparty app using oauth2.0 it can access my drive files. Then what is the use of this enable api.
Cloud developer console is a place for developers to create applications. when you create a new application you must decide which APIs will be used by that application.
I authenticate a third party app using oauth2.0 it can access my drive files
Unless you are the developer of the third party application setting this will not have any effect on what applications created by other developers can do with your account. If you dont want them accessing your drive account then dont install any third party applications that request permission to access your drive account.

Uploading images to azure blob storage with windows phone 7

I have been trying for the longest while to find a way to upload images using windows azure blob storage with windows phone. I tried using windows azure storage client for windows phone but that does not seem to be working any more. I also tried about 2 other nuget packages and I also tried a web service that will handle the upload for but that didn't work out well as I wasn't completely how I should connect the web service to my phone app. I tried also uploading it using windows azure mobile service. Could anyone give me some pointers on how I should go about getting this to work?
Problem with windows azure storage client for windows phone
Install-Package Phone.Storage -Version 1.0.1
Attempting to resolve dependency 'SilverlightActivator (≥ 1.0.3)'.
'Phone.Storage 1.0.1' already installed.
ProjectName already has a reference to 'Phone.Storage 1.0.1'.
But no reference added to visible in reference folder
Problem with mobile services
Tried this:
but could not find a Storage client library for Windows phone 7
You need to obtain a shared access signature (SAS) from your blob storage to be able to upload.
You can do so using your own web service that uses the storage client SDK to get the SAS and send it back to the phone, or you can use the Mobile Service for the same purpose.

How do I implement support for ftp in WP7?

I would like to retrieve documents from an ftp in my Windows phone 7 application (built with XNA in my case).
As far as I understand WP7 does not support ftp due to port and protocol(?) contraints.
Is there any way to get ftp support working?
I guess I will be able to implement it my self once socket support is added but I dopn't wan't to wait for that.
Since there are no supported socket capabilities in the initial release of WinPhone , you cannot directly FTP. You would have to create an "FTP Proxy" web service which your phone would call and have the service do the actual FTP and relay the files.
FTP and Sockets are not supported by the platform at the moment.
If you want to get remote files on to your phone you'll have to use HTTP(S).
You can do this either with the HttpWebRequest or WebClient classes depending on your specific needs.
Do you want to retrieve files fromn the phone, and over the cellular network? If so you need to confirm your operator allows ftp connections to your phone, which they probably do not.
If you're connecting over wifi, you've got more chance of this working.
Otherwise, you could implement a dropbox-style approach where the phone and your file-retrieving application both connect to a remote server
If this is for development purposes, you can get access to the phones storage and copy in files by using Microsoft's SmartDevices API.
I'm trying to do the same but so far the only way I've found around it is to create a web service to run on my own server which retrieves the FTP files on behalf on the phone.
Wish MS would hurry up and give us sockets - calling a web service is fine but I'm pretty sure it would be slower than directly getting the FTP files from the phone itself.
