c:import jsp page with translation - spring

I'm trying to load a jsp from remote during runtime. <c:import> accepts remote url and loads the file but it displays the jsp content as it is. Downloaded jsp has custom tags in it which needs to be processed. Library of Tag handlers for the custom tags is added as dependency.
Is there a way to achieve html translation for imported jsp file?


How does spring resolve .jsp page without controller mapping

I'm trying to understand the following issue. When I type url http://localhost:8076/demoproject_war/test.jsp spring is able to load test.jsp page. Here is the pic of my directory structure.
My question is how spring loads ./test.jsp even though I don't have any mappings in my controller class for ./test.jsp . Does not this request go to controller to check the mappings?
Spring does not load this JSP when you go to that URL. You're navigating directly to the JSP. It is considered a bad practice as you're not controlling the execution in this case. You should put the JSPs inside a webapp/WEB-INF directory. Then, the won't be accessible directly.

How to create a Controller to render a custom Error Template in Spring Boot

I'm using Spring Boot and FreeMarker.
To render the header I need to put a dynamically created object in the model. Same to render the footer. I have a page.ftl that every other template includes so that every page have a header and a footer.
I want to render an 404 page which also shows this header and footer, so ideally the view of this page should be a free marker template.
I notice that if I have an error.ftl, Spring Boot would use it in case of an error, but where can I put logic that adds the header and footer so that my error page looks nice?
The answer was to create a #ControllerAdvice
Inside there is one method annotated with #ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) and with #ExceptionHandler for the project's own PageNotFoundException. That method returns a ModelAndView object where I can put the name of whatever view I want to render (doesn't matter if it's FreeMarker or not). Inside the method I construct the header and footer.
The same can be done for a 500 page.

Display Spring MVC model attributes in thymeleaf template

I am developing a full Spring application with Spring MVC and Thymeleaf in view layer. In the past I've worked with JSPs and Spring MVC in view layer, but those are now dinosaurs I guess.
So my problem is that with JSPs I could very easily display model attributes in view by adding value in model.addAttribute in controller and displaying the same in JSP anywhere with placeholder evaluating to springex ${value}. So if I want to place a title in page I can write <title>${appName}<title>. This is one of the places where I can put any springex.
I am having hard time to figure out how to do this with Thymeleaf as it uses attribute based parsers. So anywhere on page if thymeleaf prefix is not included it won't process spring expression. It's very hard to work with limited set of tag libraries. I've heard of custom attributes for thymeleaf but I guess there should be a better way to do this.
You can use the th:text attribute, e.g.
<html ... xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
<title th:text="${appName}">mocking text</title>
The content of the tag ("mocking text" in this case) gets replaced by the result of the expression in the th:text attribute.
Of course you need to have the appropriate JAR files on CLASSPATH and have the Thymeleaf view resolver properly configured, as described in the Thymeleaf+Spring guide.
For additional information about how template processing works with Thymeleaf in general you can refer to the Thymeleaf guide.

How to import css/js in spring MVC application jsp page

I am new to spring mvc , I am creating a user registration page , there I need to put external css and import external js .
I put the script tag with src and link tag with href. But i think in Spring MVC application they will not work straight forward.
For this I added resourceservlet mapping but still it is not working
I am not able to find any way how I csn include these assets in my jsp file.
Please help me to get this one.
Put the CSS, JS, image files, etc., into a directory (which may contain subdirectories) in your web site, and than map the requests to that directory:
<mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/public-resources/"/>
In this example the files are in the public-resources directory, and you refer to them using /resources in the link in your JSP.
For more information see Spring docs

Cannot access struts action data from nested JSP

I am working for first time with Struts 2 + Spring + Hibernate architecture. I took this project as reference for building it and it works. I can list DB tables in my index.jsp using struts tags, but this does not work from nested JSP loaded into DIV containers inside index.jsp.
index.jsp has a <div class="art-nav"></div> and loads there another jsp using js:
The same struts tags that work in index.jsp to list DB tables do not work in menu.jsp. I am not sure if the problem is the way I am loading this JSP or if it is necessary to execute some action from Struts 2 before loading menu.jsp...
Basically the JSPs use AJAX and I am adapting them to this architecture and there is where I am facing the problems because of my lack of experience.
Thank you in advance for your help!
You should include the second jsp as follows:
<div class="art-nav">
<%# include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/menu.jsp"%>
If you load your jsp via javascript the response will not get forwarded to that jsp.
If you really want to load a jsp via javascript you should create a new action (menu.action) that returns a parsed jsp and include it in the existing html. (Though I personally do not really like that technique.)
