Send command after exec [duplicate] - bash

I know it is not recommended, but is it at all possible to pass the user's password to scp?
I'd like to copy a file via scp as part of a batch job and the receiving server does, of course, need a password and, no, I cannot easily change that to key-based authentication.

Use sshpass:
sshpass -p "password" scp -r /some/local/path
or so the password does not show in the bash history
sshpass -f "/path/to/passwordfile" scp -r /some/local/path
The above copies contents of path from the remote host to your local.
Install :
apt install sshpass
yum install sshpass
mac w/ macports
port install sshpass
mac w/ brew
brew install

just generate a ssh key like:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
copy the content of ~/.ssh/
and lastly add it to the remote machines ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
make sure remote machine have the permissions 0700 for ~./ssh folder and 0600 for ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

If you are connecting to the server from Windows, the Putty version of scp ("pscp") lets you pass the password with the -pw parameter.
This is mentioned in the documentation here.

curl can be used as a alternative to scp to copy a file and it supports a password on the commandline.
curl --insecure --user username:password -T /path/to/sourcefile sftp://desthost/path/

You can script it with a tool like expect (there are handy bindings too, like Pexpect for Python).

You can use the 'expect' script on unix/terminal
For example create 'test.exp' :
spawn scp /usr/bin/file.txt root#<ServerLocation>:/home
set pass "Your_Password"
expect {
password: {send "$pass\r"; exp_continue}
run the script
expect test.exp
I hope that helps.

You may use ssh-copy-id to add ssh key:
$which ssh-copy-id #check whether it exists
If exists:
ssh-copy-id "user#remote-system"

Here is an example of how you do it with expect tool:
sub copyover {
$scp = Expect->spawn("/usr/bin/scp ${srcpath}/$file $who:${destpath}/$file");
$scp->expect(30,"ssword: ") || die "Never got password prompt from $dest:$!\n";
print $scp 'password' . "\n";
$scp->expect(30,"-re",'$\s') || die "Never got prompt from parent system:$!\n";

Nobody mentioned it, but Putty scp (pscp) has a -pw option for password.
Documentation can be found here:

Once you set up ssh-keygen as explained above, you can do
scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa /local/path/to/file
If you want to lessen typing each time, you can modify your .bash_profile file and put
alias remote_scp='scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa /local/path/to/file
Then from your terminal do source ~/.bash_profile. Afterwards if you type remote_scp in your terminal it should run the scp command without password.

Here's a poor man's Linux/Python/Expect-like example based on this blog post: Upgrading simple shells to fully interactive
TTYs. I needed this for old machines where I can't install Expect or add modules to Python.
echo 'scp .'
sleep 5
echo 'scp-passwd'
sleep 5
echo 'exit'
) |
python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/usr/bin/bash")'
scp .
bash-4.2$ scp .
Password: 100% 15KB 236.2KB/s 00:00
bash-4.2$ exit

Make sure password authentication is enabled on the target server. If it runs Ubuntu, then open /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the server, find lines PasswordAuthentication=no and comment all them out (put # at the start of the line), save the file and run sudo systemctl restart ssh to apply the configuration. If there is no such line then you're done.
Add -o PreferredAuthentications="password" to your scp command, e.g.:
scp -o PreferredAuthentications="password" /path/to/file user#server:/destination/directory

make sure you have "expect" tool before, if not, do it
# apt-get install expect
create the a script file with following content. (# vi /root/scriptfile)
spawn scp /path_from/file_name user_name_here#to_host_name:/path_to
expect "password:"
send put_password_here\n;
execute the script file with "expect" tool
# expect /root/scriptfile

copy files from one server to other server ( on scripts)
Install putty on ubuntu or other Linux machines. putty comes with pscp. we can copy files with pscp.
apt-get update
apt-get install putty
echo n | pscp -pw "Password#1234" -r user_name#source_server_IP:/copy_file_path/files /path_to_copy/files
For more options see pscp help.

Using SCP non interactively from Windows:
Install the community Edition of netcmdlets
Import Module
Use Send-PowerShellServerFile -AuthMode password -User MyUser -Password not-secure -Server YourServer -LocalFile C:\downloads\test.txt -RemoteFile C:\temp\test.txt for sending File with non-interactive password

In case if you observe a strict host key check error then use -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null options.
The complete example is as follows
sshpass -p "password" scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null /tmp/to/psoutput

You can use below steps. This works for me!
create a normal file suppose "fileWithScpPassword" which contains the ssh password for the destination server.
Step2- use sshpaas -f followed by password file name and then normal scp command.
sshpass -f "fileWithScpPassword" scp /filePathToUpload user#ip:/destinationPath/

One easy way I do this:
Use the same scp cmd as you use with ssh keys i.e
scp -C -i <path_to opens sshkey> <'local file_path'> user#<ip_address_VM>: <'remote file_path’>
for transferring file from local to remote
but instead of providing the correct <path_to_opensshkey>, use some garbage path. Due to wrong key path you will be asked for password instead and you can simply pass the password now to get the work done!

An alternative would be add the public half of the user's key to the authorized-keys file on the target system. On the system you are initiating the transfer from, you can run an ssh-agent daemon and add the private half of the key to the agent. The batch job can then be configured to use the agent to get the private key, rather than prompting for the key's password.
This should be do-able on either a UNIX/Linux system or on Windows platform using pageant and pscp.

All the solutions mentioned above can work only if you the app installed or you should have the admin rights to install except or sshpass.
I found this very useful link to simply start the scp in Background.
$ nohup scp file_to_copy user#server:/path/to/copy/the/file > nohup.out 2>&1

I found this really helpful answer here.
rsync -r -v --progress -e ssh user#remote-system:/address/to/remote/file /home/user/
Not only you can pass there the password, but also it will show the progress bar when copying. Really awesome.


How to connect via scp without password using a shell? [duplicate]

I know it is not recommended, but is it at all possible to pass the user's password to scp?
I'd like to copy a file via scp as part of a batch job and the receiving server does, of course, need a password and, no, I cannot easily change that to key-based authentication.
Use sshpass:
sshpass -p "password" scp -r /some/local/path
or so the password does not show in the bash history
sshpass -f "/path/to/passwordfile" scp -r /some/local/path
The above copies contents of path from the remote host to your local.
Install :
apt install sshpass
yum install sshpass
mac w/ macports
port install sshpass
mac w/ brew
brew install
just generate a ssh key like:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
copy the content of ~/.ssh/
and lastly add it to the remote machines ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
make sure remote machine have the permissions 0700 for ~./ssh folder and 0600 for ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
If you are connecting to the server from Windows, the Putty version of scp ("pscp") lets you pass the password with the -pw parameter.
This is mentioned in the documentation here.
curl can be used as a alternative to scp to copy a file and it supports a password on the commandline.
curl --insecure --user username:password -T /path/to/sourcefile sftp://desthost/path/
You can script it with a tool like expect (there are handy bindings too, like Pexpect for Python).
You can use the 'expect' script on unix/terminal
For example create 'test.exp' :
spawn scp /usr/bin/file.txt root#<ServerLocation>:/home
set pass "Your_Password"
expect {
password: {send "$pass\r"; exp_continue}
run the script
expect test.exp
I hope that helps.
You may use ssh-copy-id to add ssh key:
$which ssh-copy-id #check whether it exists
If exists:
ssh-copy-id "user#remote-system"
Here is an example of how you do it with expect tool:
sub copyover {
$scp = Expect->spawn("/usr/bin/scp ${srcpath}/$file $who:${destpath}/$file");
$scp->expect(30,"ssword: ") || die "Never got password prompt from $dest:$!\n";
print $scp 'password' . "\n";
$scp->expect(30,"-re",'$\s') || die "Never got prompt from parent system:$!\n";
Nobody mentioned it, but Putty scp (pscp) has a -pw option for password.
Documentation can be found here:
Once you set up ssh-keygen as explained above, you can do
scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa /local/path/to/file
If you want to lessen typing each time, you can modify your .bash_profile file and put
alias remote_scp='scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa /local/path/to/file
Then from your terminal do source ~/.bash_profile. Afterwards if you type remote_scp in your terminal it should run the scp command without password.
Here's a poor man's Linux/Python/Expect-like example based on this blog post: Upgrading simple shells to fully interactive
TTYs. I needed this for old machines where I can't install Expect or add modules to Python.
echo 'scp .'
sleep 5
echo 'scp-passwd'
sleep 5
echo 'exit'
) |
python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/usr/bin/bash")'
scp .
bash-4.2$ scp .
Password: 100% 15KB 236.2KB/s 00:00
bash-4.2$ exit
Make sure password authentication is enabled on the target server. If it runs Ubuntu, then open /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the server, find lines PasswordAuthentication=no and comment all them out (put # at the start of the line), save the file and run sudo systemctl restart ssh to apply the configuration. If there is no such line then you're done.
Add -o PreferredAuthentications="password" to your scp command, e.g.:
scp -o PreferredAuthentications="password" /path/to/file user#server:/destination/directory
make sure you have "expect" tool before, if not, do it
# apt-get install expect
create the a script file with following content. (# vi /root/scriptfile)
spawn scp /path_from/file_name user_name_here#to_host_name:/path_to
expect "password:"
send put_password_here\n;
execute the script file with "expect" tool
# expect /root/scriptfile
copy files from one server to other server ( on scripts)
Install putty on ubuntu or other Linux machines. putty comes with pscp. we can copy files with pscp.
apt-get update
apt-get install putty
echo n | pscp -pw "Password#1234" -r user_name#source_server_IP:/copy_file_path/files /path_to_copy/files
For more options see pscp help.
Using SCP non interactively from Windows:
Install the community Edition of netcmdlets
Import Module
Use Send-PowerShellServerFile -AuthMode password -User MyUser -Password not-secure -Server YourServer -LocalFile C:\downloads\test.txt -RemoteFile C:\temp\test.txt for sending File with non-interactive password
In case if you observe a strict host key check error then use -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null options.
The complete example is as follows
sshpass -p "password" scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null /tmp/to/psoutput
You can use below steps. This works for me!
create a normal file suppose "fileWithScpPassword" which contains the ssh password for the destination server.
Step2- use sshpaas -f followed by password file name and then normal scp command.
sshpass -f "fileWithScpPassword" scp /filePathToUpload user#ip:/destinationPath/
One easy way I do this:
Use the same scp cmd as you use with ssh keys i.e
scp -C -i <path_to opens sshkey> <'local file_path'> user#<ip_address_VM>: <'remote file_path’>
for transferring file from local to remote
but instead of providing the correct <path_to_opensshkey>, use some garbage path. Due to wrong key path you will be asked for password instead and you can simply pass the password now to get the work done!
An alternative would be add the public half of the user's key to the authorized-keys file on the target system. On the system you are initiating the transfer from, you can run an ssh-agent daemon and add the private half of the key to the agent. The batch job can then be configured to use the agent to get the private key, rather than prompting for the key's password.
This should be do-able on either a UNIX/Linux system or on Windows platform using pageant and pscp.
All the solutions mentioned above can work only if you the app installed or you should have the admin rights to install except or sshpass.
I found this very useful link to simply start the scp in Background.
$ nohup scp file_to_copy user#server:/path/to/copy/the/file > nohup.out 2>&1
I found this really helpful answer here.
rsync -r -v --progress -e ssh user#remote-system:/address/to/remote/file /home/user/
Not only you can pass there the password, but also it will show the progress bar when copying. Really awesome.

SSH sudo inside script different behaviour

I'm trying to set some automation inside local network and started working with some shell scripting and something that I saw - very strange behaviour SSH inside script according to how script running(with or without sudo):
What I have:
ComputerA and ComputerB.
Inside ComputerA:
A shell script
cp /dir1/file1 /dir2/file2
ssh username#ComputerB "sudo reboot"
/etc/ssh/ssh_config file with some configurations to work without ssh-keys (they always changes on ComputerB):
StrictHostKeyChecking no
Inside ComputerB:
In /etc/sudoers file:
When I connecting through SSH to ComputerA and running without sudo, I get permission error to write to /dir2 (it's OK) and next command on ComputerB executes normally (reboots ComputerB), but I'm running sudo It copy file and then I got strange - SSH asks me username password. Tried different variants to change ssh command to something like:
ssh -t username#ComputerB "echo user_pass | sudo -S reboot"
but nothing helped.
So I need help to figure out what happens and what to do to execute sudo without entering password for ssh command inside.
Don't run with sudo on computerA; instead modify the script like so:
sudo cp /dir1/file1 /dir2/file2
ssh username#ComputerB "sudo reboot"
The reason that you're seeing the strange behaviour is that you're actually becoming root on computerA (I assume you have a keypair set-up for your regular user and expect to connect to computerB passwordless?), and that root on computerA doesn't have a keypair that computerB knows about.

How to ssh in a non-interactive bash script with the password [duplicate]

I need to create a script that automatically inputs a password to OpenSSH ssh client.
Let's say I need to SSH into myname#somehost with the password a1234b.
I've already tried...
ssh myname#somehost
...but this does not work.
How can I get this functionality into a script?
First you need to install sshpass.
Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install sshpass
Fedora/CentOS: yum install sshpass
Arch: pacman -S sshpass
sshpass -p "YOUR_PASSWORD" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no YOUR_USERNAME#SOME_SITE.COM
Custom port example:
sshpass -p "YOUR_PASSWORD" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no YOUR_USERNAME#SOME_SITE.COM:2400
sshpass can also read a password from a file when the -f flag is passed.
Using -f prevents the password from being visible if the ps command is executed.
The file that the password is stored in should have secure permissions.
After looking for an answer to the question for months, I finally found a better solution: writing a simple script.
set timeout 20
set cmd [lrange $argv 1 end]
set password [lindex $argv 0]
eval spawn $cmd
expect "password:"
send "$password\r";
Put it to /usr/bin/exp, So you can use:
exp <password> ssh <anything>
exp <password> scp <anysrc> <anydst>
Use public key authentication:
In the source host run this only once:
ssh-keygen -t rsa # ENTER to every field
ssh-copy-id myname#somehost
That's all, after that you'll be able to do ssh without password.
You could use an expects script. I have not written one in quite some time but it should look like below. You will need to head the script with #!/usr/bin/expect
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ssh HOSTNAME
expect "login:"
send "username\r"
expect "Password:"
send "password\r"
Variant I
Variant II
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ssh USERNAME#SERVER "touch /home/user/ssh_example"
expect "assword:"
send "PASSWORD\r"
sshpass + autossh
One nice bonus of the already-mentioned sshpass is that you can use it with autossh, eliminating even more of the interactive inefficiency.
sshpass -p mypassword autossh -M0 -t
This will allow autoreconnect if, e.g. your wifi is interrupted by closing your laptop.
With a jump host
sshpass -p `cat ~/.sshpass` autossh -M0 -Y -tt -J -p 222
sshpass with better security
I stumbled on this thread while looking for a way to ssh into a bogged-down server -- it took over a minute to process the SSH connection attempt, and timed out before I could enter a password. In this case, I wanted to be able to supply my password immediately when the prompt was available.
(And if it's not painfully clear: with a server in this state, it's far too late to set up a public key login.)
sshpass to the rescue. However, there are better ways to go about this than sshpass -p.
My implementation skips directly to the interactive password prompt (no time wasted seeing if public key exchange can happen), and never reveals the password as plain text.
# usage: same arguments that you'd pass to ssh normally
echo "You're going to run (with our additions) ssh $#"
# Read password interactively and save it to the environment
read -s -p "Password to use: " SSHPASS
export SSHPASS
# have sshpass load the password from the environment, and skip public key auth
# all other args come directly from the input
sshpass -e ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=keyboard-interactive -o PubkeyAuthentication=no "$#"
# clear the exported variable containing the password
I don't think I saw anyone suggest this and the OP just said "script" so...
I needed to solve the same problem and my most comfortable language is Python.
I used the paramiko library. Furthermore, I also needed to issue commands for which I would need escalated permissions using sudo. It turns out sudo can accept its password via stdin via the "-S" flag! See below:
import paramiko
ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
# To avoid an "unknown hosts" error. Solve this differently if you must...
# This mechanism uses a private key.
pkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(PKEY_PATH)
# This mechanism uses a password.
# Get it from cli args or a file or hard code it, whatever works best for you
password = "password"
# Uncomment one of the following...
# password=password
# pkey=pkey
# do something restricted
# If you don't need escalated permissions, omit everything before "mkdir"
command = "echo {} | sudo -S mkdir /var/log/test_dir 2>/dev/null".format(password)
# In order to inspect the exit code
# you need go under paramiko's hood a bit
# rather than just using "ssh_client.exec_command()"
chan = ssh_client.get_transport().open_session()
exit_status = chan.recv_exit_status()
if exit_status != 0:
stderr = chan.recv_stderr(5000)
# Note that sudo's "-S" flag will send the password prompt to stderr
# so you will see that string here too, as well as the actual error.
# It was because of this behavior that we needed access to the exit code
# to assert success.
logger.error("Uh oh")
Hope this helps someone. My use case was creating directories, sending and untarring files and starting programs on ~300 servers as a time. As such, automation was paramount. I tried sshpass, expect, and then came up with this.
# create a file that echo's out your password .. you may need to get crazy with escape chars or for extra credit put ASCII in your password...
echo "echo YerPasswordhere" > /tmp/1
chmod 777 /tmp/1
# sets some vars for ssh to play nice with something to do with GUI but here we are using it to pass creds.
export SSH_ASKPASS="/tmp/1"
setsid ssh -p 22
This is how I login to my servers:
ssp <server_ip>
alias ssp='/home/myuser/Documents/'
cat /home/myuser/Documents/
sshpass -p mypassword ssh root#$1
And therefore:
ssp server_ip
This is basically an extension of abbotto's answer, with some additional steps (aimed at beginners) to make starting up your server, from your linux host, very easy:
Write a simple bash script, e.g.:
sshpass -p "YOUR_PASSWORD" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no <YOUR_USERNAME>#<SEVER_IP>
Save the file, e.g. 'startMyServer', then make the file executable by running this in your terminal:
sudo chmod +x startMyServer
Move the file to a folder which is in your 'PATH' variable (run 'echo $PATH' in your terminal to see those folders). So for example move it to '/usr/bin/'.
And voila, now you are able to get into your server by typing 'startMyServer' into your terminal.
P.S. (1) this is not very secure, look into ssh keys for better security.
P.S. (2) SMshrimant answer is quite similar and might be more elegant to some. But I personally prefer to work in bash scripts.
I am using below solution but for that you have to install sshpass If its not already installed, install it using sudo apt install sshpass
Now you can do this,
sshpass -p *YourPassword* ssh root#IP
You can create a bash alias as well so that you don't have to run the whole command again and again.
Follow below steps
cd ~
sudo nano .bash_profile
at the end of the file add below code
mymachine() { sshpass -p *YourPassword* ssh root#IP }
source .bash_profile
Now just run mymachine command from terminal and you'll enter your machine without password prompt.
mymachine can be any command of your choice.
If security doesn't matter for you here in this task and you just want to automate the work you can use this method.
If you are doing this on a Windows system, you can use Plink (part of PuTTY).
plink your_username#yourhost -pw your_password
I have a better solution that inclueds login with your account than changing to root user.
It is a bash script
The answer of #abbotto did not work for me, had to do some things differently:
yum install sshpass changed to - rpm -ivh
the command to use sshpass changed to - sshpass -p "pass" ssh user#mysite -p 2122
I managed to get it working with that:
SSH_ASKPASS="echo \"my-pass-here\""
ssh -tt remotehost -l myusername
This works:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ssh USERNAME#SERVER "touch /home/user/ssh_example"
expect "assword:"
send "PASSWORD\r"
BUT!!! If you have an error like below, just start your script with expect, but not bash, as shown here: expect
instead of bash
/bin/ 2: spawn: not found /bin/ 3: expect: not found /bin/ 4: send: not found /bin/ 5: expect: not found /bin/ 6: send: not found
I got this working as follows
.ssh/config was modified to eliminate the yes/no prompt - I'm behind a firewall so I'm not worried about spoofed ssh keys
host *
StrictHostKeyChecking no
Create a response file for expect i.e. answer.expect
set timeout 20
set node [lindex $argv 0]
spawn ssh root#node service hadoop-hdfs-datanode restart
expect "*?assword {
send "password\r" <- your password here.
Create your bash script and just call expect in the file
while [$i -lt 129] # a few nodes here
expect answer.expect hadoopslave$i
i=[$i + 1]
sleep 5
Gets 128 hadoop datanodes refreshed with new config - assuming you are using a NFS mount for the hadoop/conf files
Hope this helps someone - I'm a Windows numpty and this took me about 5 hours to figure out!
In the example bellow I'll write the solution that I used:
The scenario: I want to copy file from a server using sh script:
my_script=$(expect -c "spawn scp userName#server-name:path/file.txt /home/Amine/Bureau/trash/test/
expect \"password:\"
send \"$PASSWORD\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"exit \r\"
echo "$my_script"
Solution1:use sshpass
sshpass -p a1234b ssh myname#somehost
You can install by
# Ubuntu/Debian
$ sudo apt-get install sshpass
# Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS
$ sudo yum install sshpass
# Arch Linux
$ sudo pacman -S sshpass
brew install
or download the Source Code from here, then
tar xvzf sshpass-1.08.tar.gz
cd sshpass-1.08.tar.gz
sudo make install
Solution2:Set SSH passwordless login
Let's say you need to SSH into bbb# server B) with the password 2b2b2b from aaa# server A).
Generate the public key(.ssh/ and private key(.ssh/id_rsa) in A with the following commands
ssh-keygen -t rsa
[Press enter key]
[Press enter key]
[Press enter key]
Use the following command to distribute the generated public key(.ssh/ to server B under bbb‘s .ssh directory as a file name authorized_keys
ssh-copy-id bbb#
You need to enter a password for the first ssh login, and it will be logged in automatically in the future, no need to enter it again!
ssh bbb# [Enter]
And then your script can be
ssh myname#somehost
Use this script tossh within script, First argument is the hostname and second will be the password.
set pass [lindex $argv 1]
set host [lindex $argv 0]
spawn ssh -t root#$host echo Hello
expect "*assword: "
send "$pass\n";
To connect remote machine through shell scripts , use below command:
sshpass -p PASSWORD ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no USERNAME#IPADDRESS
where IPADDRESS, USERNAME and PASSWORD are input values which need to provide in script, or if we want to provide in runtime use "read" command.
This should help in most of the cases (you need to install sshpass first!):
read -p 'Enter Your Username: ' UserName;
read -p 'Enter Your Password: ' Password;
read -p 'Enter Your Domain Name: ' Domain;
sshpass -p "$Password" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $UserName#$Domain
In linux/ubuntu
ssh username#server_ip_address -p port_number
Press enter and then enter your server password
if you are not a root user then add sudo in starting of command

Automatic login using PUTTY.EXE with Sudo command

I am using below command to open putty through windows command prompt:
PUTTY.EXE -ssh -pw "mypass" user#IP -m C:/ -t
Where mentioned in above command file contains:
sudo su - rootuser
After executing the command, putty console is opened and it prompts for password.
Is there any way where I can provide this password automatically without typing it?
There's a bit of a horrible workaround using Expect and embedding a password.
This is a bad idea.
As an alternative:
Configure sudo to allow NOPASSWD.
Login directly as root using public-private key auth.
Both these introduce a degree of vulnerability, so should be used with caution - but any passwordless auth has this flaw.
Finally, after struggling for almost whole day, I got the way to get this working.
Below command can be executed from windows machine:
PLINK.EXE -t -ssh -pw "password" user#IP /home/mydir/ file is located on remote machine. And this file contains below command to execute script with sudo command without prompting password.
echo password | sudo u user -S
Here, password should be replaced with your password. user should be replaced with your actual user and is the script on remote machine that you want to fire after sudo login.

How to run the sftp command with a password from Bash script?

I need to transfer a log file to a remote host using sftp from a Linux host. I have been provided credentials for the same from my operations group. However, since I don't have control over other host, I cannot generate and share RSA keys with the other host.
So is there a way to run the sftp command (with the username/password provided) from inside the Bash script through a cron job?
I found a similar Stack Overflow question, Specify password to sftp in a Bash script, but there was no satisfactory answer to my problem.
You have a few options other than using public key authentication:
Use keychain
Use sshpass (less secured but probably that meets your requirement)
Use expect (least secured and more coding needed)
If you decide to give sshpass a chance here is a working script snippet to do so:
export SSHPASS=your-password-here
sshpass -e sftp -oBatchMode=no -b - sftp-user#remote-host << !
cd incoming
put your-log-file.log
Another way would be to use lftp:
lftp sftp://user:password#host -e "put; bye"
The disadvantage of this method is that other users on the computer can read the password from tools like ps and that the password can become part of your shell history.
A more secure alternative which is available since LFTP 4.5.0 is setting the LFTP_PASSWORD environment variable and executing lftp with --env-password. Here's a full example:
export LFTP_PASSWORD="just_an_example"
lftp --env-password sftp://user#host -e "put; bye"
# Destroy password after use
LFTP also includes a cool mirroring feature (can include delete after confirmed transfer --Remove-source-files):
lftp -e 'mirror -R /local/log/path/ /remote/path/' --env-password -u user
EXPECT is a great program to use.
On Ubuntu install it with:
sudo apt-get install expect
On a CentOS Machine install it with:
yum install expect
Lets say you want to make a connection to a sftp server and then upload a local file from your local machine to the remote sftp server
spawn sftp
expect "password:"
send "yourpasswordhere\n"
expect "sftp>"
send "cd logdirectory\n"
expect "sftp>"
send "put /var/log/file.log\n"
expect "sftp>"
send "exit\n"
This opens a sftp connection with your password to the server.
Then it goes to the directory where you want to upload your file, in this case "logdirectory"
This uploads a log file from the local directory found at /var/log/ with the files name being file.log to the "logdirectory" on the remote server
You can use lftp interactively in a shell script so the password not saved in .bash_history or similar by doing the following:
Add the following to your file:
cd <base directory for your put file>
open sftp://$HOST
And write/quit the vi editor after you edit the host, user, pass, and directory for your put file typing :wq .Then make your script executable chmod +x and execute it ./
I was recently asked to switch over from ftp to sftp, in order to secure the file transmission between servers. We are using Tectia SSH package, which has an option --password to pass the password on the command line.
example : sftp --password="password" "userid"#"servername"
Batch example :
echo "
cd pub
lcd dir_name
put filename
) | sftp --password="password" "userid"#"servername"
I thought I should share this information, since I was looking at various websites, before running the help command (sftp -h), and was i surprised to see the password option.
You can override by enabling Password less authentication. But you should install keys (pub, priv) before going for that.
Execute the following commands at local server.
Local $> ssh-keygen -t rsa
Press ENTER for all options prompted. No values need to be typed.
Local $> cd .ssh
Local $> scp .ssh/ user#targetmachine:
Prompts for pwd$> ENTERPASSWORD
Connect to remote server using the following command
Local $> ssh user#targetmachine
Prompts for pwd$> ENTERPASSWORD
Execute the following commands at remote server
Remote $> mkdir .ssh
Remote $> chmod 700 .ssh
Remote $> cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys
Remote $> chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
Remote $> exit
Execute the following command at local server to test password-less authentication.
It should be connected without password.
$> ssh user#targetmachine
The easiest way I found to accomplish this, without installing any third-party library like Expect, SSHPASS...etc, is by using a combination of CURL, and SFTP. Those two are almost in every Linux machine.
This is the command you should execute, after changing the values.
curl -k "sftp://" --user "admin:123456" -o "test.txt"
We are connecting to the server using the username admin and password 123456, to move the file /home/admin/test.txt from that server to the server you are using currently to execute the above command.
Combine sshpass with a locked-down credentials file and, in practice, it's as secure as anything - if you've got root on the box to read the credentials file, all bets are off anyway.
Bash program to wait for sftp to ask for a password then send it along:
expect -c "
spawn sftp username#your_host
expect \"Password\"
send \"your_password_here\r\"
interact "
You may need to install expect, change the wording of 'Password' to lowercase 'p' to match what your prompt receives. The problems here is that it exposes your password in plain text in the file as well as in the command history. Which nearly defeats the purpose of having a password in the first place.
You can use sshpass for it. Below are the steps
Install sshpass For Ubuntu - sudo apt-get install sshpass
Add the Remote IP to your known-host file if it is first time
For Ubuntu -> ssh user#IP -> enter 'yes'
give a combined command of scp and sshpass for it.
Below is a sample code for war coping to remote tomcat
sshpass -p '#Password_For_remote_machine' scp /home/ubuntu/latest_build/abc.war #user##RemoteIP:/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps
You can use a Python script with scp and os library to make a system call.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 (local machine)
ssh-copy-id user#remote_server_address
create a Python script like:
import os
cmd = 'scp user#remote_server_address:remote_file_path local_file_path'
create a rule in crontab to automate your script
A few people have mentioned sshpass but not many clear coding examples...
This is how we are doing it with bash scripts for rsync backups:
sshpass -p "${RSYNC_PASSWORD}" sftp "${RSYNC_USER}"#"${RSYNC_REMOTE_HOST}"
Keep in mind you will have to sudo apt install sshpass before this works properly.
