GCC __attribute__((used)) vs. linker file KEEP statement? - gcc

Using "Gnu Arm Embedded Toolchain", it seems that I need to have both this statement in my .c file:
__attribute__ ((section("section_name"),used))
and this statement in my .ld file:
in order for that particular section to not get removed by linker garbage collection (--gc-sections).
Can anyone explain why or guide me to some documentation mentioning this?

Both compiler and linker may remove functions which they consider to be unused (which usually means not reachable from main) so to preserve a function you need to inform both of the tools.
In theory compiler could automatically generate KEEP statements based on used attributes but this isn't done for historical reasons.


Can the gnat compiler find unused specification procedures/functions/variables?

Is there a warning option switch that will identify spec-level procedures, functions, or variables that are not called or referenced anywhere? I've tried the switches below without luck.
This is what I'm currently using:
-- m turn on warnings for variable assigned but not read
-- u turn on warnings for unused entity
-- v turn on warnings for unassigned variable
When I move unused variables from the spec to the body, the compiler correctly identifies them as not referenced. I would like to understand why the compiler won't identify unused code in the spec, and if there is a way to get it to do so. An excessive number of warnings isn't a concern, because I use the filter field in gnat studio to only look at a few files at a time, and I can easily filter to ignore library packages.
Any help is very appreciated.
The compiler will only detect unused items in the unit it is compiling.
If you have items in a package spec, you can know they are used (or not) only by exploring the whole project's Ada sources. Some tools like AdaControl can do it.
You need a tool for that: gnatelim. Its main use is to reduce the size of the executable, eliminating the object code for unused subprograms, but you can use its output just to get the list of unused subprograms. As far as I know, it will not detect unused variables in the spec, only procedures and functions.
Use link-time garbage collection: https://docs.adacore.com/live/wave/gnat_ugn/html/gnat_ugn/gnat_ugn/gnat_and_program_execution.html#reducing-size-of-executables-with-unused-subprogram-data-elimination
You can then add the linker option --print-gc-sections to instruct the linker to print out a list of all symbols that were garbage collected.

Localize g++ compile options within code

I'm looking for a simple way to localize certain g++ (g++-4.9 to be specific) compile options to certain lines of code or at least targeted functions. I'm interested generally speaking, but also specifically to the -fast-math, -ffinite-math-only and -fno-signed-zeros options.
I presume that localization at the *.cpp file level is possible with make utility, but I'm hoping there is a way to enable it in the code itself, through #pragma or __attribute__ or something. I want to do this not only to minimize dependencies to external files (i.e. risk of incorrect makefile) but also to hopefully hyperlocalize certain FP behavior to specific equations within a function.
Alternatively, if localization of FP behavior by inline directives is NOT possible, what can I do to at least trigger a compile time error if desired compiler directive is NOT enabled in project build (e.g. makefile is lost or inappropriately modified).
I would presume that such inline optimization might be compiler specific, g++ in this case, but that is a compromise I'm willing to take.
In gcc you can use function attribute optimize:
void f () __attribute__ ((optimize("fast-math"), optimize("finite-math-only"), optimize("no-signed-zeros")));
I'm not sure that you are using the "localize" word correctly. Localization is related to adapting software to users of different human languages (French, Russian, Chinese...)
Perhaps you want to ask the compiler to optimize some functions with other optimization flags.
This is possible using #pragma GCC optimize etc... or using some function attributes
You might be able to turn on some bits of this with the fpmath option in a function attribute, but this was not clear to me from the docs. In light of that, I will focus on detection instead:
-fast-math already turns on -ffinite-math-only, so you don't need to worry about that. The docs for -fast-math say:
This option causes the preprocessor macro FAST_MATH to be
Which means it can be detected via
#ifndef __FAST_MATH__
#error "The -fast-math compiler option is required"
I have not yet found a compile-time way to detect the presence of -fno-signed-zeros

Which header are GCC macros stored ? I needed to create some tags from those files

I'm wondering where are gcc macros like builtin_expect , __attribute ((warn_unused_result)) etc. stored ? I needed to create a tag file with ctags , for things like those above.
Thanks !
_builtin_expect is a GCC builtin, this means that the compiler has some special code to handle it. It it nowhere really defined; if you care about its implementation, look inside the file gcc/builtins.c (& builtins.def) of the GCC 4.6 (or future 4.7) compiler source code.
Likewise, __attribute__-s are handled by the compiler.
The GCC documentation lists the set of builtins & attributes understood by GCC. Plugins (or MELT extensions) for GCC can augment it.
Some of these, like all __attribute__() are special keywords handled directly by the compiler.

Static library "interface"

Is there any way to tell the compiler (gcc/mingw32) when building an object file (lib*.o) to only expose certain functions from the .c file?
The reason I want to do this is that I am statically linking to a 100,000+ line library (SQLite), but am only using a select few of the functions it offers. I am hoping that if I can tell the compiler to only expose those functions, it will optimize out all the code of the functions that are never needed for those few I selected, thus dratically decreasing the size of the library.
I found several possible solutions:
This is what I asked about. It is the gcc equivalent of Windows' dllexpoort:
http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.6.1/gcc/Code-Gen-Options.html (-fvisibility)
I also discovered link-time code-generation. This allows the linker to see what parts of the code are actually used and get rid of the rest. Using this together with strip and -fwhole-program has given me drastically better results.
http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.6.1/gcc/Optimize-Options.html (see -flto and -fwhole-program)
Note: This flag only makes sense if you are not compiling the whole program in one call to gcc, which is what I was doing (making a sqlite.o file and then statically linking it in).
The third option which I found but have not yet looked into is mentioned here:
How to remove unused C/C++ symbols with GCC and ld?
That's probably the linkers job, not the compilers. When linking that as a program (.exe), the linker will take care of only importing the relevant symbols, and when linking a DLL, the __dllexport mechanism is probably what you are looking for, or some flags of ld can help you (man ld).

Is there a way to strip all functions from an object file that I am not using?

I am trying to save space in my executable and I noticed that several functions are being added into my object files, even though I never call them (the code is from a library).
Is there a way to tell gcc to remove these functions automatically or do I need to remove them manually?
If you are compiling into object files (not executables), then a compiler will never remove any non-static functions, since it's always possible you will link the object file against another object file that will call that function. So your first step should be declaring as many functions as possible static.
Secondly, the only way for a compiler to remove any unused functions would be to statically link your executable. In that case, there is at least the possibility that a program might come along and figure out what functions are used and which ones are not used.
The catch is, I don't believe that gcc actually does this type of cross-module optimization. Your best bet is the -Os flag to optimize for code size, but even then, if you have an object file abc.o which has some unused non-static functions and you link statically against some executable def.exe, I don't believe that gcc will go and strip out the code for the unused functions.
If you truly desperately need this to be done, I think you might have to actually #include the files together so that after the preprocessor pass, it results in a single .c file being compiled. With gcc compiling a single monstrous jumbo source file, you stand the best chance of unused functions being eliminated.
Have you looked into calling gcc with -Os (optimize for size.) I'm not sure if it strips unreached code, but it would be simple enough to test. You could also, after getting your executable back, 'strip' it. I'm sure there's a gcc command-line arg to do the same thing - is it --dead_strip?
In addition to -Os to optimize for size, this link may be of help.
Since I asked this question, GCC 4.5 was released which includes an option to combine all files so it looks like it is just 1 gigantic source file. Using that option, it is possible to easily strip out the unused functions.
More details here
IIRC the linker by default does what you want ins some specific cases. The short of it is that library files contain a bunch of object files and only referenced files are linked in. If you can figure out how to get GCC to emit each function into it's own object file and then build this into a library you should get what you are looking.
I only know of one compiler that can actually do this: here (look at the -lib flag)
