Broadcasting allocates a lot of memory whist for loop doesn't - memory-management

If I have following two variants to write a part of my code and I generally prefer a shorter one. This is the reason why I do like dot-broadcasting in Julia. However I have this example shows that there's something wrong with it.
function test1(A)
n = size(A, 2)
for k in 1:n
for i in k+1:n
A[i, k] /= A[k, k]
function test2(A)
n = size(A, 2)
for k in 1:n
A[k+1:n, k] ./= A[k,k]
A = rand(10000,10000)
B = copy(A)
#allocated test1(B) # returns 0
C = copy(A)
#allocated test2(C) # returns 401131136
C == B # returns true
Moreover I tried to eliminate syntactic sugar and wrote one more test function
function test3(A)
n = size(A, 2)
for k in 1:n
broadcast!(/, A[k+1:n, k], A[k+1:n, k], A[k,k])
And this one allocates twice as much memory as test2 and... returns wrong result.
Why does test3 return wrong result, and what's wrong with broadcasting, are there any guides explaining how to use it?

The issue is that in A[k+1:n, k] ./= A[k,k] you can think of as it being rewritten as:
A[k+1:n, k] .= A[k+1:n, k] ./ A[k,k]
Now the point is that in the A[k+1:n, k] ./ A[k,k] part the A[k+1:n, k] part makes a copy of the array before division is performed. The reason is safety. You can override it by explicitly making a view instead of a copy:
function test2_fix(A)
n = size(A, 2)
for k in 1:n
A[k+1:n, k] .= view(A, k+1:n, k) ./ A[k,k]
The broadcast! call is even worse and incorrect, because A[k+1:n, k] creates a copy twice (as you use it twice) before passing the values to broadcast! so your source array A will not be affected

I'll break down what the syntax ends up meaning. This was your first broadcasting attempt and its equivalents (well, the steps in Meta.#lower are a bit different but it does the same thing for Arrays):
A[k+1:n, k] ./= A[k,k]
A[k+1:n, k] .= A[k+1:n, k] ./ A[k,k]
broadcast!(/, #view(A[k+1:n, k]), A[k+1:n, k], A[k,k])
Note how .= broadcast! is set up to write the results to a view of the left-hand side array A. A view accesses the memory of an array, and it is non-allocating as of v1.5. Your second attempt with broadcast! missed this detail, so you ended up writing to a new array instead of to A.
The issue is that slicing bracket syntax, such as A[k+1:n, k], does getindex. If getindex is accessing >1 value, it allocates a new array and copies values to it, so in such cases, you want to use view instead of getindex. Here are the equivalent ways of doing that:
broadcast!(/, #view(A[k+1:n, k]), #view(A[k+1:n, k]), A[k,k])
A[k+1:n, k] .= #view(A[k+1:n, k]) ./ A[k,k]
#view(A[k+1:n, k]) ./= A[k,k]
#views A[k+1:n, k] ./= A[k,k]
The #view macro allows you to use the slicing bracket syntax to call view instead of getindex. The #views macro is a way to turn all slicing bracket syntax in the following expression to use view instead of getindex.


Probability of a disjunction on N dependent events in Prolog

Does anybody know where to find a Prolog algorithm for computing the probability of a disjunction for N dependent events? For N = 2 i know that P(E1 OR E2) = P(E1) + P(E2) - P(E1) * P(E2), so one could do:
prob_disjunct(E1, E2, P):- P is E1 + E2 - E1 * E2
But how can this predicate be generalised to N events when the input is a list? Maybe there is a package which does this?
Kinds regards/JCR
The recursive formula from Robert Dodier's answer directly translates to
p_or([], 0).
p_or([P|Ps], Or) :-
p_or(Ps, Or1),
Or is P + Or1*(1-P).
Although this works fine, e.g.
?- p_or([0.5,0.3,0.7,0.1],P).
P = 0.9055
hardcore Prolog programmers can't help noticing that the definition isn't tail-recursive. This would really only be a problem when you are processing very long lists, but since the order of list elements doesn't matter, it is easy to turn things around. This is a standard technique, using an auxiliary predicate and an "accumulator pair" of arguments:
p_or(Ps, Or) :-
p_or(Ps, 0, Or).
p_or([], Or, Or).
p_or([P|Ps], Or0, Or) :-
Or1 is P + Or0*(1-P),
p_or(Ps, Or1, Or). % tail-recursive call
I don't know anything about Prolog, but anyway it's convenient to write the probability of a disjunction of a number of independent items p_m = Pr(S_1 or S_2 or S_3 or ... or S_m) recursively as
p_m = Pr(S_m) + p_{m - 1} (1 - P(S_m))
You can prove this by just peeling off the last item -- look at Pr((S_1 or ... or S_{m - 1}) or S_m) and just write that in terms of the usual formula, writing Pr(A or B) = Pr(A) + Pr(B) - Pr(A) Pr(B) = Pr(B) + Pr(A) (1 - Pr(B)), for A and B independent.
The formula above is item C.3.10 in my dissertation: It is a simple result, and I suppose it must be an exercise in some textbooks, although I don't remember seeing it.
For any event E I'll write E' for the complementary event (ie E' occurs iff E doesn't).
Then we have:
P(E') = 1 - P(E)
(A union B)' = A' inter B'
A and B are independent iff A' and B' are independent
so for independent E1..En
P( E1 union .. union En ) = 1 - P( E1' inter .. inter En')
= 1 - product{ i<=i<=n | 1 - P(E[i])}

Church numerals in lambda calculus

I need to find a function P such that (using Beta - reduction)
P(g, h, i) ->* (h, i, i+1).
I am allowed to use the successor function succ. From wikipedia I got
succ = λn.λf.λx.f(n f x)
My answer is P = λx.λy.λz.yz(λz.λf.λu.f(z f u))z
but I'm not quite sure about it. My logic was the λx would effectively get rid of the g term, then the λy.λz would bring in the h and i via the yz. Then the succ function would bring in i+1 last. I just don't know if my function actually replicates this.
Any help given is appreciated
#melpomene points out that this question is unanswerable without a specific implementation in mind (e.g. for tuples). I am going to presume that your tuple is implemented as:
T = λabcf.f a b c
Or, if you prefer the non-shorthand:
T = (λa.(λb.(λc.(λf.f a b c))))
That is, a function which closes over a, b, and c, and waits for a function f to pass those variables.
If that is the implementation in mind, and assuming normal Church numerals, then the function you spec:
P(g, h, i) ->* (h, i, i+1)
Needs to:
take in a triple (with a, b, and c already applied)
construct a new triple, with
the second value of the old triple
the third value of the old triple
the succ of the third value of the old triple
Here is such a function P:
P = λt.t (λghi.T h i (succ i))
Or again, if you prefer non-shorthand:
P = (λt.t(λg.(λh.(λi.T h i (succ i)))))
This can be partially cleaned up with some helper functions:
SND = λt.t (λabc.b)
TRD = λt.t (λabc.c)
In which case we can write P as:
P = λt.T (SND t) (TRD t) (succ (TRD t))

Permutation in scheme

Question: Write an inductive definition of a function all-permutations that takes a list of numbers as input, and
returns the set of all permutations of that list of numbers, as output, represented as a list of lists.
(apply append(map(lambda (i) (map (lambda (j)(cons i j))
(permute (remove i
I had came up with core code of the problem. But I need to express the solution in pure english and mathematical notation, with no variables or data structure mutation.
# Python program to print all permutations with
# duplicates allowed
def toString(List):
return ''.join(List)
# Function to print permutations of string
# This function takes three parameters:
# 1. String
# 2. Starting index of the string
# 3. Ending index of the string.
def permute(a, l, r):
if l==r:
print toString(a)
for i in xrange(l,r+1):
a[l], a[i] = a[i], a[l]
permute(a, l+1, r)
a[l], a[i] = a[i], a[l] # backtrack
# Driver program to test the above function
string = "ABC"
n = len(string)
a = list(string)
permute(a, 0, n-1)
# This code is contributed by Bhavya Jain
This is a code done in python of ur problem found in geekforgeeks
Source: Mathword(

Why won't this Mathematica code maximize?

f[n_] := ((A*n^a)^(1/s) +
c*(B*(a*c*(B/A)^(1/s)*n^(1 - (a/s)))^(-(a*s)/(a - s)))^(1/s))^s +
b*log (1 - n - ((a*c*(B/A)^(1/s)*n^(1 - (a/s)))^(-(a*s)/(a - s))))
d/dn (f (n))
d/dn (f[n])
D[f[n], n]
solve (D[f[n], n] = 0)
Solve[D[f[n], n] = 0, n]
Solve[0, n]
Maximize[f[n], n]
Maximize[b log (1 - n - (a (B/A)^(1/s) c n^(1 - a/s))^(-((a s)/(a - s)))) + ((A n^a)^(1/s)
+ c (B (a (B/A)^(1/s) c n^(1 - a/s))^(-((a s)/(a - s))))^(1/s))^s, n]
I am not getting anything returning for any of these functions. Any idea why?
Attaching a photo of the mathematica script:
First of all, you're using solve with a lowercase, which is just an undefined variable. To use the function Solve you need to write it with a capital letter. In the same way, you have to write Log with a capital letter, not a lower-case letter, since it's a built in function.
Second, your open parenthesis is not a bracket. Functions in Mathematica require brackets, like Solve[ ... ], not Solve( ).
Third, you're using = instead of ==. The single equals = is used to store variables, the double equals == is used to represent equality.
See if you can get it to work after remedying these errors.

Get mathematica to simplify expression with another equation

I have a very complicated mathematica expression that I'd like to simplify by using a new, possibly dimensionless parameter.
An example of my expression is:
(the actual expression is monstrously large, thousands of characters). I'd like to replace all occurrences of the expression t/(t+f) with p
The goal here is to find a replacement so that all t's and f's are replaced by p. In this case, the replacement p is a nondimensionalized parameter, so it seems like a good candidate replacement.
I've not been able to figure out how to do this in mathematica (or if its possible). I tried:
eq1= K==a*b*t/((t+f)c*d);
eq2= p==t/(t+f);
Not surprisingly, this doesn't work. If there were a way to force it to solve for K in terms of p,a,b,c,d, this might work, but I can't figure out how to do that either. Thoughts?
Edit #1 (11/10/11 - 1:30)
[deleted to simplify]
OK, new tact. I've taken p=ton/(ton+toff) and multiplied p by several expressions. I know that p can be completely eliminated. The new expression (in terms of p) is
testEQ = A B p + A^2 B p^2 + (A+B)p^3;
Then I made the substitution for p, and called (normal) FullSimplify, giving me this expression.
testEQ2= (ton (B ton^2 + A^2 B ton (toff + ton) +
A (ton^2 + B (toff + ton)^2)))/(toff + ton)^3;
Finally, I tried all of the suggestions below, except the last (not sure how it works yet!)
Only the eliminate option worked. So I guess I'll try this method from now on. Thank you.
EQ1 = a1 == (ton (B ton^2 + A^2 B ton (toff + ton) +
A (ton^2 + B (toff + ton)^2)))/(toff + ton)^3;
EQ2 = P1 == ton/(ton + toff);
Eliminate[{EQ1, EQ2}, {ton, toff}]
A B P1 + A^2 B P1^2 + (A + B) P1^3 == a1
I should add, if the goal is to make all substitutions that are possible, leaving the rest, I still don't know how to do that. But it appears that if a substitution can completely eliminate a few variables, Eliminate[] works best.
Have you tried this?
K = a*b*t/((t + f) c*d);
Solve[p == t/(t + f), t]
-> {{t -> -((f p)/(-1 + p))}}
Simplify[K /. %[[1]] ]
-> (a b p)/(c d)
EDIT: Oh, and are you aware of Eliminiate?
Eliminate[{eq1, eq2}, {t,f}]
-> a b p == c d K && c != 0 && d != 0
Solve[%, K]
-> {{K -> (a b p)/(c d)}}
EDIT 2: Also, in this simple case, solving for K and t simultaneously seems to do the trick, too:
Solve[{eq1, eq2}, {K, t}]
-> {{K -> (a b p)/(c d), t -> -((f p)/(-1 + p))}}
Something along these lines is discussed in the MathGroup post at
(I see it has an apocryphal note that is quite relevant, at least to the author of that post.)
Here is how it might be applied in the example above. For purposes of keeping this self contained I'll repeat the replacement code.
replacementFunction[expr_, rep_, vars_] :=
Module[{num = Numerator[expr], den = Denominator[expr],
hed = Head[expr], base, expon},
If[PolynomialQ[num, vars] &&
PolynomialQ[den, vars] && ! NumberQ[den],
replacementFunction[num, rep, vars]/
replacementFunction[den, rep, vars],
If[hed === Power && Length[expr] == 2,
base = replacementFunction[expr[[1]], rep, vars];
expon = replacementFunction[expr[[2]], rep, vars];
PolynomialReduce[base^expon, rep, vars][[2]],
If[Head[hed] === Symbol &&
MemberQ[Attributes[hed], NumericFunction],
Map[replacementFunction[#, rep, vars] &, expr],
PolynomialReduce[expr, rep, vars][[2]]]]]]
Your example is now as follows. We take the input, and also the replacement. For the latter we make an equivalent polynomial by clearing denominators.
kK = a*b*t/((t + f) c*d);
rep = Numerator[Together[p - t/(t + f)]];
Now we can invoke the replacement. We list the variables we are interested in replacing, treating 'p' as a parameter. This way it will get ordered lower than the others, meaning the replacements will try to remove them in favor of 'p'.
In[127]:= replacementFunction[kK, rep, {t, f}]
Out[127]= (a b p)/(c d)
This approach has a bit of magic in figuring out what should be the listed "variables". Possibly some further tweakage could be done to improve on that. But I believe that, generally, simply not listing the things we want to use as new replacements is the right way to go.
Over the years there have been variants of this idea on MathGroup. It is possible that some others may be better suited to the specific expression(s) you wish to handle.
--- edit ---
The idea behind this is to use PolynomialReduce to do algebraic replacement. That is to say, we do not try for pattern matching but instead use polynomial "canonicalization" a method. But in general we're not working with polynomial inputs. So we apply this idea recursively on PolynomialQ arguments inside NumericQ functions.
Earlier versions of this idea, along with some more explanation, can be found at the note referenced below, as well as in notes it references (how's that for explanatory recursion?).
--- end edit ---
--- edit 2 ---
As observed in the wild, this approach is not always a simplifier. It does algebraic replacement, which involves, under the hood, a notion of "term ordering" (roughly, "which things get replaced by which others?") and thus simple variables may expand to longer expressions.
Another form of term rewriting is syntactic replacement via pattern matching, and other responses discuss using that approach. It has a different drawback, insofar as the generality of patterns to consider might become overwhelming. For example, what does one do with k^2/(w + p^4)^3 when the rule is to replace k/(w + p^4) with q? (Specifically, how do we recognize this as being equivalent to (k/(w + p^4))^2*1/(w + p^4)?)
The upshot is one needs to have an idea of what is desired and what methods might be feasible. This of course is generally problem specific.
One thing that occurs is perhaps you want to find and replace all commonly occurring "complicated" expressions with simpler ones. This is referred to as common subexpression elimination (CSE). In Mathematica this can be done using a function called Experimental`OptimizeExpression[]. Here are several links to MathGroup posts that discuss this.
Here is an example from one of those notes.
InputForm[Experimental`OptimizeExpression[(3 + 3*a^2 + Sqrt[5 + 6*a + 5*a^2] +
a*(4 + Sqrt[5 + 6*a + 5*a^2]))/6]]
Experimental`OptimizedExpression[Block[{Compile`$1, Compile`$3, Compile`$4,
Compile`$5, Compile`$6}, Compile`$1 = a^2; Compile`$3 = 6*a;
Compile`$4 = 5*Compile`$1; Compile`$5 = 5 + Compile`$3 + Compile`$4;
Compile`$6 = Sqrt[Compile`$5]; (3 + 3*Compile`$1 + Compile`$6 +
a*(4 + Compile`$6))/6]]
--- end edit 2 ---
Daniel Lichtblau
K = a*b*t/((t+f)c*d);
FullSimplify[ K,
TransformationFunctions -> {(# /. t/(t + f) -> p &), Automatic}]
(a b p) / (c d)
Corrected update to show another method:
EQ1 = a1 == (ton (B ton^2 + A^2 B ton (toff + ton) +
A (ton^2 + B (toff + ton)^2)))/(toff + ton)^3;
f = # /. ton + toff -> ton/p &;
FullSimplify[f # EQ1]
a1 == p (A B + A^2 B p + (A + B) p^2)
I don't know if this is of any value at this point, but hopefully at least it works.
