How to sort intervals into minimum number of bins without overlapping intervals - algorithm

I'm looking for an algorithm to achieve the following:
Given an arbitrary set of "intervals", where an interval is defined simply by a start and an end (2 floating point numbers with end >= start). I would like to organise these intervals into 1 or more "bins"/"buckets"/groups such that:
No two intervals within a single bin overlap each other
The minimum number of bins is used
My solution has been to iterate the intervals and for each one, essentially perform a binary search on each bin until one is found which can accommodate the interval (new bin if necessary). This works but I'm left wondering if it can be optimised because depending on the order in which the intervals are processed, the result is different. I have a feeling that sorting the intervals from largest to smallest (end - start) gives better results but I'm not certain.

Sort the intervals by their end point, and then take each interval in end-point order, and put it into the bucket with the largest right-most end point, such that bucket.max_endpoint < interval.startpoint. If there is no such bucket, then you have to start a new one.
If you keep the buckets in a binary search tree sorted by max_endpoint, then you can find the best one in log(|buckets|) time, for O(N log N) all together.
The proof that choosing the tightest fit interval for each bucket is optimal is simple:
Imagine that you already know an optimal assignment of intervals to buckets, and you put them into the buckets in endpoint order, and at some point you don't choose the tightest-fit bucket...
If you change your mind and choose the tightest-fit bucket instead, you'll be in the same situation, except that one of the buckets will have more room on the right. It never hurts to have more room, so the remaining intervals will still fit.


Partitioning an ordered list of weights into N sub-lists of approximately equal weight

Suppose I have an ordered list of weights, having length M. I want to divide this list into N ordered non-empty sublists, where the sum of the weights in each sublist are as close to each other as possible. Finally, the length of the list will always be greater than or equal to the number of partitions.
For example:
A reader of epoch fantasy wants to read the entire Wheel of Time series in N = 90 days. She wants to read approximately the same amount of words each day, but she doesn't want to break a single chapter across two days. Obviously, she also doesn't want to read it out of order either. The series has a total of M chapters, and she has a list of the word counts in each.
What algorithm could she use to calculate the optimum reading schedule?
In this example, the weights probably won't vary much, but the algorithm I'm seeking should be general enough to handle weights that vary widely.
As for what I consider optimum, I would say that given the choice between having two or three partitions vary in weight a small amount from the average would be better than having one partition vary a lot. Or in other words, She would rather have several days where she reads a few hundred more or fewer words than the average, if it means she can avoid having to read a thousand words more or fewer than the average, even once. My thinking is to use something like this to compute the score of any given solution:
let W_1, W_2, W_3 ... w_N be the weights of each partition (calculated by simply summing the weights of its elements).
let x be the total weight of the list, divided by its length M.
Then the score would be the sum, where I goes from 1 to N of (X - w_i)^2
So, I think I know a way to score each solution. The question is, what's the best way to minimize the score, other than brute force?
Any help or pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated!
As hinted by the first entry under "Related" on the right column of this page, you are probably looking for a "minimum raggedness word wrap" algorithm.

Sub O(n^2) algorithm for counting nested intervals?

We have a list of intervals of the form [ai, bi]. For each interval, we want to count the number of other intervals that are nested within it.
For example, if we had two intervals, A = [1,4] and B = [2,3]. Then the count for B would be 0 as there are no nested intervals for B; and the count for A would be 1 as B fits within A.
My question is, does there exist a sub- O(n2) algorithm for this problem where n is the number of intervals?
EDIT: Here are the conditions the intervals meet. The end points of the intervals are floating point numbers. The lower limit for the ai's/bi's is 0 and the upper limit is whatever max float is. Also, there is the condition that ai < bi, so no intervals of length 0.
Yes, it is possible.
We will borrow the typical computational geometry "scan line" trick.
First, let's answer an easier (but closely related) question. Instead of reporting how many other intervals each interval contains, let's report how many intervals each is contained in. So for your example with only two intervals, interval I0 = [1,4] has value zero because it is contained in zero intervals, while I1 = [2,3] has value one because it is contained in one interval.
You will see in a minute (a) why this question is easier and (b) how it leads to the answer for the original question.
To solve this easier question: Take all starting and ending points -- all of the ai and bi -- and put them into a master list. Call each element of this list an "event". So an event would be something like "interval I37 started" or "interval I23 ended".
Sort this list of events and process it in order.
As you process the list of events, maintain a set S of "active intervals". An interval is "active" if we have encountered its start event but not its ending event; that is, if we are within that interval.
Now, whenever we see an ending event bj, we are ready to compute how many intervals contain Ij (= [aj, bj]). All we need to do is examine the set S of active intervals and determine how many of them started before aj. That is our answer for how many intervals contain interval Ij.
To do this efficiently, keep S itself sorted by starting point; e.g., by using a self-balancing binary tree.
Sorting the list of events is O(2n log 2n) = O(n log n). Adding or removing an element from a self-balancing binary tree is O(log n). Asking "how many elements of the self-balancing binary tree are less than x?" is also O(log n). Therefore this entire algorithm is O(n log n).
So, that solves the easy question. Call that the "easy algorithm". Now for what you actually asked.
Think of the number line as extending to infinity and wrapping around to -infinity, and define an interval with bi < ai to start at ai, stretch to infinity, wrap to minus infinity, and end at bi.
For any interval Ij = [aj, bj], define Complement(Ij) as the interval [bj, aj]. (For example, the interval [2, 3] starts at 2 and ends at 3; so Complement([2,3]) = [3,2] starts at 3, stretches to infinity, wraps to -infinity, and ends at 2.)
Observe that interval I contains interval J if and only if Complement(J) contains Complement(I). (Prove this.)
So, we can answer your original question simply by running the "easy algorithm" on the set of complements of all of the intervals. That is, start your scan at -infinity with the set S of "active intervals" containing all intervals (because all complements contain infinity/-infinity). Keep S sorted by end point (i.e. start point of complement).
Sort all start points and end points and process them in order. When you encounter a starting point for interval Ij (= [aj, bj]), you are actually hitting the end point of its complement... So remove Ij from S, query S to see how many of its endpoints (i.e. complement start points) come before bj, and report that as the answer for Ij. If you later encounter the end point of Ij, you are encountering the start point of its complement, so you need to add it back into the set S of active intervals.
This final algorithm is O(n log n) for the same reasons the "easy algorithm" was.
One clarification, one correction, one comment...
Clarification: Of course, the "self-balancing binary tree" has to be augmented such that each sub-tree knows how many elements it contains. Otherwise, you cannot answer "how many elements are less than x?" This augmentation is straightforward to maintain, but it is not something that every implementation provides; e.g. the C++ std::set does not, to my knowledge.
Correction: You do not want to add any elements back in to the set S of active intervals; in fact, doing so can result in the wrong answer. For example, if the intervals are just [1,2] and [3,4], you would hit 1 (and remove [1,2] from the set), then 2 (and add it back in again), then 3... And since 2<4, you would conclude that [3,4] contains [1,2]. Which is wrong.
Conceptually, you already processed all of the "start events" for the complement intervals; that is why S begins will all intervals inside of it. So all you need to worry about are the ending points; you do not want to add any elements to S, ever.
Put another way, instead of having the intervals wrap around, you can think of [bi,ai] (where bi > ai) as meaning [bi - infinity, ai] with no wrap-around. The logic still works, but the processing is more clear: First you process all of the "whatever - infinity" terms (i.e. the end points), then you process the others (i.e. the start points).
With this correction, I am pretty sure my solution actually works. This formulation also extends -- I think -- to the case where you have both normal and "backward" intervals together in one input.
Comment: This problem is tricky because if you have to enumerate the set of all intervals contained within every interval, the output itself can be O(n^2). So any working approach has to somehow count the intervals without even being able to identify them :-).
Here is a O(N*LOG(N)):
let Ii = Interval i = (ai, bi)
let L = list of intervals I
sort L by ai
divide L in half into L1a and L2a.
sort L1a and L2a by bi to get L1b and L2b
merge sort L1b and L2b keeping track of the count of nestings (e.g. because all intervals in L1b start before intervals in L2b, when we find an endpoint in L1b that is higher than an endpoint in l2b, we know everything between them is nested inside - think about it)..
Now you have updated the counts on how often an interval in L2 is nested inside an interval in L1.
after merging L1 and L2, we repeat the process (recursion) by dividing L1 into L11a and l12a, also dividing L2 into L21a and L21a..

Reducing the Average Number of Comparisons in Selection

The problem here is to reduce the average number of comparisons need in a selection sort.
I am reading an article on this and here is text snippet:
More generally, a sample S' of s elements is chosen from the n
elements. Let "delta" be some number, which we will choose later so
as to minimize the average number of comparisons used by the
procedure. We find the (v1 = (k * s)/(n - delta))th and (v2 = (k* * s)/(n + delta)
)th smallest elements in S'. Almost certainly, the kth smallest
element in S will fall between v1 and v2, so we are left with a
selection problem on (2 * delta) elements. With low probability, the
kth smallest element does not fall in this range, and we have
considerable work to do. However, with a good choice of s and delta,
we can ensure, by the laws of probability, that the second case does
not adversely affect the total work.
I do not follow the above text. Can anyone please explain to me with examples. How did the author reduce to 2 * delta elements? And how does he know that there is a low probablity that element does not fall into this category.
The basis for the idea is that the normal selection algorithm has linear runtime complexity, but in practical terms is slow. We need to sort all the elements in groups of five, and recursively do even more work. O(n) but with too large a constant. The idea then, is to reduce the number of comparisons in the selection algorithm (not a selection sort necessarily). Intuitively it is the same as in basic statistics; if I take a sample subspace of large enough proportion, it is likely that the distribution of data in the subspace adequately reflects the data in the whole space.
So if I'm looking for the kth number in a set of size one million, I could instead take say 10 000 (already one hundredth the size), which is still large enough to be a good representation of the global distribution, and look for the k/100th number. That's simple scaling. So if the space was 10 and I was looking for the 3rd, that's like looking for the 30th in 100, or the 300th in 1000, etc. Essentially k/S = k'/S' (where we're looking for the kth number in S, and we translate that to the k'th number in S' our subspace) and therefore k' = k*S'/S which should look familiar, since in the text you quoted S' is denoted by s, and S by n, and that's the same fraction quoted.
Now in order to take statistical fluctuations into account, we don't assume that the subspace will be a perfect representation of the data's distribution, so we allow for some fluctuation, namely, delta. We say let's find the k'th-delta and k'th+delta elements in S', and then we can say with great certainty (i.e. high mathematical probability) that the kth value from S is in the interval (k'th-delta, k'th+delta).
To wrap it all up we perform these two selections on S', then partition S accordingly, and now do [normal] selection on the much smaller interval in the partition. This ends up being almost optimal for the elements outside the interval, because we don't do selection on those, only partition them. So the selection process is faster, because we have reduced the problem size from S to S'.

search for interval overlap in list of intervals?

Say [a,b] represents the interval on the real line from a to b, a < b, inclusive (ie, [a,b] = set of all x such that a<=x<=b). Also, say [a,b] and [c,d] are 'overlapping' if they share any x such that x is in both [a,b] and [c,d].
Given a list of intervals, ([x1,y1],[x2,y2],...), what is the most efficient way to find all such intervals that overlap with [x,y]?
Obviously, I can try each and get it in O(n). But I was wondering if I could sort the list of intervals in some clever way, I could find /one/ overlapping item in O(log N) via a binary search, and then 'look around' from that position in the list to find all overlapping intervals. However, how do I sort intervals such that such a strategy would work?
Note that there may be overlaps between elements in the list items itself, which is what makes this hard.
I've tried it by sorting intervals by their left end, right end, middle, but none seem to lead to an exhaustive search.
For completeness' sake, I'd like to add that there is a well-known data structure for just this sort of problem, known (surprise, surprise) as an interval tree. It's basically an augmented balanced tree (red-black, AVL, your pick) that stores intervals sorted by their left (low) endpoint. The augmentation is that each node stores the largest right (high) endpoint in its subtree. This tree allows you to find all overlapping intervals in O(log n) time.
It's described in CLRS 14.3.
[a, b] overlaps with [x, y] iff b > x and a < y. Sorting intervals by their first elements gives you intervals matching the first condition in log time. Sorting intervals by their last elements gives you intervals matching the second condition in log time. Take the intersections of the resulting sets.
A 'quadtree' is a data structure often used to improve the efficiency of collision detection in 2 dimensions.
I think you could come up with a similar 1-d structure. This would require some pre-computation but should result in O(log N) performance.
Basically you start with a root 'node' that covers all possible intervals, and when adding a node to the tree, you decide if it falls on the left or the right of the midpoint. If it crosses the mid point, you break it into two intervals (but record the original parent) and recursively proceed from there. You can set a limit on the depth of the tree, which can save memory and improve performance, but comes at the expense of complicating things a little (you need to store a list of intervals in your nodes).
Then when checking an interval, you basically find all leaf nodes that it would be inserted into were it inserted, check the partial intervals within those nodes for intersection, and then report the interval that is recorded against them as the 'original' parent.
Just a quick thought 'off the cuff' so to speak.
Could you organize them into 2 lists, one for start of intervals and the other for end of intervals.
This way, you can compare y to the items in the start of interval list (say by binary search) to cut down the candidates based on that.
You can then compare x to the items in the end of interval list.
Case: Once Off
If you are comparing only single interval to the list of intervals in a once-off situation, I don't believe sorting will help you out since ideal sorting is O(n).
By doing a linear search through all x's to trim out any impossible intervals then doing another linear search through the remaining y's you can reduce your total work. While this is still O(n), without this you would be doing 2n comparisons, whereas on average, you would only do (3n-1)/2 comparisons this way.
I believe this is the best you can do for an unsorted list.
Case: Pre-sorting doesn't count
In the case where you will be repeatedly comparing single intervals to this list of intervals and your pre-sort your list, you can achieve better results. The process above still applies, but by doing a binary search on the first list then the second you can get O(m log n) as opposed to O(mn), where m is the number of single intervals being compared. Note, still still gives you the advantage of reducing total comparisons. [2m log n compared to m(3(log n) - 1)/2]
You could sort by both left end and right end at the same time and use both lists to eliminate none overlapping values. If the list is sorted by the left end then none of the intervals to the right of the right end of the test range can overlap. If the list is sorted by the right end then none of the intervals to the left of the left end of the test range can overlap.
For example if the intervals are
[1,4], [3,6], [4,5], [2,8], [5,7], [1,2], [2,2.5]
and you're finding overlap with [3,4] then sorting by left end and marking position of the right end of the test (with the right end as just greater than its value so that 4 is included in the range)
[1,4], [1,2], [2,2.5], [2,8], [3,6], [4,5], *, [5,7]
you know [5,7] can't overlap, then sorting by right end and marking position of the left end of the test
[1,2], [2,2.5], *, [1,4], [4,5], [3,6], [5,7], [2,8]
you know [1,2] and [2,2.5] can't overlap
Not sure how efficient this would be since you're having to do two sorts and searches.
As you can see in other answers, most algorithms come together with a special data structure. For example, for unsorted list of intervals as input O(n) is best that you'll get. (And usually it's easier to think in terms of data structure that dictates the algorithm).
In this case, your question is not complete:
Are you given the whole list or it is you who actually creates it?
Do you have to perform just one such lookup or many of them?
Do you have any estimations for operations it should support and their frequencies?
For example, if you have to perform just one such lookup, then it's not worthy to sort the list before. If many, then the more expensive sorting or generation of an "1D quadtree" would be amortized.
However, it would be difficult to solve it, because a simple quadtree (as I understand it) is able just to detect the collistion, but it's not able to create the list of all the segments that are overlapping with your input.
One simple implementation would be an ordered (by coordonate) list where you insert all the segment ends with flag start/end and with segment number. In this way, by parsing it (still O(n), but I doubt you can make it faster if you also need the list of all the segments that overlaps), and keeping the track of all opened segments that were not closed at "check points".

select equal sized number groups from a sequence of random numbers

say i have a list of 100 numbers, i want to split them into 5 groups which have the sum within each group closest to the mean of the numbers.
the simplest solution is to sort the hundred numbers and take the max number and keep adding the smallest numbers until the sum goes beyond the avg.
obviously that is not going to bring the best results. i guess we could use BFS or DFS or some other search algo. like A* to get the best result.
does anyone have a simple solution out there? pseudo code is good enough. thanks!
This sounds like a variation on the knapsack problem and if I'm interpreting you correctly, it may be the multiple knapsack problem. Can't you come up with an easy problem? :)
An efficient algorithm (solution) that can be used is a variation of the Best Fit of bin packing algorithm. However, we would have to be applying a variation in which we have specifically 5 different groups of numbers that we want rather than looking for using the smallest number of groups.
The algorithm begins by finding the mean of the list of all 100 numbers. This mean will be used as the max capacity for all 5 of the groups (bins) we are trying to fit numbers into. We then find the largest number in our list of 100 numbers that doesn’t exceed the max capacity of our group and assign it to our first group. (We can find this in log(n) time because we can use a self-balancing binary search tree). We keep track of the how filled our current group is. We then find the next largest number that fits into our current group until we have either reached max capacity or there are no other numbers that will allow this group to reach max capacity. In either of these cases we move on to the next group and repeat our algorithm with the numbers left in our list of numbers. Once we move on from a group we must also keep track of the current sum of that group. We continue until we have reached the highest capacity for all 5 groups. If there are any numbers left we place them in the groups that have the lowest total sum (because we kept track of these sums as we went).
This is in fact a greedy algorithm with a Θ(nlogn) running time due to the nature of bin packing.
