Yahoo finance symbol suggest no longer working? - yfinance

result = requests.get('').json()
When I run the python code above, I get <Response [404]>, does anyone know why that might be? I am worried this API no longer works even though I saw posts from just a year ago talking about it working.

If it's not documented, you can't rely on it working. The only (relatively) sure bet is to use some official API instead (which usually comes at a cost).
That said, if you want to continue using undocumented stuff (with the same risk of it getting shut down or you getting blocked any day), give this a try:
(I looked at what uses.)
This delivers results like these:
"explains": [],
"count": 15,
"quotes": [
"exchange": "NMS",
"shortname": "Tesla, Inc.",
"quoteType": "EQUITY",
"symbol": "TSLA",
"index": "quotes",
"score": 2048451,
"typeDisp": "Equity",
"longname": "Tesla, Inc.",
"exchDisp": "NASDAQ",
"isYahooFinance": true
"exchange": "NEO",
"shortname": "TESLA, INC. CDR (CAD HEDGED)",
"quoteType": "EQUITY",
"symbol": "TSLA.NE",
"index": "quotes",
"score": 24083,
"typeDisp": "Equity",
"longname": "Tesla, Inc.",
"exchDisp": "NEO",
"isYahooFinance": true
// ...
"news": [
// Also delivers news here...
// Some meta stuff here
Use at your own risk.


ElasticSearch - how to edit a field inside an array of a document

I have a document in our ElasticSearch index which looks like this:
"_index": "nm_doc",
"_type": "nm_doc",
"_id": "JRPXqmQBatyecf67YEfq",
"_score": 0.86147696,
"_source": {
"text": "A 29-year-old IT professional from Bhopal was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment by an Additional Sessions Court in Pune on Wednesday for the rape and brutal murder of a woman in 2008, after she had refused his advances. Watch What Else is Making News The court found Manu Mohinder Ebrol, who worked in the same firm as the girl, of raping and killing the woman after stabbing her 18 times on the night of October 20, 2008, in her rented apartment. After committing the crime, Ebrol had fled to Bhopal. He was arrested later by Pune Police. The prosecution examined 26 witnesses for the case and forensic evidence such as call details and medical records also proved crucial. For all the latest Pune News , download Indian Express App",
"entities": [
"name": "Mohinder Ebrol"
"name": "Sessions Court"
"name": "Pune Police"
"name": "Pune News"
"name": "Indian Express"
If I wanted to edit just the first name in that array (Mohinder Ebrol) to be Manu Ebrol, how would I accomplish this via API call? Do I need to pass in the entire array to update the one name?
I have figured it out via the documentation:
The call Url is:
POST http://elastichost:9200/indexname/_doc/JRPXqmQBatyecf67YEfq/_update?pretty
And the body simply looks like this (yes, you do have to provide the entire array):
"doc": { "entities": [
"name": "Manu Ebrol"
"name": "Sessions Court"
"name": "Pune Police"
"name": "Pune News"
"name": "Indian Express"
] }
Hope this can help someone in the future.


"location": {
"lat": -33.8669710,
"lng": 151.1958750
"accuracy": 50,
"name": "Google Shoes!",
"phone_number": "(02) 9374 4000",
"address": "48 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont, NSW 2009, Australia",
"types": ["shoe_store"],
"website": "",
"language": "en-AU"
This one I tried and as well as other places without modifying the request structure with Indian places. I'm getting the following response:
"html_attributions": [],
"results": [],
I'm not getting exactly what is the Issue, please revert back for the solution.
Since you didn't specify, I'm assuming that you are trying to use the add places endpoint on the Places API described here in the documentation.
The most likely problem is that you neglected to include your API key in the request URL, which should look like this:
Note that this endpoint is deprecated and that Google may remove it altogether at some point in the future.

How to know it is auto reply mail in Microsoft Graph?

I am using Microsoft Graph API to get mails.
GET /v1.0/me/messages
It returns
"#odata.context": "$metadata#users('576552d5-3bc0-42a6-a23d-bfceb405db23')/messages",
"#odata.nextLink": "$skip=11",
"value": [
"#odata.etag": "W/\"HwAAABYAAACpTc/InBsuTYwTUBb+VIb4AACqi2tx\"",
"createdDateTime": "2017-12-06T21:57:09Z",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2017-12-06T21:57:19Z",
"changeKey": "HwAAABYAAACpTc/InBsuTYwTUBb+VIb4AACqi8tx",
"categories": [],
"receivedDateTime": "2017-12-06T21:57:09Z",
"sentDateTime": "2017-12-06T21:56:16Z",
"hasAttachments": false,
"internetMessageId": "<>",
"subject": "Automatic reply: Hi",
"bodyPreview": "I am OOF.",
"importance": "normal",
"conversationId": "AAQkADBlZTUwNTkxLWVmODgtNDVhNC1iZjhlLTdjNjA2ODZlMDI5MgAQAPekscpearpHmBFbhG0DKuc=",
"isDeliveryReceiptRequested": null,
"isReadReceiptRequested": false,
"isRead": true,
"isDraft": false,
"webLink": "",
"inferenceClassification": "focused",
"body": {
"contentType": "html",
"content": "hi"
"sender": {
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Jack",
"address": ""
"from": {
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Jack",
"address": ""
"toRecipients": [
"emailAddress": {
"name": "Rose",
"address": ""
"ccRecipients": [],
"bccRecipients": [],
"replyTo": []
I didn't find any field related with determine whether it is an auto reply mail.
Right now I am using
mail.subject.startsWith('Automatic reply:')
to determine whether is auto reply mail in code.
However, it is not reliable. Because sometimes I got mails starting with a different language such as Resposta automática:.
So how to know it is auto reply mail correctly?
As #Horkrine said there is no officially guaranteed way of detecting if an email is an auto reply or not.
But there are two ways that may be useful:
Method 1 : Detect the response time
If you are capable, consider checking the amount of time between the email sent and the response. If that time is within a certain threshold, it is almost certainly an auto reply. Consider a reply received within seconds, for example. This has a lot of correlations with modern-day spam-robot detection techniques.
Method 2 : Keywords
The other way to do it is to look for keywords, just as you are doing now. However, you also have to account for other languages, variations on spelling, misspellings, etc. You will not get everything.
For example:
mail.subject.contains('Automatic') OR mail.subject.contains('Auto-matic') OR mail.subject.contains('Away') OR mail.subject.contains('out of office')
OR mail.subject.contains('automática') ...
Rather than typing out such a list, I would recommend doing a quick search on the internet and see if there are any such lists you can copy-paste from, as surely someone has done this sort of thing before and has some free code.
I'm no expert but I don't believe there's any way to determine whether or not an email is an automatic reply unless the email actually contains a string saying "This is an automatic reply" or something.
Just found another interesting API getMailTips, however this can only help determine the auto mail if the other user is Outlook or Office 365 user.
Copy the demo below for convenience.
"EmailAddresses": [
"MailTipsOptions": "automaticReplies, mailboxFullStatus"
It will return something like
"message":"<style type=\"text/css\" style=\"\">\r\n<!--\r\np\r\n\t{margin-top:0;\r\n\tmargin-bottom:0}\r\n-->\r\n</style>\r\n<div dir=\"ltr\">\r\n<div id=\"x_divtagdefaultwrapper\" style=\"font-size:12pt; color:#000000; background-color:#FFFFFF; font-family:Calibri,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif\">\r\n<p>Hi, I am on vacation right now. I'll get back to you after I return.<br>\r\n</p>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>",
"displayName":"English (United States)"

Detect the speaker of Google Home or Amazon's Alexa

I would like to detect who is interacting with my agent.
For example I read that Alexa should be able to detect different users. The Google Home advertisement also let me think that it should detect who is talking. So how can I see who is talking?
In slack it seems to be easier since it is well known who is writing. However I cannot see who I get the current user.
I found out how to detect the user in slack: If you implement that hook you will get this example json:
"id": "f7912345-e21c-450f-a8ca-d01e38012345",
"timestamp": "2016-12-20T06:53:51.071Z",
"result": {
"source": "agent",
"resolvedQuery": "echo hallo welt",
"speech": "",
"action": "",
"actionIncomplete": false,
"parameters": {
"myInput": "hallo welt"
"contexts": [{
"name": "generic",
"parameters": {
"slack_user_id": "U0AT12345",
"myInput": "hallo welt",
"slack_channel": "D3DR12345",
"myInput.original": "hallo welt"
"lifespan": 4
"metadata": {
"intentId": "06212345-06a0-40fe-bbeb-9189db412345",
"webhookUsed": "true",
"webhookForSlotFillingUsed": "false",
"intentName": "Response"
"fulfillment": {
"speech": "",
"messages": [{
"type": 0,
"speech": ""
"score": 0.75
"status": {
"code": 200,
"errorType": "success"
"sessionId": "10612345-c681-11e6-af08-875120912345",
"originalRequest": {
"source": "slack_testbot",
"data": {
"channel": "D3DR12345",
"match": ["echo hallo welt"],
"text": "echo hallo welt",
"team": "T04H12345",
"type": "message",
"event": "direct_message",
"user": "U0AT12345",
"ts": "1482216830.000005"
So in case of slack you can access result->contexts[0]->paramaters->slack_user_id.
Google Home does not (at least currently) have a way to handle multiple users on the same device.
Google Home keeps improving (even removing development hurdles I've faced with their recent updates). It can now be trained to know your voice vs someone else's voice.
Tomato, tomahto. Google Home now supports multiple users

How can I interpret /perceive the presence of buttons in the response of directline api?

Consider there is a action card response from the MS bot & it looks as follows in skype:
When this similar response comes in the REST APIs i.e using Direct Line APIs. The following is the relevant part of JSON response.
"id": "1t90Ym3PEry|000000000000000014",
"conversationId": "1t90Ym3PEry",
"created": "2016-12-06T09:34:55.6280699Z",
"from": "rich3cards",
"images": [
"attachments": [],
"eTag": "W/\"datetime'2016-12-06T09%3A34%3A54.94083Z'\""
"id": "1t90Ym3PEry|000000000000000014",
"conversationId": "1t90Ym3PEry",
"created": "2016-12-06T09:34:55.6280699Z",
"from": "rich3cards",
"text": "Hero Card\n\nSpace Needle\n\nThe <b>Space Needle</b> is an observation tower in Seattle, Washington, a landmark of the Pacific Northwest, and an icon of Seattle.\n\n(Current Weather) action?weather=Seattle, WA",
"images": [],
"attachments": [],
"eTag": "W/\"datetime'2016-12-06T09%3A34%3A54.94083Z'\""
Now, the question is about how do we parse this json to get the button data [(Current Weather) action?weather=Seattle, WA"] out of the text attribute? Is the only way is patter match ?
Has anyone faced or know solution, please put some light here too ;)
Update: If its different channel like skype/webchat/etc.. the JSON response looks very proper to consume, following is the sample JSON.
"type": "message",
"id": "5AdoK89rtSc|000000000000000018",
"timestamp": "2016-12-06T09:53:20.4777291Z",
"channelId": "webchat",
"from": {
"id": "rich3cards",
"name": "RichCards"
"conversation": {
"id": "5AdoK89rtSc"
"attachments": [
"contentType": "application/",
"content": {
"title": "Hero Card",
"subtitle": "Space Needle",
"text": "The <b>Space Needle</b> is an observation tower in Seattle, Washington, a landmark of the Pacific Northwest, and an icon of Seattle.",
"images": [
"url": ""
"buttons": [
"type": "postBack",
"value": "action?weather=Seattle, WA",
"title": "Current Weather"
As mentioned in the comments, you are using DirectLine v1.1. Unfortunately, v1.1 doesn't support attachments/cards and so there isn't a good way to understand/parse the card.
You might want to consider moving to DirectLine v3 which has full support for attachments.
Alternatively, if you want to support Cards, you might have to do something custom as shown in the DirectLine sample. There, the bot is sending the hero card through the ChannelData field and the client is parsing that accordingly. However, you might have to add the logic to detect who is talking to the bot so you send the cards as ChannelData only if the caller is DirectLine and not one of the other clients (such as skype)
